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Posts posted by Lighthouse

  1. Well ......  that was intense for sure.  I had lots of errands yesterday so read in short periods of time until the evening.  Read until the battery on the Nook died - a little after 1am.  Right in the middle of the big Chap19.  So turned out the light - for 5 min LOL when I went and got my phone and finished about 2:30 :)


    I say 'WELL DONE'  Ms Day !!! and same to all of us Master Guessers :)  We were 'right on' with several ideas and pretty close of others !!!  I loved seeing in print.  


    Corrine's book - I remember someone throwing that out - so I laughed out loud when I read it !


    I knew Brett was a scum bag and he came thru for me !  I was disappointed with no details in the San Diego meeting, but rewarded with the New York meeting.  


    Think we knew Clancy was the 'guardian angel'


    I think several thought G would get the beach house for E - but a big plus the 2nd wedding will be there :)


    Anne is a B*tch - no surprise :)  still a little gray on the timeline with her and Hugh's id and weather she knew 


    and of course the biggest surprise (?) of all - Stepdad Chris reaction and woo hoo knocking Dr T out cold


    biggest disappointment - not enough Christoper and his part in G trouble and same for Mommy Dearest (what went on between the 2 of them that kept Chris in the dark)  


    Saddest of course the big fight and separation BUT


    Then the big breakthru with Dr P and telling E in detail about the dreams


    I think having most of this book in G POV was so different threw us a little off base.  Seeing him less than the self-confident, alpha male was difficult in places and then to see all the 'behind' the scene things he controlled / impacted just changed the whole dynamic of the couple/    


    OK obviously I've had too much coffee this morning so will shut up ...........  excited to see all the comments  LOVE this place !!!


    ps ...  just a quick comment to those about the story being 'drawn out' to 5 should avoid Outlander at all cost - 8 books already LOL & I'm only in the mid of #6  


    ^^^ What you said ^^^ Agree everything but the p.s. I'd gladly read six, seven, eight ... Crossfire books.


    I'll have my own list of points when I'm done with my first re-read (and more after my second, seventh, eight ...) But throwing out one here, wow, the roots of Gideon's fetish for brunettes blew me away. Couple that with how he had to struggle to maintain hard-ons with Anne makes me wonder just how kinky he got at times with Corrine in that hotel room the three years she was his first and sole sex partner. God only knows what stuff she could reveal in a tell-all book. Probably would agonize Eva every bit as much as that sex tape bothers him.

  2. Done, well at least my first tear-through-OMG-rush read, devouring the story. I'm about to go back and start savoring each chapter as well as start listening to the audiobook.


    I liked the ending. They don't even know it, but Gideon and Eva are working through the current crisis by doing exactly what Dr. Peterson advised a couple of months ago when they first started couples' counseling. Spending some needed time apart, pulling back on the sex, dating one another. That's what the final scene was. The two of them out on a date.

  3. I think E was prepared to be friends with Mommy until the walk on the beach and G told E that Mom didn't believe him.  Then it was 'war' between them !  


    Exactly! Soon as she realized his mother failed him she had a whole different attitude. Though it took losing Gideon (so she thought) for Eva to go to war. Once she concluded (wrongly) Gideon had been left so damaged he couldn't handle love and couldn't look at her anymore because of the Nathan pictures. It was when Eva picked her shattered heart off the floor and showed signs of life as New Eva, then came the hit list: Mommy, Terry Lucas, Corrine, Christopher Jr. She went after the first three but let Christopher off easy because she felt bad for him. Was that a mistake? Does Gideon's brother have a lot to do with that sex tape? If so I hope Eva and Gideon both go after him. The teasers have hinted about some sort of brotherly showdown. 

  4. Putting this in this thread rather than the spoiler as some members may not be reading that section yet.

    Are we setting a date and time when to start discussing the book, bearing in mind due to time differences (and booksellers letting people have the book early) some readers will be ahead of the pack?


    I think that as soon as the first group of readers fair-and-square get their copies on the official first release day tomorrow its fair game for fans to start talking about Captivated by you wherever. But I think its only fair here on the fan site to stick to the Spoiler thread at least for now. Some people cannot resist spoilers and some actively look for them. As long as they have advanced warning they're in a thread that contains spoilers then its OK. Thats my own opinion. Like reading reviews and stories about things like books and movies and TV shows. Considerate people especially professional reviewers are careful to give fair warning if something contains spoilers. The new spoiler thread here says that in all capital letters.


    Elizabeth does not like Eva because: she knows about Eva's past and recent relationship with Brett Kline: she fears Eva will use Gideon's abuse to hurt him; and because Eva was "vicious" to her at the charity dinner, she feels Eva has an "ugly side" that Gideon does not know about.

    Betty Y37. I think Elizabeth doesn't like Eva because she first found out about her through the press. Then she invited her to the Garden Party...Gideon made it clear that Eva (and Cary) are in his camp and not Elizabeth's. So, Elizabeth wanted to see a relationship develop that would bring Gideon back to fold. Instead she has a feisty daughter-in-law who blames Elizabeth for Gideon's tortured soul at every opportunity.

  6. eva was his ONLY none hotel sex. But Deanna told Eva he had a dark side .. so im sure he has hooked up with some winners.



    and Im going to say No. about recognizing the red at the dinner.her mind was filled with rejection and pity. For Syl to say no about it being Anne makes me want to think she is someone else that will be back


    Totally agree. Eva spent much of that dinner confused and miserable and probably would have trouble later remembering anyone there who was a stranger to her. If Deanna was there Eva never noticed.


    That hotel room -- I wonder how freaky Gideon got in his eph pad. Eva didn't open all the drawers when she snooped, she stopped at the drawer with the sex toys in it. But it sounds like all Deanna got was wham, bam, thank you mam, so unless he left out parts of what he told Eva it sounded pretty vanilla. But then again Gideon leaves stuff out a lot when he talks to Eva. Well, now we know we get Gideon's POV so we readers finally will get to know some secrets.

  7. I really like Arash and am looking forward to reading more about him. Something I hope gets answered is how much if anything he knows about Nathan. Was he with Gideon that Saturday morning at the police station when Eva dumped him over the phone? Was he involved since then keeping the cops off Gideon's back or did Gideon hide that mess from Arash and quietly hire criminal defense lawyers instead? Arash seems to be a civil lawyer specializing in corporate/finance. And Arnoldo seems to know nothing about what really changed and had Gideon miserable in the days after the Six Ninths concert. Was Arash in the dark too? I like Manuel too. Another Latino character, adding to Raul and Victor and Maggie and of course Eva who is half Latina. Laughed at the part when Manuel said "Latinas rule, my friend. Sexy, curvy. More than a handful in bed and out." and said Eva is a good choice. I noticed he didn't mention anything about bed and the other Latina in Gideon's world so I take it his friends all know for certain he and Maggie were never anything more than friends.


    Agh! I'm telling myself "It's Sunday and tomorrow is Monday and the day after that is Captivated. I'm thinking of calling in sick to work Tuesday.

  8. Here is a crazy theory: the redhead who messed with Eva is an older sister or some other close relative of the receptionist at Gideon's office who doesn't like Eva and who has seen Gideon's other women visiting him at the Crossfire recently. I suppose it is possible he met with Deanna at his office because he has been talking to her by cell phone (Eva snooped his phone when he was asleep). Definitely Maggie has been there at least two times and Corrine at least once because he left the building with her after that time Eva gave him the finger. Kooky theory that's probably going to embarrass me  by the time I finish the book but that is the only other redhead in Gideon's life I can think of who knows a lot about his comings and goings and has an axe to grind with Eva.

  9. Re timing of affair with Anne - if he used Deanna to escape from Anne, could that particular night be more recent - otherwise Deanna has held a grudge for quite a long time (I'm assuming the night was at the end of his dealings with Anne and not her pursuing him some years later which may not be correct). Is it only the fact that he seemed to have thawed with Eva that made her start her crusade against him or is it not that long since the night he spent with her?

    (just seen the post from Lighthouse - sorry, mine is similar - I get e-mails when posts are made so visit to reply, but that particular post didn't appear, weird as the others have).


    The last time he saw Anne which I assume is the night he picked up Deanna was she wearing her hair longer by then, grew it out maybe because she thought Gideon had a thing for longer hair? Or wore a wig? Or maybe the redhead who messed with Eva's head wasn't Anne after all, because Raul proved she still has short hair? Was this some other woman like maybe the redheaded woman who approached Eva at the first society function Gideon took her to? Deanna said something to Eva about being able to see Gideon was different with her, had "thawed." So maybe it has been years but those recent pictures triggered something in Deanna. The pictures made Corrine go crazy and go after Gideon. How many other crazy ladies are going to crawl out from under rocks. Gideon has had a lot of women before he met Eva. Yikes.

  10. Random thoughts ....  

    Loved Gideon POV ! certainly see him in a diff light, alot more insecure than expected.  


    POd at Eva for using the word 'confused' to decribe her thoughts on Brett :(  she knew it would set G off - and his Corrine threat just self-defense.


    Still think Brett knows about the tape and is hoping this will break with G & E, Big surprise when he finds out they are married.   I hope E talks to Dr T before she sees Brett, so he can 'screw 'her head on right


    I think it is interesting to hear E described as 'wild child'.  I think she was earlier when she was acting out her issues, but now she is more secure and being loved and loving has settled her


    Gideon's distraction at the Outer Banks didn't end when they returned but no one knows that it was probably Nathan that distracted him from business dealing and more Eva.


    Wondering about the timing of G's affair with Anne ??  was it after he knew it was her brother that abused him !   I think his issues with her could well have been cause by him really not interested - just revenge,  Since mentioned Anne and her brother looked similar I don't think her could have ever 'gotten it up' based on his revulsion.  


    Any way can't wait til Tuesday !!  I know it will be a wild ride :)     


    Timing on the Anne Affair ... in chapter 1 Gideon thinks "It has been a while since I'd crossed paths with Anne" Another clue is the long hair. If he at first it was possible she could have grown her short hair out then my guess is its been at several years since he dumped her.

    My theory is he went after her in his early 20s or maybe mid 20s at the latest. I can't see him cheating on Corrine so it must have been after the engagement ended. Once he got enough money to be powerful he took revenge on Hugh by threatening to ruin him and at the same time got revenge on Terry Lucas by sleeping with his wife and making sure he found out. I wonder if Hugh knew before he died Gideon had his sister.


    Makes me wonder how long ago was his one-night stand with Deanna. Was that years ago too? Anne was chasing him at a society function and Deanna happened to be there and so Gideon picked her up to send a message. Wow think about it. Corrine and Anne carrying torches for years and Deanna carrying a grudge for years and they all come out of the woodwork this summer because Eva came into the picture. Scares me to think what happens next but can't wait to find out. Come on Tuesday!

  11. Someone on Facebook had posted there were rumours going around, from people who had read the first three chapters, that Eva was going to cheat on Gideon. The person posting was well and truly 'riled' up and she and her friends were going to boycott all the books, also being rude about there now being 5 instead of 3 books. The post has been removed as other posters were having a go at the opener, but Sylvia posted:

    "Rumours are absurd. Wild speculation is a waste of everyone's time. It's not a spoiler to say that I don't write cheating heroes or heroines."

    I for one am pleased we are getting 5 books, there's a heck of a lot still to learn about Gideon and why he is how he is. Sylvia's interviews for Penguin indicated she found it very difficult to write CBY plus that sometimes authors 'revisit and revise'. Whether that meant CBY I don't know, I seem to recall she also said she would probably not write in Gideon's POV as there was too much going on in his head - she obviously changed her mind about that as in the long run it must be easier to write his story from his POV. We also need to understand more fully his feelings for Eva rather than just the thoughts she has - in some instances her assumptions about what was happening with him were wrong (e.g. when she phoned Gideon in Reflected telling him goodbye, she wondered if he was with Corinne because he did not respond to her and try and convince her to bear with him and wait).

    Not long now until we get the whole story and can share more solid views on how the storyline is panning out.

    There have also been a few Facebook comments that the next book will be out in February, one person saying a question had been asked and that month confirmed, but today someone asked if the publication date was also given in CBY with the name of the new book - as the answer was no I doubt the February date is correct. In an answer on Good Reads she had said something about due to distribution, printing etc. six months was a possibility.


    I hope no one thought that yesterday when I posted here defending Arnoldo as being afraid Eva would cheat on Gideon. Eva would never cheat and Arnoldo's prejudiced because he got cheated on by that Bianca who left him for another man. Arnoldo cares enough about his friend to be honest and that's why I like him, especially because he promised Gideon he was only going to bring up the matter of Brett once.

  12. Gideon said Anne looks just like her brother in the picture Raul took of her.



    lighthouse.. Gideon did comment that anne looked like her brother.. hence not being able to get a chubby


    Excellent point. I re-read the section and can now see where it might mean Anne physically resembles her brother the rapist. That makes this even darker. Didn't Gideon once tell Eva something about how every time he'd been with Anne he couldn't feel clean no matter how long he showered? I wonder if he suffered his nightmares practically every night throughout the affair. Maybe he believed he was getting back at her husband but really was getting back at her brother and didn't even understand that was the real reason he was having sex with her. Poor Gideon so messed up by what happened to him. 

  13. It could be possible that the boy Ireland is dating is Ryan Landon's son. Her boyfriend is named Rick and Im sure that Ryan is not as young as Gideon LOL 28 year old billionaires are rare. Ryan may be in his early to mid forties and certainly young enough to tangle with Gideon for many years to come.


    Or Rick could be Ryan Landon's younger brother. Ireland and Rick in love and their older brothers at each others throats.

  14. he already planned on going before he cought up with the guys. 

    I agree with the long hair wig thing. and yes she had to know who cary is its all over the news.  I loved that the little tid bit about Anne really haven to work at getting him aroused

    ,it just shows he wasn't into her


    anyone else think that Landons son is the one dating Ireland? that wont end well


    Its kinda creepy Anne had to work him when you think about who her brother was but it might explain why Gideon couldn't instantly perform with her. I wonder if there's any family resemblance. That would be really dark. I love having Gideon's point of view but I think it's going to be a scary ride inside him.

  15. georg.. I just re read.. and yes it was a hold down kind of restraint.

    Arnaldo also saw first hand that Brett wasn't giving up. that makes it worse..

    and I too felt he was talking about Corrine when he said comfortable ornament. 

    Its obvious that arnaldo does NOT know he was raped

    that is whats meant by that comment (you didn't let your self love them..I couldn't he said ,I was waiting for eva )


    ok so.. something deeper.. Gideons dream had to go hand in hand with the comment Ireland said.. ( mom kept it together even after with what today is) dads death? or maybe their wedding anniversary?


    I get why Gideon tossed that Corinne comment in with argument with Eva, but it was hurtful none the less, and it is really bothering him she is still angry about it..


    Loved the hummer under the desk..


    One more thing about the Arnoldo/Gideon talk, too bad Gideon won't be (maybe can't be) completely honest with his friend about the reasons he gave Eva for acting out with Brett. I get it Gideon can't say stuff that goes anywhere near the Nathan murder but why can't he at least tell Arnoldo how crazy Corrine is and has been hurting Eva?!!!! Gideon, Gideon, Gideon. Most of his problems come from him being so closed off. And I felt like slapping him when threw his exe's name in Eva's face. But at least now being inside his POV I can understand just how much the thought of Eva's ex bothers him and he knew right away he ephed up and went too far in that fight and he was really sorry about it.

  16. ok, that was the shortest 3 chapters Ive ever read. I loved we got both POV. Arnoldo is not my friend :(



    I wasn't sure if the mention of restrained was just that it reminded him of being held down by the abuser or meant more? He still has a lot to reveal.

    The something big going down would probably be the LanCorp software take over. in Chapter 1 Arash mentioned 'while Landon's plotting your ruin, you're off at the beach' and then a few paragraphs later 'LanCorp's acquisition of that software set you back years in research and development.'

    Arash hasn't seen Eva with Brett, Arnoldo has. He has seen Gideon fight Brett because he kissed Eva, get back with Eva and then again seen Eva dine with Brett and how she was during that meal. We've only heard about the meal from her own point of view, Arnoldo spotted the chemistry between them. He's been through it himself and is worried the same could happen to Gideon - he doesn't yet know Gideon and Eva are married, Arash obviously does as he will have drawn up the pre-nup and filed all the marriage documentation once Angus handed it over. Arash will see them as married and settled.


    Hi new member, I joined because I'm so excited about Captivated by You!!!!!

    I like that Arnoldo is honest with Gideon just like Cary is honest with Eva. There have been times when Cary has tried telling Eva she can't trust Gideon, like after Gideon almost raped her in the middle of a nightmare. Cary had good reason to say it to Eva back weeks ago.

    I think Arnoldo has good reason right now to say what he said to Gideon because the two times he saw Eva she was with Brent. Eva's bad. And Gideon's bad for taking Corrine out on a date to Arnoldo's restaurant a few nights after the Brett kiss and brawl. I'll bet she is who Arnoldo was thinking about when he told Gideon "You couldn't choose one of the other women who've loved you and would give you no trouble? A comfortable ornament who would settle into your life without a ripple." I'll bet she was on her sweetest and kindest behavior at dinner that night.

    I predict Arnoldo will come around just like Eva's father did. At one point he didn't trust Gideon and thought he was a cheater because of things Gideon did. Dad didn't want Eva hurt even more. Gideon earned his trust back. Right now Arnoldo is scared Eva is a cheater and doesn't want Gideon hurt even more. Eva has got to earn his trust back.

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