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Posts posted by jenny720

  1. Totally agree! I just meant I hope she can handle more pictures of them together and looking happy. I don't think he would or could bed Corrine knowing how obsessed and in love with Eva he is.


    I think the photos and headlines are definitely going to drive her mad, but she'll know the reason behind it is all to protect her and Gideon.

  2. in Reflected, Gideon hurt Eva badly, so much so she dumped him. I can't see him bedding Corrine to keep up the lie. That would crucify Eva, even if she knew the truth.


    Can you imagine?? I think he would let us all down if he did lol


    He'll use Corinne as he needs to and she'll let him. She'll try to make the moves on him, I'm quite sure, but it will never happen.


    OR she might prove how insane she is and "go there" by drugging him and having her way with him.


    Who knows! LOL but Gideon would never do anything intenionally to hurt Eva.

  3. this is where Cary needs to stand on his own two feet. He loves all the trappings, that come with the Eva package. Yes they are very close, but it could be the other way round, Cary in a stable relationship. Would Eva stand in his way? I think not. He needs to grow up, and make his mark in the world!



    I completely agree!! Time to cut the cord.


    There is so much emotional dependency on Eva -- Cary, Monica, Gideon, Mark!!

  4. Hi Caroline628,

    I too want Cary to have his financially happily ever after.  I could see Monica and Stanton stepping in to help him though, but I could only see a scenario like that playing out for a short while.  I think that eventually they would grow tired of coming to his financial rescue. 


    On some level I think that Stanton will be glad when Eva gets married.  Stanton will no longer be responsible for taking care of her and will finally get to enjoy time with Monica without having to hear about Monica worrying about Eva’s safety or of Nathan rearing his ugly head etc.  Maybe for the first time Stanton may actually get Monica all to himself without the shadow of Eva being ever present.


    Please don’t get me wrong, I think that Stanton is a good man who has done a lot to help, Eva, I think that he will be glad with Eva and everyone around her will allow her to become emotionally independent and allow her to make decisions for herself.  Maybe everyone will let Eva finally prove that she has grown up.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?    


    I think Monica's issues run so deep that she will never stop frantically worrying about Eva, even when she & Gideon get married.


    I think once the truth surfaces about Gideon's involvement with Nathan's death (direct or indirect) it is going to frazzle her even more. Although Monica is materialistic, Eva does come first. She will be apprehensive towards Gideon because regardless of who it's been - any man that's posed a danger, or indirect danger (Parker Smith and the whole Krav-Maga situation) she will find a way to be sure that she is involved some way some how.


    She's got wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many emotional ties to Eva for her to let go so easily.


    Another thing that's come to mind, do you think that Cary is sort of kind of not on team Gideon bc he knows where this will lead to and what may potentially happen with his relationship with Stanton and Monica? Will he still be financially funded for - lavish spa treatments, luxurious Manhattan apartment, vacations on a whim - if Eva and Gideon get married?

  5. I'm not sure where I read but someone said they had suspicions of megumi and wondered why she said gideon was a head trip after he put the ring back on In the elevator the day eva megumi and will had lunch.! But I was reading (AGAIN) and megumi didn't say that, she asked Eva was everything alright and Eva said "I don't know, that man is a f##king head trip, megumi then said keep me updated and Eva said I should just write a book..! I'm not suspicious of megumi now that I re-read that part.!


    Speaking of Will, this is a character I'd like to see developed in the upcoming books.

  6. I actually have a playlist strictly dedicated to the Crossfire Series and wanted to share a select few from the extensive list (LOL):


    The Reason by Hoobastank - great song that fits the ending of Relected In You when Gideon was being secretive and pulling away from Eva.

    By Your Side by Sade - this song really explains the passion they have for each other.

    Gorilla by Bruno Mars - portrays the animalistic side!!

    Skin by Rihanna - Bedroom talk!

    Edge of Desire by John Mayer - one of my favorite songs ever, this is so raw and emotional that perfectly explains the need and want of G & E for each other, especially when they spend time apart.

    Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson - speaks for Gideon.

    Save Me From Myself - speaks for Eva.

    Pusher Love Girl by Justin Timberlake - because Eva is his drug, and vice versa.

    Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart by Alicia Keys - Eva's thoughts when she and Gideon "break up".



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