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Posts posted by hotreads

  1. What happens next when Deanna/Anne/Corrine learns the truth: Mrs. Eva Lauren Tramell Reyes Cross? I think Corrine already threw in the towel over the engagement news and is leaving New York the instant she gets out of the hospital. But not Deanna and Anne. They both turn bunny boiler?


    Maybe Deanna becomes what Eva has feared for a decade, a journalist who exposes her dark past about Nathan? Ever since the first book, we knew Eva was afraid of that. And then it comes out Nathan got murdered, and so gossip starts speculating Eva had something to do with that?


    What about Anne, when she finds out Gideon and Eva got married? A dangerous expert at mind games, because she's a shrink, Anne would know all the buttons to push with Eva, especially if Deanna already exposed Eva's past, raped as a child and promiscuous years later because of the damage. Plus there is new guilt to manipulate Gideon with about the miscarriage and suicide attempt? And does Anne know Gideon is a rape survivor too?

  2. About Gideon and Deanna's past, I think he told Eva the whole truth about his side, which was it had been nothing more than a one-night-stand. Things changed as soon as he found out Deanna was going to try to make Eva collateral damage.  There probably is more going on in the background right now between Gideon and Deanna, new history, not old. New stuff he's trying to hide from Eva because he doesn't want Eva upset? Like maybe Deanna is digging around about Nathan and Gideon knows it? On Deana's side, I think she stayed obsessed the whole time, but what made her become a bunny-boiler was the former fiancée coming back. Even Eva went crazy when Corrine showed up.

  3. The back cover text does say "... lured bitter enemies out of the shadows." That's past tense, so I think it means that now, all the people from the past triggered by Gideon and Eva falling in love have crept out of the woodwork, and the last two books will deal with how Gideon and Eva fend them off and reach happily ever after. The people who have/had it in for Eva, for Gideon, or for both of them, cropped up in the story in this order, if I remember right, and correct me if I missed any one.


    Bared To You

    Christopher Jr. (for Gideon)

    Magdalene (for Eva, but not any more I think)

    Corrine (for Eva)

    Terry Lucas (for Gideon at first and for Eva too after she threatened him)


    Reflected In You

    Nathan (he showed up and had it in for both of them)

    Brett (for Gideon)

    Victor (for Gideon when he thought he was a cheater, but not any more)

    Detective Graves (maybe for Gideon? Maybe now for Eva too? Still not sure)


    Entwined With You

    Deanna (mainly for Gideon but maybe now for Eva too)

    Someone in the Russian mob (maybe for blackmail?)

    Jean-Francois (for Gideon)

    The guy who made the sex tape (for Gideon and Eva)

    Elizabeth (for Eva)

    Anne Lucas (for Gideon and probably now for Eva too)

  4. OK, I'm new, so bear with me. I want to throw out theories Deena might be one of the " .... bitter enemies out of the shadows ..." hinted at on the back cover of Captivated By You, the enemies lured out into the open by Gideon's love for Eva. Unlike other "brunette threats" that tried to end the relationship, Deena doesn't love Gideon, so "winning" isn't getting Gideon - it's getting even.


    She was bent on revenge even though she's still hot for him. I think she hates him for treating her like a w h o r e (her word) during their one night stand at the f-pad. We don't know how long ago the one night stand happened, only that it must have happened before early June, when he met Eva.


    In June, he made sure everyone knew Eva was his serious girlfriend. Deanna thought he did it just to make Corrine jealous. In July, he and his ex-fiancée were "back together." Is that what finally set Deanna off by mid-summer, the thought of him getting married? So Deanna hatched a revenge plot to paint Gideon as a violent abuser?


    In early August, Deena ambushed Eva, and we know all the awful things Deena said. Though we don't know what Deena said to Magdalene, we know Deena went after that "ex" too. Deanna had no way of knowing Magdalene and Gideon were strictly platonic - she probably thought Magdalene had been a full-fledged girlfriend he cheated on all the time and then dumped for Eva. We also know Deena went after Corrine, showing Corrine pictures from Times Square proving Gideon was reconnecting with Eva.


    By the end of Entwined With You, Gideon got lulled into a sense of security about Deena. He believed Deena accepted his apology. He felt she did him a favor by warning him about the sex tape, but I think the real reason she told him was to try to get him to reject Eva. Finally, when he told Deanna he was going to marry Eva, he thought he'd neutralized Deena with the promise of money Deena could make with exclusive access to his wedding pictures.


    He thinks he's got Deanna under control. Does he? Or is Deanna still plotting and soon is going to go nuts when she finds out Gideon already secretly married Eva? Maybe Deanna would get so mad the money won't matter anymore. Revenge would be to hurt Gideon by tabloid stories his socialite wife used to be a Brett Kline groupie. Even though Gideon made sure the actual video footage itself never gets out, the fact remains it exists, and Deanna is among the people who knows it.


    So is Deanna now plotting revenge by reporting about the sex tape herself or leaking the story to some sleazy journalists she knows? In Bared To You, Gideon said he would destroy any reporter who hurt Eva. Would he destroy Deena? Or would "new Gideon" changed for the better by Eva's love rise above it?

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