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Posts posted by julie54

  1. The bar of soap wasn't my idea, but never mind -Gideon and soap makes for a nice fantasy. Re language, I had more trouble with Gideon's use of c**t than anything else. But coming from G I got used to it quickly. I'm aware there was a pun in that last sentence, but it would be beneath me to mention it. I understand from the British publications and novels I read that the c word does not have the same level of shock value as it does in the US. It tops the list here.

    Oh. The c word tops our list too. We have a watershed on tv, where certain words can't be used before 9pm. C**t and f*ck being the only ones!

    I liked your pun! ;)

  2. I seem to be assuming the Defender of Brett role - which is funny because he's not my type at all.

    Here we go: I don't think he was responsible for the tape. I think the line is either Sam-CV-Deanna or Sam-Deanna-CV.

    I think he's honestly convinced himself that he's in love with Eva. And for what ever reasons, and I know there are excuses because of prior history, he is being jerked around by Eva. The messages and signals she has been giving him are mixed, to say the least.

    As for his filthy mouth, I'm not sure that wishing he could be inside Eva again and reminding her of some enjoyable sexual encounters, is that out of line. As far as he remembers Eva really enjoyed what they did and that probably included sex talk. And she certainly enjoys blunt and "dirty" talk with Gideon.

    Did Brett walk up to Eva, without even knowing her, mind you, and say, "Are you sleeping with anyone at the moment? I want to fu ck you and I'd like to know if there's anyone in the way." And "I don't want to date you, but I've got a whole lots of ways I can make you come." If anyone was in needed a bar of soap...

    But if I had Gideon and a bar of soap - that's not what I'd be doing. Sigh...

    I think we should give poor Brett a break. He's lost Eva and all he has left to comfort him is rock stardom, hordes of sexy groupies, world travel, and lots of money.

    I guess he'll survive without my advocacy. :)

    Hi Nancy

    I've just had a vision of Gideon frothing at the mouth! And you with your bar of soap, which I agree, they both need. Their chat up lines stink, but then I'm of the older generation! ;) but I'm not past it. ;)

    Eva has definitely sent Brett mixed signals, there's no doubting that. But Brett doesn't know of her reasons for doing what and why she did, all those years ago. He never got to know her, it was just sex to him. There was no dating, getting to know each other. And she put out, hoping to feel love and be loved. What man wouldn't take it, when its handed on a plate to him. Eva herself admitted she wanted to be the best that he got , so he wouldn't go with anyone else. He may have feelings for her but its not love.

    The tape can't just show Eva having sex with Brett , there has to be shots of Brett in this encounter. How does he feel, knowing that he has been caught with his pants down! If Sam is using the tape, editing it, Brett must be in it too. This tape is good publicity for the song and the band. Brett's street cred will pull in a lot more groupies! If Brett doesn't know about it(but I think he does) and Chris is 100% in the know, I will eat a portion of crow pie! Again! Some of my theories suck! Hahaha!

  3. Hi everyone,

    I was thinking about the possible scenarios and theories that everyone has posted and I was wondering how everyone would feel about creating a working theory model (a theory that would take into account as many possibilities or explanations as possible).  Everyone can add as much or as little as they like.  Everyone can suggest theories or explanations for questions that may have been posted.  People can feel free to add questions to the working theory or provide working answers.  I have posted this in another thread but I thought that it might be nice for those who might like to continue the discussion. 


    There have been forum members who have suggested that Monica/Clancy may have been responsible for covering up Nathan’s murder.  With that thought in mind; I had a few questions myself:

    • We know for sure that Gideon killed Nathan because Sylvia told us….but what she hasn’t revealed is how the scenario played out.
    • We know for sure that there were 10 days between Nathan attempting to blackmail Gideon, Monica and Stanton and him winding up dead.
    • We know for sure that Nathan was murdered.
    • We know for sure that Monica has a penchant for bugging and having her daughter tracked/trailed (i.e. through security guards, a bugging device in her compact mirror and her watch).

    What we don’t for sure or could it be:

    • Could Monica have had Gideon tailed to monitor his movements?
    • Could Monica have been planning Nathan’s murder but Gideon beat him to the punch?
    • Could Monica have arrived after Gideon murdered Nathan and therefore would not have needed to pay off his blackmail demands or wouldn’t need to kill Nathan because he was already dead?

    What we also know for sure about Monica is:

    • Monica is absolutely thrilled about Gideon and Eva’s relationship.  She has been counseling her daughter about how to keep a relationship with a man like Gideon.
    • Monica has done everything in her power to ensure that Eva’s “social reputation†has remained intact.
    • Money has always been very important to a woman like Monica.


    • Could Monica be responsible for the “cover-up†of Nathan’s murder because she realizes how much Gideon had risked for her daughter?

    The only questions I keep coming back to are:

    • If each of these characters worked independently of one another then how did everything happen on that one particular day?
    • Why did everyone: Monica, Gideon and Stanton choose that day to pay off the blackmail demands and kill Nathan?

    I have given one scenario for Monica and questions which I cannot account for.  Everyone feel free to jump in and add or delete as you wish.  If you don’t think that a question is relevant please explain your reasoning so everyone can follow along. 


    Ok, everyone feel free to jump in and add or detract. :)

    Hi Gigi

    From something Clancy said, Nathan was being tailed, by him. Gideon would have had him followed I'm sure to protect Eva and wanting to know his whereabouts.

    Monica I'm sure knows Gideon was responsible from that comment about his secrets when lunching with Eva. Let me work out a scenario today and get back to you. A challenge heh! Like it. :)

  4. Hi Mam2e & Julie, 

    Could it be that Hugh saw Gideon initially with an assistant present or with some household staff present during the therapy?  It is normal for a child to see a therapist alone (depending on the age) but usually said parent that is takig the child for therapy is sitting just outside of the doctor's room.  They aren't in a "waiting room" down the hall or separated from the child by a mater of distance.


    If the child decides to end the session all they have to do is open the door and know that their parent is waiting right outside of the door for them.  It can help the child to feel more comfortable if they are uncomfortable with strangers. 


    From the way that Sylvia described the scenario, it seems like Elizabeth Vidal was separated from Gideon by a great distance.  I suspect that Gideon "received his sessions" in the family library (from something Eva had said during her encounter with Gideon at the Garden Party) whereas Elizabeth must have had her sessions elsewhere.  The rooms in that home were separated by large and long hallways, so a pedophile could take full advantage of a situation like that.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    Hi Gigi

    Good morning lady from sunny England

    I think I the library was the room for Gideons abuse. Also the sofa armrest being used to fold Gideon over while being raped.

    I find it mind boggling given Gideons accusations, that therapy was allowed to be continued unsupervised. Yes I know it's part of the storyline. But what mother would allow this. Lizzy was so wrapped in her own problems that she allowed this to happen. It seems the good Dr's were able to convince her about Gideons issues were nothing more than lies to get attention. Did she never doubt them once? Poor Gideon, had no one to fight his corner, until Angus. Such a sad state of affairs.

  5. Yeah it could be that too! She defo abused his trust. I also thought that maybe it was to do with Christopher? We have yet to find out if he knew about the abuse properly or why they hate each other so much. Maybe he really let Gideon down in that respect?

    When Gideon was relating his abuse to Eva, at the end of Reflected, he said he was left alone with him(Hugh) more and more. Where was Chris? I thought they were having treatment together, while the shrink saw Lizzy. Why was Gideon having therapy without an adult being present? Is it normal ?

  6. Sorry I didn't explain that very well. I mean maybe Gideon was talking about how he felt used by someone he thought cared about him originally (his therapist/doctor)?

    I was wondering if he was referring to his mother! Someone close to him has abused their power of trust. Who?

    Because as they were leaving the garden party, Lizzy was talking to Gideon , and Eva wondered if she loved him too much, which repulsed her(Eva).

  7. Ok. We. Need something to discuss.

    Reading Bared again. I came across Gideons reply to Eva, when talking about Magdalene and Chris at the garden party.

    Gideon says "It's hard to see yourself being used that way. Especially by someone you think you know, someone who's supposed to care about you."

    Eva thought is what exactly had been done to him? Page 300

    Any thoughts on who or what he might be referring to?

  8. Hi Julie

    I've just back in after my date with Superman, and you should see my face!!!! You would be proud of me!!!!I :blush: I really loved the movie, the cast, the score, and of course Henry. All these biceps and abs are really something, but his eyes... his eyes are from another world indeed!! I even found myself crying when he's holding Lois in his arms and they kiss ..... I could almost feel his intense look on her.... I bet Amy Adams must have had a h e l l of a time!!!!.  

    One thing did bother me, my Henry was dubbed and I missed his wonderfully sinful voice. I'm going to buy the DVD as soon as it's released!!!


    You'll find me on fb as Gabri Canova. My avatar is the same, for the time being (Black roses)


    What a Saturday!!!! I can die a happy death now.

    Hello Gabri.

    So glad you enjoyed it. I saw it in 3D. When he held his hand out. I wanted to touch it! I wonder how many takes it took for the kissing scene?!!! Lol

    I shall add you on FB now. Keep a look out. :)

  9. Good morning Julie

    I'll be honoured to join you on fb, trouble is I still don't know how to do it, I'm only able to look ad SD site and HC pics...... would you be so kind as to help me???? lol

    You're right, we should keep in contact once the forum slows down!

    Good afternoon ladies

    It would be good to keep in touch. You can add me on FB my name is Julie Redpath. My picture is of a westie dog.

    Gabri. Let me know your full name I will find you. like Gideon! :)

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