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Posts posted by Chenolyn

  1. What really seems strange to me is how so many people were angered by the extra books being planned. I love getting deeper into the different people and seeing the development of their characters and the webs of connection. To me one of the hallmarks of the best novels and movies, is they have engaging secondary characters and back stories. And I look forward to learning their stories and I want to see good things happening in their lives. Think of all the vivid "extras" SD has created: Mark, Steve, Shawna, Martin, Angus, Clancy , Megumi, Cary, Trey, Victor, Ireland, and some of the more problematic like, Monica, Elizabeth, Brett, Magdalena, and of course the bad guys we dislike so intensely. Even Daniel at the gym has a lively spark to him.

    What's the big rush?

    I feel the exact same way. I didn't purposely go out of my way to look at the reviews, but when I saw some of them, I couldn't believe how negative they were! Like you said, most of the complaints (and the reviews) were based on the fact that Crossfire would not be a trilogy. After having read EWY, its just not possible for it to be a trilogy.


    I love everything about this series, especially all of the secondary characters, even the ones you dislike. SD has done such a wonderful job with that. 


    What we don’t for sure or could it be:

    1. Could Monica have had Gideon tailed to monitor his movements?
    2. Could Monica have been planning Nathan’s murder but Gideon beat him to the punch?
    3. Could Monica have arrived after Gideon murdered Nathan and therefore would not have needed to pay off his blackmail demands or wouldn’t need to kill Nathan because he was already dead?


    What we also know for sure about Monica is:

    1. Monica is absolutely thrilled about Gideon and Eva’s relationship.  She has been counseling her daughter about how to keep a relationship with a man like Gideon.
    2. Monica has done everything in her power to ensure that Eva’s “social reputation†has remained intact.
    3. Money has always been very important to a woman like Monica.



    1. Could Monica be responsible for the “cover-up†of Nathan’s murder because she realizes how much Gideon had risked for her daughter?


    The only questions I keep coming back to are:

    1. If each of these characters worked independently of one another then how did everything happen on that one particular day?
    2. Why did everyone: Monica, Gideon and Stanton choose that day to pay off the blackmail demands and kill Nathan?


    I have given one scenario for Monica and questions which I cannot account for.  Everyone feel free to jump in and add or delete as you wish.  If you don’t think that a question is relevant please explain your reasoning so everyone can follow along. 


    Ok, everyone feel free to jump in and add or detract. :)

    Wow, you've made some really interesting points! Now that I'm re-reading (again) I've got more things to consider, that I hadn't thought about before. 


    I've been wondering a lot about Monica and her actions as well. Personally, I think that she did have something to do with the murder, and with Gideon. I think she did have something to do with the cover-up.

    I'm not thinking that all of the characters working independently was simply coincidence. 

  3. Have started re-reading from the beginning of Bared. I'm seeing it in a totally different way, knowing what I do now. I understand Gideon so much more. His fears, his desperation for wanting Eva, protecting her at all costs.

    The depth of the story has increased hugely.

    I'm heading up to camp on Saturday and I think that's what I'm going to do when I'm there. 

    There are so many more things to consider when reading the series now.

  4. I hope in Captivated by you that we learn more about Gideon’s abuse.  I want to know the timeline how did he get out, how did it end??  Like he asked Eva when she told him about her abuse how had she gotten out, how did it end (hers of course was the bleeding and miscarriage)

    How old was he when it ended and did he stay in his Mother’s home longer (guess that depends on how old he was when it ended) or did it end right before he went to college??


    Oh my I need to stop thinking so much.  Just a timeline!!


    :)   :)

    I was thinking all of the same things! :) 

    I always tend to over think things haha 

  5. I had a different interpretation of the run into the ocean.  To me it sounds like Eva was running to hide from crying in front of Gideon.  In each book she mentions that she doesn't like people to see her cry and I don't think she wanted Gideon to see how devastated she was.  I think she just allowed herself to sink under the water and cry; she wasn't trying to kill herself.  Gideon knew she was upset and ran after her then carried her out of the water.  I'm sure she can swim because she likes the beach and said something about the lake house that her step father had.

    I agree with you, and I was thinking the same when I was reading it. It may also have had something to do with her being unsure after what had taken place on the plane.

  6. I hope that my next posts will be helpful. My husband thinks that I am a little OCD. But I need to be able to have thinks make sense, so I have gone through the books & made timelines. They may seem long & I am sorry. I really wanted to be able to give us all a quick reference. Please let me know if I have missed anything. hopefully this will help all of us in our reading or devouring of the series. :laughingsmiley:

    I'm really happy to see this :) 

    Thanks for all of this hard work! 

  7. I don't get it. She established it a while ago that this was going to the a quintet! How can one book take so much heat! Rate the book for what it is... And if they are still upset about it not ending as a trilogy then mention that but don't let that overshadow the book as a whole!

    At the beginning I was a bit worried it was going to be turned into a quintet because I didn't want the story to be watered down just to make it last. I'm not done with EWY but I get why it can't end now. It feels rushed if it was.

    I'm not going to read reviews because really all I care about is discussing the book Friday and I want to hear what ALL of you ladies think, the ladies who cared enough to be part of this community and the ones I've had the pleasure of talking to since I joined.


    Exactly! I'm not quite finished with it yet either, but I think you're right, it would be too rushed. 

    I'm definitely really excited to discuss with you wonderful ladies on Friday! :D 

  8. I'm trying to write my review now. I find it unfair that people base a book rating on the fact that it's not the last book. In my mind a book rating is based on the writing, depth of story, character development, overall enjoyment. To give something one star because you have been living under some rock thinking this was the last in the series is pretty outrageous IMO. No it wasn't a 5 star read for me, but it's certainly not a 1 either.

    I completely agree with you! I've just finished reading through some of those reviews, and all they talk about is how this isn't the final book and how its all about the money... That's not a review, its just a complaint.


     I stop reading them, they were making me a little mad haha 

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