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Posts posted by Angelmine

  1. I agree.  Monica has internalized so much pain and I think that is why she missed Eva's signs of abuse.  I believe Monica has beaten herself up for years over what happened to Eva.  I contend that Monica thought she brought Eva into a place where they both would be safe.  It never dawned on her that Eva would be hurt. 


    Monica had to be in her early 20s when she married Barker.   I think she was relieved she didn't have to worry about money, food, housing, etc.  If it turns out she was a call girl she was even more relieved because she didn't have to sell herself anymore.  She looked at her life through rose colored glasses.  Like Eva said the help didn't send up any flags.  Monica didn't have any point of reference and, most likely thought Eva was going through a phase like many pre-teens/teens. 


    I know it is hard to believe and we all think we would catch symptoms if it were our child but children try to protect their parents and they hide abuse because they are ashamed. 

    Hi Sharon,

     Yes I believe that she has beaten herself up also. Guilt ate at her like acid. My mother didn't find out til long after the abuse stopped. When she did find out she felt so guilty and remorseful that it ate at me. To this day I can't watch tv shows or movies with a molestation in the storyline with her because she gets this look on her face that tears me apart. I was naturally a shy and sensitive person any way so my mother didn't think anything was wrong when I kept to myself. I don't blame her for not noticing, and you are right we try and hide the abuse because we are ashamed. In Eva's case Nathan threatened her. In my case my abuser said if I told everybody would blame me and say that I was a bad person and it was my fault so with that said we try and protect our parents from what is going on and ourselves. Once Monica found out what was going on she did everything in her power to right the wrong.

  2. Hi Angelmine, 


    welcome on board!


    And thank you much for sharing your personal history! I can understand and respect your point of view completely and in your shoes I would propably feel the same! How much you must have suffered! 


    I do have a personal question you don´t need to answer. But I am curious.


    Doesn´t the story of EVA and GIDEON triggers a lot of your old experiences? How you deal with them or is it like this that this story helps you in some ways or on some levels?


    Hope these questions are not to personal. If there are - pls feel free not to answer them! I would not be offended!


    I am asking because this story of E & G triggers a lot of my vulnerable aspects of my life/my past and at the same time helps me to see clearer or to learn to believe that two very hurt people can have a nourishing and long future/ relatinsship with each other  together. 



    Hi SME,

    No they don't trigger any of my old experiences I was 12 - 13 yrs old when I went through what I went through and I got help directly after my experience was over and mine wasn't as traumatic as E or G's experience. my mother didn't find out til I was 22 and my father still doesn't know so I know how Eva felt when she didn't want her father to find out. My father already hates my abuser and if he knew what happened he would kill him. I would not like to have to visit my father in prison so I don't want him to find out. After I read BTY the first time I had a nightmare but that is all. Their story intrigues me and I love reading it. I know how Eva feels when it comes to her being ashamed of how she acted when she was younger. There are a lot of things that I am not proud of in my past but I learned to accept them and move on. My past is my past I learned from it and I am stronger today because of it.

  3. No.  I just don't see that happening. 


    I re-read some of Monica's parts and I see Stanton (megafinancier) as a man who loves his wife.  He loves her so much that he indulges her way too much to try to keep her happy.  He buys Eva & Cary gifts, not because he wants to give them presents but because it makes Monica happy.  “Money was something my mother needed to be happy, and I was glad Stanton…was able to fill that need for her and all her many others as well.† I can’t believe the Monica can live without sex.  That has to be a need Stanton fills.


    Stanton invested money in remolding & security of Parker’s studio.  This is a man he didn’t even know and the only connection he has with him is that his step-daughter wants to workout via self-defense lessons.  Stanton wants his wife secure that her daughter is safe. 


    Stanton spent a fortune paying people to keep the abuse quiet so Eva wouldn’t be embarrassed or exposed.  He did this for Monica (her guilt) not Eva. 


    I think all of Monica's husbands loved her.  I don’t think Monica loved all of them because love isn’t important to her.  Barker hates his son because he hurt Monica.  I think he was more concerned about Monica than Eva the person his son abused.  We don't know a lot about #2 except that he was a gambler and Eva doesn't gamble because of him.  I think he gambled to try to get enough money to hold Monica. He wanted to keep Monica and knew money was the key.


    Finally Monica has Stanton a man who can give her everything she needs.  I don't think he is gay.  I think he is exactly what Monica needs. I’m not sure their love is the love she has for Victor but it is the kind of love that makes her happy and secure.  That is the kind of love Monica needs and she won’t give it up.

    Hi Sharon,

    I agree with everything you say. I feel that Stanton gives Monica everything she needs and wants and she is not going to give that up. She is happy with Stanton but she also needs to resolve her issues with Victor and vice versa so they can both move on and be in a better place.

  4. Hi Angelmine, 


    Thank you for sharing a part of your story.  It is incredibly brave of you to do so and I stand and applaude you as a woman and a fellow human being.  :)   It is unfortunate that the legal system hasn't caught up with protecting children/women/adults from se*ual abusers.   It is disgusting!   


    It is unfortunate (however) that Gideon wouldn't be able to use a "Justifiable Homicide" as his defense.  He planned Nathan's murder for at least a week and under the law, what Gideon did wouldn't qualify as justifiable homicide.  I am sure that we would all love it if he could, but legally he couldn't.  Gideon would have to find another defense.


    This has been a hotly debated topic in this forum.  We have legal experts (including lawyers) who have confirmed that what Gideon did wouldn't qualify as a Justifiable Homicide.  Everyone has their own theory on this and that's cool, but from an actual fact, court of law (in reality) that theory isn't viable.


    I agree with you completely.  I think that if Victor found out about Eva's abuse before Nathan's death, it wouldn't have been too long before Nathan would have been killed.  I couldn't see Victor just sitting back and doing nothing about the wrong that was done to his daughter. 


     I am sending blessings your way and wish you a buon weekend.  Thank you for sharing your story. 

    Hi GiGi,

    Thank you and I thought about it and yes it was premeditated so therefore justifiable homicide does go out the window. I was on my way to sleep when this occurred to me. I myself am in a pre-law/paralegal courses at our local community college. So I really should have known better. Was thinking of how to get our man off without really thinking it through. but thank you for pointing it out.


    Thank you for the Blessings sending them back your way and wish you a buon weekend also :laughingsmiley:

  5. Hi Angelmine

    You are a very brave woman. Big hug from the UK.

    And yes, if Gideon hadn't killed Nathan Victor would have. What we wouldn't do to protect our children.

    Your right about Monica and her comment to Eva about Gideons secret. I posted this a while back on the chapter a day posting.

    I think Monica knows what Gideon did, because I think she went to pay Nathan off the night he died, and saw him(Gideon)coming into the building after she had paid Nathan. Watched what he had done and realising what had happened, Monica rang Clancy (he may have already been outside, because he had been keeping tabs on Nathan)to help. Knowing Gideon killed Nathan to protect Eva. Clancy removed the bracelet and photos. (To be placed on Yedemskys dead body, care of his brother, in the FBI)I think Clancy went above and beyond the all of duty to protect the Stanton's. The money was left in the apartment, because there is no law to say you can't pay someone off. That's why the police have been all over the Stanton's, because of the money trail.

    I know it's far fetched. That's all I got. Lol

    Hi Julie,

    Thank you and hugs sent right back to you.

  6. I would like to try and answer the first one.  Most women I know who lived through an abusive relationship often thought about killing the abuser.  Eva admitted to these very same thoughts.  Nathan was brutal to her and has held her hostage, even if it was an emotional hostage, all these years.  She was afraid of running into him.  Also, Det. Graves told Eva that Nathan was going to kill her.  Graves knew that from her personal experience with other psychopaths that she has encountered on the job.  


    My guess is Gideon also knew that Nathan was going to kill Eva eventually.  He said "the options were restraining orders, increased security, vigilance for the rest of your life.  There was no guarantee you'd be safe unless Nathan was dead."   I have a couple students who had to change there identity to protect themselves from abusers.  Even with restraining orders and identity changes the nut jobs sometimes find them.  I don't blame Gideon for killing Nathan at all. 


    I think they both have a problem with what Gideon did but Nathan was going to get Eva and that makes it easier for them.  I know if it was my child I would have killed her abuser and I wouldn't lose a night's sleep over it.  Can you imagine that he not only raped her repeatedly but he took videos and pictures as souvenirs.  A stab to the heart was to easy a death as far as I'm concerned. 


    Gideon committed a premeditated murder.  I'm not sure what you want him to share with the police.  The police already have all the facts about Nathan and what good did it do?  He was shopping his videos of the rape for money.  He was stalking Eva and he beat the s*** out of Cary and, most likely would have killed Cary if someone (Clancy) hadn't scared Nathan off.  Gideon did what he had to do to protect the woman he loved. 


    I didn't want Gideon to be the killer but it doesn't upset me that he did.  I understand his predicament.  I'm sure there is psychological damage that Gideon has to work through, how can anyone kill another human being and not have emotional issues.  That said, I think he will work through it.


    By the way, your English grammar is fine.  I will sometimes go back and read my posts and wonder how I managed to graduate from grade school.  I type and post way to fast.

    Well if it came down to it Gideon would just have to prove justification. That would be his defense. As a sexual abuse survivor myself I know that I would love the man even more if he killed my abuser. It is scary having to look over my shoulder all the time and with Graves telling her that at some point Nathan was going to kill her it made it all the more better that he was dead. Can't remember who said it but if Gideon wouldn't have killed him then Victor would have because he(Victor) was going to find out eventually and there is nothing in this world that would have been able to save Nathan from Victor.

  7. I've just finished #1 & 2 in Maya Banks' Breathless Trilogy. Not bad. I'll definitely check out the KGI series. Beth Kery is pretty good-a little BDSM. I'm curious to read some of Raine Miller and Gail McHugh's works. Also been reading more of Sylvia's stuff. BTY was my first SD book. I really like her writing.

    I have read MB"s sweet series and I have her breathless on order I also have read all of Sylvia's other books which are a great read altogether I have 9 of Sylvia's books and 6 of MB's they keep me busy until CBY comes out.

  8. OH! And why would Eva tell Brett that she and Cary are going to SD the next week? He didn't have to know!

    I feel you on this she really didn't have to tell him that she was going. she needs to nip that in the bud very quickly. her texting him these smiley faces is really irking my nerves. She can just ignore his texts. I really was irked by her explanation about why she asked him up to the apt. wouldn't have been rude in my eyes just don't want to be bothered and he already knows that she just wants to be friends. like Cary said "no means no".

  9. Ok so I was reading through the comments again and I realized I forgot all about Anne.  She is a major witch with a capital B. I agree that she latched on to Corinne to get back at Gideon she doesn't realize that the only person that she is hurting is herself because she doesn't know why Gideon did her the way he did. She thinks that he is just a playboy and uses women.


    I would like to see Gideon work through his nightmares in book 4 if there is only 5 books. Hopefully since there is such a big following they will continue the series, or maybe the other characters will get their own books continuing the following.


    I also agree that maybe Micheal plays a big part into what is going on with Megumi. It might be Chris Jr. but then again I would think that people would know what he looks like and Megumi said that she likes to gossip so I would think that she has seen him in gossip papers or something like that. But this puzzles me so I'm not sure.


    See so many things running through my head lost my train of thought.

  10. Ok I know I am late to the party. Been looking for a forum like this for a while. Have so much to say and so little time. So I will try and say what I have to without losing my train of thought.

    First I think that Monica asked Clancy to kill Nathan but he was too late as Gideon had already did it. This is why she said you never know when and why you will need money. I also think that Clancy knew about the Russian mob through his brother as he does work for the FBI and also Clancy was in the military but he is closed mouth about it which has me thinking he was in special forces so he probably already new how to "cover up" the murder anyway.

    Second, I think Gideon already knows that Brett is going to be in SD so he will either go with them or he will meet them there to diffuse the Brett bomb once and for all if he hasn't done it before they leave. I also think that he trusts Eva enough to let her handle the situation on her own. Now that they have started spreading the news about their "engagement" Eva will start wearing her ring s that should diffuse the bomb also. I also agree with the notion that Brett had something to do with the sextape.

    Third, I think that Cary knew all about Eva getting back wit Gideon. He is too observant not to know, he knows her better than she knows herself. He was just waiting for Eva to tell him, that is why he was so at her for leaving him out of the loop. I also think that Eva can tell him everything that is going on 'cause Cary loves her and he would do anything for her.

    Fourth, the whole Corinne and Deanna issue makes me angry. Once Gideon learns how manipulative she(Corrine) is he will cut her off once and for all. Her husband needs to cart her off back to Paris. Deanna needs to get a grip on herself and leave Gideon alone, if she would just open her eyes she would see that Gideon has eyes for only one person and it is not her. Actually both her and Corrine need to come to this realization. Magdalene has moved on they should follow suit.

    Fifth, Christopher should buy a clue and figure out that he will never ever measure up and be as good or better than Gideon. So he needs to stop trying to compete ad be his own man. I think that Christopher is the one giving Corrine false hope where it concerns Gideon. Elizabeth should also buy a clue. I still can't figure out why she thinks Eva is the one "feeding him lies", Gideon was estranged from his family before she even came into the picture so how is she going to take him away?

    Last but surely not least (for right now anyway) I think that Gideon is going to design and have a ring made for their next wedding. He gave her his mothers ring for sentimental reasons, as their first wedding was personal and for them he wanted t give her something that meant a lot to him.

    These are just some of my thoughts.

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