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Entwined With You Snippets

LN Cronan

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I'm confused --

Was Corinne back in New York when she called Gideon at the advocacy fundraiser or was she still in Paris?


Also, do you think  it was Corinne who was calling Gideon the night that Eva had the dinner at her apartment when her dad was in town-----Gideon took several calls on his cell phone that night...


And what is this all about--


In BTY page 279 Gideon says to Eva:

 "I've had as much sex since I met you as I've had in the last two years combined."


But then in RIY page 49  Dr. Peterson asks Gideon:

"What was the frequency of your sexual encounters prior to Eva?"


Gideon responds:

"Twice a week --on average."


What the ?!!??



My understanding is that Corinne was in New York City when Gideon was at the Advocacy Dinner. Gideon left Eva, to run and help his friend who was having a hard time because of her impending divorce.

As far as the sexual experiences, maybe Gideon was including all of the sex he had with Corinne while they were dating and then engaged. Afterwards, I think al the subsequent sex he had was casual. That was my understanding. What does everyone else think? :)

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I'm confused --

Was Corinne back in New York when she called Gideon at the advocacy fundraiser or was she still in Paris?


Also, do you think  it was Corinne who was calling Gideon the night that Eva had the dinner at her apartment when her dad was in town-----Gideon took several calls on his cell phone that night...


And what is this all about--


In BTY page 279 Gideon says to Eva:

 "I've had as much sex since I met you as I've had in the last two years combined."


But then in RIY page 49  Dr. Peterson asks Gideon:

"What was the frequency of your sexual encounters prior to Eva?"


Gideon responds:

"Twice a week --on average."


What the ?!!??



My understanding is that Corinne was in New York City when Gideon was at the Advocacy Dinner. Gideon left Eva, to run and help his friend who was having a hard time because of her impending divorce.

As far as the sexual experiences, maybe Gideon was including all of the sex he had with Corinne while they were dating and then engaged. Afterwards, I think al the subsequent sex he had was casual. That was my understanding. What does everyone else think? :)

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So GiGi, I'm thinking if history repeats itself, Entwined is going to have Corrine and Eva pitched against one another for the third (better be final) time. Only twice have Eva and Corrine ever spoken directly to one another thus far, once in each book.


The first time is near the end of Bared, where Corrine shows up unannounced in public to blindside Eva that she (Corrine) exists and proceeds to mess with Eva's mind and insecurities. And acts so sickly sweet and kind while doing so. Round one goes to Corrine. Knock down.


The second time is near the end of Reflected, where Eva shows up unannounced in private at Corrine's apartment building to confront her. Corrine tries to mess with Eva's mind again, and because they're in private and Corrine knows (she asked) Gideon has no idea Eva's there, Corrine turns ugly. Eva sees right through it, calls Corrine on it, and the fight ends with an angry Corrine slamming her door. Round two goes to Eva. Lands a solid hit right to the gut.


Time three? Oooooooo we can only wait until June 4. But I'd love it if Gideon is there for the showdown and tells Corrine he wants Eva, only Eva, and plans to spend the rest of his life with her.


Hi LNCronan,

I read your postings and I had to go back and do a little research of my own. You were correct when you said that Gideon had the Kingman Vodka Party at the old love nest…or should I say f*** pad, page 281 in RIY “…at one of Gideon’s properties-one I knew all too well. He’d f****d me there, just as he’d f****d dozens of women there.â€

I agree with you that Corinne has been messing with Eva’s mind and it has been interesting to see how Eva has been dealing with her insecurities. I am not sure how much longer the quips between Eva and Corinne can go on before the reader starts to yawn. I think it be very interesting to see how Gideon would react to a not-so-sweet Corinne. I think that could make for some great writing.

I hope that the veil is lifting for Gideon as far as Corinne is concerned. Feeling guilty can only propel a person go so far, before they give up the ghost and get on with their lives. Gideon feels guilty because he knows that somewhere deep down he has used Corinne and now he’s letting her take advantage of the situation. Unfortunately this has worked in Gideon’s favour (as he has been able to manipulate the situation and by extension, everyone around him).

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Hi AMC! Yes, it is confusing: how frequently did Gideon have sex before Eva. Because he gives one answer directly to Eva in Bared To You on page 279:  "I've had as much sex since I met you as I've had in the last two years combined." and a seriously different answer when asked point-blank by Dr. Petersen in front of Eva how frequently: "Twice a week -- on average."


Sylvia answered a spoiler question about this discrepancy with the enigmatic Gideon-does-everything-for-a-reason.


So it's a "red herring" -- the opposite of "red flags" that are important clues to where the story is leading. Red herrings are the clever literary device a writer uses to mislead readers into thinking something else. Then bam!!!! comes a sharp twist in the plot. Sylvia is especially good at red herrings, which is why we go so crazy trying to figure out what every little thing means.


I'm hoping we're going to get the straight answer in Entwined. Snippet 1 hints of a coming conversation in which Gideon is finally being totally open with Eva about his romantic past. That she's asking questions point blank and he's answering instead of shutting her out.


Because the final crisis point in Reflected -- Eva telling Gideon point-blank she was now living a life that would not include him -- was the worst crisis of all for Gideon. She told him she was done because he never let her in. He knew she meant it. And he knew if he had really lost her now, he had nothing. He got so desperate that he immediately let her in to one of his darkest places he'd shut her out of for so long: the sexual abuse he suffered as a child.


So in the meantime, there's a couple possibilities

  1. At first, Gideon lied to Eva about how frequently he had sex (what Gideon lie, not him -- Mr. Dark and Deceptive!) He was inflating things to try to re-assure her, but then when face to face with a therapist, told the truth.
  2. When Gideon was sleeping with some woman, he had sex with that woman on average twice per week. But he wasn't constantly sleeping with women, going straight from one woman to the next, having sex every week. He probably seduced some woman only once every few months, slept  with her twice a week until he'd s****** her out of his system literally, then gone back to his busy life. Let me throw out a random number: Gideon had sex maybe 10-12 times per year tops. Only had a few lovers the whole year, and only slept with each of them a few times before discarding her.

I think # 2 is the more likely. Only every once in a while did Gideon take a lover, and when he did, he just penciled her into his busy schedule to see her a couple of times of week for some action at the hotel. Sex was just something he got out of his system every so often. But he never stayed with these women. Remember Magdalene's catty comment about once Gideon stuck his d*** in a woman, he was done with her. Yet here is with Eva, having sex with her morning, noon and night every day and night. That'd quickly add up.

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Now, here's the big thing I wonder --- did Gideon sleep only with brunettes prior to Eva? Or is the exact opposite true?


  • We know he publicly dated only brunettes. Is this a red herring making us think it's his "Corrine" issue. Or is it a red flag about something much darker coming up: a "Mommy" issue. Because his mother also is a beautiful black-haired blue-eyed woman, just like Corrine. And his mother let him down in the most awful way. So was Gideon trying to find a brunette he could count on staying by his side? But then his trust issues kicked in and so that woman never has a shot? Every brunette since Corrine was lather-rinse-repeat?
  • So, if EVERY one of his bed partners was NOT brunette too, were NONE of them (after Corrine) brunette? Did he sleep with ONLY blondes and redheads?
  • This might explain why he tried so quickly and aggressively to get Eva into bed. He was h***** at the time. She crossed his path at the right moment. She wasn't a brunette. He wanted to get laid, and he spotted hot Eva, and that's it. Meanwhile, if he needed arm candy in public, Magdalene was on stand-by.


I've got this fantasy of the ever-catty Magdalene telling Eva right to her face the only reason Gideon f***** Eva was because she wasn't brunette. Eva never had a real shot, because she was just another blonde that Gideon slept with. Now that Gideon has to the world discarded Eva, Magdalene can be as vicious as she likes without any fear of reprisal from Gideon. The first time she had been nasty, in the ladies room, Gideon found out, because Eva later complained. Told him word for word what Magdalene said, and Gideon promised Eva he'd deal with it. But now? Gideon won't care, Magdalene might think. So it's open season to get revenge on Eva.


Magdalene saying something along the lines of this to Eva's face "I told you so -- once he stuck his d*** in you, he was done. He stayed with you a little longer than the others. But he never loved you. Look what happened when Corrine came back. You were history. In the end, I was right." And Eva secretly saying in her own mind "If you only knew how much he loves me and I love him back. Some day, we will be together forever for all the world to see. You never had him. Corrine will never have him back. It's me and only me he wants."

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Corinne was still in France during the Advocacy Dinner ... she says to Eva " I even canceled a flight I had booked a couple of weekends ago.  I had interrupted him at some charity event he was giving a speech ......'


I think you're right on this, fsumom. Maybe she called him that night from France (where it would have been the wee hours of the morning) looking for help. He told her where he was at the time -- and he was with Eva. He promises to call her back in a little bit, after he can slip away. Goes to Eva to tell her he's got to leave and to make sure she's got a ride.


Then Corrine calls up again very soon after, within minutes, all crying, not waiting for Gideon to call back when he said he would. Can't stand the thought of him with Eva another second, so let's move this along, terminate the date as fast as Corrine can. Just happens to call back while Gideon is trying to say good-bye to a justifiably angry Eva. (Not angry about Corrine - Eva had no clue Corrine even existed. Angry because Gideon on his post-sex headtrip had treated her badly the entire evening. The sex had been great, but the rest of the night was a disaster.)


Now here's something I wonder. If Gideon was the one who arranged to get Corrine settled in New York, who picked the location of her apartment right around the corner from his? Did he? Or did she? (I'll bet she did.) Also, who is paying the rent? Even if Corrine has money of her own, divorce proceedings could tie up all the assets: her's, her estranged husband's, and everything they have jointly. Because it all needs to be settled in divorce court. If Corrine doesn't have a lot of money of her own, and her rich estranged husband won't pay her rent, is Gideon doing it? For him, rent would be pocket change. And it's just the sort of thing he'd do for an old friend, especially because he feels guilty.

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I know I've been stirring up the anti-Corrine sentiment the past day or so. What really burns me is I think Corrine is very two-faced. So sweet to the world (and in front of Gideon.) How sweet she was to Eva the night they met, even while she was dropping little bombs into the conversation. But she's openly nasty when he's not around and she's messing with any woman trying to lay claim to him. 


At least Magdalene is openly catty.You always know where you stand with her. She'll corner you in a ladies room and let you have it. Or call you up at work to gossip about your mutual rival for the man you all want. Makes me wonder whether Corrine did any messing with Magdalene as well that night Corrine showed up unannounced at the fundraiser where Gideon, Eva and Magdalene all were in attendance. Certainly, Magdalene was really miserable, so miserable she actually was decent to Eva.

I wonder what Sylvia thinks about all this anti-Corrine sentiment:

  1. Corrine is down deep a good person who'd desperate, and those readers are so mean. She should be pitied, not hated. Certainly, Eva told Corrine she pities her.
  2. They see right through the sweet facade Corrine presented in Bared To You. Just like Eva did. The readers know, because they paid attention, that the REAL Corrine came out in Reflected In You.


Only Entwined will tell ..... we hope. If not ..... Book Four?

Personally, I can't STAND Corrine, because I'm 100% on Eva's side. There are two people who set out to come between Eva and Gideon forever. One is that sicko Nathan. The other is that supposedly sweet and good person Corrine. Gideon took care of Nathan. I'd love to see Eva take care of Corrine. Actually, on one level, Eva did already take care of Corrine by winning the fight she (Eva) picked in the hallway outside Corrine's apartment.


But somehow I can't see Corrine taking Eva's advice to simply be a friend to Gideon while he's hurting. I can see Corrine turning truly evil at the mere possibility Eva hasn't disappeared for good. And Eva's pity will evaporate when Corrine starts pulling truly dirty stunts in a desperate (and doomed) effort to keep Gideon and Eva apart forever.

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Change of pace from the Corrine bashing. Let's discuss Brett Kline. Sylvia has hinted Eva's rock star ex-lover is going to show up in Entwined. And this story line could tie into the Snippets 6 and 7 about the playfulness between Gideon and Eva. Eva being a "bad girl" out partying who Gideon gets to "punish" (So hot!!!)

Background: As far as Gideon/Eva goes, Brett caused the worst fight the pair of them ever had. The fight was over Gideon catching her red-handed in a passionate kiss with Brett in an alley outside a concert venue. Brett initiated the kiss, and she, realizing there was chemistry still there, responded by really kissing back. Gideon came out the stage door at the wrong time.

He had a serious fistfight with Brett in the alley followed by a long sex-fueled argument with Eva in the back of his limo. He was the coldest he'd ever been with her,during which he was at his coldest, punishing her with sex. When she accused him of punishing her, he said "You've earned it." She even accused him of treating her like a w**** (which he was). A desolate look came into his eyes, but he tested her by pointing out she could safeword him at any time to stop how he was treating her.


So the punishment went on until he finally got out of her the real reason the Brett kiss happened was because of Eva's insecurities prompting her to make Gideon feel how bad it is to feel jealous. So the fight ended settled, and they went to North Carolina for the weekend for what turned out to be the last happy time they would have in Reflected. Next week was the one where everything went bad - the week Nathan was murdered.


The concert/kiss/fight was Friday night. Eva took Brett out to lunch the following Tuesday. The lunch date was to get even with Gideon for being photographed having dinner with Corrine the night before. Gideon (rightly) accused her of spite in a nasty but short argument they had as soon as Eva got back to the Crossfire. But he never did get to find out what went on between Eva and Brett at lunch. He was in no position to demand answers of Eva when he wouldn't (couldn't) offer any explanations about being out with Corrine the night before.


So at the end of Reflected, Eva is starting to trust Gideon, but they haven't yet had a frank talk about what's been going on recently with Corrine -- and where Eva stands with Brett. But it is safe to assume Gideon read about an interview Brett gave just days before Reflected ends, an interview where Brett said he had recently reconnected with Eva -- and he hoped for another shot with her. I'm basing the assumption Gideon saw that on the fact that the very next day that interview hit the Internet, Gideon broke eight days of absolutely zero contact with Eva by approaching her in front of co-workers in an elevator. And he'd all of a sudden changed his tune from asking her to "trust me." Now he was begging her to "wait."

Here's what we know about the Brett/Eva connection. This is based on them talking in the alley (starts page 160) and having lunch (starts page 225.) Added to the conversations are some descriptive stuff near those two scenes:

  • The physical description we have: he's tall and more muscular than Gideon. His hair has bleached platinum tips, his eyes are emerald green, and his smile has a dimple that drives women crazy. His arms sport sleeves of black and gray tattoos on his arms.
  • Eva knew him four years ago in San Diego. Back then, the band's name was Captive Soul, not Six-Ninths. (So she didn't know before he took the stage at the concert where she and Gideon were in the audience that she was going to be seeing Brett perform.)
  • She spent six months being groupie who had sex with Brett. On her side, she "debased" herself, sleeping with him every chance she got, desperate for any scraps he'd throw her way. But finally she decided she deserved better than to be just one of many women he had sex with in places like "a bathroom stall between sets."
  • On his side, six months was the longest he'd been sleeping with any woman. He thought they were going somewhere, and he'd been trying to get her to stick around him more. One night, he even brought her along with him when he went to a pool hall with friends. He thought that would send a message to the guys he was getting serious about her.
  • But that's the night he blew it. Coming back from the bathroom, she overheard him talking about -- and laughing about -- her to the band's drummer. She pulled a runner. He never saw her again.
  • Around this time (four years ago) was also when Eva was starting to get her head straightened out. While in San Diego, her Dad put her into group therapy with Dr. Travis.
  • Brett never forgot Eva. Eventually, he wrote the song "Golden" about her. The lyrics are on page 155-156.
  • That single got them signed with Vidal Records. And Brett dreamed of meeting her again someday, fantasizing maybe she'd show up at a concert.
  • The concert was Friday night at some New York area club venue. The band played the Meadowlands on Monday. Tuesday morning, he stayed behind in New York for the day while the band traveled, so he could go see Eva. He'd looked Eva up on line, found out where she worked, and showed up at the Crossfire unannounced midday.
  • His timing turned out to be perfect because upstairs, Eva had just gotten really mad at Gideon. She had spotted online pictures showing Gideon had dinner with Corrine the night before and captions saying stuff like "former fiancee!". So when she suddenly found out Brett was downstairs in the lobby asking for her, she decided to get even.
  • She met Brett downstairs and took him out to lunch. She even picked the restaurant in the hopes maybe some paparazzi might catch them there. Some photographer had once caught Cary and Eva there. But none were around during the Eva/Brett lunch.
  • He grilled her at lunch about Gideon, asking if it's serious. "Sometimes it seems that way," was her answer (Oh yeah, that's crystal clear. Uh huh.)
  • He told her he wants another shot. She refused, telling him because of her insecurities and jealousy, and the fact she was in love with Gideon.
  • Brett told her he didn't believe she loved Gideon. She told Brett he had no chance with her. "Prove it" were his last words as she walked away from the table to leave.
  • A couple of weeks later, while out on tour, he gave an interview to a Florida radio station. The next day, (a Sunday) Cary saw a transcript on the Internet and told Eva about it, that Brett confirmed there really was an Eva out there, they'd recently reconnected, and he wanted another chance with her.


OK ladies ..... the discussions starts now ...............


  • Brett coming back to town while Eva's going around being a party girl and acting like she never loved Gideon? Who also is acting like he threw Eva away days after Brett kissed her?
  • Cary, who knows about Brett and is on "Team Brett, Forget Gideon" letting the cat out of the bag to some gossip site?
  • Christopher Vidal Jr. finding out, doing some serious digging about Eva four years ago, and then twisting Gideon's tail about how Eva used to be a groupie for some star on the Vidal Records label?


Throw out some more possibilities? And let's discuss .......

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Hi Everyone,

I read everyone’s comments and I went back to Bared To You, page 327 Gideon said to Eva; “…we made love that first time in the limo and it became something else. Something more.†Eva responded by saying; “Whatever. You cut me off that night and left me behind to take care of Corinne. How could you, Gideon?†It is my assertion that if Corinne were still in Paris why would Gideon leave Eva at the advocacy dinner? There would be no need. He could do whatever he needed to, to get Corinne settled by telephone. He also could have sent one of his drivers to pick Corinne from the airport, but Corinne said was that she needed help “settling in†which presupposes that she has already landed in New York, is in a new apartment, but hasn’t begun unpacking. That is why I think that Corinne was already in New York, called Gideon and asked for his help.

I just thought of something else, if Corinne was in Paris then why would Gideon drop Eva? That doesn’t make sense to me at all. Yes I get the fact that he was freaked out, but Gideon himself said that he had to take care of something. So what, he has to dump Eva for the night, to go home and think about how he is going to settle Corinne? Hmmm?

I am not so sure that I believe what Corinne says because as we have learned in the second installment of the series Corinne can be very catty and has realized that Eva is very insecure and jealous. She has tried specifically to mislead Eva into believing that something more was going on between her and Gideon.

That was also the first time that Gideon and Eva attended an event together and made love in the limo. Prior to that Gideon was still chasing Eva and had not attended any functions with her. I am not sure if Sylvia mentioned this in any of her communications. What does everyone else think? :)

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Hi AMC! Know something else that really ticked me off about Corrine's messing with Eva's mind the night they met. It was something Corrine slipped into the conversation that caused Eva to figure out Gideon had bailed on her the night of their first date to go help Corrine. From page 313:


"I interrupted him at some charity event he was giving a speech at, poor guy, to tell him I was on my way and to ask for his help in getting settled." (Presumably, but I'm not sure, this was her coming back to New York for good.)


Gideon most definitely was not himself that night. Over Eva. And because thus far, Gideon had been telling Corrine lots of things about how special Eva was, he might have shared the fact he and Eva had sex for the first time that night. And it scared him. And he ended up really messing up the date, maybe even blown everything.


Think about it. Prior to that night, the only place Gideon has ever had sex with any woman, Corrine included, was at the hotel. And he always was the one in control, the "top."  But hours earlier, Eva seduced him in the back of his limo, and she topped him. While they were doing it, Gideon's world was being rocked. He didn't think it was possible for him. But soon as it was over, he went on a major head trip, pulled away from Eva and retreated into his cold shell.


The rest of the date went badly at the advocacy center fundraiser. And Eva's last words to Gideon as he was saying good-bye to leave early without her, was to slam him. "You gave a wonderful speech, Gideon. It was the highlight of my evening."


Gideon flinched, and then tried a little tenderness right then and there. But his phone rang. Corrine!! Again!!! He'd taken other calls earlier, including presumably her, because he already knew he was leaving early. He had been asking Eva how she was going to get home, when Corrine called again, and he immediately had to leave now.  


I'll bet that whatever Gideon talked about with Corrine a little later, it would have included the terrible remorse he felt for treating Eva the way he did on their date. At the time, he and Corrine are supposedly old friends. He's been talking to her about Eva. She's been leaning on him about the divorce. She's been pumping him for Eva info to figure out how ruin the brand-new relationship.


So think about it. It's now weeks later, and Corrine showed up unannounced at another fundraiser where Gideon and Eva were. Eva didn't even know Corrine existed until she got blindsided. But Corrine knew a lot about Eva, including probably a lot about the first date Gideon and Eva had. So Corrine in a manipulative little passive-aggressive ploy, drops a bombshell on Eva that when Gideon bailed on Eva the night of the first date, it was because Corrine called him up in the middle of the date, and Gideon went running.


Wench!!!! I'm starting to think that when Sylvia told a fan Corrine was a good person, back when Bared was the only book out, that it was a "red herring." Sure, Corrine's a good person (NOT). When Reflected came out, we found out what a desperate schemer Corrine is. Well Eva got Corrine the day Eva blindsided Corrine showing up at Corrine's apartment and letting Corrine know she (Eva) was onto her.


Hi LNCronan,

I read your posting and I don’t think for a second that Gideon told Corinne about having sex with Eva in the limousine. Most men are very tight lipped about their sexual escapades. Besides, Gideon really likes Eva and doesn’t want to screw it up. It is the first time that he has ever had these types of feelings for any woman. I could see him saying something to Corinne along the lines of…â€I made some mistakes and didn’t treat Eva very well tonight…†but I seriously don’t see opening up to Corinne let alone anyone else about this.

Another question I have is; why would Gideon need to go running to be by Corinne’s side if she wasn’t stateside. I seriously couldn’t see Gideon running to airport just to hang out there for several hours anticipating Corinne’s arrival. He is one of the wealthiest, most handsome and recognizable men in all of New York. He has paparazzi hanging around him 24/7. Could you imagine all of the speculation about him hanging about the air port? How would that bode for his new budding relationship with Eva? What do you/everyone think?

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t think that Gideon had a preference per se. After all if Gideon had “mommy issues†then surely those would have been corrected by dating Corinne. She is good, kind, loving and doesn’t have an unkind word to say about anyone. If Corinne isn’t the best candidate to help him with any supposed issues then who? Corinne seems to be the complete antithesis of his mother Elizabeth Vidal.

I also don’t think that Gideon was just “randy†when he met Eva. I think that they had a real connection and that is why I think he pursued Eva as aggressively as he did. Gideon could have any woman that he wants. If those “needs†were that pressing, then I am absolutely sure that he could have picked up his little “black book†and called any number of women who would have been able to help him scratch his itch. :)

As far as the Magdalene thing is concerned, I wonder whether she realized that she was always going to be nothing more than an imitation that Gideon never really wanted. She kept her hair long, just like Corinne. She acted demurely and chastely, just like Corinne, and she remained polite (at least in the public eye) with all of Gideon’s associates. What I wonder is if; when Magdalene saw Gideon with Eva, she recognized that something was very different about how he acted around her and was treating her? Call it women’s intuition or what, but I think that Jo-mama put it best, we have all been that woman at some point in our lives, who is just so desperately in love with a man who doesn’t return our affections or even realize that we are alive.

So maybe Magdalene, realizing that Eva is a person of great interest to Gideon decides that she is going to run this b***h off herself. She is trying in desperation to hold on to the illusion that maybe someday she will have a shot with Gideon and figure out a way to gain his affections.

It surely can’t be lost on Magdalene that Gideon is giving all of his passionate kisses, loving embraces and wanting stares to Eva. Whether Magdalene wants to admit it or not, even when she was a substitute for Corinne, she NEVER got those benefits! If that’s not a punch to the gut, then I don’t know what is? What does everyone else think?

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Hi LNCronan,

I have a few questions of my own:

1. Do you think that Corinne may turn into a stalker in the third installment? Eva mentions the fact that she and Gideon were talking on a daily basis and Eva was concerned about Corinne borderline stalking tendencies.

2. In the second installment, Corinne became increasingly nasty towards Eva. Is this just a desperate woman doing anything and everything she can to win back a man she believes she can get back?

3. Or is Corinne just deluding herself because she has realized that what Gideon and Eva have is real?

What does everyone think? Feel free to jump in! :)

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Corrine as stalker ..... now there's an interesting idea, GiGi. How about this crazy scenario:


  • Cops seriously up the heat on trying to trap Eva and Gideon. They know it for sure and they're really worried. But they're still determined to see one another secrety.
  • Gideon seriously ups the ante on the public lie he is living with Corrine. She really starts to believe that as soon as her divorce goes through, he'll make them (him and Corrine) official? (Yes, I know this is ruthless .... but .... everything is riding on it. And Gideon can be ruthless with women. Ask Dr. Lucas' wife. Ask Eva herself right after Gideon caught her kissing Brett.)
  • Gideon continues to sneak around to have his stolen moments with Eva.
  • Corrine gets suspicious and starts stalking him.
  • Corrine finds out about Eva and decides Gideon is "cheating" on her (Corrine).
  • Corrine gets furious and turns vicious. Now she's the threat that could blow the secret Eva and Gideon are involved.
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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t know if everything is going to be that complicated. I know, I know, everything we discuss here is complicated (oh the fun Sylvia must have reading our theories! :)), but I think that Eva knows Brett is dangerous territory for her. She still has feelings for him and that is why she responded to the kiss (at least in part).

I am not so sure that Eva would wave a red flag like that in front of Gideon. She knows and understands what it is to be jealous and to feel that kind of rage and has seen Gideon’s rage. I think that Eva also knows that if she starts playing the Brett card, Gideon may up the ante and really start spending time with Corinne and that would be playing directly into Corinne’s hands.

I don’t think that Eva would hand Corinne the keys to the kingdom-i.e. Spend carte blanche time with her man. Even trust has its limits and I think that Eva and Gideon are walking a fine line between trust and destruction. What do you think? What does everyone think? :)

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Corrine as stalker ..... now there's an interesting idea, GiGi. How about this crazy scenario:


  • Cops seriously up the heat on trying to trap Eva and Gideon. They know it for sure and they're really worried. But they're still determined to see one another secrety.
  • Gideon seriously ups the ante on the public lie he is living with Corrine. She really starts to believe that as soon as her divorce goes through, he'll make them (him and Corrine) official? (Yes, I know this is ruthless .... but .... everything is riding on it. And Gideon can be ruthless with women. Ask Dr. Lucas' wife. Ask Eva herself right after Gideon caught her kissing Brett.)
  • Gideon continues to sneak around to have his stolen moments with Eva.
  • Corrine gets suspicious and starts stalking him.
  • Corrine finds out about Eva and decides Gideon is "cheating" on her (Corrine).
  • Corrine gets furious and turns vicious. Now she's the threat that could blow the secret Eva and Gideon are involved.

Hi LN Cronan,

Upon further reflection, I think that Gideon would absolutely hurt and/or use Corinne if his final objective was met (that being Gideon ends up with Eva). I also think that if push came to shove Gideon would throw Corinne under bus if got Eva (i.e. If Corinne confronted Gideon and asked him to choose between her and Eva).

I think that there may be a part of Corinne that already believes she genuinely has a chance of winning Gideon. Although it is clear to the reader that she doesn’t stand a chance of winning Gideon’s heart, she believes it and Gideon is furthering that delusion by openly spending time with her. What I wonder is how long Corinne will wait before she realizes that she won’t be getting any “nookie� Could it be that she pulls a “fatal attraction†type of stunt because she completely loses her mind? Hmm? What do you think? What does everyone think?

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I think Corrine already believes she HAS got Gideon back. He belongs to her now!!!!!! And no one is going to try to steal him away by using sex to get him (i.e. Eva).


Her delusion;  Gideon may be saying "friend" but that's for decorum's sake. He's treating her as THE girlfriend. Soon as the divorce goes through, they'll become lovers -- and this time they'll stay together all night. No more hotel quickies. Who knows? Maybe Gideon's excuse to Corrine putting off sex for right now is he wouldn't feel right while technically she's still married. Gideon does know Corrine's estranged husband and thinks he's a nice guy (Gideon told Eva about Giroux during the Corrine talk they had near the very end of Bared To You. )


Corrine's delusion - her whole grand plan has worked beautifully up until now. She left Giroux,  went back to New York, and successfully chased Gideon down (again). Next she'll get him into bed with her (again.) Ask him to marry her (again). And this time make SURE wedding happens.


Corrine's plan has been going soooooooo well that it took her only a couple of weeks to run off her only rival, that sexy but crazy Eva Trammell. Made Eva jealous, and stood back sweetly while Eva totally blew it with Gideon. 


So I could only imagine Corrine going postal upon finding out Gideon is carrying on an affair with Eva. Especially if Magdalene had filled Corrine's head with stories about how hot Gideon was for Eva's body, so hot he "did" Eva in his parents' library right in the middle of a huge party. Now Corrine finds out Eva is using her body to try to steal the man Corrine's going to marry!!!!!

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OK, here's my Brett/Eva theories, GiGi:


Eva would never use Brett. If (when) he came back to New York to try seriously wooing her, she'd be as honest as she was the day they had lunch. It could never work out between them because she's jealous and insecure and would drive him crazy. She's already told him that once.


But Brett didn't take NO for an answer that day. When she told Brett he hasn't got a chance, he said "Prove it." So now she's going to have to prove it, actually prove it, when he makes a concerted effort to get her back. The only thing stopping him right now, I think, is he's out on tour. If he hadn't had to leave New York right after he saw Eva, he'd have kept chasing Eva beyond that first lunch. I mean, come on -- she kissed him outside the concert. Then when he showed up at her office building, she took him out on a lunch date. It's the old: she's saying one thing but doing another. 


For Gideon, Brett could be a huge problem AND a great opportunity for Gideon to grow by learning to trust. Because if Brett is buzzing around Eva, the only thing Mr. Control Freak Cross can do is trust Eva. The only thing. Gideon cannot go after his rival, Brett. Gideon can't go try to beat up Brett. Can't plant photographers to get pictures proving he (Gideon) not Brett is the "significant man" in Eva's life. And would have to just sit on his hands if the paparazzi catches wind of the fact Eva Trammell is Golden Girl. 


I mean, can you see this: Page Six with side-by-side stories: Brett and Eva!!!! Gideon and Corrine!!!! Man, would Gideon feel publicly powerless for probably the first time in his life. But he'll get through it because he and Eva secretly will be together as often as they can. So trust Eva -- and be forced to keep his mouth shut.


One more thing I've thought of as a possibility: Gideon eventually is going to need some sort of plausible reason for dumping Corrine in order to win back Eva. What if that plausible reason is Brett Kline buzzing around Eva? There's not too many men who can be a plausible rival to a hot billionaire, but a hot rock star is one.


And deep down inside, Gideon IS still insecure and threatened by Brett. Gideon doesn't see himself as incredibly attractive. Gideon's money: well, he's built his fortune out of insecurity, so he'll stay insecure no matter how many billions he's got. And we've seen a tiny glimpse into Gideon's mind: Eva can have any man she wants, and he cannot for the life of God figure out why she picked him.

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Last tidbit for tonight ..... As much as it would probably really bother Eva to sit at home while Gideon is out at some big public fundraiser, Corrine on his arm smiling as they walk the press gauntlet .... Eva would thrilled to be sitting at Gideon's home waiting for him to get back. Soon as the fundraiser is over, Corrine is getting dropped off at her apartment with, if she's lucky, a hug and peck on the cheek. Then Gideon comes home and makes love to Eva all night long. She's now sure of Gideon's love, and knows someday they'll be together again. But a price to pay for that someday is Corrine for now.

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I think Corrine already believes she HAS got Gideon back. He belongs to her now!!!!!! And no one is going to try to steal him away by using sex to get him (i.e. Eva).


Her delusion; &nbsp;Gideon may&nbsp;be saying "friend" but that's for decorum's sake. He's treating her as THE girlfriend. Soon as the divorce goes through, they'll become lovers -- and this time they'll stay together all night. No more hotel quickies. Who knows? Maybe Gideon's excuse to Corrine putting off sex for right now is he wouldn't feel right while technically she's still married. Gideon does know Corrine's estranged husband and thinks he's a nice guy (Gideon told Eva about Giroux during the Corrine talk they had near the very end of Bared To You. )


Corrine's delusion - her whole grand plan has worked beautifully up until now. She left Giroux, &nbsp;went back to New York, and successfully chased Gideon down (again). Next she'll get him into bed with her (again.) Ask him to marry her (again). And this time make SURE wedding happens.


Corrine's plan has been going soooooooo well that it took her only a couple of weeks to run off her only rival, that sexy but crazy Eva Trammell. Made Eva jealous, and stood back sweetly while Eva totally blew it with Gideon.&nbsp;


So I could only imagine Corrine going postal upon finding out Gideon is carrying on an affair with Eva. Especially if Magdalene had filled Corrine's head with stories about how hot Gideon was for Eva's body, so hot he "did" Eva in his parents' library right in the middle of a huge party. Now Corrine finds out Eva is using her body to try to steal the man Corrine's going to marry!!!!!


Hi LNCronan,

I could totally see Magdalene telling Corinne about Eva and Gideon’s little library escapade. Holy cow, Corinne must have blown her stack after hearing about that romp! I highly doubt that even during their best “sex†days, Corinne and Gideon’s sex life paled in comparison! I think that would just stick in her craw even more so! Eva gets the man/her man and also gets the totally hot, passionate s** life too!! Eva, watch out! :)

Let’s not forget that little Miss Magdalene has an axe to grind with Corinne too! She has been playing second fiddle to the raven haired beauty for years! I am absolutely sure that in this instance misery would love company! If Magdalene could figure out a way to “run off†Corinne, she would take it without hesitation!

I wonder if Corinne has underestimated Magdalene. I could definitely see Magdalene having Corinne’s ear. After all Magdalene has been designated in the friend role, by Gideon and perhaps by Corinne as well. Hmm?

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Hi LNCronan,

I think that as far as Gideon is concerned, the Brett theory doesn’t make sense to me. If Gideon dumped Eva and was out parading Corinne around the town, then why would he care about whom Eva dates? If Eva’s kissing Brett was the reason they broke up, wouldn’t logic dictate that Gideon would hate Eva even more? If Eva was out parading around town with Brett, I don’t think that Gideon would be too charitable. He had to sell a story to the detectives about why they broke up and the most plausible one would be that Eva cheated on Gideon.

Now if your argument was that after seeing Eva and Brett together, Gideon realized that he still loves Eva and wants her back, and then what was his reason for breaking up with Eva in the first place? The kiss still happened, the infidelity (of sorts) still happened.

Could it be that Gideon hasn’t thought that far ahead but will use Corinne’s developing mental instability as an excuse for breaking up with her? In that way, Gideon and Eva can “innocently†find their way back to each other. What do you think? What does everyone think?

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Hi LNCronan,

I was thinking about what you said and I wonder if Eva would really be ok with Gideon being in that close proximity to Corinne. If I am not mistaken, Eva said something along the lines of “...if your hand touches the small of Corinne’s back, then I am going to break your fingers…â€

In my dreams I would love to see a situation of Gideon trying to “date†Corinne without actually touching her. If you remember, when Eva and Carey went to Las Vegas, Eva turned the tables on Gideon when she asked Clancy to guard or find a guard and prevent anyone from coming within three feet of Gideon (that was in response to Gideon’s spying on Eva). I think that would be hilarious! I can almost hear the dialogue in my mind of how Gideon would try to spin this to Corinne…. :)

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Gideon's got to come up with a reason people would believe -- that especially the cops would have to find plausible -- for regretting he dumped Eva. Brett coming back to New York to pursue Eva would be a "Golden" opportunity. (I couldn't resist the pun.) How? It would create a second love triangle (Brett-Eva-Gideon) to suddenly and seriously change the dynamic of the first love triangle (Corrine-Gideon-Eva).

Again, I was to emphasize I don't think Eva would ever lie to Brett nor use him. Unlike Gideon, she doesn't have the capacity to ruthlessly use people. But the tabloids could do all the lying she (and Gideon) need. Especially now that Gideon and Eva have to "wing it" if they're going to be able to get to a place where it finally will be safe for them to openly get back together.

Follow along with my theories here ......

  • Gideon created the (false) public image of the Corrine-Gideon-Eva love triangle to show the cops there's no way he loved Eva so much he had motive to kill for her. He sought to fool the cops by making the world believe:
  • In recent weeks, he was caught between his new girlfriend (Eva) and the suddenly available "one who got away" years ago (Corrine) who came back to New York.
  • Even before Nathan died, Corrine -- who'd left Gideon all those years ago -- started going out with him again.
  • So Gideon seized the chance to get back together with the great love of his life, the woman he'd once wanted to marry. His new girlfriend, Eva, came out on the losing side of the triangle.


  • I think Gideon's original plan would have continued to unfold like this:
  • The cops would decide he didn't have motive to kill. Combine that with the fact he had an alibi for the night of the murder (he took Corrine as his date to a very public work function) would make the cops quickly eliminate him as a suspect.
  • Privately, Eva would believe he was working Corrine out of his system. But this would NOT sleeping include with Corrine, because sexually, Gideon wanted Eva and Eva alone.
  • Eva would trust him. And she'd wait. Because recently, Eva had finally quit pulling runners.
  • Gideon would privately make Corrine quit chasing him and give up forever any hopes he'd take her back.
  • Publicly, it would appear things "didn't work out." Corrine would reject him for the second time. She'd already done it years ago, really done it: she broke their engagement and married another man.
  • Gideon would go back to Eva, convince her he'd finally gotten Corrine out of his system for good.
  • Happily ever after.


  • Things worked great right on up to the night Nathan died. Next day, Friday, everything started going wrong:
  • Gideon had to go through with the meet-her-Dad dinner Friday night at Eva's (Sylvia told us he knew Eva would never forgive him for bailing.) Cops showed up while he was there. In front of Eva (and her Dad) asked him where he had been Thursday. He couldn't say in front of Eva, so he walked the cops downstairs, presumably answering the question. (It would be to his benefit to offer his alibi) But upstairs, Eva's now knows he's got something to hide, and suspects that something is Corrine.
  • Eva found out Saturday about the Nathan pictures (Gideon never planned on that happening). Guessed (rightly) he'd seen them. Assumed (wrongly) he saw them that week and that's why he pulled away. He could no longer could bear to look at her body, and so their sexual relationship was over forever. Gideon had tried one last time to make love to her, Wednesday, but did so in the pitch dark. Then decided it was over with Eva and began sleeping with Corrine again. Thursday, he was partying with her at the f*** pad hotel.
  • Eva called him Saturday at the worst possible time, while he was at the police station. Accused him of being a coward by sleeping with Corrine without having the decency to end things with her (Eva) first. Forgave Gideon for not being able to handle those Nathan pictures because of his own mysterious sexual past (oh how that must have hurt him to hear). Cries (shred him). Then ends it.
  • He feels like something died. It's written all over his face. In front of the cops.


  • Now Gideon is stuck and has got to come up with another plan.
  • It's not safe to contact Eva in any way, even though she's heartbroken and believing awful things. It's too dangerous.
  • In the middle of this, Brett Klein gives an interview confirming he reconnected with Eva (what happened at lunch - Gideon never got to get answers) and he wants another shot (oh God, now time is urgent - a part of her is still sexually attracted to Brett, and Brett's got an open shot.)
  • Gideon risks contacting Eva to beg her to "wait."
  • Eva goes on her crusade to tell off people she suspects (probably guessing right) who failed Gideon as a sexually abused child. His mother. Dr. Lucas. And Eva picks a fight with Corrine (who probably called him up with some lies - but Gideon hasn't heard Eva's side yet.)
  • Gideon, encouraged, sees Eva. Then finds out something awful. Despite her crusade, she's decided to live her life without him. Because he never let her in. He's lost her.
  • Desperate, he immediately lets her in on something very important: a part of the sexual abuse he suffered as a child.
  • She agrees to wait. She doesn't understand why he's been acting the way he has the last few weeks. But she'll wait for him to come back.


  • Then something he REALLY never counted on happens:
  • Detective Graves spills the bean why the cops believe he murdered Nathan. Tells Eva they're dropping the case.
  • He comes home to find Eva outside his apartment door. She says the cops told her they're dropping the case. His first reaction is desolation -- now she knows the worst secret of all, he's a killer.
  • But she hugs him and assures him whatever comes next, they'll be together. Cue (temporary) happy ending music.


  • From the Entwined snippets plus the official excerpt of the coming Entwined novel, we know:
  • Gideon and Eva are seeing one another secretly, because it's "dangerous" for them to see one another openly. There could be only one of two reasons: they either fear the coast isn't clear yet -- or -- they know for certain the cops have set a trap for them.
  • So Eva's out partying with the girls, dancing with men. In other words, either behaving like she "gets it" she came out on the short end of the Corrine-Gideon-Eva triangle. Or trying to "get back" at Gideon.


With all this in mind, here's different theories I've got on how Brett Klein showing up in New York trying to win Eva back, and the tabloids finding out could work to Gideon and Eva's advantage as a situation even the cops would buy that he tries to win Eva back.

  • Now we have a Brett-Eva-Gideon triangle. With Gideon on the short end.
  • He's got reason to get jealous. She kissed Brett. Gideon physically attacked Brett in front of witnesses: Gideon's old friend Arnoldo, Eva's new friend Shawna, and some members of Brett's own rock band.
  • A couple of days later, Gideon ran to Corrine. Brett left town to continue the concert tour.
  • But now Brett's come running to Eva. And his band members could gossip about how hot things were between Brett and Eva four years ago. She used to even f*** him between sets at concerts. Cary is another person who could gossip. He's already been trying to get Eva to go back to Brett.
  • Billionaire that he is, Gideon could reasonably be jealous of a rock star. Most especially a rock star Eva used to f***
  • Gideon reconsiders his decision to dump Eva. Around this same time, the public is fooled into believing Corrine kicked Gideon to the curb, like she did years ago.
  • Gideon goes after Eva. Wins her back.
  • Happy ending.
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Wow LN Cronan! That's crazy work you did! Sylvia should put you on her payroll ...lol..

I like your last post, especially  the happy ending :)  Although, I don't know if Sylvia will give us that b/c she's been hinting at  a 4th book.

I think Eva will see Brett again, maybe still tell him that there's no chance of them getting back together, but maybe just be friends.

It must just kill Eva if Gideon is still going out w/ Corrine...even if she knows nothing is happening now...still..

Magdalene probably did tell Corrine about the library romp...just to dig in her a bit.


I really hope they make this series into a movie...maybe on HBO...a two hour movie per book? How awesome would that be??? :)

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