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Posts posted by carolc1001

  1. Another thing about that encounter in the limo is that Angus was driving.  I think anyone, particularly someone as self-possessed as Gideon Cross, would be freaked out that they were so bowled over by a woman that they were unable to resist her despite the presence of their father figure just a few scant feet away.

  2. 1 hour ago, patricia-ann said:

    jmhope: Thank you for starting a new topic.  I enjoy reading these. I Think it will be Cary as the man-of-honor and Ireland, I think Megumi and Shawna will not be in the wedding party but will be attending the wedding and reception.  As for Gideon's best man I really think it will be Angus (even though he stood up for him already) and and the groomsman Arash.  Arnoldo does not like Eva but I think will attend both the wedding and reception as well as Manual.  I hope if Christopher and Elizabeth go to the wedding neither one of them cause a scene. Eva would kick them out haha.  It is way too soon for them to have children, maybe in the Epilogue she could become pregnant and have children.  I can not wait for more from Chapter One. Hurry up April!!

    Patricia-Ann, like you I hope there aren't any pat reconciliations with Gideon's mother and brother.  They've both shown that they are completely self-involved and fundamentally untrustworthy.  I hope there is some thaw there for Gideon's sake, but complete forgiveness is, IMO, unwarranted and unrealistic.    I'm glad Ireland and Chris are decent people.

    One thing I DO hope we hear more about is what Monica is keeping from Eva. It'd be nice to shed some light on her lost years between Eva's birth and her marriage to Nathan's father and how she got by after her family disowned her.  I wonder if Barker was a bad guy.  It's hard to believe Nathan could've been so disturbed and twisted at 12 if he'd had normal, loving parents.

  3. I don't remember who it was who suggested this but I agree that Ireland's mysterious boyfriend is the son of Ryan Landon, Gideon's business competitor.  Landon's father's name was Eric and Ireland referred to her boyfriend as Rick.  Rick can be a nickname for Eric as well as Richard.  Hope the kid really cares for her and isn't using her to get to Gideon.

  4. I don't remember who it was who suggested this but I agree that Ireland's mysterious boyfriend is the son of Ryan Landon, Gideon's business competitor.  Landon's father's name was Eric and Ireland referred to her boyfriend as Rick.  Rick can be a nickname for Eric as well as Richard.  Hope the kid really cares for her and isn't using her to get to Gideon.

  5. I think Corinne is spoiled, batspit crazy, extremely manipulative, and possibly dangerous. I think she knew she was pregnant when she left France. She might've hoped to get together with Gideon and pass the baby off as his. Her suicide attempt was just a ploy to guilt Gideon. And she had that book ready to go if she didn't get her way. I'm thrilled that Gideon isn't indulging her emotional blackmail.

  6. Do we know G did his gambling in Vegas? I don't remember the exact wording of that conversation. He could have gotten into private games with some high rollers and won big. And he just played to get the seed money to get his company started. He might've won all he needed in a very short time.

    Speaking of ages and timelines, I think Christopher is just a kid. Gideon was about 5 when Geoffrey died. Presumably Lizzie waited a little while after Geoffrey ' s funeral to remarry and get pregnant with Christopher. Christopher couldn't possibly be much over 22. I don't like the character be he's got a good excuse for his lack of maturity.

  7. I don't think Brett or anyone in Six-Ninth knows about the sex tape. But I'm kind of surprised that Gideon hasn't insisted that they get rid of Sam Yimara. He wouldn't even need to tell them why. He could just say that the record label has a publicity department and prefer to use their own, more professional, photographers and videographers.

    As far as Monica being upset about not knowing about Eva's engagement, I call BS. Eva didn't know about her engagement herself! Late Friday night Gideon proposed and they were married the very next day. Also Gideon had spoken with both Victor and Richard as an old-fashioned gesture; asking for their daughter's/step-daughter's hand in marriage. These aren't the dark ages when you HAD to ask the father for permission to marry an adult woman. It's a courtesy and it indicates that the couple have talked about getting married and they both know things are headed in that direction. Monica knew about the conversation Gideon had with Richard before they headed to the Crosswinds Resort. So she knew about the engagement before Eva did, IMO. After having that nasty run-in with Lizzie at Cipriani's, I can forgive Eva for not getting into it with the other crazy mother in her life. Monica just likes to whine.

  8. Three chapters in and we haven't heard a peep from Christopher...interesting. :(. :(

    I think Christopher is using his mother to do his dirty work for now. He has to be the one feeding Lizzie the details about Eva and Brett. It's pretty smart, in a devious way. Gideon threw his mother out of his office but not before she got a chance to spew some of her venom. Christopher never would've gotten that far and would probably gotten a severe beating for his trouble. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to poison Ireland against Gideva. But it's easier with Lizzie because her mind is so poisonous to begin with.

    Christopher seems to have always had a knack for not going too far with Gideon, but I think he's close to the edge now. If it turns out that Christopher had anything to do with that sex tape or telling Deanna about it, Gideon will fix him. I certainly don't think he'd hesitate to fire him from Vidal Records.

  9. Three chapters in and we haven't heard a peep from Christopher...interesting. :(. :(

    I think Christopher is using his mother to do his dirty work for now. He has to be the one feeding Lizzie the details about Eva and Brett. It's pretty smart, in a devious way. Gideon threw his mother out of his office but not before she got a chance to spew some of her venom. Christopher never would've gotten that far and would probably gotten a severe beating for his trouble. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to poison Ireland against Gideva. But it's easier with Lizzie because her mind is so poisonous to begin with.

    Christopher seems to have always had a knack for not going too far with Gideon, but I think he's close to the edge now. If it turns out that Christopher had anything to do with that sex tape or telling Deanna about it, Gideon will fix him. I certainly don't think he'd hesitate to fire him from Vidal Records.

  10. What do you guys think about Anne Lucas? It HAD to have been her at Cipriani's the night before, right? Even though she still has short hair? Did she think a long red wig would fool Gideon? I think she WANTS to provoke a reaction from him. If she isn't already completely off her rocker she's headed that way, IMO.

    What did you think about what Gideon said about Anne's resemblance to her brother Hugh? In conversations with Eva Gideon had implied he had become involved with Anne solely as a way to get back at her husband. But now it seems like part of also may have been a way to take his anger out on so.eone who reminded him of his abuser.

    So many people in the books are so meticulously described: Anne is a redhead, Terry's hair is white. Gideon and Ireland look like their mother, Christopher and Chris, senior look alike. Detective Graves is thin with dark, course hair, etc. Is it weird that we know so much about seemingly minor characters but I can't remember a single word describing what Nathan looked like?

  11. I love the alternating POV,too. We no longer have to guess what's going on in Gideon's mind during important events.

    It looks like we're not gonna have to wait too long to find out what is going on with Migumi. Eva plans to ask Raul to track her down once she returns from San Diego. Migumi is now on her 4th sick day. :-(

    I am DELIGHTED to see Gideon stand up to that horrible mother of his. Apparently he's accustomed to her manipulative ways and doesn't permit any interference from her into his life. I can not WAIT until he really gets into it with her. I know it'll be hard on Gideon to deal with his past, especially her lack of support regarding his abuse, but I think he really needs to get the poison out of his life. Starting with Mommy Dearest.

  12. I don't think Gideon is deeply involved in sadomasochism. When he first spoke to Eva about safe words and control he said something like "Eva, you know I have desire to beat you or put you in a cage. Those aren't needs either of us have..." I think he realized that as much as he needs control, Eva has a need for someone else to take the wheel, so to speak. So B/D, yeah. S&M, I seriously doubt it. I think he took those women to the boff pad and used those toys because he was lonely, but didn't want relationships with them. He may have been a wild man but I think he was scrupulously honest, if only to curb those expectations.

    Please forgive my inaccurate quotes, I realize I'm paraphrasing.

  13. Im thinking if Brett is still in the picture in chapters 11 and 12 then maybe he didnt have anything to do with the sex tape or he would have been kicked to the curb by now... He did tell Eva he would be "around..."

    Yeah, I know it's gonna be a fantastic read but I'm a little disappointed that Brett is still hanging around making trouble for Gideon and Eva.

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