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Posts posted by Fayeth

  1. That new snippet today was crazy hotttttttt!!!!!!!!  I need the book like ASAP......  So do everyone else thinks she was there having her bachelorette party?


    I agree the snippet was great.  I actually assumed that the night out was just a night at one of Gideon's club.  Eva had asked at one point about going out for a girls night and Gideon said that she could go out with the girls in his limo, his club, etc.  So I assumed that is exactly what it was, however a bachelorette party is definately a huge possibility. 

  2. I believe Gideon killed Nathan with one well aimed knife to the heart. I think because Gideon had time to plan out how he was going to do it, he was at his most controlled knowing it would have to be clean and quick. Nathan opens the door thinking Gideon came to pay him off and bam - knife through the heart - no screaming, no blood splatter on Gideon, no chance of possibly cuts on his hand from going crazy with the knife. He was in and out as planned. Plus he already had the chance to go crazy by hitting Nathan in his office until he bled - that wasn't Giddeon's blood on his shirt - I don't think?!


    I just don't see Gideon letting Angus do it because Gideon would want complete control over this with zero chance of a mistake happening. Best way to do that is to do it yourself. And the passage that can be read under the book's cover, Eva says he has" proverbial blood on his hands" and when Eva says "it's too much" Gideon responds "what I did." I think that right there says he did it.


    I also think that scene is just pages into EWY because I bet Gideon didn't open up to Eva even after she explained what the detective said, because he wouldn't trust it and I don't blame him. He probably sent Eva away because I detect a little bit of sarcasm when she says "it's dangerous for you to be here." Kind of like she's throwing his words back at him. And all the talk about how long it's been since they've been "together" why wouldn't they had just gotten it on at Gideon's place if everything was cool? I know Eva says "it's only been an hour since she'd been with him..." But, I don't think she means in the romantic sense of the world. Especially because they about to go feral on each other. EWY is gonna be very interesting!



    I have seen a few posts that talk about Angus helping Gideon with the killing of Nathan.  Although I think that Angus WOULD have helped Gideon with Nathan's killing, we have to remember that Angus had taken Eva to their Psychiatrist appointment and then Gideon was supposed to meet her at the appointment but ended up standing her up due to the party.  I could be wrong, but I am assuming that Angus would have stayed at the appointment and waited for Eva so that he could take her home.  With that said, I am not sure that Angus would have been able to help Eva, since he would have been at the appointment waiting for her.  Just a thought...

  3. This is my first time posting, I have LOVED reading everyone else's posts and
    I too cannot wait until June. I have had Reflected in You pre-ordered for my
    Nook since the first day it was available and every push back has been
    devestating because I am too invested in these books LOL. However the snippets
    and this forum have helped.


    First I wanted to say that after reading all the posts on Corinne, I have
    actually come up with my own thoughts on her. Eva (and Sylvia) have implied
    multiple times that Gideon would never lead Corinne on and would have told her
    up front what his intentions are with her. We also know that Corinne really cares about
    Gideon and although she might realize she has no chance with him, she cares
    enough to see that he is happy. In Bared to you she even tells Eva that she sees how
    happy Eva makes Gideon. With that said I actually think that Gideon might have
    filled Corinne in that he needs her to accompany him and take the attention off
    of his and Eva's relationship. If indeed Gideon did go kill Nathan on Thursday
    night, when Gideon was at the party with Corinne, if she didn't know what was
    going on and what Gideon was doing, don't you think she would have made a bigger
    deal of it or for that fact even noticed that he was gone from her. Again I
    think that Corrinne really loves and cares about Gideon and knows that Gideon's
    priority is Eva.


    I love how dedicated Victor is to Eva and think that he did become aware of
    what Nathan did to Eva AFTER Nathan was killed and AFTER the police came to her
    apartment on Friday. Not only is Victor a police officer so he would be able to
    see the records but also remember that Monica mentioned that the sealed files
    are unsealed after Nathan was found dead. I know that some people have
    speculated that Victor helped Gideon however I do not believe that Victor had
    any way of helping Gideon take care of Nathan (which is what we are all assuming
    happened, that Gideon took care of Nathan) because remember Victor and Gideon
    met on Friday and the killing happened on Thursday.

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