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  1. In Bared to You, he barely even knows Eva and at that point she didn't even know his first name, yet he flat out tells her he wants to have sex with her, then practically forces her to go to his office so they can talk about having sex even after she says no more than once. Then he won't let her leave until she kisses him. I know this is a romantic fiction but in reality he would have a sexual harassment lawsuit filed on him instantly. Especially with all the money that he has. Most likely it would be settled out of court with a check involved
  2. Excluding The Crossfire Series and Afterburn/Aftershock, what other Sylvia Day book would you like to be made into a movie? For me it would be a tie with Seven Years to Sin and In the Flesh. I think both would be amazing. If Passionflix were to make all her books movie's I would watch them all, but those two are the one's I enjoy.
  3. I read Sylvia say that she think's Jax from Afterburn/Aftershock was the most arrogant character she ever wrote. When I read On Fire I thought that Jared Cameron had to have been the most arrogant. But it's later revealed in the book that he isn't However, I thought the ending was a little predictable and I was able to guess who was setting the fires before it was revealed.Â
  4. I noticed Sylvia seems to write a lot about people who have known each other for a while and with Blood and Roses it was no exception. Despite it being a shorter story, it was really well written and I enjoyed the fact that she mentioned Gideon in there more than once. If you haven't read Blood and Roses yet, you need to.
  5. I was wondering when we would be finding out who got cast as who. I'm sure no one here knows yet but does anyone have a idea about when we might hear something?
  6. Magic Fingers was the first short story by Sylvia Day that I had ever read but unlike her other short stories where I felt like there should have been more about the character's I think it's fine the way it is. Â She gives us a little insight about Alison and although we don't know much about James he is a character that is obviously likable and is willing to put his job on the line for a girl before she get's away before finally making permanent sacrifices to be with her.
  7. Another great short story by Sylvia Day and another one that I would have liked to have been longer. The story of Robin and Paul was done really well but there were certain things about the character's (especially Paul) that left us guessing. Along with Iron Hard this story is one of my favorite shorter ones that Sylvia has written. Salacious Robinson was an even shorter story at the end of What Happened in Vegas which was another one that left you wondering about the characters. The good thing about these short stories is that you can take what you've learned from the character's in a few pages and then create the rest of their lives with your imagination.Â
  8. I have to admit, I haven't actually read The Story of O but I did read Sylvia's introduction to the story and she did good about not spoiling anything while still giving very good detail about what the character went through. When I finished reading her introduction I didn't have to read the book to figure out what all happens because she did so well with explaining her take on it without giving too much away.
  9. I'm not sure who all here has read this book but 50 Writer's on Fifty Shades of Grey is exactly what it's title is and I really enjoyed Sylvia Day's take on it. For those of you who hadn't read what she wrote about it, she talked about how she met someone who said to her "Oh you write THOSE books" and how Sylvia was a little offended over it and wondered if the woman knew that no one brown paper bag's their "naughty" books anymore. She talked a lot about how it use to be hard to get your erotic romance stories out there and how difficult it was for fans to find them. Not to mention that the cover's of the books left little to the imagination and the titles of them were blunt with what the book were about. But thanks to Fifty Shades of Grey all that was changed.  She said that the books are still being brown paper bagged just in a different way. With ribbons, high heels, scarfs etc. on the cover but people still know what's going on when they come across a book like that. It made me realize how much things must have changed for books like that after Fifty Shades came out.Â
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