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Posts posted by Avid_reader

  1. I'm there. Three reads thru completely and on the fourth read through now. Just finished RIY and started EWY again. Got to say, I've read FSOG 7x also. I will say that since I have started reading this type of book, my hubby has been appreciative and has said he would have saved a lot of money on jewelry had he bought me a few of these books 34 years ago! He bought me FSOG for my birthday 1 1/2 yrs ago! LOL

  2. Good evening,


    Let me begin by saying that I do not mean to offend anyone and this is my opinion only. We come up with all kinds of theories and anything can happen. (No one expected the Russian mafia twist or the bracelet alibi.)  In no way do I mean to disparage anyone’s opinion by stating mine. 


    I have to address this theory.


    I did a paper for school on sexual abuse and have a lot of research.  One of the reasons so many men do not come forward and report and deal with their abuse is for this reason.  There are a large number of people who think men who are abused will abuse in the future.  That is just not true.  The reverse is rarely considered.  By that I mean women are rarely labeled as potential abusers because they were abused.  Men fear that admitting abuse will make people look at them differently and people will constantly be waiting for them to abuse another child.


    There are more than 138 million men in the U.S  As Sylvia documented in her book one in 6 boys are abused that would mean approximately 23 million men are potential abusers.  What a shame that as a society we continue to abuse these men by continuing to posit this theory.  It is true that many abusers were abused but the majority of abused boys do not abuse others. Sylvia said she did a lot of research for this book and she would know this myth is false.  It is documented in all the major psychology magazines.


    Regarding the Crossfire series and Gideon Cross in particular, I would never recommend these books in the future if Sylvia made the decision to have Gideon be an abusive murderer.  It doesn’t fit with the person in my mind. 


    There are many reasons why Christopher doesn’t like Gideon, jealousy being the first one that comes to my mind.  I know families where siblings have issues with one or another and I don’t know any who abused the other.  I firmly believe that Christopher is angry with himself because he saw the abuse and didn’t confirm Gideon’s accusations. 


    Another reason could be he blames Gideon because Hugh turned to Christopher after Gideon left.  Abusers have a type and if Gideon left home in 5 or 6 years then Christopher would be Hugh’s type.  How could Christopher report his abuse when he denied that Hugh was an abuser? 


    I won’t even consider this scenario until I read it.

    Sharon,  let me qualify a little here...  I didn't mean to suggest that Gideon would purposely abuse, but rather that he may have been caught in a nightmare and abused.  Now, the more I think about it, I don't know that I think that at all.  I was not meaning to suggest that Gideon would abuse, not consciously. 

  3. Has anyone considered that sex abuse survivors often turn into abusers themselves? I think that Hugh abused Christopher as well as Gideon. But did Gideon abuse Christopher also and not remember it? Is that why Christopher hates Gideon so? Or is it just because Gideon's acting out brought Hugh into their lives and introduced the abuse? What do you think?

  4. Thank you Sylvia for giving us die-hard fans your little gem of a preview. We needed this so badly (as you can see by reading these threads). Some people are nervous about the quote, but personally, I feel that it's too soon for a happy ending and have faith in you & your writing to make all of us happy by the end of book 5. You create such depth in your main charactors & we love them as if they were real people. A little drama makes the books interesting and if everyone were happy at this point we might be posting that the books were too passive or lacked life. I look forward to the upcoming troubles of Gideon & Eva...they love each other too much to give up on one another and there is no one else out there for either of them. I hope the publishers are in printing mode soon...I neeeeed book 4. Thank you for writing a great series.

    Here, here!!  Thank you Sylvia...

  5. Dgcaffeine, I agree with you. I have thought of Stanton finding out about Victor and Monica. Not sure how that will go. Eva told Gideon that Monica has always been the one to leave and her exes didn't want her to. Did it on her terms, that she handles her men... Having one kick her to the curb would really hurt her self esteem. I do think Monica is stronger than she gets credit for and uses her histrionics as a way of controlling those around her. We know Stanton caters to his trophy wife. Would he react like Dr Terry Lucas and take her back, forgiving her, because of his love of her? Somehow, I don't think so. Does Monica have a prenup? Would she be screwed for adultery? Just not enough info to go on here.

  6. OK,  just looked at my facebook and see all the posts from Sylvia with the quotes from early on in Bared to You!  What was that all about?  I love them and all, but ....??  Jeez, I hope this is a prelude to either a real snippet from Captivated By You (like a chapter!) or the release date!  Any ideas?

  7. I don't think they will come out together. Not good marketing and wont result in the #1 bestseller listing. Would love to see it though!!

    Sure do wish we would get a snippet though. Started to reread Bared to You again for my Gideon and Eva fix. , I want to know what happens next!

  8. Personally I think the marriage may help in negotiations for the video, "its my wife and I want the video because..."

    And for some reason I think Cary will get it about the private wedding. He may be hurt initially that Eva didn't tell him first, but I see him being game to keep a secret with his best friend and her hubby.

    Peaches, I have to agree with you about Cary and his reaction to the private wedding. Someone else said he would pick it up from either the luggage tags or a greeting to 'Mrs Cross' on Gideon's jet when they head out to San Diego. He will be hurt that Eva didn't tell him earlier, but I bet she will talk it out with him and he will deal with it.

    That being said, I don't think the marriage will help with the negotiations. Cary may find out about it, but Gideon won't broadcast the info to the photographer before the NYC wedding. But, he will use his position with the entertainment industry to convince the photographer that he doesn't want to mess with Gideon or he will never work in the industry again!

    I do have a concern that Christopher Vidal may be a bidder in order to embarrass his brother. I still think Christopher had a hand in the "Golden" video when he realized that Eva was the Eva in the song. Gideon will need to deal with Christopher eventually. I also think that Christopher was also abused as a child by the 'therapist' and Gideon may realize that and use that knowledge in dealing with Christopher. Maybe Gideon will talk to Dr Travis also. As you can tell, I think Gideon will end up in San Diego with Cary and Eva, especially with Brett out there.

  9. Agree about the beautiful cathedrals. But I see them with a society wedding at one of Gideon's properties. Also, to keep the press away, don't you think they will have to go with a private venue? Maybe even Monica and Stanton's place. Certainly not the Vidal home. I don't think Gideon could bear that.

    If Deanna is getting an exclusive, don't you think she will get an invite?

  10. Dgcaffeine, I like the ideas you put out there regarding the wedding, but I have to say that neither has had any religious leanings that we have seen. I think the wedding may be held in one of Gideon's grander properties in the city.

    I do think that Cary will be the 'Man of Honor' for Eva, with Ireland and Shawna as bridesmaids (maybe Megumi also). Not sure whether Christopher will stand up with Gideon. I am just not sure how that would work out. We haven't met many of his friends, but I do see Arnoldo and Angus standing up as best man/ groomsmen.

    I think Victor will be great walking Eva down the aisle. But I also see some possible drama with Victor and Monica.

    I do love the way you see the wedding though.

  11. Got a question for everyone.  I have been re-reading the books to get my Gideon fix.  And in EWY, after Eva sees Gideon in the lobby with Corinne, she takes the elevator up to her office on 20, but it stops on 10 and won't close, etc.  So she gets out, knowing that Gideon is doing this.  "... to let me out and another guy stepped out with me.  The doors closed behind us and the car continued on.

     'What the ?' the guy said, scowling as he turned and surveyed the other three elevators. ...ding announcing the arrival of another car.... Doors to that elevator opened, Gideon stepped out....  Grumbling under his breath, the short sleeved guy walked into Gideon's vacated elevator and left us."  Page 177


    This has 'niggled' me a bit.  Is this a random guy that stepped out of the car, or was this something more?  Following Eva?  For Gideon? For Stanton/Monica?  For someone else?  For some reason I don't think this is a police tail, but I don't know why. 


    There was also an exchange between Eva and Clancy where he said something about keeping an eye on Nathan and Eva too.  This was stated after Eva found the 'bug' in her compact when it got broke.  Is this still Clancy keeping an eye on her even though Nathan is dead by this time.  Again, Clancy having her followed would be at the request of either Stanton or Monica I would think.  


    As I have said before, I really think Clancy (or his associate) took the bracelet off of Nathan and got it onto the wrist of the Russian. Gideon knows he is going to owe someone big.  Could it be Stanton?  Now another idea in respect to that....  Since Monica and Victor still have an amazing amount of chemistry, will that somehow work to break up Monica and Stanton?  Will Stanton call in his marker by trying to get Gideon and Eva to help him keep Monica?  hmmm.....


    What does everyone think?

  12. Yes, I really like the idea of Ireland going along and bonding with both Eva and Cary.  Eva did promise her a trip shopping during the dinner with dad.  Plus Ireland was so pushing to get Eva and Gideon back together during the 'video debut' reconnection of Eva and Gideon.  I can totally see her as a bridesmaid.  And Shawna also.  Maybe even Megumi if she is OK. 


    Now the question, is Cary going to be the Man of Honor?  I am guessing yes, even though that may be an issue with Monica.  I know she loves Cary, but she is also very traditional from what I have seen and may have an issue with this.  What do you think?

  13. I am rereading the series and just read where Cary is in the hospital post beating.  Monica tells Eva that "Cary was told to keep his hands off 'her' -- whoever 'her' is.  The detectives will be coming back later today to try to pull some names out of him." 


    Certainly this could be Nathan if he didn't understand the dymanic between Cary and Eva (and Gideon).  But, I am also thinking maybe someone in Tatiana's life that we haven't heard about yet.  After all, Tatiana was out of town (alibi) and she does love drama (said several times in the books).  She is going out with Cary and supposedly carrying his baby, yet is walking naked through the apartment kitchen and checking Gideon out.  If she has a serious boyfriend somewhere, I can see him taking it out on Cary.  Just a thought. 


    Going back through the books opens up some interesting side issues that flew over my head the first time because I wasn't paying attention to some of those little clues.

  14. Interesting idea about the wedding dress.  Eva already lets Monica pick out dresses for her (see the red dress from the limo drive).  But, I also think that Gideon will have some input into the whole dress thing, because he likes to dress her up also.  It may be Monica vs Gideon in this catfight!  As far as Gideon is concerned though, I think if Eva is happy with a dress, he will be.  But he will definitely want to dress her up. 


    I can also see some issues between Monica and Gideon with Monica trying to keep him away from Eva before the wedding - you know Monica 'handles' her men and has tried to school Eva on how to 'catch' her man.  I can see Monica trying to keep them apart and Gideon not having any part of that.  Should be interesting!

  15. One of the other topics here speak to the Russian Mafia and speculate about Daniel at the pool is Vegas.  I want to suggest another area.  I still think that Clancy and his brother may have been involved in moving the bracelet from Nathan's possession to that of the Russian that was killed for fooling around with the daughter of another Russian Mafia member. I think that Clancy (and his associates) was following Nathan after Monica saw him at the Crossfire building and especially after Cary got his a** kicked outside the club (I think by Nathan).  Clancy's brother with the FBI would have the info and contacts to get this done.  I also think Tatiana may have some kind of contact with the Russians, even though that has not been looked at yet either.  She was out of town (alibi -- but who was she with? and she was gone for about a week).


    However, this is where husband #2 may be involved.  Monica left him (and none of the exes wanted her to leave).  When Eva and Cary went to Vegas, she told Carey about her ex-step dad who was a whale!  If he got in big to loan sharks (either Russians, or debt bought out by Russians), they may have found out that Eva is worth millions as well as Stanton being worth even more.  And of course, we have Gideon who is one of the Forbes top 25 wealthiest people.  Certainly, the ex-step father could have been working out some sort of deal to pay off his gambling debt.  Or, Nathan could have been arranging something.  Lots of possibilites here. 


    Eva may not be safe yet, even though Nathan is gone. 

  16. Hi Everyone

    I have finally decided to break down and buy an e-book reader.  Can anyone suggest a good e-book reader please?  I know that; Kindle, Sony E-Book Readers, and Nook Books, are some of the brands that sell these types of readers, but what does everyone recommend?  What makes this particular e-book reader better than the others?  Any suggestions or help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


    GiGi :)

    Hi GiGi, I use my IPad also.  Download the Kindle app from the App store -- It is FREE.  Works great!


  17. If Tatiana is lying about a baby (or it is someone else's or aborted), I think that will definitely be the end of her. Plus, Trey seems like such a nice guy and Eva likes him, coupled with the fact that Tatiana is 'flirting' with Gideon (see in the kitchen naked), I think she will soon be out of there. Of course I think there will be some drama... Her and Eva having it out or maybe a Russian mob connection. I don't see her just disappearing quietly. Go Team Trey!

    The trip to California should be interesting. I agree that Gideon will show up if he doesn't accompany Eva and Cary outright. Jealousy, even with the trust that E and G now seem to have will be a problem. G may have to deal with Corinne first as well as Deanna and that could delay him. But no way he is going to have E and Brett together without hi being in the area! plus, I think he may need to spend some Time with E's dad prior to the wedding. His time with Victor was a bit stilted before with the 'break-up' and police visit and then the info re abuse.

    Can't wait!!!

  18. Couldn't agree more about Afterburner. But I was really impressed with the picture of Charlie Hunnam from Deadfall. Yum! That picture indicates that he cleans up really well and he can pull off sophisticated choral loving Christian Grey.

    Wish Sylvia could have more input in the casting of Gideon and Eva, but I think we are going to get what we get. TV is different from the movies and the budgets are a lot different. Oh we'll.

    I am so ready for CBY to come out and really want to get some snippets. With Sylvia heading to South America, I am not holding my breath. Darn.

  19. Come on Sylvia!!! Throw us a bone here. Time for Chapter 1 or at least a snippet for CBY. Please!

    So, what else is coming up. Are we going to have the wedding of her boss Mark that she helps plan? Getting the Eva and Gideon wedding together? Dealing with Monica on the wedding? Could be funny watching Gideon handle Monica in regards to the whole wedding scenario, especially if Monica tries to keep Eva and Gideon apart prior to the wedding! LOL.

    I think I am going to read the three books to look for clues for upcoming events. Obviously the bracelet will come into play eventually. I think Ann will be a biggie in the next book or maybe the last book. Not sure why she went after Cary unless she was fishing for info. Megumi and her situation is interesting and I am not convinced that the evil Christopher isn't Michael - again, trying for info to use against Gideon and maybe Eva. Also I do think that the tenth floor will be Eva's new digs and she will take Mark with her. Way to go! You know Gideon is going to get his way with Eva working for him, especially after she did damage control with his website!

    Oh (rubbing hands together) this could get juicy. Just hope the s e x between Eva and Gideon continues to evolve.

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