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Sylvia Day

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Posts posted by Sylvia Day

  1. BTW I loved your excerpt for the contest. Have you finished that story? You sucked me in. :pale:

    Yes, actually, the story is finished and has been with submissions at Ellora's Cave for over 4 months. :shock: (After re-reading the entry, I see it needs some editing though. :oops: )

    I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt!! I had a lot of fun writing it. It is part of a series and I've already begun the second installment, although it's on the backburner at the moment. Think Alison's SG-5 in the future with vampire heroes and you pretty much get the picture.

    Now if only EC would catch up with their submission overload...

  2. I entered Ellora’s Cave author Tawny Taylor’s Writing Contest. She’s selecting one finalist a week, I’m the finalist for Week 2. I didn’t know. Sasha told me just a few minutes ago. :D

    You can read the finalist excerpt here. Be forewarned… It is a very steamy excerpt. Tawny wrote, “Congratulations to this week’s finalist, Sylvia Day, author of A Taste of Sin! This one’s a scorcher! Whew! Enjoy.”



    I write so many different types of stories from sensual to outright fire extinguisher hot, historical to futuristic, traditional to paranormal--all under one pen name. I try to explain in advance what type of story you can expect but I worry that I'll shock a reader away from reading any more of my work. It's a dilemma I will have to consider very carefully now and in the immediate future.

  3. I've had my first mention in Romantic Times Magazine (Oct. 2004, Issue #248, pg. 12)!! :bounce:

    While fellow author Sylvia Day waits for her phone to ring, she also documents her daily musings on life and writing at www.SylviaDay.com. "I added a blog when it became clear to me that readers wanted to know the minute details of my writing experiences," she shares. "Within two days of the launch of my blog, I discovered links to it on three different author websites with recommendations to visit regularly."

    Day reports that already her blog has become the most popular page on her site: "Authors in all stages of their careers seem to take comfort in my experiences as a barely sold, still-struggling author."

    Wow!! I'm pretty excited about that!!! :D/ (Thank you, Cece, for pointing it out!!)

  4. Congrats Sylvia! You're really on a roll. I think it's wonderful. The same thing happened to me...right before I got published. :D  

    Jordan, who has her fingers crossed for you...

    Thank you, Jordan! :hello2: I appreciate the vote of confidence, truly!

    I'm kinda in this wary, don't-make-any-fast-moves, deer in the headlights mode. 8-[

  5. Everyone has been quiet the last few days!!!!


    You're not kidding, Linda! :roll: For me, this has been due to the feverish pace I've been keeping trying to get one of my manuscripts edited. :smt024 I'm five pages away from finishing. :cheers:

    Once I'm done, I have two critiques to do, one for each of my critique partners and then I'll be able to take a deep breath! LOL :) I can't wait. I have a couple of books that I started and would like to finish. Plus more coming in the mail from Barnes & Noble. :study:

    What have you been up to? Read any good books lately?

    Sidonie started a great thread today about historical novels. If you read them, perhaps you'll weigh in your opinion?

  6. Thank you for your kind comment about my writing, Sylvia.

    Ellen, your entire entry was great, but this part of your entry had me ROFLMAO:

    “So what do you call it? When you’re in bed with a woman, I mean.”  

    “Um…” He had to think about it for a moment. The unfortunate truth was that it had been quite a while since he’d been in bed with a woman. “I guess I don’t call it anything. Maybe There. As in, ‘Touch me There.’”  

    “That’s pathetic. You really are a prude.”

    Great stuff!! :) I'm dying to see how Alyssa teaches Jude a thing or two.

  7. And for some reason I STILL can't write a humorous historical...

    I recently started a new historical that I'm attempting to add a bit of humor to. The hero, Hugh, Lord Montrose, was a secondary character in Lucien's Gamble and he was kinda funny in that one. So when I made him a hero I had to keep his personality. He's rather a curmudgeon, for all that he's young and hot!! :)

    I've been so busy finishing Sapphire's Worth that I've had very little time to work on it, but once I get the first chapter done, I'll send it to my cp's and see if I succeeded. :thumright:

  8. Okay. Let's have fun and get to know each other better! :D I'll post a few questions!! (And we'll all have fun reading them!!) Feel free to add a question to your answers, the more the merrier.

    Here we go (I picked 7 because that's my favorite number!):

    1.) You're a TV or Movie character. Who are you and why?

    2.) Favorite Villian.

    3.) Trapped with your favorite hottie. Who is he or she? (We've got guys on here too! :) )

    4.) Favorite All-Time Book and why.

    5.) What is your favorite school subject and your least favorite?

    6.) What embarasses you the most?

    7.) Do you have any nicknames and what are they?

  9. HelenKay,

    (loved the :) smiley!!)

    Ya know... You and I, we both have heroines with "melting chocolate" eyes!! How can we not do well? LOL :lol:

    I loved this:

    The vision spoke. The way she said his name, all formal and proper, made him think she might have a whip hidden under her clipboard. Not his thing but he'd give it a try for her.

    and this:

    Certainly no reason for her to get a good look at the growing bulge in his pants. Last thing he needed was for her to get all angry and take it out on him. Or his business. Or his bulge, for that matter.
    and this:

    "My point is, Mr. Mann, you need professional help."  

    Certainly not the first time he'd heard that.

    Duncan's thoughts are a riot!! :lol: Frankly, I'm eager to read the rest just to see what he's thinking!! :D

    Like Ellen, you have a talent for the humorous. I'm striving (er, struggling) for it.

    Good luck to all of us! Last year multiple contracts were awarded. I can only hope for the same thing this year. :)

  10. Since this is the third book I've purchased by Loretta Chase and the third book of hers that I enjoyed immensely, I have to say that she's moved into the category of "Sylvia's Favorite Authors".

    I loved Lord of Scoundrels. For some reason I took the word Scoundrel and imagined Rake. Silly me. Because like all of Loretta's book, she refuses to use stereotypical protagonists.

    Lord Dane, the hero, is written as being ugly. Yep, ugly. Of course the heroine thinks he's to-die-for yummy and I have to say, when he starts speaking love phrases to the heroine in italian lyricism, I think he's yummy too! He's far from being a rake, in fact he's never had sex without paying for it.

    The heroine, Jessica, doesn't take any of his $hit. In fact, when Dane acts the complete cad and sets out to ruin her reputation, she fights back with a gun and a lawyer. Oh, yeah. I won't give any more away, but let me tell you, it's awesome!

  11. This is supposed to be my "All the Latest" section and yet I haven't been keeping it up to date. :oops:

    Anyway, I found out on September 5, 2004 that my entry, Stolen Pleasures, is a Lori Foster/Kensington Brava Contest Finalist!!!

    I'm thrilled and terrified at the same time. Most likely, next time I post in this thread will be to say either, "I won a contract with Brava!" (Oh. My. Gosh!! I'd die!!! :cheers: ) or I'll be saying something like, "It was fun while it lasted." :cry:

    Wish me luck! :)

  12. So, when do we all get to purchase your books? Soon?

    Hopefully, it won't be long!! I just found out yesterday that I am a Finalist in the Lori Foster/Brava Novella Contest :!: (In addition to the other mss that I'm impatiently waiting to hear word on from the editors!! :oops: ) You can read my finalist entry here.

    I saw one of the ribbon car magnets the other day and thought of you, Linda!!! :)

  13. I'll be watching for them.

    Welcome, Teresa!! If you haven't signed up for the mailing list yet, be sure to do so. Then I'll keep you posted!

    Just curious, are you a native Californian, Sylvia?

    Yes. I grew up in Orange County, right across the street from Disneyland.

  14. One of my least favorite covers is From the Corner of his Eye by Koontz but it's one of my fave books.  

    Hey, I love his Christopher Snow books. Do you happen to know if there are more than two? I've been waiting for another one for years! I want to know what's up with Orson and that funky machine with the astronaut!! :study:

  15. Okay, I'm digging the name The Sex Diet and it got me thinking about book titles.

    Debbie Macomber said, "I noticed titles played an important role. The next one I did, I played on the title. I took two words that I knew were popular--playboy and widow. I named my book The Playboy and the Widow. That was the first time I made the Waldenbooks Romance Best-Seller list."

    There are books I purchased just because of the title and others where I finished the book and said, "What a great book! Why has it got such a blah title?"

    For instance, my first ever Suzanne Enoch book was London's Perfect Scoundrel. I bought it for the title and ended up finding a new favorite author.

    Some of my faves are A Well-Pleasured Lady, The Prince of Pleasure, The Perfect Mistress, Wicked Widow, and The Last Bachelor. I have a ton more, but you get the idea.

    What are your favorite romance titles :?:

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