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Posts posted by cece

  1. push myself out of my comfort zone - I tend to be an introvert and

    lurker on the blogs and boards


    Helen I officially order you to quit lurking :D so says she who never shuts up ;)

    1. read one book a month. this is a biggie for me since I tend not to finish books I start.

    2. Manage my crit partners better.

    3. Learn to write proposals

    4. Be a better friend and not be so negative and critical of people I don't like :) shame on me

    5. Exercise--somehow :(

    6. Housework---oh never mind how about spend more QT w/my kids? :D

    I guess getting a date isn't really a goal huh :|

  2. What a day!! :shock:

    Best of the Best Winner of the 2004 Golden Opportunity!!! :bounce:

    Congrats Chica!!!!! That's fantabulous!!!!

    Gyspy believe me I'm feeling you though I don't think another contest is the answer to my problems :cry:

    And banging my head against a wall doesnt seem to be helping.

  3. You just want to make me think!

    1.) You're a TV or Movie character. Who are you and why?

    Storm....because I deserve superpowers! :)

    2.) Favorite Villian.

    I have no clue. William Daefoe (did i spell that right?) in Spiderman. He just plays a great bad guy.

    3.) Trapped with your favorite hottie. Who is he or she? (We've got guys on here too! )

    Chris Cagle :oops:

    4.) Favorite All-Time Book and why.

    Wishes by Jude Deveraux. Not sure. It was my first paranormal(ish) book. It took fairy godmothering to a whole new level. I still have it. And if htey release it in hardcover, I'd buy it.

    5.) What is your favorite school subject and your least favorite?

    Fave..english. Least...math :cry:

    6.) What embarasses you the most?

    Lots of things :roll:

    7.) Do you have any nicknames and what are they?

    Cece and Amer (dont ask I have no clue)

  4. What are your favorite romance titles :?:

    Ohhhhhh she's gonna make me think :oops:

    I just don't read that much romance. So I can't say much from that angle.

    But I stumbled across Mary Kay Andrews by accident and I'm totally hooked. Her first "southern lit" book was Savannah Blues. Then Little Bitty Lies and now Hissy Fit. I think they're just great titles and great covers.

    The Idiot Girls Action Adventure Guide, and Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons I just love but I've never read either. But they make me smile when I see them. Good Grief is also another great title/cover.

    Obviously I love catchy titles. I dont think a title will deter me from my regular auto-buys though. One of my least favorite covers is From the Corner of his Eye by Koontz but it's one of my fave books. On the flip side I LOVED the cover of Odd Thomas (sitting in my TBR pile).

    I never really considered WHY I picked up a book or waht words might induce me to pick up a book. Maybe becuase I have so many autobuys I stick with.

    My all time, without a doubt, favorite book that I still have my orig pb that I bought of is Jude Deveraux's Wishes which is one of the earliest paranormal romances I can remember. A Knight in Shining Armour would definitely be another. I still have my first ed hc. Julie Garwood's Heartbreaker is a great title and her first rom/suspense and it has a fantastic cover. The Forest Lord by Susan Krinard was my first SK book and I fell in love--then went on to read her wolf series wihch i also loved.

    Patti Berg has also had some great titles that turned out to be fun reads but I can't remember any right now :oops:

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