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Posts posted by KiMa

  1. Hi Julie54,

    I have always done my best to post accurate information for everyone. I feel that because of my background and educational experiences, I hold a certain amount of responsibility for my postings and my internet actions. Yes, yes I know that this is just a forum and this is just for fun, but for me I want to make sure that at the end of the day, whoever reads my postings will know that I did my best to provide accurate, sometimes lighthearted and at times challenging postings.

    There has been so much speculation and theorizing about the various storylines that it has tested my limits to accept information that hasn’t been yet verified (scientific gold standards of sorts). My scientific background has always provided me with comfortable parameters from which to operate with. In order to prove that a theory is correct, a scientist would have to prove that the equal and opposite theory is incorrect, which is why I have challenged so many diverse theories. Thank you for your patience and kindness ladies! :)

    As I have been walking this journey with Eva and Gideon I have often found myself questioning the validity of some of things that I have read. So in order to confirm my theories and suspicions, I do the thing that I know how to do. I go to the source that I think can provide me with the most accurate information and then I begin to humble myself and start asking questions....all kinds of questions and maybe some of them seem a little ridiculous (to the people who have to listen to them). I am so grateful that all of these people have been so incredibly kind and had taken time out of their very busy schedules to help me sort these storylines out. Thank you! :)

    I have been thinking about everything that has transpired over the past few days and I have to say that I am heart- sick. I have been thinking about this journey that I have taken with Gideon and Eva and I have so many regrets for these two. I wish I could have spoken to both of them, cautioned them, given them wise counsel, offered them words of comfort and hope. Mostly I wish I could have told Gideon to: STOP!! WAIT!!! THINK FIRST BEFORE YOU ACT!!! Once you cross that moral line you won’t ever be able to go back. I know that I can’t do that. Sigh!!

    Now the deed has been done (well I am playing games to distract myself from a looming ugly truth that is coming on June 4th) and I feel like I am grieving for two people who have lost their innocence all over again. They can never go back. They will never be the same people. They will have to live with the fact that this murder will forever follow them, bind them and their pasts in the worst possible ways. I don’t find any reason to rejoice over that fact.

    Oh please Sylvia I need a silver lining for these two. I need a happily ever after most of all! :) Please tell me that there will be a happily ever after! :)

    GiGi totally get where you are coming from, no worries. Deeply appreciate your insights. I guess I am the lone wolf at this point as again, until I read that Gideon killed Nathan, all the various how and read in the books all other pertinent facts my stance will remain firm that Gideon did not kill Nathan.

    SD "confirm" this (highly suspicious) and proceeded to throw out all what potentially are helpful insights about the dehumanizing and disturbed nature/character that is Nathan is interesting and confusing to my mentality. I say this as again, I haven't read this in the book and it wasn't disclosed properly in the book and again we are NOW purportedly privy to these wonderful "snippets".

    So I am just comfortable in following the journey as the series unfold and making assessments and coming to realization then, whatever that may be.

    Again, as this hasn't been confirmed in the book ( has nothing to do with SD) my stance remains. Additionally, until further revealed WHEN the saga continues, I don't think the circumstances around Nathan's death occurred as explained by the detective.

    So as the series unfold, I am beyond humbled to find out in my own what unfold and will take the journey with these characters to its ultimate conclusion and potential HEA.

    Who knows!!! It's a series so I am expecting tons of twist and turns till the final page turner. Lol

  2. Noteworthy pieces. At the sane time, I sturbonly want to read all details and digest and won't think otherwise till then.

    Snippet#4. “I don’t think you do. This†–he gestured impatiently at himself– “is just a F(&^*** shell. You’re what drives me, Eva. Can you understand that? You’re my heart and soul. If something ever happened to you it would kill me, too. Keeping you safe is goddamned self-preservation! Tolerate it for me, if you won’t do it for yourself.â€


    I meant same but for my sanity maybe sane works just as well, lol

  3. Noteworthy pieces. At the sane time, I sturbonly want to read all details and digest and won't think otherwise till then.

    Snippet#4. “I don’t think you do. This†–he gestured impatiently at himself– “is just a F(&^*** shell. You’re what drives me, Eva. Can you understand that? You’re my heart and soul. If something ever happened to you it would kill me, too. Keeping you safe is goddamned self-preservation! Tolerate it for me, if you won’t do it for yourself.â€


  4. Noteworthy pieces. At the sane time, I sturbonly want to read all details and digest and won't think otherwise till then.

    Snippet#4. “I don’t think you do. This†–he gestured impatiently at himself– “is just a F(&^*** shell. You’re what drives me, Eva. Can you understand that? You’re my heart and soul. If something ever happened to you it would kill me, too. Keeping you safe is goddamned self-preservation! Tolerate it for me, if you won’t do it for yourself.â€


  5. I think what is needed (which, like GiGi I am wanting to read this on my own) is for readers to really understand the level of danger and also what exactly happened.

    From Eva's POV, we don't quite grasp but I hoping EWY with have more things from Gideon's POV.

    There are soo many missing pieces when it's presented in Eva's POV.

    I want to read and assess, disect all relevant pages and get more of Gideon's thoughts. As I have a feeling how detective Graves presented things isn't how they quite occurred Alas....sighs.

  6. "No, I'm trying to present facts as we know them, without coloring it with my opinion. Because it doesn't matter what *I* would do, only what Gideon does and thinks and feels."



    I find this comment by Sylvia very intriguing....

    It's as if Gideon "speaks" to her...


    Is that what happens when you write a novel-----the characters "speak" to you?

    Makes perfect sense! These characters really are bigger than anything. They are that unique.

  7. AAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're being tortured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Great job, KiMa, though, in grabbing the text of Snippet #11 and getting it here before the rush possibly temporarily swamps the server. And my math of noontime was off by two hours. I'm wondering whether a time difference from Sylvia's location was to blame. or maybe I've just not had enough coffee yet.


    Sooooooo ..... is this snippet from the nightclub scene, after Gideon pinned Eva up against that wall and screwed her brains out? Her thanking him for all the work of just lifting her up, holding her there, and giving her a real reason to have had a very good time during girls' night out?

    Oh my, good one. Very steamy and just might be.

  8. Hi KiMA,

    I hope there is more from Gideon's POV in Entwined!! I agree that it would really help to understand why he did what he did. 

    Yes. Although (lol, I am stubborn like that) I still don't believe he did it. Until I read the last page, word in this series I will continue to maintain he didn't do it.

    SD joined the chart last night and I like to observe things. She never came out directly and say "hi everyone, yes Gideon killed Nathan."

    She keep throwing out all these other stuff wanting us to ponder xyz snd their cousins. Lol.

    I am happily maintaining he didn't kill Nathan.

  9. Hi KiMa


    I'm hoping too that today's snippet will contain things Gideon says to Eva about Nathan's killing.


    Perhaps even a snippet from Gideon's point of view -- take us inside Gideon's head, not Eva's. Sylvia treated us to that on New Year's Day, the only time thus far we've gotten into Gideon's head.


    How sweet would that be!!!!


    Sylvia was reading this particular thread last night -- in fact, posted some spoiler material related to Nathan being prosecuted as a juvenile for having raped Eva. Sylvia could see for herself the absolute fan frenzy here that erupted following her answering the spoiler question on a radio show about "Did Gideon kill Nathan for Eva."


    So my big hope is snippet material today about the killing. If not that, my second guess (based on the fact Sylvia focused on Nathan's past last night, including that Nathan had been incarcerated in a mental institution) is that today's snippet is going to provide details of just how insanely dangerous present-day Nathan had become. Material that might make some Gideon fans less sorrowful about what he did to stop that maniac. If Nathan had become a very real and present danger to Eva's very life, then it would bolster that what Gideon did was a form of justifiable homicide. Because justifiable homicide extends beyond killing in self defense -- depending upon circumstances, it is also justifiable to kill a person in order to stop that person from killing someone else.


    (Let me repeat that even I think it was WRONG for Gideon to take matters into his own hands, and I believe he planned this killing hours, perhaps even days, in advance. But I also believe his motive was that he had some very concrete evidence Nathan was about to attempt to kill Eva, and so Gideon put a stop to him from ever being able to get at her. If this is true, I feel Gideon did not commit murder, but rather, he committed a form of justifiable killing.)

    Sadly the snippet didn't focus on that :(

    Here is the snippet "Gideon cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, our flavors mingling. “Thank you.â€

    “What are you thanking me for? You did all the work.â€

    “There’s no work involved in F(&^*** you, angel.†His slow smile was pure satiated male. “I’m grateful for the privilege.â€

    I sank back onto my heels. “You’re killing me. You can’t be that gorgeous and sexy and say stuff like that. It’s overload. It fries my brain. Sends me into a meltdown.â€

    His smile widened and he kissed me again. “I know the feeling.â€

    We need more written material from Gideon's perspectives v. Eva's!!!

  10. I need to hear things more from Gideon. There have been snippet(s) where we were getting/hearing things from Gideon's own mouth and point of view and I am hoping there is more of that in EWY.

    Gideon was introduced to us via Eva (lol, bless her heart) and we thank her for that most needed introduction but I think at this point we need one and one time with Gideon and hear his words, feelings, perspective, fears and just more about him from him on a deeper level, no? At this point, it is sort of required and über necessary.

    I think SD will post more about Gideon "killing" Nathan and honestly and respectfully, blah blah blah.

    Such turn of events require us hearing from Gideon.

  11. Hi KiMa,

    What makes you believe that Eva knew that Nathan was following her?  Is it something she knew all along or something that she discovered near the end?  You are correct in the significance of Gideon's feelings for Eva and her fear of that. 

    At various points she will always state how "she has a bad feeling" something is going to happen and not just something, but something bad. I will try to pinpoint some specifics re: going to listen to the audios.

    And then she starts having like physically outburst from her nightmares to throwing


    You know the "the hair at the back of my neck type" feeling.

    I will play back audiobooks etc and come back with specific pages well scenes.

  12. Hi Gigi

    Two quotes from Eva keep coming back to me.

    The first, was at the gym. When on the treadmill she said "she was running away from something, but didn't know what."

    Then after Nathan died, she felt " like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, that she didn't know she had been carrying."

    While he was breathing the same air, she couldn't relax. It was as if the only way she could live again, was if he was dead!

    It was always the possibility of coming into contact with him, that put fear into her.

    That would be a horrible existence.

    Eva has also know Nathan was following her and Nathan was present but I think she just never fully processed things nor trust her instincts. The physical manifestations were present re: deep down she felt when he was there hence her violent attacks, her feeling that "something bad is going to happen." She just dost trust those feelings. Same thing with all those whispers from Gideon, she was running scared so much that she was listening to what he was telling her that makes him saying "I Love You " is not as significant in capturing his feelings towards her. " I love you" pales and doesn't fully capture what Gideon has been telling her all along.

  13. Gigi.

    I'm a 54 year old widow. I've read these books so many times, my daughter s starting to question my sanity!

    I glad you lot don't think I'm mad. Lol

    I've started calling people Gideon and Eva in conversation and don't catch thing until later. Lol. I find all kids is pets, possessions and name them accordingly. Lol. I may start callings boyfriend Gideon as his nickname, oh gosh. Lol.

  14. Hi KiMa,

    Maybe it is a good thing that I am not married right now.  I too have devoted so much time to these books, that I probably would have had issues with a relationship.  As it is, all my friends ears have probably fallen off from me discussing and dissecting one theory after another.  :)


    I am so glad and grateful that you ladies share the same enthusiasm and passion for these books as I do! Thank you! :) :)  :)

    Totally get where you are coming from, so no worries!

  15. Hi KiMa,

    I agree with you completely!  I have to wonder why Sylvia would choose now of all times to spill the beans.  If what she said is true then couldn't that possibly affect the sales of her next book?  Who would want to buy a book if they already knew what the outcome of the storyline was going to be?  Surely it couldn't be just for the s**?


    I have to believe that we the readers are smart savvy consumers and that we couldn't be swayed solely by a gorgeous, wealthy man, who was hung like a horse and could f*** like a p*** star. Yes, yes we all enjoy that but surely there has to be more! :)    I want more!  I demand more (wink, wink)!  :)  :)  :) 

    Yes, we definitely require more!

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