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Posts posted by agoodbook

  1. Magumie called in sick,it was said she sounded like crap. Like I said Im betting she has been beat up.


    and as far as the mob thing, I DONT thing syl is gona go there we ONLY have 2 books to get Gideons head on straight


    I know the Denials are 2 different men. I just found it strange that syl used the name 2 times of all the others she could of picked out of thin air. Im telling you its going to mean something

  2. in the last photo.

    the man was signing something with a wedding band on.. NOT Gideon as the rings were NOT his, and the man only had on one.

    the upper right corner is a camera with a telephoto leans .. Under that is a ring barrier pillow with 2 hands and rings ( mens hands )

    under the 8 is roses.. No gun.. no babys.. Not Gideon and Evas wedding

  3. I bet Corrine isnt invited to the party..but that doesn't mean she WONT show up.

    the only reason Corrine was texting Christopher about Gideon was because she couldn't get a  hold of him.


    Im thinking he told her to back off the day after the night of the dinner they had at his apartment when Eva told him  she tried to make look like she banged him twice

  4. my 2 cents..


    Magumie has been beat up or raped .. this will open the door to her and eva becoming closer and being able to talk more feely about things. it will also get gumie into the Krav what-a as she called it.


    This could be one of 2 people..

    Michael the ex got pissy about being used and dumped..


    Lets bring Daniel into the picture. ( the gym dude ) I honestly don't believe syl used that name 2 times with a reason...right???

  5. also I haven't seen any comments about the read she gave us so I'll my 2 cents on that theory as well.


    The little plane photo.

    Im thinking Its Gideon leaving Cali Sunday morning after kicking the crap out of Brett for coming on to Eva at the beach Saturday night. My guess is she was opening a can of krav maga whoopa@@ on him.


    This is why she hadn't seen him since she got home and was walking in on loud music and him all bruised up.

  6. its obvious that D already knew about the Anne thing.. Im betting they are friendly..D quoted Terrys comment to Eva almost word for word...

    Im going say NO it wasn't Maggie that said anything. she a family friend as well. she also went to Eva to see if was going to talk to D about Gideon and was relieved to find out she wasn't.


    Gideon also said... If she was paying attention she would know how I feel about you. So that tells me that Deanna's gone to ALL the events... That in itself would D off.

    D also commented on the fact that she ( EVA ) thawed the Iceman.


    Im sure Its public knowledge that the brothers hate each other.  Im betting D is friendly with Christopher and Lizzy because of all the partys they have, being a writer would give her a pass to those as well.


    and god only knows what crazy arse Corinne has told her.

  7. I don't feel at all Eva ever led Brett on. I also don't think Christopher knew about that tape at the video launch,but found out about it after the fact. And yes I to think Christopher Likes Eva, but then again mommy dearest im sure has told him the crazy Arse accusations she laid on her at the dinner out. But yet they went out to lunch that next day..Im thinking Christopher wants eva..so by making her look like a pig Gideon wont want her. Im thinking Christopher also new about the fight with G and B... Im sure he is buddys with Deanna. Knowing she can help with music info and writings. plus im sure she has been around everything for a while.


    Brett on more then one occasion had told Eva he wants her and it would only take once for her remember how it was. I DONT think he is innocent in all this. and there for he is in for  a Krav maga..


    I do like your comment on the fact Gideon will try  to use his vows in micro managing Eva.. I also think that the CEOs of the Ad company will bump up Eva because of who she is and Mark gets kicked to the curb..this will have her leave ,take Mark and Magomui and open her own company on the 10 floor.

  8. IM going to say that Lizzy  thought Corinne was back in the picture, that is why Im sure Gideon was called to the hosp. Jean was really checking Eva out at that drink. he is a wise man and he said he saw the ring mark. He Im sure jumped at the chance to Tell Corinne that Gideon moved on hoping her could get his wife back..he as much as told that to Eva.


    This is what is baffling me.. the next morning Gideon told eva about that tape.. He ALSO said Deanna caught up with him in the lobby..Lets think about this.. EVA"S LOBBY. she was waiting to ambush Eva and got Gideon instead. So Deanna knew about the tape..Who told her is my question.. and she is ONLY rattling Gideon's cage not helping him..


    So I want to know who backing Deanna's information.. Christopher?

  9. Hi Hotreads & GLH, I think both of you have everything covered. Anything more will just crowd the books & I think we'll feel rushed & important issues will be incomplete. We don't want that. I hope Gideon's issues are dealt with in depth & also all of the other  problems/distractions that GLH mentioned. That's enough to deal with. Oh...and of course we need room in the books for more hot sex!!!

    I think book 4 will spin our heads. book 5 will pull Gideon and Eva closer and we will get our happy ending

  10. Oh no, Sylvia hinted somewhere we haven't seen the last of Corrine? Corrine's not going to take a hint Gideon is "just not that into her?" Take a hike? Well, the b i t c h did take something, a whole bottle of pills. To hurt Gideon, her ultimate guilt trip on the guy? I had hoped Jean-Francois and she were going to hop a flight to Paris ealy in the story.


    So if Corrine is sticking around, then a theory I was voicing a few days ago about an Anne-Corrine connection makes sense. Anne was the psychiatrist prescribing pills to Corrine? And now, instead of getting out of intensive care and immediately leaving New York, Corrine is going to go from intensive care to the psych ward? With Anne still as her doctor and having even more control over Corrine? And Dr. Anne now having direct contact with Jean-Francois, as the patient's legal next of kin? Because the doctor in the emergency room chose Jean-Francois as Corrine's husband to discuss her condition instead of her parents. So Anne now could manipulate Jean-Francois too? Make him even more of a bitter enemy of Gideon?


    Well, the Girouxs taking a fast hike to France would be too simple, and the Crossfire plots are anything but simple. That's why I'm hooked on them instead of the Fifty Shades books. Yeah, the erotica is hawt in both. But Crossfire also is a crime mystery story, not just a romance story.

    Im thinking Gideon and Jean hook up and go after Anne and really nail her for screwing with her head and the loss of the baby

  11. Oh no, Sylvia hinted somewhere we haven't seen the last of Corrine? Corrine's not going to take a hint Gideon is "just not that into her?" Take a hike? Well, the b i t c h did take something, a whole bottle of pills. To hurt Gideon, her ultimate guilt trip on the guy? I had hoped Jean-Francois and she were going to hop a flight to Paris ealy in the story.


    So if Corrine is sticking around, then a theory I was voicing a few days ago about an Anne-Corrine connection makes sense. Anne was the psychiatrist prescribing pills to Corrine? And now, instead of getting out of intensive care and immediately leaving New York, Corrine is going to go from intensive care to the psych ward? With Anne still as her doctor and having even more control over Corrine? And Dr. Anne now having direct contact with Jean-Francois, as the patient's legal next of kin? Because the doctor in the emergency room chose Jean-Francois as Corrine's husband to discuss her condition instead of her parents. So Anne now could manipulate Jean-Francois too? Make him even more of a bitter enemy of Gideon?


    Well, the Girouxs taking a fast hike to France would be too simple, and the Crossfire plots are anything but simple. That's why I'm hooked on them instead of the Fifty Shades books. Yeah, the erotica is hawt in both. But Crossfire also is a crime mystery story, not just a romance story.

    Im thinking Gideon and Jean hook up and go after Anne and really nail her for screwing with her head and the loss of the baby

  12. We don't know how recently Anne had the affair with Gideon, and we don't know when it was Hugh killed himself. But I cannot see Gideon s c r e w i n g Anne after she lost a sibling to suicide. I can see Gideon feeling even more guilty about hurting Anne if the sequence of events was breaking Anne's heart and then Anne's brother dying.

    Im thinking Hugh killed himself when Gideon was 20esh. and Im thinking he was banging Anne a couple years ago

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