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Posts posted by Lighthouse

  1. 4 hours ago, sscrph said:

    At least this theory gives her a purpose to be mentioned as frequently as she has been in all 5 books.

    I also suspect the redhead kept letting Corrine in through reception. How else was it that Corrine repeatedly got in uninvited to the waiting area of Gideon's own office?

    I'm glad Sylvia did not wrap up every single thread. She left us stuff lots of stuff to theorize about.

    On page 206 of OWY, Gideon recalls his hotel room pre-Eva as "... the only place where I took women for sex. It was safe. Impersonal. There was nothing to learn about me there but how I looked nude and how I liked to (insert the f word here) ."

    This got me thinking about the photo of him tag-teaming those two women on Cinco de Mayo. I figure he stayed clothed the whole time in the club and in his mind, toying with the women didn't count in his mind as sex. The first time he brought Eva to (insert the Big O word here) was on her living room couch, him staying clothed the entire time, so that erotic activity did not count in his mind as actual sex. And maybe, a few hours later in the limo, one of the reasons he was able to engage in actual intercourse was that he and Eva both stayed fully clothed at the time. Bottom line: until Eva broke through his inhibitions, he sometimes engaged in sexual activity with women (sometimes multiple women) in some places other than the hotel room, but outside of that room, he never went as far as intercourse, and so none of those women counted in his mind. He went 'all the way' with Deanna once and Anne repeatedly in the hotel room itself, and so in his mind, he did have sex with them.

  2. 5 hours ago, sscrph said:

    Could it be that the red-headed receptionist is the leak lol????

    Arnoldo arranged the bachelor party, and he called Scott, Gideon's assistant, to arrange the trip (OWY page 205). So it's possible the red-headed receptionist overheard Scott handling the matter, and she was the leak. I like your theory a lot. I never trusted that receptionist, and I suspect she's somehow related to Anne Lucas. I always thought there was more to the red-hair than just the fact the receptionist wasn't a brunette (Gideon's old fetish) or a blonde (like Eva). Why do the books keep mentioning the red hair? It's a clue, I think.

  3. 8 hours ago, itsmev883 said:

    Gideon said that he had a past with the ghostwriter in the interview. 

    Good point that it may have been the talk show interview that led Corrine to figure out he'd slept with Deanna, even though Gideon was very careful in the interview to not mention her name nor elaborate what 'past' meant. Maybe Corrine put two and two together just like Eva had: that Deanna physically was exactly the type he used to go for. A part of me still wishes/fantasizes though that it had been Arash who made sure Corrine learned for sure the 'past' involved sex. Arash being both Gideon's lawyer and friend and an important part of Team GidEva.

  4. I wonder how Corrine found out ghostwriter Deanna had slept with Gideon and held a grudge. Did Arash contact her directly himself? Or did he go through the publisher's legal department? I hope it was the former. Arash as more than the lawyer: him as the friend of GidEva and knowing that the mere idea of the book was upsetting to Eva.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sandra_1705 said:

    Or it can mean that Ireland is NOW 17...I think "not being underage" in the US means 21?(Where i come from it's 18)...So we have to wait at least 4 years? If I'm correct...

    Lots of different meanings to 'underage' in the U.S. but in the context Sylvia used it, I'm pretty sure she meant Ireland is still a 'minor' -- not yet a legal adult. Throughout the U.S., age 18 is considered legal adulthood. 'Underage' sometimes can refer to laws about teen-agers and sexual consent. Age of consent is part of state law, and each of the 50 states has its own set of laws that cover what is considered under-age teen-aged sex (sometimes called statutory rape). Some states have the age of consent set at 16, others 17, and some 18. I looked up New York state, and if the page I found was correct, 17 is the age of consent there.

  6. I read the paperback in one sitting, and then I moved on to listening to the audio book, which I finished today.

    I loved it! One section of in particular brought tears to my eyes when I heard it on the audio book. It's the part in Chapter 6 when Angus plays for Gideon the tape of Eva going after Anne. 

    Angus, "She'll stand by you."

    Gideon, "If my past goes public? Yes, she will."

    Sylvia ended the saga with strong New Eva and still-healing Gideon on their honeymoon, giving us fans each our own opportunity to envision how happily-ever-after unfolds for GidEva. Here are some short-term developments I imagine unfolding upon GidEva's return to New York:

    Anne Lucas will be charged in connection with Monica's murder, and as the court case unfolds, Hugh's sordid past will finally come to public light. In a way, he will be prosecuted at long last. Also, the revelations about Terrance Lucas' role in covering up the abuse will finally come out. Gideon's past as a sexually-abused child will cause most people to admire him for what how he overcame adversity and turned his private pain into a desire to help abuse victims via charities.

    Corrine won't publish her book. The revelations about Anne and Hugh will make her finally understand why Gideon wouldn't -- couldn't -- marry her all those years ago. She will at long last throw in the towel.

    I think I can finally trust Detective Graves to make sure Gideon is never prosecuted for Nathan's death.

    I think Deanna won't take the job, because she'll be too spiteful about the face Eva had been the person who suggested Cross Industries hire her. I think Deanna will instead opt to make money writing free-lance stories about Gideon as the Lucas scandal unfolds. Eva will be more than her match in Team GidEva crisis management as Deanna's stories run, and so even though Deanna will probably get paid big bucks by tabloid media, Eva will win the war.

    The revelations about the Lucases will start the process that heals the rift between Gideon and his half-brother, Christopher.

    Elizabeth will continue to stick her head in the sand, but hey -- Gideon's already made his peace with the fact his mother is self-centered and weak, so he's now past caring how she responds to the news coverage.

    Oh, and I think that Arnoldo and Shawna will end up together.

    P.S. I think Gideon's dream in which his father wishes for a grandson and a grand-daughter has a shade of precognition to it: several years down the road, Gideon and Eva will have two children. A girl they'll name Lauren in honor of Eva's late mother. A boy they'll name Gideon Geoffrey Cross Jr.

  7. 1 minute ago, sscrph said:

    I'm pretty sure the forum all agrees that Anne has been behind the scenes all this time manipulating Corinne in her desperate attempts to win back Gideon but at this point now that he has divulged they are married her efforts are just plain pathetic. As Deanna told Eva once..." The Iceman thawed a bit for you" and boy did he ever !

    Just cant wait to read it...5.5 hours to go????

    I don't trust Deanna one bit. I don't think she accepted Gideon's apology. I think she's in it for the money she'll make from those wedding pictures, but if given a clear shot to screw GidEva over, she'll take it in a heart beat. Oh my God: answers are sooooooo close now! My bookstore opens at 8 a.m. I want a book I can hold in my hands, touch, absorb that new-book smell. But if God forbid the delivery didn't come, I've got my Kindle for back-up.


  8. Thank you, Sylvia, for the Chapter 2 opening scene. Ah, a Gideon fix! My heart just beat a little faster.

    It seems at long last Gideon has had it with Corrine.  He sic'd Arash on her, made it clear to Scott he didn't want her admitted to his office. When she barged her way past both handlers anyway, Gideon made it clear that next time, he'll involve security. Go, Gideon! I just hope he actually means it this time: no more contact with that woman no matter what sort of attention-seeking stunts she tries to pull. I almost felt bad for her how pathetic she's become. Her wardrobe choice, sexy red dress, probably stems from Gideon's first date with Eva, those red carpet pictures of Eva in the red gown. The night of the first date, Corrine calling Gideon from France, begging him for help, did manage to make him bail out of his date with Eva. Score one for Corrine back then. The only round she ever won against Eva. But look at her now: she sees the beach wedding photo of GidEva and she pulls out an old photo of Gideon and her playing in the surf.

    I think the whole book idea is rooted in that night Corrine first saw Gideva together in person, the dinner at the Waldorf, near the end of Bared to You.  Gideon let her ramble on and on about places Corrine visited with him years ago as he tried to prevent her from upsetting Eva. She did so anyway, and Eva walked out on Gideon. Corrine probably counted that as another victory, even though we all know it was a fail, because Gideon ended up in Eva's arms that night.  Corrine has upped her 'remember when' game with the photos and books, maybe because she thinks the book would torture the insecure Eva, make her leave Gideon for good? Epic fail. Because New Eva is no longer insecure, and Gideon is furious at Corrine for trying to hurt her. What I wonder is this: did Anne Lucas plant the book idea in Corrine's head all because of what happened at that dinner months ago? Terry Lucas saw the whole drama with his own eyes, from Corrine monopolizing Gideon's attention to Eva walking out on him. Did Terry run home to his wife and tell her all about it? And Anne became fixated on Corrine as a potential weapon against Gideon?

    By this time tomorrow, I hope to have answers.

  9. When I headed out of my office for the day, I acted like I wasn't feeling good. Gee, I'm gonna have to call my boss tomorrow, say I'm sick and staying home.  She'll say 'get some rest' and I'll promise her I'll spend the day on my couch, lots of fluids, take it easy, maybe read a book. 

    .... OK, so I'm 'love' sick for Gideon, and I will spend all day on the couch. Except for one quick errand to the bookstore, ha, ha.

    See you all in the spoiler thread after I'm done!

  10. So Eva has decided to fight fire with fire as far as Corrine goes. Corrine plans to tell the world all about the Gideon she knew and loved and had. Eva plans to show the world how much she and Gideon are in love. Part of me says, 'you go girl'. But Monica's got a point: Gideon probably won't Eva's idea of manipulating the media. Even though he himself is guilty of doing so.

  11. 9 minutes ago, D500 said:

    I can't establish a timeline for Anne Lucas from what is in the books.

    Gideon met Corinne during his first year at Columbia, two years later they got engaged, one year later broke it off.  So meeting Anne will be after that.

    He challenged Hugh after the statute of limitations for him presumably prosecuting Hugh had run out, Hugh commits suicide and I assume getting together with Anne came after that once he realised she was (a) Lucas wife and (b) Hugh's sister.

    In searching through the e-book just for the word 'Lucas' I came across something in CBY where Gideon says to Eva "If I hadn't used Deanna to send a message to Anne that the door was closed between us, she would've been just a one-night stand.  Over and done with."  I thought she was a one night stand?  He had said earlier in the storyline "She was a mistake in every sense.  She made herself available once, and I make it a rule to avoid overly eager women a second time."  and further down the page "I used Deanna to keep Anne from approaching me.  I didn't feel good about it afterward and I didn't handle it well."

    I think Gideon 'used' Deanna like he 'used' Corrine. He somehow made Anne believe there was something serious between him and Deanna just like he used Corrine to make Eva believe things were over with them. Here's a theory: Gideon 'dated' Deanna, took her out in public a few times, made sure she was one of the many gorgeous brunettes he was photographed with at society functions. He went out of his way to make Anne believe she'd been dumped for Deanna. I'm certain he told Eva the truth about the sex part: he slept with Deanna only once, and that was it: and that was the end, too: he cut Deanna right off. I can see Gideon going on a head trip soon as he stuck his ####  in Deanna. He'd just broken his rule about not having sex with a woman he dated. The way Deanna tells it, Gideon didn't even finish the deed: he kicked her out of bed and then avoided her after that. Now Magdalene's words to Eva make sense: about him not respecting women he sleeps with and once he stuck his #### in her, he was done. Maybe that is how it played out in real life with Deanna?

  12. Do we know how long ago it was that Anne had her affair with Gideon? Have any of you now re-reading the books come across a timeline?

    2 hours ago, D500 said:

    Just seen a comment on Facebook that some US stores are already selling the book - disappointing if they are - if it was a day or two before publication a mistake could have occurred but this far away it is unforgiveable to put the book out.  So let's hope no-one gives the storyline away.  Surprised that copies have already been sent to the stores, after last year's problems it might have been wise of the publishers not to distribute the books until a couple of days before release.


    In my re-reading chapter of CBY last night I picked up on this:


    Gideon speaking to Eva about his visits to Dr Petersen: "You're assuming Hugh is the problem," I said evenly, feeling the burn of hatred and humiliation in my gut.  "We've been talking about my father instead." She recalls he has two ways of waking from his dreams - ready to beat someone up or crying like his heart is breaking and she knows the former is to do with Hugh.


    It always happens, no matter how careful the publishers are, that some people manage to get their hands on hot new books ahead of release day. I remember years ago with the Harry Potter books I heard of people somehow getting their hands on copies. I don't resent fans who do. I consider them lucky. The only people I would resent would be those who post spoilers. Speaking of, did you all see the spoiler thread the site administrator set up? I like the idea the thread is locked down until release day. Kudos to the staff person who set that up. She (or he) should get a raise.

  13. 43 minutes ago, BettyY37 said:

    Has there been any discussion about Anne Lucas leaving Eva's apartment building?  I have just finished reading that scene.

    Anne got off the elevator and the doorman and concierge had not noticed her entry.  The concierge states all visitors were accompanied by tenants.  Later Gideon tells Eva Anne has promised to get back at him by hurting Eva.  I think Anne has been the cause of Cary's recent destructive behavior.  I think she is trying to destroy him to get to Eva and thereby Gideon.  In other forms, Anne was mentioned as the possible doctor who gave Corinne inappropriate medication for her depression that may have made her suicidal.  At that time everyone in the story thought Gideon cared about Corinne. I would not be surprised to find Anne Lucas is the source of Cary's and Corinne's unusual behavior.


    Eva did not go upstairs that day.  She has not asked Cary about any redheads either.

    Or Anne's real goal is to try to destroy Eva? Eva is very well protected at the Crossfire, in Gideon's cars and at his penthouse, but Anne managed to get next to her at a public function. The ultimate goal: somehow get into Eva's home? Trying to do so via Cary? It would be Nathan all over again, who went after Cary as part of stalking Eva. Now Anne is stalking her? And Cary is the weak link in the security chain?

    Gah! April 5 cannot come soon enough!!!!!!!!!

  14. 20 minutes ago, D500 said:

    I think release is midnight in local time wherever you are, so Australia get it first but the States they may ensure the whole country gets it at the same time regardless of time zone??CBY took about half an hour to arrive on my kindle so I'd given up and bought it again from iTunes which gave it me within minutes of purchase but I've gone for Kindle again this time.  I'm only bothered about pre-ordering the hard copy as the digital you can buy and download straight away anyway so I often wonder why some people get very wound up months before a book release because there's no pre-order.  And yes, Amazon are great at ensuring the books arrive on release day, although for me if they come by post they arrive at around mid-day, or by Amazon delivery then any time up to 19.00 in the evening, but I rely on getting the e-book first.

    May not be Corinne this time - Ann or his mother?  Ann wants to attack Gideon via Eva, Elizabeth seemingly hates Eva because she is taking her son away from her.  Hmm, doesn't she realise she lost him when he was around the age of 12, possibly even when he was 5 and his dad killed himself after committing a crime and the constant arguments with Elizabeth - Gideon must have been party to some of those rows, and of course although we know his father shot himself we don't know where or how - did Geoffrey do it while Elizabeth and Gideon were out or were they in and heard the gun shot?  Who discovered the body? 

    But the revelation of something from his past is a very good theory, and wouldn't surprise me as we know there is still more for us to learn.

    I'm thinking Anne Lucas, maybe via Deanna Johnson, could do something messy and public. He admitted to himself he was depraved with her. And Deanna said to Eva, "That man has a dark side." Maybe some lies about his involvement in Hugh's suicide? Add on crazy lies about Corrine's attempted suicide, dead baby? And some crazy shrink stuff about his father's suicide being to blame for deep-seated pathology? I wonder whether his father killed himself at home, and little Gideon saw. Gideon sometimes has nightmares where he cries. Hugh would have known the details about the suicide, and maybe he told his sister Anne things?

    Then again, the OWY crisis could be something totally unexpected. RIY blew me away when the stuff about Nathan came out, revealing the real reason Gideon had gone out of his way to convince Eva he got back together with Corrine. Protect Eva from being suspected of murder.


  15. Of course there will be a happily ever after! No doubt about it: this is, after all, a romance novel. But HOW will GidEva get there? Get from point A (the obstacles in their marriage) to point HEA (figuring out how to make it work)? I can't wait to see how Sylvia accomplishes it, but I'm sure it will be great, a real page-turning ride.

    What's got me wondering (and worrying) is the 'dark moment'. The point where all seems lost. Every romance novel has a dark moment (or moments). In fact, all novels have a turning point in the story where the heroes/heroines face some crisis/defeat. BTY dark moment: Eva found out the reason Gideon ditched her the night they first made love was because he rushed off to help Corrine, a woman he'd wanted to marry, a woman still in love with him and still part of his life. RIY dark moment: Eva found out the reason Gideon blew her off yet again: he took Corrine to the hotel. Both of those dark, dark moments for Eva. I cry every time I re-read the scene where she called him up after seeing the newspaper picture of him and Corrine. EWY dark moment was Gideon's: Corrine tried to kill herself over him, and her unborn baby died. CBY dark moment was Gideon's too: Eva walked out on the marriage.

    So, what's gonna be the OWY dark moment, and whose dark moment will it be? Eva or Gideon? I think it'll be his. My guess is something dark from his past becoming public.

  16. 16 hours ago, sscrph said:

    I think they may have just returned from the Outer Banks weekend  which would be the first weekend after they  reunited that Gideon was talking to Arash about.  The snippet is interesting in that Sylvia must have changed  her mind about  Eva staying out of Gideon's bed until the wedding because clearly there has been some action!! Eva can't resist those blue eyes...although it must be something very important to take Gideon away from Eva so early in the morning so Im thinking a meeting about Brett Kline or Ann Lucas or one of the many pressing problems...

    I think you're right they went to the Outer Banks, and I think/hope Gideon managed to convince Eva to 'come home' by moving back into the penthouse and/or their love nest apartment. Maybe Gideon did something in OWY to yet again prove his willingness to change. Like what happened near the end of RIY, the turning-point conversation they had, when Eva said his keeping himself closed off made it impossible for her to have a future with him. Gideon, faced with losing her forever, finally opened up about his being an abuse survivor. His honesty made Eva change her mind about leaving him for good.

    In the RIY trip to the Outer Banks, Gideon made himself and Eva unreachable by the outside world, a decision he came to regret. Arash later lectured Gideon about not having a phone during the weekend escape with Eva. So maybe this time when they went away for the weekend, Gideon made sure he could be reached in case of emergency. Did something come up during the weekend that explains Gideon now rushing out the door during the scene in the new snippet we go? Some threat to Eva's peace of mind or even her physical safety, which is why Gideon needed assurance she'd spend the day at home? I can think of two looming problems Arash is helping Gideon with: trying to keep the sex tape from coming out, and trying to keep Corrine's book from being published. Raul is keeping tabs on Anne Lucas, so there's another possibility of a threat Gideon caught wind of.

    1 hour ago, BettyY37 said:

    At the very end of Captivated by You, Eva tells Gideon Mark has received "a retention offer" from Waters Field & Leaman to which she adds she does not know what Mark is going to do.  Gideon asks Eva if she will come to Cross Industries if Mark makes the move.  Her response is "I'm not sure yet...."

    This exchange takes place on the last two pages of CBY! 


    53 minutes ago, Lou1974 said:

    I think he'll go to CI, the offer was too good. 

    I'll bet CI rival LanCorp is behind the retention offer Mark received. Mark's been made a pawn in the Cross-Landon feud.

  17. 14 hours ago, Ript said:
    17 hours ago, jmhope said:
    17 hours ago, jmhope said:

    there is a tweet from Sylvia asking....Should Trey forgive Cary?    That is a hard question.  Was their relationship exclusive?  Didn't Cary meet both Trey and Tatiana at the same time?  I mean if you have casual sex with lots of people (even if you are "careful") accidents do happen, Trey just can't get pregnant.  Don't really know if Cary has done something to be forgiven for? other than having relations with men and women.  Did Trey know about the blonde that Cary did at the Advocacy dinner the first night that Gideon and Eva had sex?  That is a really hard question, but can Trey be with Cary knowing that he may or may not be having a baby?  Just glad that I don't have to decide.  Can't wait for 4/5/16!!

    there is a tweet from Sylvia asking....Should Trey forgive Cary?    That is a hard question.  Was their relationship exclusive?  Didn't Cary meet both Trey and Tatiana at the same time?  I mean if you have casual sex with lots of people (even if you are "careful") accidents do happen, Trey just can't get pregnant.  Don't really know if Cary has done something to be forgiven for? other than having relations with men and women.  Did Trey know about the blonde that Cary did at the Advocacy dinner the first night that Gideon and Eva had sex?  That is a really hard question, but can Trey be with Cary knowing that he may or may not be having a baby?  Just glad that I don't have to decide.  Can't wait for 4/5/16!!

    Sorry about the double-posting. I can't get the hang of this quote function. The question by Sylvia about Cary and Trey was on Facebook too. It made me think back to how Gideon's actions at the advocacy dinner itself hurt Eva and he sought forgiveness afterward. The night of the dinner, there was a crystal clear understanding at the time Eva and Gideon were not even a couple let alone exclusive, and yet Eva ended up hurt, so hurt that by Monday she was prepared to cut Gideon out of her life. With Cary and Trey, take this a step further, because they have been a couple and Trey has confessed to being insecure about Cary's women. Think about Trey now devastated that Cary got a woman pregnant, which makes her some sort of permanent tie. Should Trey cut Cary off forever? I hope OWY wraps up the Cary storyline about the triangle with Tat and Trey. Oh and I doubt the baby is Cary's. he was careful about condoms. I think Tat wants Cary to support her financially and so she's claiming the baby definitely is his.


  18. The audiobook is now listed for pre-order on Audible (which is Amazon's audiobook division).

    The preview says the length is 29 hours and 2 minutes -- which makes it more than twice as long as the next longest, CBY, which runs 12 hours and 14 minutes. So I'm not convinced the figures Amazon lists right now are correct. (It'd be GREAT if the book is that long -- but the difference is so huge that I have to wonder.

  19. Hopefully this teaser is the start of a regular series prior to an announcement of release date



    So does this mean Eva's got a hit list? 

    Going to pay Corrine another visit because of the book? (I hope so, and I hope there will be pulling of hair)

    Another visit to Terry Lucas? (or maybe not - Chris Sr. cleaned the guy's clock).

    Visit Anne Lucas at her office? (Scary thought. Don't do it Eva).

    March into Vidal Records for a talk with Christopher Jr.? (She let him off too easy before)

    Show up at the Vidal estate for another run-in with Elizabeth? (Maybe between Eva and Chris Sr., Elizabeth will finally drop the denial)

    Wouldn't it be cool if Eva aligned herself with Arash, working alongside him to protect Gideon's business interests?

    Wouldn't it be interesting but scary if Eva approached Deana, started to work with her investigating people in Gideon's dark past, the ones with personal grudges?

  20. Does everyone think Corrine will actually release her book? 

    I for one do not think Corinne will release her book... If her actions are in fact due to improper meds prescribed by Anne Lucas.  I think Eva will get to the bottom of the conspiracy and Corinne will eventually come to her senses and retreat to France and try to make a go of it with Giroux.


    I don't think Corrine will end up publishing it. I do think, however, might try to mess with Eva's mind one last time by showing her old pictures of Gideon supposedly in love with her (Corrine).

    I think back to the chapter in Bared To You, the night Corrine met Eva. I think about that night from Corrine's point of view, including who else was present (Terry Lucas, Anne's husband.)

    Corrine managed to monopolize Gideon during dinner, playing "remember when" right in front of a miserable Eva. Then Terry Lucas butted in and Eva stormed off, ditching Gideon. OK, so Gideon ran right after Eva. But the damage was done: Gideon had revealed Eva's insecurities, and Corrine managed to hurt her.

    After Eva and then Gideon ran off, Corrine was left with Terry Lucas. Who'd already tried to buy Eva a drink and have a supposed honest talk with Eva about the 'real' Gideon Cross being a monster. What if Terry spoke with Corrine that night, catching her in an upset/vulnerable state? Recommend that she speak with his wife, Anne? That's how Corrine became Anne's patient, and from the first session, Anne planted the notion that Eva's insecurity/jealousy is the weapon Corrine can use to destroy the GidEva relationship? 

    Corrine making noise about writing a book and showing Gideon those pictures is still playing out the original dynamic we saw in Bared to You. In Corrine's twisted thinking: convince Gideon still fondly remembers their old relationship, he never stopped loving her (or at least caring for her) and Eva can be driven off?

    Well, as One With You opens, it's been a couple of weeks since Corrine got out of the hospital, and presumably the effects of the crazy meds are fading. She might not be completely in her right mind again, but she's no longer bonkers. In the snippet, she found out Gideon married Eva. It might (I hope) be enough to make Corrine throw in the towel. Drop the idea of the book. The other option is she'll now get desperate. Sell the pictures and her story to tabloids to make sure Eva sees those pictures sooner than later?


    I still think Deanna is playing both sides. Gideon thinks he's got her managed. But greed and/or revenge is driving Deanna to use Corrine. One way or another, Deanna is going to try an expose of Gideon and make as much money as possible selling the stories.

  21. I guess I'm hung up on the words " would have been a one night stand over and done with" in chapter 18 of CBY when Gideon is telling Eva why Deanna is upset. I'm feeling he gave Eva part truths when he told her back in EWY that he had "been" with Deanna once. He would have been referring to the time he answered the phone which Deanna told Eva about. He feels it only counts if he used his #$%&. He would have felt the "other encounters" didn't count so she need not know about it.

    Corrine would not have told Deanna he has a dark side. Maggie wouldn't talk to Deanna. Perhaps only Anne told her but how would Deanna know Anne and Gideon were together since it was a secret affair. I still feel Deanna and Gideon had more than one night . He used the sex toys on her and was probably cool and dark towards her. Thier last time together he didn't finish and answered the phone . She would have experienced his dark side and his iciness and that's why she told Eva he melted a bit for her. If Deanna and Gideon only had one night she sure knows alot about him and is comfortable enough to place her hand on his forearm and talk candidly about being his lover and how Eva wouldn't want a past lover thrown in her face. If it was one night then Deanna has huge issues but we know she doesn't cause in the Afterburn book she is able to handle one night stands and handle kink and has been around..sleeping with married men to get info and dirt for a good story.

    Gideon used her several times and the final time was when he burned her by answering the phone and the Deanna off. She didn't get what she wanted and he probably ignored her ever since.

    Do I think Deanna will continue to be an issue...no. The wording in chapter 18 of CBY caught me off guard.

    I do not think the Deanna bomb is dormant by any means.  We know Gideon is clueless when it comes to women and he has seriously underestimated the tenacious reporter...but she better tread lightly because Gideon can easily destroy her career if she makes the wrong move.  That is an interesting thought that perhaps she is helping Corinne to write her book.  I don't trust her and could easily see her working together with Anne and Corinne.  Obviously Eva is on to her which is usually the case with Gideon's former sexual partners.  I also think Gideon underestimates Anne Lucas as a threat.  I think she would definitely do Eva physical harm... That woman is way past revenge mode...she's out for blood.  :(  :(

    Definitely, Anne is out for blood. Some of us here on the board suspect Anne is the psychiatrist who fed Corrine pills that drove her to attempt suicide. Corrine being driven off the deep end was going on during the time period when people (and thus Anne) thought Eva was history and Gideon was back with Corrine. Look what happened the night GidEva went public with them being back together and now 'engaged.' Anne went after Eva that very night. Tried to mess with Eva's mind.

    Gideon warned Anne to leave Eva alone, and he's definitely got Raul watching Eva's back ... but ...

    I can't see Anne working with Deanna. Anne probably hates Deanna's guts, because he f*%#ed Deanna immediately after he dumped Anne. Deanna needs to watch her own back.

  22. I just re read CBY and in chapter 18 I think I have finally figured out why Deanna was so scorned. Gideon is telling Eva that he used Deanna to let Anne know that the door was closed between them. He says Deanna was collateral damage and she would have been a one night stand over and done with. So maybe I'm wrong but it seems they had more than one night. .In EWY he tells Eva that he #$%& Deanna once but perhaps she was a repeated "sexual encounter" to keep Anne away. Also Anne also told Eva that Deanna must be good in bed because he #$%% her alot. So now I'm thinking they may have fooled around with his toys more than just one night.

    I have wondered why Deanna was so upset. I guess when he finally decided to have intercourse with her he answered the phone. And asked her to leave. I also thought their conversation in CBY was odd when she brought the news of Corrine's book...she calls herself his lover and Gideon told her he is not like that anymore. I thought this was odd for a night that didn't end well. . But i could be wrong.. He did tell Eva he tends to avoid overly eager woman, which he insinuated Deanna was just that...

    Any thoughts? I'm desperately waiting the next book and perhaps over thinking what Deanna's problem was. She's a modern woman who has had many one night stands.

    Deanna had also heard (from who???) that Gideon was 'dark'  - Entwined with You Deanna to Eva "That man has a dark side."  Eva replies "Don't we all?"  Then Eva's thoughts are 'What had she seen of Gideon?  What had he revealed in the course of their .... association?  If they had one.'  The dark side comment was in response to Eva querying what Deanna's angle was in seeking information from Eva about Gideon.

    Later in the book Deanna was digging for information as to whether Gideon was violent ("are you in an abusive relationship with Gideon Cross?  Is he violent with an uncontrollable temper?")  He obviously can be (killing Nathan, his feelings as a reaction to the events of the day when he tied Eva up in the elevator, although he had managed to dissipate some of his anger but Captivated By You  revealed that some of his previous s*x life had been less vanilla than the earlier books had indicated, his reaction to his brother challenging him).

    If his relationship with Corrine was purely vanilla and he only had s*x in that hotel room, somewhere along the line he became very proficient at pleasing a woman, obtaining whatever toys were in the drawer Eva did not open, seemingly finds 'tasting' a woman less intimate than actually f**king one - not sure I'm on the right track there by the way, just a feeling that he's done that to women more than actual intercourse.  Knowing about a s*x swing and apparently comfortable with putting someone into one (some of this could be explained by viewing internet p*rn of course).

    We know for certain Deanna has been talking with Corrine (because Deanna ran to Corrine with pictures of GidEva in Times Square.)

    We also know for certain Deanna attempted to interview Magdalena (who refused to speak to Deanna and warned Gideon about the reporter)

    We know for certain Deanna was at some public event where Anne chased Gideon (the night Gideon had his one-night stand with Deanna).

    So my theory is Deanna has interviewed Anne at least once. As for 'dark' we know from Gideon's mind that he engaged in rough sex with Anne. Anne taunted him by asking him whether he had tied up Eva yet, flogged her, etc.) It is also possible Deanna has tracked down one or more of Gideon's other one-night stands.

    Can you picture the interview between the evil psychiatrist and the ambitious journalists, both of them feeling scorned by Gideon and both of them wanting to hurt him.

    I hope you're right about the 5th book D500. There are still so many questions left to answer, and I felt like even more were added in book 4.  When was Corinne writing her book? Back in France? How could she write it, and have it ready for publishing (isn't that what's happening?) in the short time that's she's been in NY? How is she not mourning the loss of her child? She's just annoying me. I honestly don't want to read anymore about her. Eva is just being stupid w/ the whole Brett situation. And she pushed Gideon too much, plus how can she not see why the other company asked for her personally? It was so obvious. Cary is bothering me too...acting like a child. I'd like more info on Victor and her mom.  Gideon's stepdad really stepped up in this book, can't wait for more of him. Look at me, I'm forgetting everyone's names!  Haven't been on in a while, since nothing new is happening.

    Tossing out a theory here: if Anne Lucas is indeed Corrine's doctor, Corrine might have told her a lot about Gideon, and so Anne encouraged her to start writing her thoughts down. That's where the seed of the book came from. And perhaps Corrine has now hired a ghost writer to work fulltime on the book. Could that ghost writer be ... drum roll, please ... Deanna? A freelance journalist (and thus freelance non-fiction writer.) Is that how Deanna knew even before the news release came out that Corrine was working on a book?


    Gideon assumes that Deanna accepted his sincere apology and is now on his side. But he could be badly wrong about that. At best, Deanna could be playing both sides of this situation for financial gain. At worst, Deanna wants to hurt him badly as revenge.

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