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Posts posted by jnmclain

  1. Thoughts on the first GidEva "enemy" that crawled out of the woodwork, Christopher Jr. We do know he is a creep, but is he dangerous like Gideon claimed (but wouldn't explain)? At the risk of stirring things up, I'm going to suggest Christopher isn't an enemy, and the only reason he is a creep is because Gideon set a bad example when it came to women.


    What if the reason Christopher uses women is that his brother's way of using women (pre-Eva) was a bad influence? When Christopher was a really little kid, Gideon had been throwing physical tantrums, and Christopher started imitating him. Things got so bad their parents put Gideon into treatment. As a grown man, Gideon had a reputation as a ladies' man and had a pile of rejected women (this was all before Eva, of course.) Was Christopher using women to try to imitate his brother?


    I love Gideon but you have to admit he was malicious having that affair with the married Anne Lucas. How much had Christopher seen of Anne and Gideon interacting at society functions? How much gossip was there about the affair that Christopher was privy to? Then there was Corrine, who was another married woman being led on by mixed messages, and Christopher definitely knew about that mess, because Corrine was crying to him. Yes, Gideon felt guilty about using both women, and he knows what he did was wrong (and on some level both women deserved what happened), but Christopher has no way of knowing any of that. All he knows is what he saw and heard and none of it was good.


    How many other women does Christopher know about in the Dumped By Gideon Sisterhood? There are a lot of them out there, more than Eva wants to even think about much less hear about. Have some of the Sisterhood told Christopher stories similar to Deanna's? Did Deanna tell Christopher the same story about the one night stand she told Eva?


    I think Christopher was right to criticize Gideon in Times Square about sending Corrine mixed messages. He was just wrong to say so in front of Eva. Maybe Christopher thought he was doing Eva a favor, because of how Gideon had "dumped" Eva, saying something in front of Eva to remind/warn her about Gideon's pattern of discarding women? I think it was Ireland telling Christopher to leave GidEva alone was the real reason he backed off, not because Gideon threatened him.


    Might Christopher change for the better when he sees New Gideon changed so much by Eva's love? And the rivalry between the two brothers heal, with Eva's help? Their sister Ireland's help too?  Ireland loves Christopher and vice versa. Ireland has got a good head on her shoulders and she knows Christopher really well, whereas Gideon barely knows him. Eva has cut Christopher a lot of slack, even though Eva saw that sex tape of him and Magdalene, because Eva understands Christopher also grew up in a dysfunctional home. Eva also is a good judge of character -- as long as insecurity/jealousy isn't clouding her perception.

    I have been thinking about Christopher Jr for a while.  It hit me the first time Eva approached Gideon's mother and his mother said "Christopher was there too".  I think there is more to this story.  Like Christopher was also abused along with G.  G said that Christopher started acting out at a certain age, which intimidated him. Maybe it was because Christopher was abused too.  Maybe it was Christopher's way of acting out from the abuse he might have gotten. 


    Then I think about that G said he tried to reason with Christopher many times and in different ways in their adult life.  I think that Christopher may be mad at G because he didn't protect him (as G's little brother) in the past, because he found out who had abused them, because G had already dealt with who had abused them and now Christopher is at G because he never got a chance to confront their abuser before he committed suicide. 


    I also think Christopher and G were closer than they let on before and after the abuse but after G dealt with the abuser and Christopher had no part in confronting their demons that Christopher is now so confrontational to G about everything, including Corinne, etc.  That explains why Christopher would have anything to do with Corinne (because he was part of G's life and they were still on good standing), because he had a brotherly relationship and they were both dealing with the abuse before G fixed the issue (the suicide). 

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