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Posts posted by CAROLINE628

  1. One LOL and then I've got to head out into a series of conference calls .....


    With so many of these prior snapshots, we've been debating the literal images themselves. Perfect example on Tuesday -- was that a pair of stockings or pantyhose?  Today's snapshot is literally the correct prop - that's an actual picture of an NYPD detective shield.

    ok am I the only one who thinks that this is the chapter where Victor comes back into the picture - maybe moves to NYC? but if it's truly a NYPD detective shield then maybe the case will finally be closed. what do you think?

  2. Hi Caroline,

    I think that the baggage tags can symbolize many things.  I think that for me, these tags symbolize the baggage each of these two carries around in daily life (i.e. that of being abused as children and of being survivors).  I don't know that I personally correlate the luggage tags with Gideon killing Nathan.  If the tags were ratty or dirty or covered in blood then I could have made that leap.


    I think that the tags are also a link to their future.  These tags ground them, in that their names and addresses are on them (they know who they are and where they came from), but they also have the opportunity to make their own futures and travel (i.e. opening up their world or beginning to see the world literally and figuratively).  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    Hi Gigi,

    Yes this is what I trying to explain when I made the earlier comment about what the baggage tags symbolize.  

  3. Hi Caroline,

    I could buy the argument that Monica is materialistic and there is nothing wrong with that so long as you don’t hurt another human being while you are busy acquiring your wealth.  What I find so off-putting is the fact that Monica didn’t tell Eva about Nathan’s return to New York.  Why on earth would Monica keep that a secret?!  Why didn’t she tell Eva about the blackmail and the videotapes and photos?  Did Monica really think that she alone (or with Stanton’s help) could protect Eva without her knowledge?  I find that almost impossible to believe.  Even after Nathan’s death she said nothing to Eva.  It was only after Eva prompted her mother that Monica leaked scant details about Nathan. 


    Again, only after several more days and Eva’s direct questions did Monica spill the beans about Nathan.  My question is why?  How does that make Monica a good mother (I am not saying that you said Monica is a good mother)?  I have to say that I am having a hard time finding redeeming qualities about this woman. 


    The past is the past, you are right, but Monica keeps making the same mistakes over and over and over again.  I find that hard to swallow as well.  I hope Sylvia addresses this in the next book.  What do you think?  What does everyone think? 

    Hi Gigi,

    god no! I don't think Monica is a good mother either. sorry if it came across as that. yes she loves eva no doubt and wants only the best for her but I was so annoyed with her that she kept the fact hidden that she saw nathan let alone that he approached stanton & gideon with the photos and videotape as blackmail. I know everyone had Eva's best interests at heart to protect her from evil nathan but not telling hurt her even more because of the secrets everyone kept from her. it's just as bad as Monica and Eva not telling Victor. Keeping secrets from someone will not stay hidden from long because the person will find out eventually. She is a big girl and she needed to know this important information.  I think Eva should've been told that he was in town. I also didn't like how she was with Eva on Saturday morning. You're absolutely right, she keeps making the same mistakes over and over and she's not learning from them obviously. Stanton keeps enabling her behavior and she needs to go back and see Dr. Petersen because her behavior will never change.  I hope we get to learn more about Monica and hopefully see her change from a two dimensional person.

  4. Hi Caroline,


    It seems that our Cary is a wee bit of a naughty boy...he loves the ladies...and men... (well actually I was thinking something else more cheeky but that's ok).  I wonder how Sylvia is going to deal with the Cary character.


    Or wait, didn't Sylvia say that she let's the characters speak and she just types very quickly.. I wonder what Cary will say about his lovelife and how he wants to deal with it?  :)  What do you think?

    Yes that's exactly what she said. Cary sounds like he wants to be a naughty boy but he also wants to find someone to love him like Eva found with Gideon. he probably wants someone who has the same the virility like Gideon who can go for hours lol

  5. Hi Caroline,

    I don't think that liking both genders really has anything to do with whether a person will be capable of being faithful.  I think that ultimately when a person is in a committed relationship, they have the choice as to whether they will remain faithful to the person they are in relationship with.  Do you know what I mean?   What does everyone think? 

    yes and I agree with you. that's what it all boils down to - being in a commmited relationship and being faithful.

  6. Well, Gideon has by his own standards already given Corrine "exaggerated expectations" that he and Corrine most certainly ARE dating.


    Page 64 of Bared, when Gideon discusses the subject of "exaggerated expectations" (his words) with Eva, she asks him "What's your definition of dating?" His exact answer: "Lengthy social time spent with a woman when we're not actively F(&^***."


    Um, he's spending lengthy social time with Corrine lately.


    Fast forward to page 327 of Bared, when Gideon is disclosing to Eva some early history of his relationship with Corrine.


    "I guess you could say we dated. We were exclusive sexually and we often ended up in the same place as a couple."


    Um, these days he and Corrine are going places as a couple.


    So according to Gideon's own definitions, Gideon most certainly IS dating her. And if Corrine didn't already know these boundary definitions, well, Magdalene certainly does, so Corrine could find out that way.


    I'll bet Corrine's confidently thinking he just hasn't started sleeping with her -- yet. But I'm sure she's being patient, because it's only been a couple of weeks since Gideon started dating her again. Trying to rush things would involve "exaggerated expectations" after all.


    Gideon, Gideon, Gideon ..... I suppose the good thing here is that if Detective Graves already has made a run at Corrine, Corrine could tell Graves that she and Gideon started dating again the night he took her out to dinner at Tableau One, the restaurant owned by one of Gideon's good friends. Corrine would believe it to be true -- because Gideon has lied to her by omission. 


    He's got that safety net. He needs it too, if it is actually true Graves is attacking the cover. Perhaps Graves already has interviewed Corrine when she (Graves) was picking apart every minute of the party timeline. In fact, I wonder if Corrine did answer questions both about the party and about her relationship status already. Corrine's got no reason NOT to answer any police questions. In fact, it would look very bad for Gideon if Corrine did refuse to talk -- it would look like she's trying to cover for Gideon. 


    So .... what happens if Corrine was approached out of the blue by the cops? Wouldn't she get curious about why the cops are interested in Gideon? Hmmmmmmm ....... that could be problematic down the road.

    I think Graves did interview Corrine and had to find out that Gideon wasn't with her for that amount of time because he was checking on guests and going in and out of the hotel as well as losing all sight of him for a half hour to an hour. She would be all too willing to gush to them that she's dating Gideon again and probably would balk at the idea of why the cops would be interested in Gideon. who knows she might even lie and cover for him by saying she was with him the entire time. I hope we hear that Graves went to Corrine and what was said in that conversation.     

  7. Lets just on the way of FSOG and say that Monica was a sh-itty mother!!

    I think Monica is praying Victor won't find out the truth because he will blame her for not being around Eva because she was too materialistic and will be mad that she kept it from him. I read FSOG and wow his mom was the queen of s**** mothers but I won't put her in that same category. Elizabeth yes for not believing Gideon but I'm going to give Monica the benefit of the doubt for now until I read EWY and see if she changes from being two dimensional. Yes Monica is materialistic & self absorbed but her guilt is punishing her now and I kind of feel bad for her.

  8. Eva told her at the RIY that Gideon was in lover with her and Corinne said will he's spending his time with me.   Get a clue Corinne.  Do you want to be with someone who's not in love with you.   Eva even said he's hurting just be a friend.   Maybe will see in EWY that she starts being a friend.

    I agree. Corrine has not been a friend to Gideon when she came back into his life. if she doesn't change her evil ways, she will be kicked to the curb becasue. I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt that she will change her evil ways but only time will tell and june 4th can't get here fast enough lol

  9. Mr. Sometimes Clueless Cross. Carefully re-read that first conversation Corrine had with Eva, out of Gideon's earshot, on pages 312 to 314 of Bared. This was immediately after Gideon had taken Corrine aside and tried to convince her to keep quiet about their (his and Corrine's) history for now, given Eva's insecurities. Already, Corrine was using the weapons Gideon just handed to her.


    In order, this is what Corrine fed to Eva, acting oh so sweet as she did, the two-faced little ......


    Said she and Gideon had been friends for a long time

    Suggests Gideon had always stayed in contact with her over the years


    Admitted she was still in love with him

    Throws down the gauntlet - she wants him back


    Told Eva she (Corrine) was grateful to her for getting Gideon to open up

    Lands first punch by making Eva fear that maybe her own purpose had been to prepare Gideon for Corrine


    Gave her reason for leaving Gideon being afraid at the time he was possessive -- yet she later realized his being possessive had been a good thing

    Suggests Gideon is possessive of her still -which is exactly why Gideon had latched right onto Corrine the instant he saw her there, and walked around for some time with Corrine on his arm


    Explained that when she found out how serious Gideon was about Eva, she (Corrine) at first was afraid to see them together as a couple

    Suggests that something changed so that now Corrine has no reason to fear Eva as a real rival anymore


    Oh so casually threw in a mention that when she reached out to him for help to come back to New York, she called him in the middle of some charity event

    Corrine knew d*** well she interrupted Gideon on a date with Eva. Corrine scored a knockdown punch here - Gideon had ditched her (Eva) that night to drop everything for Corrine's needs


    "He told me he'd met someone. That he wanted you and me to meet when I got into town."

    Implication - he never told Corrine he was in love with Eva. Implied that he wasn't even going to tell Eva about Corrine until Corrine got back to town. Made it clear Gideon wants Corrine a part of his social life again. 

    I think corrine is also insecure deep down in her icy soul (lol!) & jealous of Eva.  

  10. I wonder how crowded it will be...I must admit Ive never been to anything like this before,,,don't really know what to expect...we think it starts at 7p...does she usually start talking right away? Are there questions and answers from the gorup? Does she read an excerpt?? Anyone been to one of there before???

    I've gone to a few booksignings before at a B&N store before but not for Sylvia but I'm sure it works the same as the one I went to in Somerset at the Double Tree Hotel where they had two B&N store employees help out with the book signing. a B&N employee will have you write your name on a sticky note and put it in the book. She signs on the title page.  I can guarantee there will probably be a long line to get her autograph. If you're not getting an autograph then you don't have to worry about the long line. I thought I saw something that she said she was going to do a Q&A & then sign books. She said it's hard to talk to fans at book signings because they don't give her enough time to talk all her fans especially when it's a big crowd. she does personalize which is awesome!! I hope I helped answer your question.

  11. Using Corinne as the "cover" girl is just too juicy of a story for the tabloids to run with. Former fiancée etc this is just what Gideon is counting on them to do a story about Magdalene wouldn't sell newspapers!!

    I'm sure he also didn't consider Corrine was going to become someone with exaggerated expectations either!

  12. I wonder what Sylvia thinks about our reactions to Corrine as a character. Certainly amused. Maybe shaking her head.


    • Are we all over-reacting, like Eva often did, because Corrine never ever was a rival and we need to quit getting so worked up?
    • Or have those of us posters who have been cutting poor Corrine some slack as a sad character been under-reacting like Gideon -- and will see the "real" Corrine unmasked in Entwined?


    Is it June 4 yet?

    Is it even May 4 yet?


    Sigh .... we're getting there. At least it's not November 4.

    I liked Corrine up until her claws came out lol! I'll give Corrine the benefit of the doubt that once Gideon tells her the truth and admits he still loves Eva, she will open her eyes and apologize for her mean girl behavior and slinks away in the sunset back to France. lol I've been counting down the days for both May & June! : )

  13. I don't think Corrine is going to be as much as a problem as we think. The only power she had over Gideon was the fact that he felt bad about how he wasn't honest with her. However if she was honest with herself she would have known all along that he was not "in love" with her. She set her self up this time knowing that he is involved and in love with someone else. She is trying to manipulate him by using their past together. I don't think she realizes just how important and irreplaceable Eva is to him. I think once he makes that clear she will vanish. She needs to keep her pride in check. And i don't think she is a horrible person, she just fell for the wrong guy. We have all been there. But it is time for her to get over it and move on!

    it must've ate at her that he chased after Eva that night. something he never did with her. had she not be downright cruel to Eva, I probably wouldn't despise her as much. I'm sure once Gideon and Eva have their talk, that guilt he had for not being in love with her (Corrine) will vanish immediately. It doesn't seem like she tried to get to know the real Gideon inside and not the rich and sexy Gideon who would make her a trophy wife. It doesn't seem like she cared too much about him because if she had, she would've picked up on his anguish over losing Eva. She can't even be happy for him like Magdalene is. She's a selfish person who thinks about nothing but herself. okay I'm done venting about corrine lol 

  14. what a cowbag! Every time I read that passage, I want to punch that lady's -she ain't no lady-lights out. I think I would have marched right out of there myself, if I had been Eva.

    lol after reading this, it only makes me despise Corrine more. I'm so glad Eva confronted her at the end of RIY. I hope she has another confrontation with Corrine in EWY lol 

  15. As for Paramus,,,I have office hours till 6 p then will get in my car from NYC  and head out to Paramus so likely won't be there until it starts which is 7 pm if she's (SD) on time...I'll figure out what I'm wearing that day at work and post it on line from the office and whoever is there please  come find me and say hello, likely after the talk part...as I said in an earlier post I'm a nook reader so probably won't stand in line to get an autographed book but maybe I'll change my mind...so funny I don't have any more real books around...and I'll have downloaded EWY by then. (I need to be at the hospital by 7 am so I'll likely start reading ahead of most of you..ha ha)

    Hi I got both books on my nook too in addition to preordering EWY.  When I went to her book signing in Somerset, I went to B&N the night before and bought both books for her to sign in case they didn't have enough at the book signing. Funny enough, there were two ladies from B&N by my house who were doing the booksigning for Sylvia! Thank god they didn't make me buy two more copies like B&N does if you buy ahead of time,  I also saw that SD has at B&N an EWY limited edition autograph copy that I also preordered if I can't go to paramus.

  16. I don't know either, but I guess it depends upon underlying causes. Parasomnia takes many different forms. For example, sleepwalking is a variety of parasomnia.


    Gideon's parasomnia has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, as a contributing factor, and unfortunately, there's no "cure" for PTSD. Therapy can bring about remarkable improvements, but cannot completely erase all the scars, all the damage left by very serious trauma. At best, therapy can be a kind of reconstructive surgery of the psyche -- but that's not the same thing as restoring something to a pre-damage condition.

    since there is no cure maybe he will have less frequent nightmares?

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