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Posts posted by julie54

  1. Yes I see where your coming from Mrs. Cross. But put yourself in his shoes. After Nathan beat Cary to a pulp, and although we haven't been told specifically that Gideon had Nathan followed, but we are almost sure he was. If you thought that the only person in the world, that was your safe haven, and your reason for living was going to die at the hands of a monster, who had previously terrorised tortured and abused them, wouldn't you do something to prevent that occurring.

    My heart goes out to the poor man, to be put in that position. It was a pity Nathan wasn't hit by a bus, because we wouldn't be discussing this story if he had

  2. LN Cronan

    I agree about Angus. He is more than an employee to Gideon. I would love to be a fly in the car,when its just those 2, just to hear their conversations. Angus is the father figure Gideon never had, a good role model, and confidante and advisor.

    I think Angus would have driven Gideon to Nathan's hotel. And as you say act as lookout.

    I wonder what Victor will make of this-we know he is appearing in EWY. He has to help Gideon out for Eva's sake. Me thinks Victor might explode if he finds out what happened to his little girl. What dad wouldn't. I think if Gideon hadn't done it, Victor would have.

  3. God your good woman.

    Surely from his security teams point of view, they must know he killed Nathan. I'm hoping we get to hear all the details in the next book, rather than leave it to our imaginations. Too many people seem to be in on Nathan's death. Gideon, Angus, security team, Monica and Stanton.

    Eva would have hated having a security team protecting her 24/7. Look at her reaction to her bodyguard in Las Vegas.

    That's why I said about them marrying-going to happen anyway-although not very romantic,so she couldn't testify against her husband, though we did say this was a grey area.

  4. LN Cronan

    I have to concede that our hero is guilty. My heart is so sad for him. I was team Monica.

    I can go with justifiable homicide as a form of self defence, not premeditated murder. It was a case of kill or be killed.

    Gideon said, "trust me when I say there are some aspects of me you don't want to see". It was the word aspects that worry me. Will his dark side be revealed in EWY? I'm not just talking about his abuse.

  5. Ciao Gigi

    I am loving the way we have suddenly gone all Italian. Thinking about it, the new book cover has luggage tags. A little trip to Europe perhaps? A romantic trip on a gondola in Venice for our love birds. Tea with the pope to ask for forgiveness for his crime.

    As for that tingly feeling, I'm sure we could find a bellissima Italian don't you. Lol

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