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Posts posted by Andie

  1. Andie


    I am just in aww at how you come to your conclusions, I have looked over the snippets and countdown picture after reading what you have written and they make more sense than what I had been picturing LOL :)


    Will you do another one after the book comes out stating what went where with the pictures and countdown as well, I had just mentioned to LN, I would love someone to do that so I know myself what I reading co-incides with what picutre/snapshot otherwise I will be clueless when reading the book :)


    Hi, Sheens


    I'd love to do it for you *hugs* I'm having so much fun with my crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo chart that I successfully resist myself from reading any reviews *LOL* Slim odds of crossguessingfirerandomly [that's crossfire+guessing randomly *wink*] it right, though *grin*



  2. My Favorites


    Chapter 14

    1. line: The fact that you won't explain his grudge against you makes me think you're at fault (p. 241)


    2. paragraph: Tha fact that I was too tired to care one way or another said a lot about my own disconnection. Maybe there were people out there whose love could survive anything, but mine was fragile. It neeeded to be nurtured in order to thrive and grow (p. 245)


    3. scene: Eva having lunch with Steven and Mark



    Chapter 15

    1. line: You got two left feet? (p. 263)


    2. paragraph: So he and my father were in the position of struggling to find who would be the alpha, and I suspected I hung in the balance. As if anyone were in control of my life but me (p. 267)


    3. scene: Eva dancing with her father


    [This is my second time reading RIY and I just realized that somehow I'd skipped page 258. Reading "this yo-yo thing" put a smile on my face]


    Peruse away

  3. [i'm back after having some time out so I'm going to crossfire the thread with my postings *wink* hope you don't mind]


    Hello, ladies


    My Favorites


    Chapter 3

    1. line: And maybe, if I'm really lucky, you'll feel better tomorrow and like me again (p. 52)


    2. paragraph: I was in love with that tender, deeply emotional man. And I resented the facade and his attempts tohide himself from me (p. 45)


    3. scene: the couples therapy session



    Chapter 4

    1. line: The pain and degadration of my memories washed away beneath the selfless reverence of Gideon's patient caretaking (p. 60)


    2. paragraph: We stood there for a long moment, surrounded by steam and secrets, physically close yet emotionally distant. I hated it. The urge to cry was overwhelming and I didn't fight it. It felt good to get it out. All the presssure of the long day seemed to flow out of me as I sobbed (p. 58)


    3. scene: Gideon taking good care of Eva after she had a horrifying dream

  4. LN Cronan, here's the final part:


    SNAPSHOT                          SNIPPET                                                                    CHAPTER                           COUNTDOWN





    #16 Bleachers             10 (setting: Times Square and Cary did say "bleachers")    XVI--Resolution         17 love that hurts another person

                                                                                                                                                                      [my guess: Brett gives up]




    #17 A man's holding     [my guess: 1 when Gideon said "I settled for less" and       XVII--Conflict              18 choices that haunt

    a French passport        the note: "from a conversation about past relationships"]                                       [my guess: Corinne]




    #18 Private plane on                                                                                            XVIII--Resolution      19 strong passion that can no longer   

    the ground with its door                                                                                                                         hidden [my guess: Giroux's arrival/

    open and on position set of stairs                                                                                                         Corinne's departure either way resulted

                                                                                                                                                                  in GidEva having a strong passionate






    #21                                                                                                                           XXI--Conflict        22 secrets that can either protect                                                                                                                                                              or harm



    #22 (end: May 30th)*          [my guess: 5 at Eva's apartment, after dinner,             XXII--Resolution    23 a song that changes the way

                                               dancing, song--Eva's feelings towards Gideon]                                         you feel






    Please keep in mind that it's just my theory. There's always room for error *grin*




    Sylvia, I really treasure the brain gym *wink*



    [Edit: 20/05/13]


    * Friday, May 31st


    P.S.: Whenever I make major changes (that don't include typos) in my postings, I always write the date of editing down.

  5. [Kirsten, thank you so much *hugs* It worked! I did it!! *happy dance*]




    LN Cronan, in case you missed my chart, I re-post it for you from the New Entwined Clues thread:


    *okay, I think I have to make three postings*


    Crossword-Sudoku-Puzzle Combo Chart





    SNAPSHOTS                                                  SNIPPET                                                                  CHAPTER                     COUNTDOWN


    #1 A pen                    A special teaser for New Years aka not an "official" snippet   I (May 7th) COMPLETE--Conflict                    2                  

    (start: March 19th)                                                                                                                                                              (finale: June 3rd)



    #2 Unwrapped Christmas present         2, 3, 9, "trade" (mentioned in Oscar Night snippet)      II (May 7th) SNEAK PEEK-Resolution  





    #9 A woman at a club                                        6 and 7                                                                       IX Conflict





    *lemme hit post to see how the layout goes*

  6. Hello, ladies



    I'd like to share what I expect to read in EWY:

    1. Gideon's abuser

        This would reveal Gideon's childhood involving Elizabeth Vidal, the srink, and the doctoral candidate


    2. Nathan's murder case

        It would be intriguing to see how Monica (and Stanton?) and Angus team up with Gideon to terminate Eva's abuser


    3. GidEva's smartegic [that's smart+strategic] plan

        I assume the crux of Chapter 2 would be "trade" mentioned in Oscar Night snippet. This would lead GidEva to:

        #1 have the so-called love nest in order to see each other face to face regularly (the snippets strongly suggest they're at the same place)

        #2 communicate frequently

        #3 protect each other


    I don't put Brett and Corinne into the equation because I guess they'd have their resolution chapters in EWY *wink*


    P.S : Kirsten, I successfully hit the selected Topic but didn't see any button at the bottom that says Reply to 1 quoted post. I think I'll try again tomorrow. Thank you so much for your help *hugs* GTG now.

  7. Interesting connection between the Oscar Night Snippet and the possibility Eva is going to go after Deanna Johnson, because Deanna is after Gideon.


    [Edit by: Andie Today *wink*]


    Hi, LN Cronan


    Whenever I talk about Chapter 2 served as resolution, I always mention the keyword "trade" found in Oscar Night snippet. The last time I was discussing it was on my crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo theory posted on the New Entwined Clues thread. And I already filled that keyword in the Snippet space on my chart. Glad you finally mixed the snippet in your theory *cheering*


    I personally think the snippets are smartegically [that's smart+strategically] chosen. They're surprisingly helpful in crossguessingfirerandomly [eerr, that's crossfire+guessing randomly. well, I like playing with words. please tell me if you want me to stop *wink*] my crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo chart. Sylvia, you ROCK!


    Oh, one more thing. I strongly believe that Deanna is targeting Gideon. In Chapter 1 of EWY, she said "This is your chance to get a bit of your own back" and "pretty soon you're going to figure out that Gideon Cross was using you to get Corinne Giroux jealous enough to come back to him" and lastly, "that man has a dark side."


    (I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not but) I find it interesting that Deanna and Dr. Terry said something similar:

    Deanna: "His money doesn't give him the right to do whatever the h*** he wants." (EWY, Chapter 1)

    Dr. Terry: "All the money in the world doesn't give anyone the right to order you around." (BTY, p. 321)



  8. Andie so loved this post and also your use of the VORTEX . I also wonder what you thought about my last post of the COMBUSTION between GidEva. That being said though the absolute best part of your post was the THEOBROMINE reference as I am a pharmacist and it took me back to my college days desperately studying my pharmacology notes into the wee hours like I will be doing on June 4th with EWY!!! :). :)


    Hi, sscrph


    Your last post? The one about Eva tilting her head and I commented "it's crossfiremazing" on?


    I've been in this forum for a month now and by the second week I already had Crossfiressed [hey, you came up with crossessed *high five*] popped up in my mind. That's why I'm taking some time out from our RIY re-reading project. Perhaps when you're almost done with the project, I'd be crossfiring the thread with my postings *wink*



  9. Sylvia tweeted this earlier today:


    Photoset: Every image in our countdown cards is a clue to Entwined With You. http://tmblr.co/ZebEexlmNJ-A


    So I am thinking that the images are as important and the wording.



    Hello, ladies


    In my posting about crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo theory, I stated that "I assume the picture is introduced to us as an amusement, if not a distraction." Sylvia's statement posted by Kirsten above proved that I assumed incorrectly. And I also have to revisit and revise my opinion that "the one that we should focus on is the leading question." Now I know I should give equal attention to both the question and the picture in the daily countdown clues.



    Countdown clues Day #10

    The picture in countdown clues Day #10 has raised my curiosity. After Day #14, this is the second time we get pictures depicting similar objects in the countdown pictures and snapshots. Snapshot #18 and countdown picture #14 show the same modes of transportation which is airplane. While snapshot #10 and countdown picture #10 are both exposing the same women's accessory, i.e. watch (of different type, though).



    The countdown question is "Can you trust everyone around you?" and I consider the word trust as the keyword. Since I've been thinking about resolution chapter for Deanna Johnson, I guess countdown clues Day #10 is closely related to it.



    Watch can signify time and as a (freelance) journalist, Deanna should meet deadline in gathering and/or reporting information about Gideon. And Eva somehow decided to "trust" so to speak her (Deanna) in order to protect Gideon. I found keywords in Oscar Night snippet that can support my speculation. Eva told Gideon that "I can handle this one" and I assume she's referring Deanna.


    If my yo-yo_yo-you pattern is right, even number represents resolution. Deanna needs her resolution chapter and chapter 10 could possibly coincide with countdown clues Day #10.



    Countdown clues Day #9

    Picture: a chair


    Keywords: (learn from) past mistakes


    When I saw the picture, the thing that crossed my mind was therapy sessions. And I remember snapshot #8 depicting some sort of medication. I guess therapy sessions could also be classified as medical treatment because it involves psychological intervention. That's how I try to find the connection between snapshot #8 and countdown clues Day #9.


    As for the keywords, I assume it's about Monica. I'm focusing only on the countdown clues and not going to discuss the vortex of Monica [i'm using your term, sscrph. Hope you don't mind *wink*]. I hope resolution chapter 8 would give me answers about Eva's mother.



    P.S.: Kirsten, would you please tell me how to re-post posting from another thread? Thank you so much.



    P.S.S: It's your fault, Sylvia! The Crossfire series is like preeminent theobromine. I'm cerebrally aroused, emotionally elevated, and dripping in GidEva-mones *Snippet #7 reference*




  10. Something I wanted to bring up regarding the day that Gideon first saw Eva... I know Andie had mentioned in an earlier post that the way Eva tilted her head back and looked up at The Crossfire brought back a memory Gideon may have had about his dad....I disagree. I think at that moment with the sun reflecting off her blonde hair and Eva looking up at the Crossfire with a gleam in her eye actually made Gideon picture an ANGEL... I mean of course Eva was beautiful and shapely in her yoga pants but I believe Gideon saw her with a glow about her just like he did when she came out of the shower in Chapter 1 of EWY...I bring this up because I have often wondered why he went in the building after her... He most assuredly came across many a beautiful blonde in his lifetime. I really do think he had been wishing or praying for someone to come into his life and "love" him so to speak. When he told Eva that he must have wished for her so hard and so often she had no choice but to come true I believe him. Right there in front of his building in that moment his ANGEL appeared and he went in after her to see if she was really indeed meant for him. It was in that moment that the brunettes were banished forever and it really was love at first sight...What do you all think?


    I'm on the verge of tears here, sscrph. It's crossfiremazing [that's crossfire+amazing. well, I like playing with words. that resulted in GidEva. please inform me if you want me to stop *wink*] Thank you for sharing this *hugs*

  11. Hello, ladies


    First of all, I'd like you to know that I love the positive vibes of this forum. That's one of the reasons I decided to be a registered member. FYI, this is my first and only online global forum ... and most likely the last *wink*


    And I really have a great time here. You all ROCK! I also treasure the brain gym. The EWY-based information given by Sylvia and the publisher, IMHO, has become a new form of intriguing board game *grin* The whole process of playing the game is what matters the most to me that my goal isn't about having my theory right [i'd be thrilled if I'm right, though *LOL*]



    My Crossword-Sudoku-Puzzle Combo Theory [caution, error hazard]

    My posting on the New Entwined Clues thread about my crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo theory consists of three postings. The first posting explains the underlying theory of it which is the yo-yo__yo-you pattern. The rest two postings are the crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo chart.


    In my first posting I mentioned that "It means there'll be 22 keywords (+1 additional cover reveal, perhaps?) representing the complete chapters of EWY" and "since the title is Countdown, it guides us down to the opening chapter."


    And my second and third posting will show you how it's applied in a form of a chart. In other words:

    1. The (what I assume to be) 22 chapters in the book would coincide with the keywords from the countdown questions, i.e.

         Chapter 22 -- Countdown question Day #23

         Chapter 21 -- Countdown question Day #22

         Chapter 20 -- Countdown question Day #21, etc. and finally

         Chapter 1   -- Countdown question Day #2


    2. The final countdown Day #1 on June 3rd would (I guess) be in a form of additional cover reveal.


    *to be clear, you might need to look at the chart on the New Entwined Clues thread*



    Countdown question Day #16

    On the New Entwined Clues thread, my response to the countdown question Day #16 was: [i don't know how to re-post my posting from another thread, so I decided to re-type it]




    Countdown keyword for Day #16 is mischief at a club.


    It's perfect to complete snapshot #9, snippets 6 and 7, and chapter 9--conflict puzzle! Trying to twist the pattern here? Hmmm...


    [i knew I should've waited until Day #10 coz it's the ultimate missing piece to prove my theory right]


    I notice the changing tone in the leading question, though. It used to be enigmatic. Today is a bit... specific.


    Well, I just have to factor jumbled word in now *grin*"




    What does countdown question Day #16 say about my yo-yo__yo-you pattern?

    1. I'm guessing correctly about the connection between the daily keywords and the chapters in EWY.


    2. Countdown question Day #16 speaks volumes because it's the ultimate missing piece. If you take a look at the crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo chart, these following spaces are already complete and (almost?) definite:

    Snapshot : 9

    Snippets  : 6 and 7

    Chapter   : 9 --Conflict


    Alas, the countdown space has created anomaly in the yo-yo__yo-you pattern. If it follows the pattern, countdown question Day #16's supposed to coincide with chapter 15.


    3. My yo-yo__yo-you pattern in the publication of the countdown questions is still plausible before the twist exists exactly the day after I posted my crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo theory.


    4. Starting from countdown question Day #16, the yo-yo__yo-you pattern goes freestyle *wink* It's safe to say that now the countdown questions are given in non-chronological order. That's what I meant when I said I was factoring jumbled word in [so, it's possible that chapter 14 coincides with countdown question #14, LN Cronan]



    Brett Kline [caution, error hazard]

    Eva's feelings towards Brett, IMO, has reached its crystal clarity in RIY. Now the time has come for Brett to sort his feelings to an old flame out. To do so, Brett should encounter conflict first. It means he would appear in at least two chapters. And his resolution chapter in EWY could take place long after the conflict chapter.



    That leads me to these questions:

    1 In which chapter Deanna Johnson has her resolution? 

    2 In which chapters the conflict and resolution of Gideon's abuser occur?



    Peruse away

  12. Hi Andie


    I am rusty with crosswords so I don't feel I have followed your yo yo very well as I still don't get it, but I never was good at things like that :(



    Hi, Sheens263


    Crossword? The yo-yo__yo-you pattern? It's just a term or the name I use to describe the brain gym game. Hopefully, this would help you to understand my way of thinking:


    The theme of the brain gym game:

    Entwined with You (EWY)



    The very name:

    Crossword = keywords

    Sudoku = numbers

    Puzzle = clues

    And now I'm factoring jumbled word in because of its non-chronological order



    The information:

    Keywords are taken from the countdown questions

    Numbers are either odd or even

    Clues are taken from snapshots, snippets, and excerpt or sneak peek

    Order/sequence is either chronological or non-chronological arrangement of giving the keywords and clues




    The functions:

    Keywords >> to predict the gist of the event/scene/chapter


    Odd or even numbers >> to speculate whether it's conflict or resolution. Based on the yo-yo__yo-you pattern, I realize that the pattern of ups (conflicts) and downs (resolutions) take place in every other chapter. Odd-numbered chapters (Chapter 1, 3, 5, etc.) will give us conflict and even-numbered chapters (Chapter 2, 4, 6, etc.) will serve as resolution [caution, though. it's just my theory. there's always room for error]


    Clues >> to guess a tiny bit content of the book


    Order >> to assume (chronologically or non-chronologically) the sequence of the event/scene/chapter in the book




    The instructions:

    As you can see, the chart has rows and columns.


    You have to fill in the blank spaces in the rows and columns either across or down with the information related to EWY given to us on a regular basis (for example, the snippets, the twice-a-week snapshots, and the daily keyword)


    Special for the Chapter column, you have to fill it with numbers 1 to 22 (that's my prediction of chapters in EWY) in chronological order and write down conflict for odd numbers and resolution for even numbers.


    And for the Snapshot column, you already have fixed numbers 1 to 18 out of the complete 22 snapshots.




    The chart is similar with:

    the big picture of puzzle game

    the layout of crossword game

    the grid of sudoku game

    the arrangement of jumbled word game




    To sum up, we're playing EWY-based brain gym game.



    But hey, don't sweat it. Just have fun *wink*



    P.S.: Julie, this is my response to your question:








    So, the answer is "no", Julie *LOL*

  13. Love your analysis.  I have been working on my own project to figure out the clues.  I printed out the pics, snippets, etc and put them together but not as successfully as you did.  Great job.


    Hi, Sharonm745


    Glad I didn't have to do all of that *big grin* The only trouble I got was when posting the chart. I had to re-type it several times before it's posted successfully and neatly.


    Congrats on your graduation and have a great leisure time *hugs*

  14. Andie.

    I'm intrigued, how did you work this out? My brain aches just reading through this. :)



    Hi, Julie



    Truth be told, it came to me out of the blue crossfire *wink* 



    I just knew that the tiny interrogative sentence isn't meant simply to please the eye. It has something deep in it.



    I posted my yo-yo__yo-you pattern [i previously called it yoyo pattern, then LN Cronan came up with yo-you. So, why not combine them? *grin*] on One Chapter A Day thread. The first part was posted when we're discussing Chapter 10 of BTY and the last one was on my last posting about the final chapter (caution, though. it takes a little digging)



    I guess it'd give you the opposite feeling *hugs*



    Peruse away

  15. Hello, ladies






    Countdown keyword for Day #16 is mischief at a club.



    It's perfect to complete snapshot#9, snippets 6 and 7, and chapter 9--conflict puzzle! Trying to twist the pattern here? Hmmm...



    [i knew I should've waited until Day#10 coz it's the ultimate missing piece to prove my theory right]



    I notice the changing tone in the leading question, though.  It used to be enigmatic. Today is a bit... specific.



    Well, I just have to factor jumbled word in now *grin*

  16. SNAPSHOT                          SNIPPET                                                                    CHAPTER                           COUNTDOWN





    #16 Bleachers             10 (setting: Times Square and Cary did say "bleachers")    XVI--Resolution         17 love that hurts another person

                                                                                                                                                                      [my guess: Brett gives up]




    #17 A man's holding     [my guess: 1 when Gideon said "I settled for less" and       XVII--Conflict              18 choices that haunt

    a French passport        the note: "from a conversation about past relationships"]                                       [my guess: Corinne]




    #18 Private plane on                                                                                            XVIII--Resolution      19 strong passion that can no longer   

    the ground with its door                                                                                                                         hidden [my guess: Giroux's arrival/

    open and on position set of stairs                                                                                                         Corinne's departure either way resulted

                                                                                                                                                                  in GidEva having a strong passionate






    #21                                                                                                                           XXI--Conflict        22 secrets that can either protect                                                                                                                                                              or harm



    #22 (end: May 30th)*          [my guess: 5 at Eva's apartment, after dinner,             XXII--Resolution    23 a song that changes the way

                                               dancing, song--Eva's feelings towards Gideon]                                         you feel






    Please keep in mind that it's just my theory. There's always room for error *grin*




    Sylvia, I really treasure the brain gym *wink*



    [Edit: 20/05/13]


    * Friday, May 31st

  17. *okay, I think I have to make three postings*


    Crossword-Sudoku-Puzzle Combo Chart





    SNAPSHOTS                                                  SNIPPET                                                                  CHAPTER                     COUNTDOWN


    #1 A pen                    A special teaser for New Years aka not an "official" snippet   I (May 7th) COMPLETE--Conflict                    2                  

    (start: March 19th)                                                                                                                                                              (finale: June 3rd)



    #2 Unwrapped Christmas present         2, 3, 9, "trade" (mentioned in Oscar Night snippet)      II (May 7th) SNEAK PEEK-Resolution  





    #9 A woman at a club                                        6 and 7                                                                       IX Conflict





    *lemme hit post to see how the layout goes*

  18. Hello, ladies


    *LN Cronan, I haven't got the chance to read the graphic you told me about so I'm still using the yo-yo__yo-you pattern*



    Crossword-Sudoku-Puzzle Combo: My Theory




    The first chapter of EWY opens with conflict represented by a pen in snapshot #1. This can both apply to the freelance journalist [any thoughts about it, LN Cronan?] Deanna Johnson and penitentiary. The Lurking PEN, that's the title I choose for this chapter (As for the snippet, A special teaser for New Years becomes part of this opening chapter. No wonder there's a warning: "It's not an 'official' snippet. Permission is NOT granted to re-post this content anywhere")



    Eventhough we only got sneak peek of Chapter 2, I'm convinced that this chapter serves as resolution. Snapshot #2 and snippets #2, #3, and #9 are closely related with the emotionally scorching love scene of GidEva. Putting it aside, I think the crux of this chapter would be the trade Eva mentioned in Oscar Night snippet. That's why I come up with "Together We Can."



    These two chapters lead me to a conclusion that the yo-yo__yo-you pattern would still be used in every other chapter throughout the book. Besides, EWY (if I'm counting it correctly) will have even-numbered chapters.



    Why do we get twice-a-week snapshots and a daily picture?

    Starting from Day #23, we all are entertained by two clues: a picture and a sentence. But hey, we already get snapshots twice a week. Aren't you curious about it? Well, I am. I find the picture is dominating the tiny letters of the interrogative sentence above it. Therefore, I assume the picture is introduced to us as an amusement, if not a distraction. The one that we should focus on is the leading question. insideofclouds has been confirmed about this.



    Why does the question start from day #23?

    The simplest answer to the question above would be because we're doing EWY countdown. Starting from May 12th, we'll have a daily brain gym until June 3rd.



    Why does the snapshot start early?

    The obvious answer is because it represents the chapters in EWY. It will give us guidance on a regular basis about the essence (conflict/resolution) of the chapter. The complete Chapter 1 (conflict) and the sneak peek of Chapter 2 (resolution) released on May 7th have proven that the snapshot is a red flag. In addition, snapshots #1 and #2 are designed to be published before May 7th but after the snippets (A special teaser for New Years is part of Chapter 1 and snippets #2, #3, and #9 are closely related to Chapter 2. However, I think the highlight would be the "trade" mentioned in Oscar Night snippet)



    What makes both the snapshots and the countdown questions significant?

    1. The snapshots give us EWY's table of contents. If you pay close attention to the calendar, the last snapshot will be on May 30th*. The following Tuesday is the Day when EWY hits stores, so I'm positive there no longer be any snapshots. Thus we have even-numbered chapters, chapter 1-22 (we've got 18 so far, including the proven snapshot #1 and #2).


    2. The countdown questions play a great role in giving us keywords for EWY. Again, if you mark the date, you'd find June 3rd as the last countdown question day. It means there'll be 22 keywords (+ 1 additional cover reveal, perhaps?) representing the complete chapters of EWY. Since the title is Countdown, it guides us down to the opening chapter.




    Therefore, the yo-yo__yo-you pattern is also applied in the publication of snapshots (UP) and countdown questions (DOWN).




    *will post my Crossword-Sudoku-Puzzle Combo Chart after this posting*



    [Edit: 20/05/13]


    * Friday, May 31st

  19. Hi, LN Cronan



    I don't have any social media accounts because I have limited time and energy to constantly checking and up dating them. Once in a while I take a peek of my fave authors and book blogs' twitter, focusing only on the pics and quotes *wink* Glad I finally found my rhythm to keep up with all of you.



    So, thank you for sharing this link. I've bookmarked it and will read it later in peace [Don't you think that we're doing some kind of brain gym with all the snapshot/snippet/countdown clues of EWY? I feel like anticipating crossword-sudoku-puzzle combo literature *LOL*]



    And thank you for those of you who already posted links related to SD and the Crossfire.



    You all ROCK!



    *will post my favorites tomorrow* GTG now.



    Andie, here's a link to something you might like on Pinterest, a graphic of some of the ways plots unfold in good fiction. I happened to come across this on Facebook the day after you perceived the plot pattern in Bared to You. Coincidence? Maybe not. The part labeled "Swain's Plotting Method" hit me right away, because when I read it, I instantly recognized Sylvia's genius for how she continues to drive the plot tension time and time and time again.



  20. Hi Andie, LUV Chapter 15: The Sole Eyewitness-Oral Skills Based Assessment---definitely an eye opening experience as I can picture Maggie's eyes bugging out of her head - talk about TMI!!!

    Love Chapter 15: The Sole Eyewitness-Oral Skills Based Assessment



    Hi, sscrph


    Thank you. It took a while for me to come up with that  LOL


    Please keep me posted about Chapter 16's Gideon-Elizabeth-Cary enigmatic remarks.

  21. Hello, ladies


    Chapter 2


    1. My favorites


    line: My right to say no was my most valued possession (p. 23)


    paragraph: We were together because we were addicted to each other. I was never as intoxicated as I was when we were happy together, and I knew it was the same for him. We were putting ourselves through the wringer for those moments of perfection between us, but they were so tenunous that only our stubbornness, determination, and love kept us fighting for them (p. 22)


    scene: Eva tasting the blueberry-flavored coffee


    2. When I read BTY together with all of you, it's my second time reading it from cover to cover [i'd say it again that the RIY spoiler thread and A couple of questions thread have persuaded crossfired me to buy and read the Crossfire series and become a registered member]. However, I read the first five chapters over and over again during our project. It seemed to me there's some kind of repetition throughout those chapters. And that's how I found the pattern: the yo-yo__yo-you pattern [i previously callled it yoyo pattern, then LN Cronan came up with yo-you pattern. So, why not combine them? *wink*]



    Unfortunately, that pattern can only operate effectively in even-numbered chapters. This is the point (among others) when I think Sylvia is very clever. She blurred the pattern by giving us 19 chapters RIY. I'm guessing the originally 20 chapters manuscript was greatly edited and deleted, leaving just enough pieces of paragraph to be inserted in the published last chapter [Again, please correct me if I'm wrong, Sylvia]



    Now as I finished reading Chapter 2 of RIY [yes, I only read it from cover to cover once before I immediately joined the forum], I've come to a conclusion that the pattern's still applicable... with a twist. The conflict isn't introduced in the opening chapter. As a reader, I'm being informed with play-by-play Gideon-saw-Eva moment instead. This chapter's cerebrally designed to unveil the fact that Gideon "had deliberately backtracked inside" (p. 12). Thus it becomes the Prelude of the book and honestly for me it's a red flag chapter [Don't you think it's way too convenient to explain something from the first chapter of the previous book right at the beginning of the next book? Plus, the "I'd kill for you" (p.16) is already proven as a red flag]



    Chapter 2 is clearly where the yo-yo__yo-you pattern starts. It gives me the-woman-I-don't-hate-because-I'm-too-consumed-with-GidEva Corinne. In other words, the decision of having 19 chapters is brilliant! RIY doesn't end in a cliffhanger after all. Sylvia, you ROCK!



    [i still think it'd be so much better and helpful if there were more paragraphs, though. Several pages longer to cover one chapter that could serve as the Epilogue*grin* Well, at least I know EWY has even-numbered chapters and I recognized "The Lurking PEN" confllict and "Together We Can" resolution]



    Peruse away, ladies

  22. Hi, LN Cronan


    I've posted the part 2 of the yoyo__yo-you pattern when we discussed the last chapter of BTY on One Chapter A Day Re-Read thread. And I re-posted it yesterday for sscrph. I'd love to hear your comments about it *wink*



    And previously, Andie, I did a parody of your  "The Unresolved Cerebrally Humorous Arguments pattern back when we were on Chapter 10 of Bared to You.


    Now that we're all nearly done with the group re-read, I'm doing the whole rundown of having some fun with the yo-you pattern -- what happens during the even-numbered chapters.



    Chapter 2: Eva Doesn't Play Hard To Get -- She IS Hard to Get

    Result: Gideon's Got Blue Balls


    Chapter 4: Gideon Can't Handle This Anymore

    Result: He's Still Not Getting Any Yet - But He Gets Closer


    Chapter 6: Gideon Finally Gets Some

    Result: Gideon Can't Handle It


    Chapter 8: Gideon Finally Gets A Girlfriend

    Result: Gideon Doesn't Know How To Handle It


    Chapter 10: Gideon Almost Loses Her

    Result: Gideon's Got Issues


    Chapter 12: Eva's Got A Handle On Her Darkness

    Result: Gideon Fears He'll Scare Her Away


    Chapter 14: Gideon Cannot Handle His Own Darkness

    Result: Gideon Sends Eva Away


    Chapter 16: Gideon Gets Control

    Result: He Reaches A Sexual Deal


    Chapter 18: Gideon Gets Some Love

    Result: His Dream Comes True


    Chapter 20: Gideon's Past Comes Back To Haunt

    Result: Eva's Worst Nightmare


    Chapter 22: Gideon Gets Eva To Listen

    Result: For Now, Her Fears Are Laid To Rest 

  23. Hello, ladies



    RIY Chapter 1



    My Favorites:


    1. line: It's what you see in me, angel (p.15)


    2. paragraph: "I saw that." His hands slid up either side of my spine. "And I knew you saw me, too. Saw what I am ... what I have inside me. You saw right through me." (p.13)


    3. scene: Eva looking at Gideon from behind in his home office



    Since it's still relevant, I re-post my wild speculation about Gideon-saw-Eva moment:


    Chapter 1



    1. My favorites


    line: Coffee is one of my major food groups (p. 15)

    paragraph: As he stared back, he altered... as if a shield slid away from his eyes, revealing a scorching force of will that sucked the air from my lungs. The intense  magnetism he exuded grew in strength, becoming a near-tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power (p. 5)

    scene: Eva sprawled in front of Gideon.



    2. The main thing that captured my attention was the invisible magnetic pull and the tangibly electric chemistry between GidEva (Gideon and Eva). It's irrational, but well acknowledged by the two of them.



    3. Despite the fact that Eva's a sexy stunning woman, I believe it's her emotions and gestures that struck Gideon the most. She's pleased when she reached the

    Crossfire building then she made that very move: tilting her head back and looking up at the building. I'm guessing here, but I think it had something to do with Gideon's childhood. To some extent, the way she felt and did the ordinary deeds subconsciously triggered a long-time-suppressed memory of Gideon's. It's similar with the way he used to feel and do towards his late father. He kinda had a flashback, as if he saw himself as a child in Eva without her even knowing that she's mirroring little Gideon. *Can you imagine a scene of a young dark-haired Gideon's pleased face followed by the tipping-his-tiny-head-back movement in order to look up at his towering father?*


    Perhaps this will help explain my way of thinking:

    Eva (pleased+tilting her head back) looking up at the Crossfire Building (Gideon's words: with excitement, a little awe, and a little intimidation): from her point of view, the building is impressive.


    little Gideon (pleased+tilting his head back) looking up at Geoffrey Cross (my guess: with excitement, a little awe, and a little intimidation): from his point of view, his father is incredible (if not the best).


    I assumed it took only a split second for Gideon to consciously shove the dim memory back to its hidden place and let his current imagination preoccupy his head. The latter's shown in RIY p. 13.


    It does seem like a wild speculation, but that's how I try to rationalize the Gideon-saw-Eva moment.



  24. He'd left his sleep medication upstairs -- Dr. Petersen had prescribed it the day before (Tuesday) and Gideon had stayed over Tuesday night, so his bottle of meds was still upstairs in her apartment.


    Hi, LN Cronan


    Now I remember reading about this spoiler answer on another thread when I wasn't a registered member. If I'm not mistaken, it's on RIY spoiler thread. I think I'm so crossfired that I can't crossfire any crossfires that I crossfire about the Crossfire *whispering: crossfire* LOL


    Thank you, LN Cronan

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