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Posts posted by AceGrossfire30

  1. With the Aftershock news re released next year I am now more frustrated re Captivated by You. I hope I can comprehend the "whys" . I've never been so emotionally frustrated with a book . I badly want this book now its been 5 months or so. I hope we get a  good news. Does publisher doesnt want money, what are they waiting for. I mean Im sure the book is finished. I just want to air my frustrations. Funny thing is I've been reading a lot of books , great books too and some are similar to Crossfire but no matter how i try  i keep coming back wanting Crossfire. its really like a bad habit  . I really got it bad for Cross 

  2. I agree.  I get a queasy every time i read that.


    I am really a hughe fan of the series (so far they have been my all-time favorites) but that back cover did it. I don't think I will buy the book until book 5 is out because if 4 ends with a cliffhanger again, I won't be held accountable for my actions (I really don't want to loose my precious e-book reader :-)  ) :-( I was in such a happy place with Eva and Gideon being married and that cover scared the heck out of me. And I start to get annoyed with this waiting game while Sylvia is publishing all sorts of other books. Sorry for venting like this but I am truly getting ticked... :-(

    Sylvia never did a bad cliffhanger though . I know she left us with gasp and tears in Reflected in You but still at the end they are together right , As long as they are together and shows proof solidarity it is still  a  good ending   :)

  3. hey here is my theory because Im really excited about this book.  the title itself "Captivated by You"  means Eva and Gideon are still strongly into each other and will stay together even if its gonna be a teary bumpy ride . Corinne suicide attempts has probably open Eva's security  over her and there's Deanna who did a massive favor for her and Gideon re the sex tape ans she's covering the wedding ,so she'll be around too but then that's Eva she said she will always be jealous even they are married.  Also Gideon has to learn to share things with Eva instead of taking things all to himself and solve the problems alone.


    (I could understand Gideon though, in a way Im like that . i want to do things my way so i dont tell to my family I just plan and tell things to them the way i want it to be done thinking its better for them) ok that is just a segway back to my crazy theories. :) 


    Im expecting that Corrines' will be resolve here as well as Brett (im getting tired of these two its time they get out of the picture lol) . the wedding should be happening here as refers to "the brightest day of our lives....  then there's Eva's parents and Cary. Gideon facing his demon re: the sexual abuse so there's Christopher,Elizabeth and Lucas . I guess this is gonna be dark for Gideon and Eva .


    so maybe the "bitter enemy coming out in the shadow"  would be a new character that would round up in Book 4 and will finished in book  5? how about its actually a Geoffrey Cross enemy .Gideon said that even up to now some people talks about it. Once the engagement leading up to the wedding ,which is very public, Gideon gonna be crazy over protective because obviously Eva is gonna be a target now . Sylvia said Gideon has to deal with his possessiveness with Eva as If he couldn't live without her. Eva is already strong and stable in EWY so she just need to push herself to help Gideon . 


    OMG i have this crazy theory how about Evas' dad and Detective Grave together hahaha. it got me confuse why Detective Grave asked Eva .. "what is his dad thinking about Gideon Cross,  seriously that actually cross the investigation inquiry right? 


    all in all I really think that Sylvia made a right decision to make the book in quintet because there are so many issues  here and she is actually telling a rollercoaster ride here  and she cant just tied it up in 3 books , its more like cheating happy ending to me not fast forwarding it is much more realistic to me  since there's no leap in time the books.


    ok im done . I really miss Cross  x 

  4. Hi everyone


    Just thought " lured bitter enemies out of the shadows." could be people who were harmed by Geoffrey Cross who  have decide Gideon"s seed money my have been their money.

    that is my theory too.. poor Gideon so much on his plates . Corrines' attempted suicide, Nathans' death, Eva's problem ,, and most readers want these to be resolved in EWY  .. Im glad Sylvia made it to quintet , I want to get to Gideon Cross head  I just hope they release it soon  

  5. Wow Im already teary eyed and its just the back cover.  I feel like Im gonna be sobbing hard when the book comes out (hopefully before end of this year , Sylvia has been posting a lot of Crossfire quotes lately)


    So I was wondering that the actual wedding is happening in Captivated By You .. eeeeeek that really makes me giddy . I hope its release soon..

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