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Posts posted by CAROLINE628

  1. He's no dummy, I bet he already started the search before he left. Like when he was researching Gideon.

    My guess is he started the search in NY, didn't discover much if anything. He picks up and continues digging when he returns to Cali. He probably will end up discovering some ir all of the story. But, I think he may wait for Eva to tell him or coax her to feel comfortable enough to tell him.

    I can't wait for Victor to come back!  agreed. he's probably already started doing the research on nathan.  it's all a matter of time before he finds everything out.

  2. Do you think Gideon will eventually go to jail?


    I hope not. That will be one chapter I'll be going through a box of tissues with if that ever happened. I don't even want to think about that. After reading LN's theories and everyone else's I don't think there will be enough to arrest him & don't forget Graves messed up when she talked to Eva without a lawyer and got Eva to admit she dumped Gideon on saturday after nathan was already dead.  

  3. He will find out Eva's secret.   Whether it's in this book or #3.   SD keeps on introducing new characters - maybe she will use it on one of them but I believe it will be Chris Jr.   I was at breakfast with one of my friends and she started laughing about obsessesed I am.  Her sister in law is too.

    Hi Donna,

    unfortunately I won't be able to go to the paramus book signing on the 4th, but I definitely want to get together next month with you. It'll be nice to talk about this with someone who enjoys my obsession with Eva & Gideon : ) I can't even get my friends to even read the book...they're really missing out! lol 

  4. What's the deal with Eva taking a cab home from Gideon's. Clancy drove her from Krav Maga there. Did she tell Clancy to leave? I think she probably did -- which would have had Clancy running right to Stanton and Monica to report Eva had gone to Gideon's apartment building to see him.


    As for the "talk" they never got to have on his doorstep, I think all it entailed was Eva recounting to him word for word what Graves said to her. He needed to know all of that right away, so he could immediately call his lawyers. He probably just sat there staring at the floor listening to what Eva had found out, cringing inside at just how much she'd been told. I think that as soon as she was done, she told him she was leaving because it was too dangerous for her to be there. As a cop's daughter, she knew that.


    Here's what Chapter One says about how they parted:



    I’d left Gideon alone because I couldn’t trust Graves’s motives. I couldn’t take the chance that she’d told me her suspicions just to see if I’d run to him and prove that his breakup with me was a well-crafted lie.


    God. The riot of emotions I felt had my heart racing. Gideon needed me now –a s much as, if not more than, I needed him – yet I’d walked away.


    The desolation in his eyes as the doors to his private elevator separated us had ripped me open inside.

    okay this is going to sound silly but didn't she do just that? go to gideon's apartment right after she spoke to graves?? I hope she wasn't followed either but maybe that's why she took the taxi?? I'm confused too. Since we're reading BTY by chapter, I totally forgot Clancy drove her to Gideon's & didn't catch the fact that she took a taxi home. I loved reading Chapter 1 & part of chapter 2 but it was so heart wrenching with the emotions they both felt.

  5. Wow, i wasn't gone that long....but i had to read 3 pages of comments. lol

    Just want to say all you ladies rock! I'm so glad i can come on here and have people who as into this story as i am!

    I agree it is going to take Eva some time to emotionally trust Gideon again. However, i think they will work through this and everything else because they can't live without one another. They are truly soul mates, who need to learn how to trust one another.

    me too! Everytime I take a day off from this, I feel like I miss so much! I keep trying to play catch up and read a chapter a day but I'm either behind a chapter or ahead a chapter lol. I try to get my friends to read the books so that we can talk about it but they won't read it. oh well their loss! lol glad I have all of you : )    

  6. Just a silly observation( perhaps I need to get out more) but I realised that Eva is a driver. Until the start of EWY there is never a mention of her driving.

    She mention about instinctively put her foot on the brake, when in the taxi, which was moving erratically through the traffic.

    Hi Julie,

    you're right! I didn't catch it either.  

  7. One last thought about the dark hair thing.

    I agree with Julie, who says that brunetes are tied up with mummy issues. But how? My theory is that by keeing brunettes on the absolutely-no-s*x-with list, Gedeon is saying that he doesn't trust them enough to share his bed, not even for a quickie; more importantly, he is refusing Elizabeth, Brunette Number One, as a mother because he doesn't trust her anymore.

    It sounds confusing, but it's Gedeon we're talking about.... Mr "Easy is boring"!! Lol

    I also agree with you both and it will be interesting when we do get to the bottom of it.

  8. I wonder if this Deanna chick is going to try and hook up w/ Cary...doesn't tell him who she is/ what she does etc...he brings her home, she gets an inside look at  Eva's place...questions Cary about her..innocent questions....what if she's there when Gideon is there! Ahh!

    Eva's gotta warn Cary about her also...asap! I hope she doesn't forget to tell Gideon.


    Those 1 1/2 chapters were great..just fuel to the Crossfire- fire!


    I kinda wanted Eva to be more aggressive w/ Gideon...more hurtful-maybe to him..Beat him a lil for being so cruel to her..lol...I know, I know...he didn't want to be...but she was hurt sooo much by him!


    I really can't wait for Victor's return! 


    I hope it's not a cliffhanger ending...book 3...b/c who knows when book 4 & 5 are coming out!

    Hi Nathalia,

    I agree! although Gideon is feeling the hurt that he inflicted on Eva. I'm sure when he was crying she knew his pain was worse than hers. that's a great theory. I wouldn't put it past her! (Deanna) was lerking in the lobby of Eva's building that day when she came back from Gideon's and who's to say she won't try to flirt with Cary to get into Eva's apartment?? Hopefully Eva will warn Carey about her and yes I hope she tells Gideon too!! this lady needs to leave the same time Corrine leaves lol

  9. I'm hoping we'll get to the real bottom of this whole brunette thing!!! Only because it seriously hits Eva's buttons.


    We know Gideon dated only brunettes prior to Eva.

    But did he also f*** only brunettes too, prior to Eva? (the redheaded Anne Lucas doesn't count as a regular sex partner, because she was a revenge f*** not physical desire.)

    Or did Gideon stop f******* brunettes after Corrine?


    Did hair color automatically assign the women to which of the categories: date or sex? 

    • All brunettes to the left, please, the platonic social arm candy category? 
    • All blondes and redheads to the right, please, report to the f**** pad?


    Is it June 4th yet?

    I can't wait to get to the bottom of the whole brunette thing. It seems like we see more brunettes whether they're strangers or woman from his past. the only blondes beside eva is monica....  June 4th can't get here fast enough : )  

  10. Besides, it looks like we have another ex of Gideon's to worry about - Deanna Johnson. She comes across as someone who also wants at Gideon for selfish reasons, but here it's to harm him, not to land him. She's trying to make an ally out of Eva now (hah! good luck with that!) But Deanna comes across as someone who could just as easily try to make Eva collateral damage. 

    boy these woman are just coming out of the woodwork to make problems for Eva and Gideon!  lol I was kind of hoping she was one who didn't get to sleep with him and got tossed into the woman he strictly dated pile and was mad she didn't get to sleep with him!

  11. A couple of theories:

    • Corrine thinks the nooner stunt worked - it seriously undermined Eva's trust in Gideon. And unfortunately, it did, so Corrine's objective was met.
    • I'm certain Gideon called up Corrine to chew her out about what she'd done -- which only served to reinforce to Corrine that Eva really is vulnerable.
    • Corrine probably convinced herself that the mistrust she'd sown came to fruition with Eva blowing things with Gideon. If Arnoldo gossiped to Corrine about Brett, then she's probably certain Eva blew it.
    • For a couple of weeks, Corrine basked in the triumph that Eva was history.
    • But then Eva showing up unannounced at Corrine's apartment, which made Corrine fear that Eva wasn't totally out of the picture yet. Corrine, realizing that maybe Eva might be considering making another run at Gideon, came up with a plan on the spot to repeat the "nooner" stunt in a far-more devastating way, sending Eva sobbing off into the sunset forever. For one thing, she tried to make Eva believe that now she (Corrine) had moved beyond hotel sex and gotten Gideon into her (Corrine's) own bed.


    Too bad, Corrine, that when push came to shove, in her heart Eva knew her man. Knew he wasn't sleeping with Corrine, because he didn't love Corrine, had never loved Corrine. Eva still couldn't figure out why the eph Gideon was treating her (Eva) the way he was, but Eva at least figured out that Gideon was, in fact, in love with her (Eva).

    exactly! Corrine was trying to pull out all the stops with this last stunt to rid Eva from Gideon's life but I'm so glad that Eva didn't believe her not for a moment. I still think Corrine and brett should get together because they'll need to console each other after they realize they both never stood a chance at winnng Eva & Gideon's hearts 

  12. I agree with your most of your thoughts in the second paragraph Sheens. I cannot however as petty as it might seem get over Gideon kissing Corrine. It's one thing to peck her on the cheek or kiss her hair, it would be another for me for him to be kissing her on the mouth. When Eva kissed Brett I was outraged. I get why she did it, but it didn't make it acceptable in my eyes.

    I'm in agreement with you Kirsten on both things - eva kissing brett & gideon kissing corrine. Since Eva stopped getting the google alerts & also looking at page 6 photo of Gideon & Corrine looking intimate at the Kingsman Vodka party Victor showed Eva, we don't know if gideon was caught kissing corrine by the paparazzi. they got plenty pics of gideon and eva kissing out in public but I'm sure if he did have to kiss corrine (stomach rolling lol), it was in the privacy of inside the car or somewhere private but I really don't want to read in EWY that he did kiss corrine in order to make her (corrine) believe they were a couple. I hope it's a peck on the cheek for corrine and not on the mouth.  

  13. One thing that has always gnawed at me. Gideon sent Eva a note card or as Eva read it, a dear Jane card, stating, "thank you, Eva. For everything" yours , G. With her apartment keys. A brush off as I read it, so did she.

    In the next chapter, when they were talking, he kept saying they never broke up for those four days. Why did he phrase that card so badly?

    I'm on this page now in the chapter and I'm wondering the same thing. don't we find out later that she neglected to see that his key to his apartment was on the keychain too? This is the part I want to say to Gideon, by doing this action of giving back her keys with a cryptic note is you chasing her away. 

  14. I'm sure Magdalene saw something awful in his eyes when he realized Eva just pulled a runner, probably a very serious one.


    I think Corrine got a good look at his face too, and it dawned on her she had very serious competition. I even think something "snapped" inside of Corrine, because the gloves came off the very next day -- Corrine tried crashing Gideon's office, and then seized on an opportunity to pull the nooner stunt. Corrine went for all-her-glory triumph at the fundraiser to panic mode. What changed? Gideon -- running after Eva.

    agreed! I think that's when Corrine snapped too!

  15. OK, doing my homework, which is to pick out a favorite quote or paragraph from the Chapter of the Day (which today is #14 in Bared to You.)


    Cary, consoling Eva after Gideon dumped her, still held out hope things would work out. "I want there to be happily-ever-afters for the f*****-up crowd. Show me the way, Eva honey. Make me believe." (page 212)

    This is my favorite line from Chapter of the day:

    Megumi to Eva about Magdalene getting escorted away:


    Megumi called me again.  "Oh my God," she said, laughing. "You should've seen her face when whoever that was came to get her." (page 202) oh to be a fly on the wall to see her face when she got escorted away. I'm thinking Scott went down himself to get her lol


    Okay here's another thing in this chapter that stuck out at me and I don't know if this could qualify as a red herring but on page 205, Mark says to Eva after she asked if she could bow out of the presentation with Gideon, he says this: " You're golden, Eva. You know that?" In RIY we then learn about Brett's song about Eva being called Golden.

  16. As I'm reading Chapter 14 where we start to see more of Christopher Jr when he and Eva go out to lunch. He's acting just like Corrine did in the beginning ~ trying to come off all sweet and nice to Eva but with a hidden agenda - he wants to take Eva away from Gideon just like Corrine wants Eva eliminated from the competition to Gideon's heart.  


    In my opinion Chris & Corrine belong together because of their selfish ways and how dense they both are for thinking they even stand a chance of getting what they want. We see their true colors start to come out and show them for who they really are. I know a lot of you say Corrine would never go for Christopher because he's younger but when you have two people who want to tear apart Gideon and Eva, I wouldn't be the least surprised if they teamed up and tried to make more problems for our favorite couple. I hope not! lol  

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