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Posts posted by SDFan

  1. In Bared to You, he barely even knows Eva and at that point she didn't even know his first name, yet he flat out tells her he wants to have sex with her, then practically forces her to go to his office so they can talk about having sex even after she says no more than once. Then he won't let her leave until she kisses him. I know this is a romantic fiction but in reality he would have a sexual harassment lawsuit filed on him instantly. Especially with all the money that he has. Most likely it would be settled out of court with a check involved

  2. I read Sylvia say that she think's Jax from Afterburn/Aftershock was the most arrogant character she ever wrote. When I read On Fire I thought that Jared Cameron had to have been the most arrogant. But it's later revealed in the book that he isn't However, I thought the ending was a little predictable and I was able to guess who was setting the fires before it was revealed. 

  3. I noticed Sylvia seems to write a lot about people who have known each other for a while and with Blood and Roses it was no exception. Despite it being a shorter story, it was really well written and I enjoyed the fact that she mentioned Gideon in there more than once. If you haven't read Blood and Roses yet, you need to.

  4. I've read Razor's Edge twice and it is such a good story. As someone who tried to look after a friend and her daughter after her divorce, I can understand where Jack was coming from wanting to help Rachel and her son. I can also understand what it's like not really having any family around and being somewhat of a loner like Jack is as well. Usually when a girl reads books she can find a female in the story she can relate to. Jack happens to be the only guy I have come across in Sylvia Day's stories that I can relate to more than the girl. 

  5. I really don't think Sylvia did it intentionally either. I think the first Crossfire book came out shortly after the Fifty Shades books did. Nobody seemed to realize that it takes a while to write a book, have it edited and released so chances of the first Crossfire books already being written before Fifty Shades was released is a huge possibility. I also believe Sylvia when she said she has never read any of the Fifty Shades books and her Crossfire Series came from an idea she got while writing another one of her stories. 

  6. I'm not too familiar with Passionflix but if they are filming now and it is going to be released in November that doesn't seem to give it much for the editing part. I'm wondering if it's going to end up being like some Lifetime movie (which I don't normally enjoy). As for the actor's, while Tyler isn't exactly what I imagined Jax looking like, I still find him a better fit then Caitlin Leahy. 

  7. When IMDB still had their message boards, people would sometimes post about the Crossfire books since there are similarities between them and Fifty Shades of Grey on the Fifty Shades boards. Before the boards were taken down, someone posted about an article that claimed the TV series (or movie) wasn't going to be made because the filmmakers wanted to tone it down while Sylvia wanted it to stay true to the books for her fans. I haven't heard anything else about this, but if Passionflix is going ahead with Afterburn/Aftershock then maybe they should go ahead and make Crossfire as well.

  8. When IMDB still had their message boards, people would sometimes post about the Crossfire books since there are similarities between them and Fifty Shades of Grey on the Fifty Shades boards. Before the boards were taken down, someone posted about an article that claimed the TV series (or movie) wasn't going to be made because the filmmakers wanted to tone it down while Sylvia wanted it to stay true to the books for her fans. I haven't heard anything else about this, but if Passionflix is going ahead with Afterburn/Aftershock then maybe they should go ahead and make Crossfire as well.

  9. I thought Treasure Hunters was a good short story. Without knowing anything about the plot, I read it and I thought it was well written. I also liked the fact that Sylvia mentioned the leading lady in the story had curves and was fuller than most. I also thought it was cleverly written because it talks about all erotic books vanishing and when they are found it has a lot to do with what was happening with erotic romance books when they were first officially getting started. I'm trying not to say too much for those of  you who have not read it yet. Anyway, I liked the story.

  10. I really enjoyed this story. At first I didn't know that it was about vampires and although they keep secrets about their lives from each other, when they finally realize who the other is and where they are coming from it doesn't matter to them which makes the story between Derek and Sable awesome. Derek also seems more emotional than most of Sylvia's other male character's. I'm not sure what it is, but when he tells her how much she means to him, he seems to do it in a different way then the other guy's I've read in her books. You could tell he really cared for her and just wanted her to do the same for him. Which he eventually finds out she does. 

  11. I know that Sylvia says she enjoys writing about strong women and you can tell that in the stories she writes, but I honestly think Gianna is the most weakest out of them all. She might tell Jax how she feels about things but still he just's walks out on her, put's her job on the line, stabs her in the back by helping her boss' competition (and ex) take away an opportunity both Gianna and her boss worked hard for, then acts like it's nothing. But still Gianna keeps coming back to him because the sex is good. I tried to understand Jax but I kept wondering why she was giving in so easily when he was doing nothing but causing her one problem after the other. Still, I think the movie will be awesome and I am glad to know that one of Sylvia's books is being made into a movie.

  12. Magic Fingers was the first short story by Sylvia Day that I had ever read but unlike her other short stories where I felt like there should have been more about the character's I think it's fine the way it is.  She gives us a little insight about Alison and although we don't know much about James he is a character that is obviously likable and is willing to put his job on the line for a girl before she get's away before finally making permanent sacrifices to be with her.

  13. I don't know if anyone here has ever read this one, but it's basically a review for another book and like with The Story of O Sylvia was able to be detailed about the story and character's without giving away any spoilers. Just from her take on it alone it seemed like a interesting book to read. Has anyone else read Learning to Fly?

  14. Another great short story by Sylvia Day and another one that I would have liked to have been longer. The story of Robin and Paul was done really well but there were certain things about the character's (especially Paul) that left us guessing. Along with Iron Hard this story is one of my favorite shorter ones that Sylvia has written. Salacious Robinson was an even shorter story at the end of What Happened in Vegas which was another one that left you wondering about the characters. The good thing about these short stories is that you can take what you've learned from the character's in a few pages and then create the rest of their lives with your imagination. 

  15. I wished Iron Hard would have been made into a full length story rather than just a short one. I wasn't sure how to take it at first because it was historical but yet the inventions that Annabelle had made and came across almost seemed like modern day. Then there was Baron. When I read the description about him I wondered how he could still be alive after having all the things done to him when he was in the war. Everything from missing arm to missing eye and scars all over him including the one across his face. I really would have enjoyed knowing where their relationship went to and I felt the story was cut off too early. But what I did read I enjoyed very much.

  16. I have to admit, I haven't actually read The Story of O but I did read Sylvia's introduction to the story and she did good about not spoiling anything while still giving very good detail about what the character went through. When I finished reading her introduction I didn't have to read the book to figure out what all happens because she did so well with explaining her take on it without giving too much away.

  17. I'm not sure who all here has read this book but 50 Writer's on Fifty Shades of Grey is exactly what it's title is and I really enjoyed Sylvia Day's take on it. For those of you who hadn't read what she wrote about it, she talked about how she met someone who said to her "Oh you write THOSE books" and how Sylvia was a little offended over it and wondered if the woman knew that no one brown paper bag's their "naughty" books anymore. She talked a lot about how it use to be hard to get your erotic romance stories out there and how difficult it was for fans to find them. Not to mention that the cover's of the books left little to the imagination and the titles of them were blunt with what the book were about. But thanks to Fifty Shades of Grey all that was changed.  She said that the books are still being brown paper bagged just in a different way. With ribbons, high heels, scarfs etc. on the cover but people still know what's going on when they come across a book like that. It made me realize how much things must have changed for books like that after Fifty Shades came out. 

  18. Has anyone else read this story? When I came across the cover I thought "I have to read this one soon" and when I did I really enjoyed it. I'm not too into Christmas themed things like TV shows movies, and books but I liked this one a lot and I wasn't expecting the ending at all SPOILER: (When we find out she had a son). Did anyone else enjoy it?

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