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Posts posted by paulatim

  1. Hello everyone!

    I am not new to this forum, but haven't posted in a while... anyway as all of us I am so much looking forward to more Gideon and Eva, I can't wait...

    I've  just started to think that maybe Sylvia is going to surprise us giving us book 4 and 5 together and that is maybe why we are waiting this long? Or maybe I am just dreaming? Am I the only one to think that?

    Let me know your thoughts!!!

  2. Hi, hope you will all have a nice Christmas and new year!

    Just a question as I have not been on this forum for a long time... Does anyone know why LN CRONAN does not write anymore? I used to really enjoy her posts and I can't seem to find any recent one which I found quite strange...

    Thank you!

  3. Hi, hope you will all have a nice Christmas and new year!

    Just a question as I have not been on this forum for a long time... Does anyone know why LN CRONAN does not write anymore? I used to really enjoy her posts and I can't seem to find any recent one which I found quite strange...

    Thank you!

  4. Ok, I admit I did not know your publishers in detail, so thank you for the clarification.

    I know very well that it is not you delaying it so I never thought ill of your motives.

    As you said it is very frustrating not having in sight book number 4 especially with all the messed up waiting for number 3, but I guess we will have to deal with that!

  5. Dear all, I have not been writing on this forum for long.

    Now I read CBY is maybe coming out in May. True or not I only wish to say that if I was the publisher I would probably delay and delay because in the meantime I would sell so many other books from Sylvia to all the desperate CRossfire fans that are waiting. Truth is I would have never read a few other books from SYlvia if I wasn't waiting and waiting and desperate for more EVa and GIdeon.

    As much as I enjoyed EVa and GIdeon now I am really fed up with the waiting and I feel fooled. After all this waiting the expectations will be so high that no matter how good are the last(?) two books, they will never fulfill all this waiting time.

  6. Gideon Cross 11+1=12+1=13
    Eva Tramell Reyes Cross 12
    Victor Reyes  10
    Monica Stanton 10
    Cary Taylor 10
    Dr. Petersen 10
    Nathan Barker 10
    Tatiana Cherlin10
    Mark Garrity
    Scott (Gideon’s assistant)
    Steven Ellison
    Shawna Ellison
    Elizabeth Cross Vidal 10
    Christopher Vidal Sr. 10
    Christopher Vidal Jr. 10
    Ireland Vidal 10
    Parker Smith 10
    Daniel (lastname unknown)
    Anne Lucas  9
    Terrance Lucas 10
    Brett Kline10
    Megumi 10
    Magdalene Perez 10
    Michael Waters 10
    Christine Fields 10
    Walter Leaman 10
    Angus McLeod10
    Clancy (last name unknown) 10
    Arnoldo Ricci 10
    Martin Stanton 11
    Corinne Giroux 7-1=6-1=5
    Jean Francois Giroux 10
    Richard Stanton 10
    Deanna Johnson 10
    Sam Yimara 10
    Shelly Graves 10
    Lacey (Last name unknown) 10
    Richard Michna 10
    Trey  - 10
    Love this game, nice way to kill the wait!
    And thank you for sharing your informations...
  7. Hello everyone, hope you are all ok and re-re-re- re reading EWY as I am...

    sorry I did not write for a few days, life is a bit hectic at the moment, but EWY is on my bedside table and I read some every night, no matter what else I am reading the last bit before I sleep is from Sylvia...

    I love the leaking the wedding to Deanna scenario! Hope it plays out that way... I would love the last two books with not much drama, at least the last one and I can't take even a single day of separation for our couple after all the days we had in RIY.

    I am sooo looking forward to reading the 4th, hope we will have some good news soon!

  8. Mmm... so many interesting things I read here I would like to comment...

    First of all WELCOME to new members, I am fairly new myself and it is very nice to be able to chat about it here and everyone is so nice in this forum I think!

    - Brett... I like the guy and I hope I won't be disappointed with him. The only possible way I won't be disappointed with him is if he backs off as soon as he knows Eva is engaged/married with Gideon (once Eva is able to tell him). Eva has to be stronger in her dealing with him though, I was very upset when she invited him to her flat, come on Eva!

    - Victor/Monica... I am really curious to know what will happen there...  I would like an happy ending for everyone, but in that case I can't really figure out what the happy ending would be...

    - Cary has to be happy in the end, but the only possible way is if he meets someone else I think... 

    - I missed not seeing or hearing dr. Peterson once

    - Brett and Ireland could be a nice couple!

    - I really liked Magdalene as well, very good friend Gideon has there...

    - do you think the big wedding will happen in book 4 or 5?

    - I was so shocked when Victor discovered straight away about Nathan's abuse... I was not expecting it to happen so soon!

    - hope mr Giroux won't leave without packing her his wife as well!!!

  9. Random thoughts...

    1- the more i think about it the more i think clancy is behind the bracelet

    2- corinne ( from now i will call her SB as in super-b...) must have known she was pregnant, come on Gideon, you cant be so naive!!!

    3- i think tatiana is not really pregnant or if she is she will loose the baby....

    4- i cant stand elizabeth and lucas before corinne because they damaged a child and that to me is unforgivable. Corinne is a sb, but at least she does behave like that because she is in love with gideon and she is not dealing with a child... Gideon could just see she is manipulative

    5- i really dont want to see eva encouraging brett in any way or sending mixed signals, so i hope nothing else will happen there

    6- loved the private wedding and would have loved to read more about it!!!

    7- do you think victor and monica will get back together?!?

    8- i think cary has to find someone that is not tat or trey

    9- i dont know why monica does not upset me as much as elizabeth overall... Ok she has her big faults, but she is very human in her mistakes. Her biggest fault is probably being too superficial and money oriented, but she protected her daughter and still tries in her own way. She kept her daughtet when she got pregnant because she really loved victor.

    More to come....

  10. I hope Clancy gave Gideon  a "free out of jail ticket"! At least it would be a "friend" and not one more problem...

    The bracelet was a plot twist I really liked, well done to Sylvia!


    Now this is the list of the characters I most hate in order:

    1- (most hated)- Elizabeth

    2- Lucas

    3- Corinne

    4- Christopher jr

    5- Deanna


    Most loved:

    1- Eva, Gideon

    2- Victor (ok, he should have not slept with Monica, but I think he was overwhelmed...)

    3- Cary

    4- Angus

    5- Clancy

  11. Hi LN CRONAN !

    yes the tableau one dinner really infuriated me as well! (Not as much as Corinne's attempted suicide, but close).

    You are probably right about Brett. While I really don't like Corinne, I like Brett so far, but I just felt that if he left at least our couple would have had  one less thing to deal with!!! (and now that Eva is going with Cary to visit Victor and Brett is there on tour something else will happen, oh dear!)

    I have so many things that I want to discuss...

  12. Dear all, here we are after such a long wait... I hope you enjoyed the book as I did!

    Where to start...

    Overall I really liked EWY, I loved having more nice time between Eva and Gideon (never enough though for my addiction!), I liked this new, more confident Eva and somehow I felt that Gideon started opening up more. I especially loved that now they fight together against all that is happening in their lives, they don't let anything breaking them up, they really felt like an united front, they clearly want so strongly to move forward together and that is amazing considering where they were coming from.

    My favourite of the 3 books so far is still Bared to you, but this come second mainly because there is more Eva and Gideon together while they spent apart most of the time in Reflected.

    What I did not like in this book was that there  have been so many new plots that somehow felt too cramped to me considering that the book is not long. I understand that there are two more books coming to develop them and I am very happy about it, but the overall feeling that I had was that they were thrown there, but without the space to develop and sometimes situations felt a bit rushed, which I never felt in the first two books. Just the first example that comes to my mind is the end where Eva meet in a very short time Elizabeth, Magdalene , Deanna and Anne Lucas...

    I really hope that the next two books only develop what we have already without any other new things and I especially hope that our couple are just able to enjoy a bit more without always having to worry about something or fixing something else. It felt a bit too many adversities for them to fight. There were already the murder and Gideon's sleeping and family problems that were already enough (and I was really looking forward to reading more about that, but there wasn't much apart finding out who the abuser was) , and then Corinne (I hate her even more now and I really hope Sylvia will get rid of her very quickly because it is unbearable and I would really like not to have to read about her any more) and Brett (why is he still in the picture I don't understand either, just to cause more troubles?). To top it up we have Cary's baby, Deanna, Brett and Eva's video (it felt cramped as well that during the same night Gideon was at the hospital with Corinne (why has he been called?) he also went for a glass of wine with Deanna and then flew to California) , Victor and Monica, Monica's tracking devices, the mystery of Nathan's bracelet (well, I hope at least  that really turns out to be a good thing happened for our couple)...

    This is obviously my personal opinion, I loved the book and I am really looking forward to reading the next two ones (hopefully with less waiting time). 

    I loved Eva and Gideon even more as they are amazing when they are together and they fight together and not against each other. I obviously loved the sex scenes between them...

    I would not like to see more adversities for them. I Hope that in the next two books  we will see a nice wedding, lots of fun and happy time for Eva and Gideon and is it too much to hope for a baby for our couple as well maybe as a surprise at the end of book 5????? OH, I WISH....

    Sorry if my post is maybe a little bit confused (I tried to keep it short and to the point) and I am sure I forgot to mention a lot of other things, but I will post again...

    Looking forward to reading your comments!

  13. I feel 100% cheated!!! I preordered my book in September 2012 on amazon!!!!! And like a stupid now I have to wait until formal release day.... I don't understand the point of delaying for the readers to have the books all at the same time, when clearly the most loyal readers that preordered the books have to wait....it is really unfair... Sorry, I am really grumpy...

  14. Shame that most of us will just be waiting and waiting again for book 4  only starting the 6th of June... 

    I wished the books were longer... and maybe cover a longer spell of time... it is nice to see the story developing day by day, but it would be also very nice (maybe in book 5?!) to see what happens long term between them... I would love have a little look into their lives a few years later... when they hopefully are well settled in their relationship... maybe have children?! and what happened to the other characters of the books as well...

  15. Hi, I personally agree with those of you that see the "brunettes issue" as a "mommy issue" as if he couldn't "control" what happened with the most important woman of his life when he was a child and so now he tries to "control" his relationships with adult brunettes women.

    Clearly when he met Eva he could not control himself and could not  stop himself from wanting her...

    I am incidentally also quite curious to find out how it is explained that he first said to Eva he had more sex with her in a couple of weeks that in the previous 2 years and then he said to Dr. Petersen he had sex twice a week...

    Anyway, I think we are all ready for the book... too much wait is not healthy when it comes to this...

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