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Posts posted by Kirsten

  1. How on earth could Gideon get an employee of his, into another company's business? I know sometimes is a case of not what you know, but who you know. But he couldn't just insist on giving a junior account manager an assistant for Eva to train up surely?

    I think Gideon being Gideon, running a huge empire, could insist on almost anything if the ad agency wanted to keep his business.

  2. No, the building would not have been closed, not even on a major holiday. Memorial Day is a big U.S. holiday, but for the rest of the world, it's just another Monday. Some people would have been working, especially those who work with international clients. But yes, most companies would have given their employees the day off. Memorial Day is one of the "Big 6" for work holidays in the United States.


    Eva picked a good Monday to time her trip door to door from her apartment building to the Crossfire, because she was timing her trip on foot, planning to walk to and from work most days. Because she was still " ...wary of the subway and had trouble hailing cabs."

    But she says she planned it on at a "busy" time of day. Surely on Memorial Day the city isn't nearly as busy as other days. The timing with the apartment makes sense though so I can see it being June 1st.  

  3. I agree with you KiMa that every last thing Detective Graves told Eva is NOT absolutely true. Graves may think she's got it all figured out. But she may have gotten some things wrong. It's even possible she said certainly things to deliberately mislead Eva (cops do mislead people when trying to trap them.) Some of the stuff Graves said may have been half truths or even lies.


    All we know right now is "these are the things that Graves said to Eva." That is NOT the same thing as "this is exactly what happened." As far as Graves goes, there's only one thing we know for certain - Nathan is dead.


    But as far as Sylvia saying "Yes. Yes he did" when an interviewer asked her point-blank whether Gideon killed Nathan for Eva, that part is true. On her Facebook and Twitter pages, hours before that live interview was scheduled to happen, Sylvia announced she was going to appear live on that radio show, and she gave fans links to be able to tune into the radio station via live Internet streaming.


    Several members of this forum listened live, including me -- and the former journalist in me took careful notes. She said he did it -- and she said it in a very straightforward manner. Nothing evasive about it -- the interviewer asked her a point-blank yes/no question, and she answered yes. She knew beforehand too that the host was planning to ask what really happened at the end of Reflected in You, because the guy said so as much very early in the live interview.

    You know LN when she said Yes. Yes he DID. I was floored. Of course I thought Gideon did it, but hearing her confirm it, all I could think is did she really just say that? Then I thought oh she must be reading our back and forth, I felt like she was talking to our crew here. :)

  4. Will started the week before the Brett Kline interview, which was on a Sunday. But Will also started the same week Eva gave back the promise ring and the key to Gideon's apartment.


    She put both in an envelope -- no note, because there was nothing to say -- and dropped off that envelope at lobby desk in Gideon's apartment building. That was Thursday evening -- the time when the pair of them ought to have been in a therapy session with Dr. Petersen.


    Returning the ring, and especially returning the key, were actions that spoke a lot louder than Eva's last tear-filled words to Gideon when she dumped him over the phone. Gideon must have freaked when he got home that night and opened that envelope.


    The whole Gideon-Eva-Will-Megumi elevator scene happened lunchtime on Monday, the day after the Brett Kline interview. Oh and Eva had gotten a sexy makeover that weekend. And she'd gone out dancing with Cary, Monica and Stanton on Saturday night,  something that would have gotten back to Gideon too, because Eva ran into his (Gideon's) family that night. Eva danced with his creepy half-brother, Christopher Jr.-- and picked the mother of all arguments with Elizabeth Vidal.


    Yep, by the time Gideon approached Eva that Monday, he must have been coming apart inside.

    Even though this is not chapter 2 convo, I have always thought that it was interesting that Eva during her make-over cut her hair. Hair color is apparently very important in this book, is length? I mean Mags cut her hair once Corrine was back... why is the thought I can't have Gideon Cross I'm going to cut my hair? Is it an attempt to re-invent themselves?

  5. Now that we don't know whether Gideon planted him .... my mistake to the "yes" part of a question concerning young Mr. Will .....


    But as for Eva starting work on a Tuesday, one possibility might be she started June 1.  The story definitely starts in June, and based on a little bit of small talk about the weather that Eva had with her apartment building doorman (see bottom of page 2 and top of page 3), it is still early June -- the weather hasn't yet gotten "wicked hot."  Plus Eva and Cary are still unpacking boxes in their new apartment. People generally move into apartments very close to the first of the month.


    I'm guessing that Eva and Cary moved into the apartment that weekend before she started the new job. Especially because if June 1 was a Tuesday, then Monday would have been May 31 -- Memorial Day. The final Monday in May is Memorial Day, one of the biggest national holidays in the United States. So Eva/Cary would have a long weekend to move, then Eva would start the job Tuesday.

    If it was Memorial Day wouldn't the building have been closed LN? Eva timed her trip and entered the building on Monday.

  6. Eva gave Gideon back his ring on the Thursday. Will started work on Friday. What a strange day to start a new job. Why not wait till Monday.

    Eva started on a Tuesday. Although it seems odd, when I lived in NY most people that work for the state of NY start working on a Thursday because that is the day the pay period begins. I found it odd that Eva was starting on a Tuesday and I do find it odd that Will is starting on a Friday because they work in the private sector. But since we now know he is Gideon's plant it's explainable.

  7. OK, since we're jumping all over the place even as we try to stick to reading a chapter a day .... something work related about Eva fell into place for me as I was re-reading Chapters One and Two of Bared To You, chapters in which Eva starts her new career in advertising and from day one (well, actually day two of the story) Gideon manages to finagle himself into her company .....


    .... why is it the week after Nathan died, which ended with Eva dumping Gideon, did all of a sudden a new character came up at Eva's agency, Will-the-new-hire. See page 290 of Reflected. One of the other junior account executives (i.e. someone low on the totem pole exactly at the same level as Eva's boss) got a brand new assistant (i.e. someone even lower, at the entry level and doing the exact same job as Eva does -- someone she naturally was asked to help train.)


    Who wants to bet that Gideon pulled some strings to place Will in Eva's office as a way for Gideon to keep an eye on Eva at work? Not only is Will's timing of starting work there a little too convenient, it just so happens that Will is in the process of moving in together with his long-time girlfriend (his high school sweetheart no less.)


    Hmmmm ..... Gideon knows about Will as a person somehow -- knows Will is a good guy, an old fashioned nice guy who would be totally safe to be around Eva, who wouldn't dream of ever pursuing Eva romantically. So Gideon pulls strings for Will to start working right away at Waters Field & Lehman -- and Gideon even arranges for Will and his high school sweetheart to be able to get an apartment together in New York City.


    Oh I can't imagine Gideon doing something like that (cough, cough).

    I did find it odd that Will was hired and Eva was all of a sudden training him, but I think I let it go because when they are all (Meg, Eva and Will) in the elevator with Gideon when he is about to return her ring, Will seems reluctant to get out and leave her with Gideon. Maybe I just read to much into that. I have to look at it again.

  8. Sylvia has given us reading homework, via Facebook post: "So, today is Day 1 of the BARED and REFLECTED chapter-a-day reread countdown. I'm going to ask you later to post your favorite line or paragraph from BARED Chapter One. Homework time!"


    Already got mine picked out. Eva's just walked out of the Crossfire lobby after having run into Gideon for the very first time. She catches sight of her own face reflected in the tinted windows of a vehicle parked at the curb (Gideon's Bentley, co-incidentally, not that she knows it's his car. In fact, she doesn't even know who he is, other than he's very hot and obviously rich.)


    I was flushed and my gray eyes were overly bright. I'd seen that look on my face before -- in the bathroom mirror just before I went to bed with a man. It was my I'm-ready-to-f*** look and it had absolutely no business being on my face now. ~ Eva, Bared to You, top of page 8.

    I love that line too LN.

  9. From the Entwined excerpt -- this is what goes through Eva's head when she finds Gideon has sneaked into her apartment to see her soon after she'd learned what he'd done:



    He must’ve been so worried about how I would react to what he’d done for me. To be honest, I’d been worried. Did my gratitude mean I was more twisted than I realized?


    Then I remembered my stepbrother’s hands all over me… his weight pressing me into the mattress… the tearing pain between my legs as he rammed into me over and over…


    I trembled with renewed fury. If being glad the f*****  was dead made me twisted, so be it.


    LN she also admits to being relieved about his death. At about 86% Eva says Nathan's death was a concern for us all, but the fact that he was gone from my life forever liberated me in a way I hadn't realized I'd needed. Somewhere in the back of my mind, the fear must have been lurking there. It was always a possibility that I could see him again as long as he was alive. Now I was free.

  10. Could Nathan at some point after being hospitalise, have fooled the doctors into thinking he was "cured", been released for the whole cycle to start again?

    Eva would never be able to live her life free of worry while Nathan was still breathing.

    Julie he was certainly released under the guise that he was no longer a threat to himself or others... obviously Eva would have never been safe from him.

  11. Excellent, Kirsten! 


    Maybe we could have a day-by-day book club discussion here by re-reading the chapter(s) involved, so we can hash out details and explore ideas of where some of the things in the chapters are leading.




    What an excellent idea.

    With every bodies input, we will make sure all clues are covered.

    Sounds like a good idea to me. I re-read often, but looking at it with others will be most helpful in figuring things out.

  12. Reader- This was my "timeline". Maybe we can use this as a base and fill in any interesting facts as we go along with a re-read.




    -Ending of BTY. The night of the dinner at the Waldorf where Eva meets Corrine for the first time.



    -Eva has lunch with Megumi & when they are coming back she sees Corrine walking out of the Crossfire looking deshelved. She confronts Gideon, this is when the office is a mess. Sylvia confirms this is when Nathan was at Gideon's office.

    -They have their first couples therapy session.

    -Eva has the nightmare that makes her vomit.

    -We find out later on this is the night Gideon cleans out his "###### pad".



    Plane trip to Arizona



    Vegas (Eva's annoyed about having a security detail, and she has one arranged for Gideon)






    -Mark tells Eva Shawna wants her to go to the concert.

    -Monica, Megumi, and Eva have lunch, on the walk back Monica sees Nathan outside Crossfire.

    - After work Eva goes to Krav Maga

    - Gideon and Eva at her place in the bath. She asks him if she can check out the security tapes to see what Monica saw. (Monica confirms later it was Nathan)

    - This is when he tells her he wants to eat take out and that he needs to spend the night with her with no drama.

    - Eva and Gideon both have nightmares and he leaves her key on the counter.



    -Gideon text he is working from home today and has his appointment with Dr. Peterson

    - Eva goes to Krav Maga then goes to Gideon's apartment and waits for him. She is chasing after him now instead of him running after her, although he did go to her apartment to talk to her and Cary told him she wasn't home.

    - Talks to Shawna about the Six Ninths concert.

    - Gideon and her talk and she gives him back her key with the warning never to give it back to her again.



    -Eva has lunch with Mark, Steven and Shawna.

    - Gideon and Eva at his place that night. This is the night they talk about how their relationship should be the one rock solid thing in their lives.



    -Meet with Dr.Peterson again. She tells him she loves Gideon and wants the doctor to be on the same page as they are.



    -Lunch with Cary


    -Drive to NC



    -NC- Gideon's confession on the beach that his mother didn't believe him.

    -This is the day Eva asks him to bring Ireland to meet her dad.




    -Back to Eva's

    -Find out Cary is in the hospital upon returning home. They rush to see Cary at the hospital.



    -Eva is at the hospital all day.

    -Monica talks to Gideon and tells Eva he is going to marry her.

    -Gideon has dinner with Corrine

    -This is the beginning of Gideon pulling away from Eva



    -Eva goes home from the hospital to shower and change clothes, she feels on edge because of no call from Gideon. She called him the night before but he was to busy to talk to her.

    - She starts walking to work and Gideon calls and flips out that she didn't wait for a ride, and that she is not in a taxi. She hangs up on him and gets in the car with Angus. Angus tells her Gideon has a lot on his mind.

    - At work Eva gets the google alert with Gideon and Corrine having dinner the night before.

    - Brett comes to the building to talk to her. She forwards Gideon the google alert and goes to lunch with Brett.

    - She leaves lunch without eating and returns to work. The elevator goes straight up to Gideon's floor upon her arrival back at work.

    -Eva touches Gideon and he jerks away as if burned.

    - Gideon tells her to eat lunch at her desk and focus on Cary and her father's visit. As the elevator doors close Gideon tells her to trust him.

    - Eva goes back to the hospital to spend the night with Cary. She calls Gideon at home and he has company. This is where Sylvia says the company was security.




    -Eva wakes before 6 and heads to the cafeteria to grab coffee and write Gideon a letter on her tablet. She's interrupted by Dr. Lucas.

    - Has lunch with Mark and Steven since its Wednesday.

    -Gideon calls her angry that she went out for lunch instead of eating at her desk. Tells her Cary is coming home.

    - Eva checks on Cary once home, then finishes her letter to Gideon and emails it to him.

    - Gideon comes in the middle of the night and wakes her telling her not to be afraid and then they have sex for most of the night. When Eva wakes he is gone already.



    -Meeting for Kingsman Vodka in the Cross Industries conference room. Gideon ignores Eva.

    - Eva calls Gideon to confirm he will be at dinner with her dad the next night. He tells her he will meet her at Dr. Petersen's.

    - Gideon is a no show for Dr. Petersen.

    - Gideon is at Kingsman Party with Corrine.

    - Nathan is killed.



    -Raul meets Eva to get her Dad at the airport, she refuses the ride.

    - Gideon comes for dinner with Ireland.

    - Gideon gets several phone calls during the evening. Who are they from?

    - Police come after dinner and tell them Nathan is dead. Question Eva and Gideon.



    -Monica comes over very early. She never asks about Gideon's reaction. Why?

    - Victor shows Eva a picture of Gideon with Corrine at the Kingsman Vodka Party.

    - Eva calls Gideon and after he tells her it's not a good time she tells him she need just one minute and tells him she's "done". We know from the detective's account later that Gideon is at the station giving his statement.

    - She spends the rest of the day touring NYC with Victor.



    - Eva spends the day at the theater and then showing her dad the rest of the city.


    Monday, Tuesday:

    -Eva says her days crawled by, and that is the only description of the days we get.



    -She has her standard lunch date with Mark and Steven. They are feeling bad for her and try to cheer her up.



    -Eva says it's Day 6 after Gideon Round 2.

    - She calls and cancels further appointments with Dr. Petersen.

    - After Krav Maga she goes to Gideon's apartment building and leaves her key to his place and ring at the desk.



    -Starts training the new assistant Will.



    -Cary is feeling better

    -Monica brings the Spa to Cary and Eva's for spa day.

    - Dinner at the private club with Cary, Monica and Stanton.

    - Dances with Christopher Vidal Jr.

    - Confronts Elizabeth Vidal about Gideon's abuse.



    -Cary goes out with Trey.

    -Eva has the apartment to herself. She sleeps, eats and cries.



    -Continues to train Will at the office.

    - Has lunch with Megumi and Will. After lunch Gideon enters the elevator with them and then tells her to stay when Megumi and Will exit.

    - In the elevator he gives her back her ring. Tells her to wait again and then exits.

    - Eva makes and appointment with Dr. Lucas and asks Cary to check into him.

    - She leaves a message for CV Jr.

    - Asks Mark if she can come in an hour late tomorrow to take care of an appointment.

    - After work she leaves to go home and makes a pit stop for chocolate when she comes out and back around the front of the building she sees Gideon getting into the car with Corrine, he has his hand on the small of her back. They lock gazes and Eva finally gives him the finger.

    - Eva calls Monica and asks if she saw Nathan outside the Crossfire that day after lunch with Megumi.

    -She returns home, and tells Cary about her day. Cary shows her the transcript of Brett's interview with a radio station in Florida.



    -Has Angus bring her to Corrine's. After waiting in the lobby 20 minutes she goes up and Corrine makes it look like she has someone with her. Eva's got her number, thank goodness.

    - She leaves Corrine's and heads to Dr. Lucas' against Angus' better judgment. She confronts him.

    - Gideon is waiting for her as she exits his office and Gideon warns him to stay away from Eva.

    -Gideon gets her in elevator and starts kissing her. Tells her a few words can't end them, there is no end. He asks her to trust him, she tells him not when he doesn't talk to her.

    - Gideon has Raul and Angus ride together so he can drive with Eva and talk. They talk about his abuse and Eva tells him she is going to marry him. He tries to explain why they are apart. Says that he had an opportunity and took it and this time apart is the price that needs to be paid. Tells her his silence is the lesser of two evils. Feels like whether he explains or not he'll drive her away. But explaining carries the greatest risk. He is obviously referring to killing Nathan. This makes me believe in the end that when he is on his knees before Eva he is really not sure what her reaction is going to be to the fact that he killed Nathan.

    - Gideon tells a stunned Eva in the car that he loves her, not once but twice.

    - Gideon tells Eva he is coming back to her as soon as he can and reminds her to wait.

    - Eva has lunch with CV but only finds out how jealous he is of Gideon.

    - Security escorts Eva to their office to meet with Gideon as she comes back to the building. He asks her about harassing CV Jr.. Eva and Gideon talk about how good it feels to trust each other.

    - Gideon kisses her sweetly and tells her he loves her.

    - This is where he tells her the night she had the nightmare and he had just gotten back to her place after cleaning out his "###### Pad" at the hotel.

    - Eva picks up sparkling apple cider on the way home and her and Cary have an action movie marathon while eating pizza with chopsticks and Chinese food with their fingers.



    -Eva goes to Krav Maga.

    - Detective Graves sees her there and tells Eva her theory.

    -Admits that Gideon was in the police station when Eva called that Saturday and broke up with him.

    - Eva goes to Gideon's and waits for him and then tells him Detective Graves says they are dropping the case.

    The End.

  13. Sei la mia vita - you are my life

    Tu sei quello/a che stavo aspettando - you are the one I have been waiting for

    Come un raggio di sole hai illuminato la mia vita - like a ray of light you have brightened/warmed my life.

    Sei la ragione per cui vivo, per cui ogni giorno sorrido - You are my reason for living, for why I smile every day.


    Okay I'll stop. I liked GiGi's French idea and then thought of Gideon's perfect Italian.

  14. Hi Kirsten,

    I get where you are coming from.  I get it.  I think I am just sad and disappointed by this entire situation.  If Gideon did kill Nathan  (I want to read that with my own two eyes with that book in my hand), then he has chosen such a hard road to travel and I think that is sad.  At the end of the day, there is no good outcome when crimes like these are committed.  Someone always looses.  There are no winners.

    I agree Gigi. This is sure to have a lasting effect on all parties involved.

  15. Since he was previously committed for psychiatric treatment, I think it might be likely that he'd be recommitted rather than incarcerated. The man wasn't sane and could very likely have been able to make that argument in a trial.


    I think that would have been my concern, that he would have just been hospitalized again. I mean he obviously was sick, and stalking Eva. He was obsessed with her. She could have endured a trial, but when something that personal is out for the world to see, a victim has such a wide array of emotions. This certainly would have been front page news and the result probably would have been Nathan being thrown back into a mental health facility and then released when he was considered not to be a "risk" to himself or others. Apparently he fooled somebody the first time around. Eva was relieved that he was dead, as someone who has lived through something similar,  I understood that. Living in fear is certainly not a way to live.


    GiGi I don't condone Gideon killing Nathan. Do I understand it? Absolutely.

  16. Well, I'm not sure I'm really answering anything. I won't make excuses for the characters, they are who they are. But I know them pretty well and Gideon... he wants to do everything in his power to insulate Eva, to protect her and make her feel safe and loved.




    You'll see Victor again!

    Yay for Victor.


    You are certainly clearing up a few things for us, and I appreciate it.


    I think that is what makes Gideon so swoon worthy. He loves Eva fiercely, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure she feels protected, and safe. She is so precious to him, and as a reader I feel that and love him for it.

  17. GiGi you are right about the laws, and yes Nathan could/would face both state and federal prosecution, but there is no way Gideon is letting her go through all that. Eva's already been through enough .  He's said throughout RIY that he would give up everything for her, and he means it. That why we love him. Well that's why I love him.


    Sylvia will Victor be taking another trip to NY in EWY?

  18. Gideon cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, our flavors mingling. “Thank you.â€

    “What are you thanking me for? You did all the work.â€

    “There’s no work involved in F(&^*** you, angel.†His slow smile was pure satiated male. “I’m grateful for the privilege.â€

    I sank back onto my heels. “You’re killing me. You can’t be that gorgeous and sexy and say stuff like that. It’s overload. It fries my brain. Sends me into a meltdown.â€

    His smile widened and he kissed me again. “I know the feeling.â€



  19. http://www.sylviaday.com/2013/04/20/entwined-snippet-11/


    Gideon cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, our flavors mingling. “Thank you.â€

    “What are you thanking me for? You did all the work.â€

    “There’s no work involved in F(&^*** you, angel.†His slow smile was pure satiated male. “I’m grateful for the privilege.â€

    I sank back onto my heels. “You’re killing me. You can’t be that gorgeous and sexy and say stuff like that. It’s overload. It fries my brain. Sends me into a meltdown.â€

    His smile widened and he kissed me again. “I know the feeling.â€

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