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Posts posted by Gideonfan2014

  1. New topic. 

    Here are a couple of theories and storylines that I am hoping will be resolved.  (1) I believe Detective Shelley Graves is a recipient of assistance from the Crossfire foundation. I believe that she is no longer a threat as stated by another member. I believe this storyline has  ended or been resolved. (2) I am concerned about Eva's strategy to make their lives public as a counter reaction to Corrine's book.  I think this may backfire and result in either a leak or a potential leak about her own past or God forbid Gideon's past. Deanna is an investigative reporter and if she is teamed up with Anne they could start all kinds of trouble.  Anne may have found out from Lucas or through discovery of Hugh's activities about Gideon's abuse. Given the fact that she is a shrink she may gain the professional confidence or illegal access to the files or notes of  either Dr. Peterson, Eva's shrink in New York or her shrink on the west coast. In RIY, Gideon mentions the "shrink and her assistant." I wonder if the shrink could have been Anne or a close relative. Gideon did state that Anne's entire family is full of shrinks. (3)  I would like to see a resolution to Monica's story. The book mentions that Monica was disowned so perhaps she was left penniless and had to make some tough decisions before she met her first husband. (4) I do think that Ireland is dating either Landon's son or younger brother. She may end of eloping and this would be sort of a kind of ironic. I based this upon the conversation that Eva's Dad  had with Gideon regarding the elopement  and the discussion with respect to what he would do if his sister eloped.There will be a lot of twists and turns but we will get happy ending at the conclusion and maybe a blue eyed or gray eyed baby on the way! I am looking forward to another round of spirited discussion from this wonderful group once the final book has been released.

  2. I was also thinking about the redhead at the end of EWY. She says within earshot of Eva when she sees Deanna talking to Gideon, " he ----- her a lot." We know this not true but this woman thinks so so either she is trying to get Eva upset or Deanna has told her lies. Does anyone know what Deanna did in general terms in Afterburn with the male character lead in general terms without spoiling the plot? I know she was damaged after this and could explain her behavior in EWY. I am curious about Gideon's dark side that she alluded to in EWY. What ever it is she lost her mind over it.

  3. I don't believe we will see Corinne leave the story as much as we all would like. I am not so sure that Ann Lucas isn't her therapist or has some hand in her care. I think Ann Lucas is going to use Corinne as her puppet in order to cause more trouble not that Corinne can't cause more trouble on her own. I just think that Ann will help her take things to a much more dangerous level. I also believe that CBy will be a transitional book and darker in theme similar to RIY. Sylvia has the capacity to take us there and bring us out of the darkness. Unlike most books I've read, these characters are very well developed. Gideon will have to face his demons and enemies. Both Gideon as Eva will have to make a choice. I do think Eva will do something drastic after Gideon repeatedly pushes her away and shuts down. I think the pen as another reader recently wrote, sadly represents divorce papers that Eva will give Gideon to sign and he won't because he still loves her but he can't show it. They won't get divorced though. Just my thoughts. Yours?

  4. Hello. I am new to this forum. This site is excellent. You all are very smart and insightful. Like many if you I have read and retread all three books and the discussion here is fascinating. I have one question. Did any of you listen or read the lyrics of the song, "Collide" by Howie Day mentioned in excerpt five? It is insightful and I think gives us a clue into the battle ahead for Gideon and Eva." But I am open. You're closed." Even the best fall down sometimes." I listened to the song and it had new meaning for me. Heartbreaking when you know the story. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts you all are so smart.

  5. Hello. I am new to this forum. This site is excellent. You all are very smart and insightful. Like many if you I have read and retread all three books and the discussion here is fascinating. I have one question. Did any of you listen or read the lyrics of the song, "Collide" by Howie Day mentioned in excerpt five? It insightful and I think gives us a clue into the battle ahead for Gideon and Eva." But I am open. You're closed." Even the best fall down sometimes." I listened to the song and it had new meaning for me. Heartbreaking when you know the story. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts you all are so smart.

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