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Posts posted by Crossfire

  1. Thanks sylvia and everyone im do excited ur books r great im hooked i was such a christian grey fan now im totally gideon cross omg pls let eva and him marry 😀

    I was a CG fan as well.. But now am so glad GC got me out of that! I like Eva's character way more , Ana was such a pushover, I see her as a yes/no/yes/no girl now. A bit annoying really. And I like how Gideon doesnt use sex as an "either punishment or reward" option

  2. Aaaaaahhhhh!! As much as I enjoyed the first two books, I really hope there's not a number four. I hate the waiting for books to be released - it's so much better when you can read them in quick succession. I feel like I'll have to re-read RIY before June.

    Yes! I want a four and five! I'd like to see Gideon trying to control a teenaged daughter!

  3. I agree with GiGi a child is always to be believed with or without proof by their parents. Because let's say for just the sake of discussion Gideon made the whole thing up... That's an unusal thing for a child to make-up without being coached in that direction - so then the question becomes what is happening in the mind of this child that they would make-up such a thing? Either way the child is presenting with a serious problem that needs compassion and immediate attention, which Elizabeth failed on both counts.

    But, I think we're given a clue when Gideon says to Elizabeth at the Sunday records brunch in BTY when she protest him taking Cary away from the party Gideon says something to the like "I thought you would like him." and "Cary is Eva's friend which makes him a friend of mine." Odd thing to say to a mother unless she likes younger men and maybe was having an affair with the student counselor who was abusing Gideon and she helped to cover it up so her affair wouldn't come out and destroy her marriage. Or... Elizabeth is one of those evil beyond evil mother's who shut down as far as Gideon was concerned because he reminded her too much of his father who took the easy rode out and left her with all the shame and the blame. Maybe she didn't care what happened to him as long as she didn't have to deal with it and maybe it was Vidal Sr. who paid to cover it all up and make it go away. What little I've read about Elizabeth, she seems like she's a missed dose of thorazide away from crazy to me. Yes I know that Elizabeth was pregnant at the time, but hey, pregnate women cheat because she may have only married Vidal Sr. for the security of his money - she was left penniless it seems after Gideon's father died. I think that's why Gideon has controlling interest in their company - he needed them at one time and now they need him. I love it!

    And I don't think Elizabeth asked Christopher Jr. if Gideon was being abused. I think she might have asked him if he'd been touched just so she and Vidal Sr. would know how to contain the situation if only one of the boys were being molested and wouldn't you know it... it's the outside child so to speak. Just another problem (like his dad) to be dealt with. I can see Vidal Sr. & Jr. hating Gideon from the first - Sr. because he's the beautiful ex's kid that maybe Elizabeth was still having a hard time of letting go and Jr. because Elizabeth and Ireland look like Gideon, Chris Jr. does not. And black hair and blue eyes must be the highly wanted traits in that family especially because everyone was so shocked Eva was a blonde.

    Last point, Gideon tells Eva in BTY that his mother is the only woman that's ever been to his apartment.... I wonder if that was by invitation or did she just pop over? However it happened he must of said something that made her never come back because we never see her there thus far???

    I loved when Eva confronted Elizabeth in RIY and she tells her to go to and Eva says, "I'm already there and so is your son." Game Over. That was the slap heard around the kindle.

    I'm getting way to into it here. Time to find something to do until June 4th. Oh yeah those little people running around - I'm suppose to raise them or something. Yeah, I'll go do that. LOL.

    Oh yes! I forgot about THAT remark Gideon made to his mum at the party! What was THAT supposed to mean! we'll have to find out in Entwined. This is amazing, do you think she (Sylvia) plans so far ahead when she writes bits like that? Or is it crazy fans like us that make her stay on her toes?
  4. Hi Crossfire,

    I apologize if I misunderstood your position. My position is as such. If a child claims that they have been sexually abused, they are to be believed PERIOD!!!! No if's and's or but's....PERIOD!!! I understand the analogy of a child getting into a fight, but I state clearly this is the rule to the exception. Common sense would dictate that there are many many forms of sexual abuse that wouldn't necessarily show up during an exam, such as oral sex, fondling, touching, etc. None of those things could be evidenced unless a child were forced to perform oral sex on an adult, then petechiae or little red dots, or bruising, hemorrhages could be found at the back of the child's throat. I have seen that clinically for myself on a few occasions.

    My position here is absolute! A child is always to be believed...PERIOD!! A child is always to be given the benefit of the doubt...PERIOD!! 9/10 times, a child will keep the sexual abuse a secret, and even with clinical physical documented evidence, a child will be reticent about reporting the abuse. Often times, the child believes the threats that the abuser has made; ie. I will hurt you, your family, they are going to take you away from your family, etc. The fact that Gideon had the courage to speak up and tell his mother was huge! I can't even imagine how much suffering he must have endured before the opened his mouth to someone who was supposed to love and protect him. So no as far as I am concerned Elizabeth Vidal not only dropped the ball but she sent her son back to the person who was abusing him. It is morally reprehensible! If I had my way, Elizabeth Vidal should loose custody of Ireland and face criminal charges. This woman wasn't lacking funds, resources or opportunities to find counselling elsewhere. She could have easily found someone else to counsel her and her son, but she didn't. Again, she could fired the entire team just to be on the safe side and she didn't. She chose her convenience over that of her child.

    I also think that it is also absolutely asinine and RIDICULOUS that Elizabeth Vidal would ask Christopher about Gideon's abuse. There are SO MANY things wrong with that thought process that I wouldn't even know where to begin! I have absolutely no sympathy for Elizabeth Vidal whatsoever. My sympathy has and always will lay with the child. That child will have to live with the horrific effects of being abused for the rest of their lives. Elizabeth Vidal should live with guilt. More so, she hasn't done anything to atone for her error in judgement. Why should Gideon forgive her?

    In the end it will be very interesting to see how Sylvia will deal with this issue. It is clear from the books that Gideon has far from dealt with these issues and the part that her mother played in this entire thing.

    OMG you certainly put up a strong case! It is such a dark area. You are absolutely right...oh dear, how is Sylvia going to handle this in Entwined? I know i was hoping that Eva would help bring them together again, but how? You are right she WAS terribly irresponsible to send him back. Oh the poor child. Now That part where he said "especially when you think they care for you" breaks my heart! Now I am not sure how I want this mother/son relationship to pan out.

  5. Or maybe AMC has a point. That SHE has to TRUST him enough to be submissive, cos, until now she has never let anyone "dominate" her because of her fear...

    Incidentally, I also liked the part when she pointed out that she no longer over reacts when he is with Corinne as He didnt over react to find her with Brett (or was it Christopher) .. Because they now TRUST each other. That was a good part. WAY TO GO, Sylvia!

  6. Yeah, I do agree on WHERE all this is coming from ie, the need to be in control, on both their sides, as consequences of their having been abuse. But what I meant was, it was funny how Gideon suddenly thought "I see where our problem is.." ..."you need to be the submissive"


  7. Was re reading and came across that part of the book (Bared to You) when Gideon brought Eva back to his apartment from the party at his parents' house. Where he said "I finally get what is holding us back" and he said that Eva just has to accept the fact that she is submissive and accept his control. WHAT was THAT all about? I don't see where that was coming from at all, anyone care to elaborate on this?

  8. Hi everyone,

    I thought a lot about this subject and I have to agree with Crossfire. I am sure that Gideon suffered from the lack of support of his family, but what I find more insidious is the fact that this mother not only did not believe him, she pitted him against his brother when she took Christopher's word against Gideon. Then instead of taking Gideon at his word about being abused, she continued to allow the "abuser" access to Gideon. I would think that any prudent mother with half an ounce of sense, would have fired said psychiatrist/psychologist/grad student and then found someone else to help her with her problems. It seems that the world solely revolved around Elizabeth Vidal. I really hope that the next book deals with these issues. What does everyone else think? I find this entire process so fascinating!

    This was NOT my opinion at all. I think she probably did what most mothers do without realising the future damage. (Like when your child comes home to say there was a fight in class and he says the OTHER child hit him first. You ask the other mother ofmthe other child, and you will hear,of course, the opposite. What do you do? You ask the teacher, teacher says your child lost his temper and threw the first punch. You ask the other classmates they say the same. What do you then do? It is never easy. She has never been forgiven by Gideon and will probably never forgive herself. But she is trying. But Gideon is too hurt to brdge that gap. hope further down in the book we will see that Eva will be the one to help him bridge it, cos you see that he wants to.

  9. Gideon definitely killed Nathan, with his own hands, of that I'm convinced. But his motive wasn't revenge for Nathan raping Eva as a girl. His motive was Eva's life was in danger. It was methodically planned out, and you could make a case for it being justifiable homicide. (Well, maybe. He did take the law into his own hands, but the motive was to save an innocent life.)


    From something Sylvia posted somewhere recently (I gotta start writing down a list of where she posts key insights) Sylvia made clear that Cary being beaten half to death made the danger level too high for Gideon's comfort. Even the cops later conceded Nathan likely was going to kill Eva sooner or later.


    A single stab wound to the chest leaves little physical evidence. Repeatedly slashing someone gets blood on the perpetrator and can leave an evidence trail. So does physically struggling with a victim, which leaves scratches on the perpetrator and traces of his skin (and thus DNA) under the fingernails of the deceased. A gun leaves ballistic evidence, including gunshot residue on the shooter's hand.


    I think it went down like this: Nathan let Gideon into the hotel room, Gideon stabbed him once and then stood back to watch Nathan bleed out, making sure he was dead. Then Gideon hustled right back to the party. No physical evidence on him in terms of blood. (Hmmm, though I suppose he had a lot of explaining to do about all the bruises on him from that fistfight with Eva's ex, Brett, one week earlier.)


    I think Angus knew about Nathan all along and helped Gideon pull off the killing, maybe by driving him to and from the scene and helping him sneak in and out of both Nathan's hotel and the hotel where the party was. Certainly, he helped protect Eva before and continued to watch over her after, even after she left Gideon.


    I think Angus even knows about Gideon having been sexually abused as a child. He worked for the Vidals back then, including driving Gideon to school. Maybe even then he was trying to protect Gideon as best he could while Gideon's mother tried to suppress the fact abuse ever happened. Once Gideon was old enough and financially secure enough to do so, he hired Angus because Angus was one of the few adults he trusted, and so trusted Angus to help protect Eva.


    Entwined is supposed to be very much Gideon's story, and I'm really hoping the story fills in many blanks -- one of which is how Gideon took revenge upon the person who abused him.

    Yes! I am so TOTALLy with you on your points. We are definitely on the same page! And i am happy with your first observation: that Gideon killed Nathan not for revenge but because he feared for the Eva's safety.

    Which also illustrates that he has tremendous self control (being a very jealous person etc..also Angus said that so he must have seen many examples of this self control)

    Which makes it all the more interesting, on the final question:what happened to the person who abused him, and Dr Lucas' role.

  10. I think that Gideon had total control and was capable of a single stab in the heart. He already had punch Nathan in his office (the blood in his shirt) and he could risk do anything else because of the timeline and he could risk leave behind anything that could be traced back to him.

    Good one. I'm with you on this

  11. Do you think Angus murdered Nathan?

    Angus worked for the Vidal's and knew Gideon as a child..

    I feel that Angus is the only person Gideon totally trusts (besides Eva)..

    I agree. (That Angus is the only OTHER person Gideon would trust) they probably worked together on this

  12. O.M.G.!!!    You have such great insights!   I previously thought that it wasn't until Victor went back to California that he would start delving into what happened to Eva...

    But Eva is his daughter and to see how Eva reacted when Nathan's name was brought up-----YES!----I can see how he would start his investigation that night after Eva went to bed!!


    I think that if Victor had found out what Nathan had done to Eva before Nathan was killed, I believe Victor would have killed Nathan or had him killed...

    I KNOW! Isn't this FUN! I feel as if we all KNOW these people personally, (and that they really exist, and not just figmants of Sylvia Day's imagination!! )at the rate we are discussing them and the scenarios!

    Ths is so funny

  13. I'm sure that after the detectives left Victor would have wanted / demanded answers from Cary about Eva's reaction to Nathan's name being mentioned. I think Cary would have kept her secret .

    The Saturday morning run I think he went to Gideon's apartment wanting answers from him.

    I dont think Gideon would have told him Eva's secret in graphic details , just that Nathan had to go. i then think Victor would have told Gideon to go to the police and told him if Eva phoned to answer the call. Adding weight to the breakup.

    I am hoping that in EWY we will see how Victor will help Gideon and Eva be together . And build on their relationships .

    No, he wouldn't have gone to Gideon. He doesnt even know him that well then, but Cary, yes. Tho Cary might have been loyal to Eva and not told him anything, respecting the fact that Eva hadn't wanted him to know. Besides, he also showed Eva the publicity shots of Gideon that he'd found on the internet, remember, he would've mentioned it to Gideon otherwise (and not asked Eva if Corinne was another 'sister')

  14. I think the confrontation between Gideon's mum and Eva is significant. Eva's anger with her is due to the fact that she'd always had her mother's and Stanton's support. (Even tho she went through much worse and her mum never noticed anything? Her behaviour around Nathan, etc? Even tho she never TOLD her) and it was finally through an indisputable event, medical intervention thru a miscarriage ie how LONG had it been going on?) that she finally realised her all was not alright in between her shopping sprees?

    Gideon might have suffered more from NOT having any support than the act itself but his mum take steps to find out. It is so difficult in these cases to know what is the truth and we rely on "those who know" supposedly.

    I'd like to read more on this. Would be nice if eventually Eva sees the true difficulty of being a mother in Gideon's mum. HER mum had it easy (jumping on the next husband when the bits don't fit) but it is Gideon's mum (and her relationship with her son) that has more depth.

    This post has been promoted to an article

  15. Regarding Eva's Dad, Victor, in Reflected on the night of the dinner at Eva's, my guess is that soon as Eva shut herself in her bedroom, he cornered Gideon, demanding Gideon tell him what was the deal about Nathan. Gideon obviously kept his mouth shut. And remember, Gideon's sister Ireland was there. The polite thing to do would have been to leave immediately to take Ireland home, now that the dinner was over and the hostess had suddenly gone to bed because she was feeling sick. I'm sure Ireland was Gideon's out to leave right away rather than face Victor badgering him for some sort of answers.


    In Reflected, Victor then did some online digging on Gideon later that night or early the next morning. Victor was the one who first spotted the online newspaper picture of Gideon partying with Corrine on Thursday night. Victor then showed that picture to Eva on Saturday morning (i.e. the morning after dinner that ended with the detectives showing at Eva's.) We know what happened next -- it was the last straw for Eva. She immediately called up Gideon and dumped him over Corrine.


    My guess is we'll see more of Victor in Entwined, that he's going to find out Nathan wasn't simply some bully (the lie Eva told Victor) and that Nathan tried blackmailing Stanton and probably tried to blackmail Gideon too. And find out that all those years ago, Eva's mom, Monica, quietly settled the rape case in civil court for millions of dollars rather than making sure Nathan went to prison. I can see Victor flying out to New York and angrily confronting Monica at the very least. Not stopping there, Victor could then turn his anger on Stanton for his (Stanton) having helped to continue to hush up the whole Nathan nightmare, both in the past (shelling out money to further tighten the secrecy seals on the old case against Nathan) as well as Stanton opting against going to the police immediately after Nathan showed up to blackmail him. And maybe next on Victor's list would be to confront Gideon to demand answers out of him too.


    Victor loves his daughter with all his heart. And Victor is a cop. He would have wanted to see Nathan in prison for what Nathan did. Instead, rich people surrounding Eva tried resorting to using their wealth to keep the Nathan situation secret.

    Yeah. Definitely more on Victor in Entwined, I am sure. I'll bet Sylvia didnt make his character a cop for no reason.

    In the end it would be: Stanton had all the money to help buy anonymity, Gideon had the passion to "get rid of the problem", (and there is no way the case will just "disappear") but Victor is the one on the "inside" and he WILL find a loophole in the law and get Gideon all out of this mess.

    My guess is, he realised very quickly Gideon has a part in all this, told him to continue laying low and made a few phone calls throughout that night. The next morning when he came in (and bumped into the mother) he had been for "more " than a run!

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