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Posts posted by CAROLINE628

  1.  Wow. That's an interesting food for thought...never even thought about it that way, but that could be it. But, if that were what Sylvia was aiming for, I would think the other covers (world wide) would each carry the same symbolism. What do you think?

    It was just a thought that popped in my head because whenever a book cover has a picture on it, I always wonder what's the significance that it plays in the storyline. that's true too. The world wide covers have a perfume bottle and the only thing I can think of with that is Gideon always says he loves the way she smells. We know his scent is a bodywash but it's never said if she wears any perfume or what kind of bodywash she uses. I'm an amateur at theories unlike the other ladies  on here who I consider the experts! : ) 

  2. You can easily buy those college sweatshirts or any school sweatshirts.

    Hi Donnad,

    true! I knew someone who said she was graduating high honors just to rub it when I told I was graduating the same week and come to find out they allowed her to walk but she she never got her degree because she failed her last class and kept failing the class until she finally passed it & then got her degree lol. 

    By the way, what part of NJ are in you? I don't know if you saw my reply back when you asked me where I was in NJ.

  3. okay just throwing this out and forgive me because I forgot who mentioned this in their post because I want to give them credit for it. They were talking about baggage both of them had. Originally I had thought the luggage tags on the cover of EWY would be a gift from Eva to Gideon but now I think the luggage tags symbolize the baggage they both have especially Gideon when we get more into his past. Each book cover had a picture that symbolized something: BTY: was Gideon's cuff links but they also reminded me of their rings. RIY: was the FOB Eva gave to Gideon because she wanted him to give him his own key for him to use when he came over to her house like he did with her key to his apartment. EWY: luggage tags symbolizing Gideon's baggage of killing nathan and his past. What does everyone think??

  4. In chapter 10, Eva gives Gideon a picture frame of a picture of herself. When would she have had time to get it? The last time she was alone, was before she had lunch with him. Also, what does 3:00 am have to do with graduation? I can see her having a frame on hand as well as a picture of herself, but a frame that depicts such a specific time. Out of both books, this was the only thing I had a hard time believing. Is it just me?

    Other than that, I loved this chapter. I thought at this point things were really starting to look up for the two of them.

    Hi Ript!

    no you're not alone. that also stuck out to me when I was reading that chapter.  

  5. true, but surely Eva would feel terrible about attacking Gideon when he is unconscious unaware of what he is doing. Also he is a big chap, she might not always be able to shift him to make contact. They could start by using single beds, yes I know not very romantic, but it's better than separate apartments.

    I'm curious as to how this will play out. Does a condition like this ever go away with meds? I really hope they don't have to do the sleeping in separate beds.

  6. true, but surely Eva would feel terrible about attacking Gideon when he is unconscious unaware of what he is doing. Also he is a big chap, she might not always be able to shift him to make contact. They could start by using single beds, yes I know not very romantic, but it's better than separate apartments.

    At the meet & greet I went to, SD was telling us there was an actual court case of a man who had this condition and raped his wife for 12 years when asked why she never reported it, she said it's the best he's ever been in bed whenever the incident happened. I think this case was in Sweden or Switzerland.

  7. Yes this is correct there was never any mention made of a boyfriend of Tatiana's there was a blonde that Monica mentioned from the Advocacy dinner but this was not Tatiana I assumed this was the coordinator for fashion week(the busty blonde Cary had a closet romp with).

    Yes I think the blonde at the advocacy dinner was the coordinator for fashion week that Cary sat next to and had the closet romp. I think he met Tatiana at a photo shoot. At first I  thought it was her boyfriend who beat up Cary because the person who beat Cary up said "Stay away from her".   

  8. Chapter Nine of Bared To You -- The Reader's Guide


    This chapter covers Monday evening (day eight of the story).


    Key plot developments:

    • Eva and Gideon made love for the second time - and for the first time as a couple in a committed relationship. This time, the place was of Gideon's choosing - a hotel.
    • But it turned out he'd been using the hotel room as a f*** pad. Eva found out, and she fled.


    New characters:

    • Daniel, personal trainer at Gideon's gym (minor)


    Making love again - then something goes wrong again

    The key scene in this chapter is the second time that Eva and Gideon make love -- and it is the first time they do so as a real couple, now that earlier that day they'd formally started their relationship. (The love scene start on page 132 and runs through 138).

    Unlike the limo, where Gideon was completely out of his comfort zone, this time they have sex in the place he's most secure - the hotel he's always used. Too, they have intercourse in the way he's most secure - him on top holding his partner down.

    Not that Eva (nor we readers) knew it at the time, because details would emerge in pieces much later, but Gideon had serious hang-ups, which included a control fetish. He even controlled the location where he'd have sex. The only place he's ever had sex prior to Eva was that same hotel where he'd now taken Eva.  It's where he'd taken every prior sexual partner throughout his love life/sex life, starting with his first (Corrine) approximately a decade earlier.

    All Eva knew at the time was Gideon rushed her to a nearby hotel he owned because, because at that moment, they were totally hot for one another and couldn't wait any longer to go to bed.

    Once inside the room, they made passionate love, and it was very good for both of them. Afterward Gideon was relaxed and happy, a far cry from the freaked out person he'd been Saturday night.

    But then, while Gideon was taking a shower, things went bad again. Eva came across stuff like sex supplies and extra changes of clothing, clear evidence the room Gideon brought her to was a place previously set up to take women -- a "f*** pad" is the phrase Eva used.

    Her raging insecurities made her feel cheapened, nothing more than the latest in a long line of women Gideon had brought there for sex. So once again, lovemaking was immediately followed by a head trip -- this time it was Eva who went on one.

     Immediately falling into what would turn out to be a long-standing dysfunction pattern she uses when faced with painful situations, she fled the room, pulling the first "runner" of their relationship.


    What else happens in this chapter

    Prior to going to the hotel, they worked out at Gideon's gym. There Eva she got a glimpse of Gideon's possessive nature. While Gideon was working out in another part of the gym, one of the personal trainers spotted Eva as someone new and started offering her excellent customer service. But Gideon, seeing the trainer buzzing around Eva, pulled rank on the poor guy (Gideon owned the gym chain) to make him back off. Gideon informed the guy Eva was his girlfriend. It was the very first time Gideon used the word to describe Eva.

    Also significant -- outside on the sidewalk near the gym, he suddenly passionately kissed her in public. What she didn't know at the time was that Gideon had spotted a paparazzi photographer hanging out in the vicinity, and so Gideon made it easy for the guy to get "candid" shots.

    LN ~ I don't know if you saw my previous post, so I'll say it again ~ your reader's guide on each chapter is helping me tremendously!! I'm re-reading the chapters but I'm always missing something or not understanding something. I'm also going to get the audio of the both books because I think that might help me too. Thank you so much again for taking time out of your day to do these reader's guides of each chapter. it's greatly appreciated : )

  9. I'm not a Tatiana fan.

    After Cary was attacked we learned from Eva that Tatiana has a jealous boyfriend who was not ok with the Cary-Tatiana hook-ups. Eva suggested to Monica the police should contact Tatiana because of the way her (Tatiana) boyfriend reacted when he learned about the hook-ups.

    Eventually the Cary-Tatiana relationship is going to be explosive for Cary.

    poor Cary.  I hope that doesn't end up happening to him.

  10. ~I think Monica told Stanton bc he had the funds to go back and 'tighten all the seals' on Eva's case, as eva told Gideon .

    If Cary knew what Gideon did for Eva , he'll b all for them being together ! Especially if he found out that it was Nathan who beat him up. I think he'll find out somehow. The walls aren't too thick at the apartment ! Lol

    Cary would definitely be Team Gideon and lose interest immediately in Team Brett in heartbeat when he learns what Gideon did to Nathan and that it was Nathan who beat up Cary.



    Hi everyone,

    My favourite line from Chapter 9 is:

    1. “I won’t be calling you at all, if you don’t put your da** credit care away!â€


    In that simple statement Eva give it to our boy simple and straight up! You have got to love someone who tells it like it is. :)



    great minds think alike! I was just going to post this & you beat me to it! lol yay Eva!! : ) 

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