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Posts posted by jmhope

  1. Hi jmhope totally agree about Chris Jr trying to force himself on Eva ; i have a feeling Eva will use her Krav Maga on him but she will keep it a secret from Gideon...I just keep thinking OWY is going to have to be at least 500 pages to settle all the issues going on in this series ... We havent even got a hint as to Mommyca's backstory although I think that will be revealed when making the actual guest list for the wedding and if she decides to include her family... As I said at this point I dont believe 500 pages is enough. That was a very serious threat from Anne and I think Raul needs to watch her as closely as Clancy watched Nathan...

    don't think Clancey kept too good an eye on Nathan...he got to Cary and nobody saw that coming. I do think that Clancy has incriminating evidence against Gideon and his involvement in the murder; page 268...if you hurt Eva in anyway, you have a problem whether I am breathing or in the grave....get my meaning?

    Hopefully Cary isn't that stupid to take up with Anne....supposedly he researched Terry Lucas, hopefully there were pictures of Lucas and wife together. He knows how concerned Eva was the night of the fancy dinner and him almost doing stuff with her.

  2. just finished rereading CBY and I have a few concerns.

    page 223 "is that a threat, Anne?" Absolutely, "it's time to pay and your billions won't cover the debt". Wonder if she knows that Gideon threatened Hugh and that is why he killed himself. Hopefully Anne doesn't know about the abuse, that would really make her a whack job. She has to think;, she could lose everything, job, career etc. Now that Dr. Peterson knows what Hugh did, maybe he will have the Health community look into Anne's practice as Gideon hinted to on page 224.

    Don't think Brett is out of the picture yet..Chris Sr said that Brett and him agreed to do the Golden video over again. Christopher is not keen on this idea and the money needed to redo it. Brett still has some feelings for Eva.

    Have a awful feeling that Christopher will push himself on Eva, because he has seen the sex video and thinks that Eva will do anything with anyone. Maybe now Eva will be able to use her Krav Maga on someone....Break his nose etc.

    Loved, loved this book, even the sad parts, can't wait for OWY to come out. Sylvia mentioned after the holidays some time frame will be put into place. Noticed on her homepage at Sylviaday.com that OWY is not listed as coming soon.

  3. About Gideon being sick, I think Arash might have been referring to the time when he was separated from Eva while pretending to date Corrine. I would have thought he was unbearable to be around then too due to lack of sleep and being grumpy.




    I haven't seen where its commented, it looks like the draw string to Gideon's sweat pants. The ones he used to tie Eva up with in the lift, I'm not sure about the silk around it???

    I saw somewhere on her twitter posts to the right that the UK cover has nothing to do with the book CBY, unlike the pen on the US cover

    sorry Kristen I didn't see your posts until just now!!

  4. I must say .. I like the title ONE WITH YOU .. but it is a very big goal. For this so much has to happen first. 

    Well, I am disappointed that we still don´t know when the final book is comming out. Somewhere it was mentioned or by Sylvia herself on her FB page that as soon as book 4 is out we will learn when book 5 comes. They say soon ... but soon can be anything from days, weeks, months!!!! 

    I do so hope the final book is bigger than book 4! Sylvia has to tackle so many topic which are not solved. And I want the wedding and and epiloque .. best three to four years where we see they have it good together and when Eva finds out she is pregnant .. ;)


    if wishes were coming true I would like 7-8 books.....but about 30 chapters in OWY would be good. It is hard to get years of pent up feelings healed/fixed in a matter of weeks.

    What do you think all?



  5. I agree with you about Arnoldo being on Corrine's side, and I still think Anne is her therapist pushing her to win Gideon by exposing her feelings to the world through a book. I'm also plotting that Hugh was having an affair with Lucas???? Christopher might have been abused which is what Gideon overheard Liz and Chris discussing one night at the dinner table??

    when and where in the book did Gideon overhear Liz and Chris discussing one night at the dinner table? I must have really skimmed thru that.

    Question: If Eva was Mark's assistant, and Mark leaves; why would Eva lose her job? Couldn't she be an assistant to the person that replaces Mark? Now that she realizes that she can't work on the Lancorp project because of a conflict of interest, wonder what she can do now.. ? She can be an assistant to another person in the office.

  6. It's not so much that I was Team Brett, as that I kind of felt bad for him and felt that he was jerked around by Eva. After all, he realized he had cared for Eva, before he knew anything about where she was now or who she was with. Golden was certainly a sign of his feelings. And when he ran into her again he got mixed messages to say the least. And being somewhat of an alpha type, I'm sure getting pushed around by Gideon only made him more set on getting her back. After all, practically everyone around Brett and Eva was aware of some kind of chemistry and unresolved feeling between them.

    Unfortunately, he was not able to take no for an answer and his persona in the story goes downhill fast - fooling around with the Eva wannabe, getting involved with exploitation of that tape, and then accepting money for it from Gideon. Too bad, though. He was a sympathetically drawn character who morphed into a real pri*k in this volume.

    Don't think Brett took any money from Gideon. I remember reading that he tore up the contract, so that should have negated the taking of any money.

    speaking of money....don't think Corrine has actually written the book yet, but got an advance to write one. Gideon tried to buy out the advance so that she wouldn't write it, but she said she had to do it....?? what a loser, she should go back to France to work things out with her husband!

  7. Do we know what age Gideons abuse started? I finished reading it but I think I read it too fast. .I don't think it was mention but maybe I missed it? I'll be rereading just thought I ask. Lol

    In RIY page 319, Christopher was five, Gideon was 5-6 YOA when his dad died, so about 10-11 yrs old. Gideon was really acting out and Christopher was starting to copy him. This is a young age, and in CBY it supposedly lasted about a year....wonder how it stopped and what Gideon did afterwards.?

  8. Hi jmhope,


    The last statement is not a criticism, I just was telling about the fact that in every book written by Sylvia I have read before, I've seen than sentence, but not in CBY, which to me is a little weird, unusual, as I see it as some sort of Sylvia's signature. I don't think Eva mentioning some women don't like hearing that word has something to do with the lack of it on this book, because usually the sentence is part of the heroine 'mind-talk' and it's preceded by the word "his", so is not the hero saying it but the heroine thinking it. It's just something I have linked in my mind, Sylvia's writting style and that phrase somewhere on her books, to the point that only once I read it on a book not written by her and I thought someone was trying to emulate Sylvia.


    Just that.  I was not trying to be rude or to offend any of you. If so, please accept my apologies and be sure that was not my intention at all.

    I didn't think you were criticizing; Sylvia uses that phrase in almost all her books. Trust me, no offense taken!

  9. I agree that this book is in one way a filler because only a few little questions have an answer there. Of course I was not expecting to obtain all of them, but maybe a little bit more. There's a lot left to the last book and I fear we will not get all the answers or that OWY will end in a rush.  On the bright side, we have a change to see how Gideon's mind works, which is important.


    This book is different. Don't know why, it's just a sensation. Also I found out it lacks of Sylvia's signature sentence, nor once did I read "big, beautiful c***"... I should re-read  to be sure of that.

    on that last statement, Eva did mention that some women don't like hearing that word. So Gideon knows that isn't a nice thing to say. Sylvia did give a very descriptive image of Eva's private parts

  10. I, too, like Gideon's friend/employee Arash. He is a hoot and doesn't take any bull**it from him. I really enjoyed the party with friends and booze at the karoke place....who knew both Eva and Gideon could sing?! I really liked the reaction when Eva said what don't you own in NY and Arash replied not that hotel( wherever it was.) Eva was so happy and Arash commented "it all makes sense now" He knows some personal things about Eva and of course the marriage and he still likes her!! Liked also when in SD Gideon called him in the middle of the night to confirm to Eva that he was in fact "working".

    About the birthday....surely Eva would have known when it was since she updated his bio, but guess it is too much to put into a book, but I would think that Ireland would have mentioned it to him when she called in chapt 3, it had to do with the engagement announcement on page six. anyways

    Yes, I am on book #3 of the Outlander series.....STARZ still a good job with the first part of the book, interested on how they will handle the part where Capt Jack does very bad things to Jaime. But the books are good, but very long!!

  11. Just finished reading CBY and I really loved it!!! My eyes are really tired though.

    Who knew that Gideon could sing?!

    Glad to see that most of our theories were right. We were right about Brett knowing about the sex tape, That Clancy and his brother were behind the murder cover up. Buying the house in NC and many others.

    Can't believe that Corrine want to write a tell all. Hopefully she will get what she deserves in the end; along with Deanna and Anne.

    Eva had a right to be furious with Gideon for offering a job to Mark, but he was correct with Lancorp trying to get to him through Eva. If something goes wrong with the promotion with the product, Lancorp could always say that Gideon was behind it and that Eva was the one that leaked any info.

    Sylvia as always you never dissapoint. Can't wait for OWY, hopefully within 6 months!! But I will be sad to say goodbye to Eva and Gideon.

    In 5 questions for Sylvia, she said that Gideon was a Virgo (8/23 - 9/23) he had his birthday during this book, and Eva was an Aquarius (1/20 - 02/18)

    Loved, loved this book, can't wait to hear what everyone else thinks.

  12. Well jm hope its been a long wait and we only have 5 hours to go we can do it!! Do you have any thoughts on the last teaser... So far all of the Crossfire novels have ended on a positive note ... I hope this is no exception!!

    Hopefully it is Gideon texting Eva and saying "come and find me Angel" !! Yes, I have set my alarm to wake up at 2 am so that I can read my kindle for 2 hrs before I have to get up to be at work by 6 am!!!! Oh the suspense!!!

  13. my random thoughts.

    When Deanna mentioned Gideon's dark side, then Gideon explained his sexual relations to Eva, (by not always using his d**k), maybe he went the oral route and used toys, then when the phone rang, he lost interest and said "you can go now"!!

    Yes, we need a better timeline of Gideon's life. Like when the abuse started and when and how it stopped. How he got his start (at what age). He said he gambled and counted cards, you have to be 21 to gamble (legally) If he met Corrine in college and dated for about 2 yrs, what age did he leave college. Age stated for Gideon is 28, so he has been a busy boy!!!

    Just throwing this out, while driving I saw a car made by Chrylser named 'CROSSFIRE'. That would be a good birthday gift for Eva, if we knew when her birthday, and Gideon's for that matter, was.

    Why is Elizabeth so bent out of shape over the ring, other than the fact Eva now has it. Did she loose it during the debt collection from the ponzi scheme? Just glad he never gave it to Corrine.

    Tuesday can't get here soon enough. Wonder if we will get a Tuesday/teaser, 18 chapters is too short for me!!

  14. I loved Eva comment about Gideon's friends that he is getting together with while she is gone.  Her comment about his group of hot guys who've got a buzz  and want a good time is priceless.


    Having conceived of good, interesting characters and putting them in unique situations is only part of a good book.  I love the way Sylvia turns a phrase!

    Yes, it reminded me of the scenario with Afterburn/Aftershock how Jax and Gia met each other, in a bar at a bachelor party looking for a good time.

    Strange Gideon can set the agenda with Eva going out with the girls in EWY, but Eva can't question him about him getting together with the guys.

  15. I still love both G and E, that said, I have stated before that if Eva wanted to have Brett as a friend she could have reached out during those 4 years..... She should really be upset with the sex video. Brett didn't seem to mind the video with the song, so maybe he does know about the tape. We hopefully will find out soon.

    Gideon is not always forthcoming with information for Eva, he only tells/says what he has to to get by. Sometimes he is rather vague Like when talking with Dr. Peterson, and the Dr asked about sexual relations, and Gideon stated 1-2 times a week, and he had previously told Eva that he had as much sex with Eva then in the past year. He spoke of the difference in meanings, but sometimes Gideon doesn't know the meaning of "is" is.

    As for the bruises in the exerpt, I reread it and at the top it stated that it came for chapt 14, so we don't who or why he has those bruises. He could have been really physical with his personal trainer.

    Also in the first 3 chapters, Gideon wanted to take Eva away for a long time 2-4 weeks. Doubtful Eva could get that much time off from work. She barely takes time off when her Dad is in town.

  16. What upsets me the most is that Eva is "confused" over Brett. She should be hopping mad about the release of the sex tape and whether Brett had anything to do with it. Gideon shouldn't have said anything about Corrine, that was really stupid.

    As I said earlier, I like having both POVs, but I have to pay attention more as to who is talking. Would have liked to hear the conversation that Gideon had with Victor, and also the one in EWY when he asked if he could marry his daughter.

    Loved teasertuesday!! Thanks Sylvia

  17. OMG OMG OMG !!! Can't believe that Penquin put the first 3 chapters out to be read!!! Wonder what Sylvia thinks about this?

    This book is going to be really something.....both POVs are exciting and you have to really keep track as to who is "talking" Some of the paragraphs we have already read, but it was nice getting them in the right context. Alot of new characters have been introduced from Gideon's side of life....interesting hurry up 11/18/14

  18. I saw on FB where Sylvia posted a photo about a no spoiler zone which could mean that some do have it already 


    Sylvia put this on FB as a reply to someone who said it's not fair that some have the book:

    "It is a massive undertaking to ship over a million copies of a book worldwide. Copies are presently being shipped to vendors and not all vendors have received their shipments yet. It's unfortunate that some vendors who received copies early have chosen to disregard their signed affidavits promising not to sell the book prior to Nov 18. If anyone spots CBY on sale this week, please report the violation by calling 800-253-2304 ext. 2282 - Thank you"

    yeah, seems Sylvia had that same problem with the release of EWY. Thought Penquin would do a better job this time. Hopefully the vendors that are not complying with their signed affidavits will be punished.

  19. I will have to keep myself busy these next week so I do not get too impatient lol. I wonder if the baby isn't actually Carry's. Sylvia mentioning that in the video makes me doubt carry being the father a little bit. I don't think Gideon and Eva will have a baby in these next two books, either. I bet its in the epilogue, though. Things in this book I bet we will find out are Megumi's whereabouts, what Chris did in the past to take sibling rivalry to an extreme and a few more clues about  Nathan's cover up. If this book answered all the questions, there would be no time for all the other good stuff.

    To keep myself occupied I have been reading the "Outlander" series. Finished book 1 (800 + pages) VERY good, now am working on Book 2 (Dragonfly in Amber, another 800 + pager). Got interested by watching the STARZ channel when they aired it on TV. They did a very good job, stayed real close to the book. I didn't know any of the actors, but they did a great job, can't wait for April for them to finish out the book.

    Now am really excited if we get Chapter 1 tomorrow instead of the teasers!!! Sylvia put out chapters 1 and 2 with EWY, wonder if she will do the same??!!! Hurry up 11/18/2014

  20. In Entwined with You Gideon gets a phone call from Corinne.  His side of the conversation went like this:

    "I appreciate that you thought of me, but no,"..."Of course we're friends.  You know why...I can't give you what you want from me."..."Stop, This isn't the tack you want to take with me Corinne."


    Gideon is too nice!


    Throughout the first three books, he has always taken her calls and often gone to her assistance.  In this conversation he has already told her he is not interested yet she continues to pursue him.  In several topic forms fans want Corinne gone but we must have some change in Gideon's behavior to make this happen.

    Later on in that same chapter, Chapter 10.....Eva wants to know what Corrine wanted besides him, that is when she explains the difference between mad at a guy and being teary over him. this is on page 143-144. Gideon finally says "Well, that changes things considerably, "There's nothing more she and I need to say to each other."

    Now Gideon knows, but Corrine pulls a big one by trying to kill herself to get him back. Too late, Eva and Gideon are MARRIED.

    Anyways 11/18/2014 can't get here soon enough!!

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