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Posts posted by azmich

  1. LOVE IT !!!!!!!

    Well-we had no winner for the title.

    I notice a pattern. The second word is never repeated:

           Bared TO You

           Reflected IN You

           Entwined WITH You

           Captivated BY You

    We'll have to keep that in mind when we guess the title for Book 5.

  2. Well-since it's so close to the title coming out, I decided to post our picks:


    Julie54-Forever With You    Eternally With You

     Andie-Lived For You

    Sheens263-For the Love Of You

     Atlangel-Captured By You

    Sharonm745-Freed By You    Can't Hardly Wait For You

     Donnad-Enraptured By You

    sscrph-Demonized By You    Eternity With You

     azmich-One With You

    Ript-Exposed To You

     DawsonDarcyCross-Bond To You    Tomorrow With You

    LN Cronan-Trusting In You    Angel Of Mine

     Gigi-Beloved By You

    Gabri-Forever Into You

     wawsalbert-Forever With You

    Peachies-Deeper Into You

     xfire-Absolved By You    Redeemed By You

    Rosie363-One With You    Eternally Crossfire

     Paulatim-For The Love Of You

    Nrock-Possessed By You

     EmVeeCrossfire-Bound To You    Stand By You


    Just for something to do, I thought I'd bring the list forward.

  3. That could be a possibility!

    Lol at getting rid of Corinne and Anne. Idk to be honest the Russian mob twist just came out of the blue so I really dont know what to make of it! Idk where it could lead. General consensus is that Clancy planted the bracelet... I hope that's the case because if not and someone from the mob comes to collect it could get dangerous.


    Clancy or his brother could have planted the bracelet, to protect Gideon, Stanton and Monica. But the Russians could have got wind of what had happened and are now out for blood for sullying one of their members, with a message," don't mess with us!"


    Scary thoughts about the mob.

  4. Well-since it's so close to the title coming out, I decided to post our picks:


    Julie54-Forever With You    Eternally With You

     Andie-Lived For You

    Sheens263-For the Love Of You

     Atlangel-Captured By You

    Sharonm745-Freed By You    Can't Hardly Wait For You

     Donnad-Enraptured By You

    sscrph-Demonized By You    Eternity With You

     azmich-One With You

    Ript-Exposed To You

     DawsonDarcyCross-Bond To You    Tomorrow With You

    LN Cronan-Trusting In You    Angel Of Mine

     Gigi-Beloved By You

    Gabri-Forever Into You

     wawsalbert-Forever With You

    Peachies-Deeper Into You

     xfire-Absolved By You    Redeemed By You

    Rosie363-One With You    Eternally Crossfire

     Paulatim-For The Love Of You

    Nrock-Possessed By You

     EmVeeCrossfire-Bound To You    Stand By You

  5. ^^^ THIS


    And not once -- once -- has Brett fought dirty.


    Unlike Crazy Corrine and Devious Deanna.


    Mad Magdalene did come out swinging at first, but when she figured out Gideon loved Eva and vice versa, she bowed out gracefully and has been on Team Gideon Deserves To Be Happy ever since.


    Bummed Brett, I think, will turn into the same class act that Maggie did -- he'll know when to throw in the towel.




    Bummed Brett!!!! Good one!

    We need to make up a list of everyone's names. Ahem-let's see-who's really good at that stuff..................?

  6. Going out on a limb here.

    What if Monica turned up at Nathan's to pay him off, just as Gideon was leaving, he doesn't see Monica . Monica finds a dead Nathan, calls Clancy for help. Clancy arranges the hit on Yedemsky, care of his brother(job for life care of Stanton). Hence Clancys comments, "you'll be ok"

    It was Monica's comment to Eva at lunch, when Eva said she and Gideon didnt have secrets, Monica asked "what about him(Gideon)?

    Then Monica went on to say, "everything I've done is for love. Everything"

    In chapter 17 Monica s definitely hiding something big.


    Like that possibility!!!

  7. So do you think Eva won't go to San Diego?  I thought that was a given.


    I think the SD trip is a must-

              They need to get the sex tape situation under control

               And definitely need to deal with Brett

  8. # 4 or Megumi is nursing an injury, like a swollen black eye -- that she was in an abusive relationship, the guy hit her, and she's calling in sick while waiting for the swelling to go down enough that she can cover the bruising with makeup.


    I'm still going with the thought that Michael is really into Megumi and took her away to the Hamptons to prove it.(No phones,etc. Just like you-know-who) She even said he rearranged his life to be with her more often.

  9. I was thinking about that last night Julie (how sad am I at night thinking of theories in EWY LOL) anyway if SD is doing it as a timeline for a week at a time as she has done so far and they are in August just now SD would have to make a huge jump to get the wedding in for December.  My worry is now that if this scenario is right and it is December then we may not get the big "official" wedding until book 5 at the end and that would be the ending.


    I am also thinking this maybe the ending in book 5 with the next books focusing on Gideon and his problems, so it may take all that time to get through his stuff.


    Personally I would hate for book 5 to end like that I would love to see Eva and Gideon have children, I know that can be in an epilogue but I personally would love the wedding to be earlier on.


    It is one of my questions to SD in Twitter asking if the official wedding will be earlier or later on in the books but as she is travelling I have not had a reply yet 


    My theory is that Book 4 will begin with the wedding...


    My feeling is that GidEva's wedding will take place well before Dec. Eva's supposed to be helping Shawna plan Mark & Steven's wedding and I think Gideon will be very put out and impatient, that she can spend the time doing that and maybe not devoting more of her time to planning their own.

    With all the $$$ both families (Cross & Stanton) have and so many resouces they could pull it all together within a matter of weeks.

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