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Posts posted by julie54

  1. It is obvious that Gideon was abused in the library of his parents house, because of a thought Eva made. "Standing in a rush, Gideon picked me up and carried m to the couch. H dropped me lengthwise on the cushion, then hauled my hips up to rest on the armrest, arching my spine. I eyed him up the length of my torso. Why not just fold me over and me from behind". This was obviously the position Gideon was raped in.

    Gideon like Eva had no one to confide in even his mother didn't believe him. Monica came through in the end, but only because of a miscarriage. We need to know how Angus helped him, when did he become aware of Gideons abuse. My money's on Chris Snr as the abuser. But hey! I was wrong about Monica, so probably wrong again.

  2. Morning ShazScott1980


    I notice Gideons name was missing from your list!

    We could turn this into Cluedo. We know where the murder was committed and with what, we just need a jury to decide who? Yes I know Sylvia said Gideon. But I'm clutching at straws here, I'm throwing in Victor and Angus to your list. Huh! Our hero is innocent. The publishers printed the wrong name!

  3. I know that Nathan wanted money, but there is also the comment he made to Cary, after he beat him to a pulp. " Cary was told to keep his hands off her" "don't stick my in he wrong chick". Nathan was also obsessed with Eva. The press had reported they were living together, but Nathan didn't know the nature of their relationship. He was not going to give up Eva. That's why Gideon did what he did. Sigh. He felt his hands were tied.

  4. Morning Gigi

    It was me who asked he question. Being a mother of 2 girls I would notice immediately if their personalities changed. As we have said, Monica and Elizabeth were never going to win prizes for parenting.

    Perhaps it might soften the blow for you, regarding why Gideon killed Nathan, if Sylvia explains about his early years.

    I still think there was something afoot regarding his dads death, was he murdered and did he find his body, which contributed to his problems. Wish it was June now.

    By the way. Thank you for the info above, very interesting.

  5. One thing regarding the staff in the Barker household. Why were they afraid of Nathan? What hold did he have over them?

    There must have been physical evidence on Eva and her bedding. Think they all needed a guide dog, or glasses at the very least, to see what trauma Eva was going through.

    It's interesting to compare Eva's and Gideons behaviour, as they both suffered sexual abuse at the same time in their lives, but both dealt with it differently. Gideon being disruptive, and Eva, withdrawn, until her rebellion in her late teens.

  6. Just a thought.

    But if it wasn't for the excerpts that have been posted, with Gideon and Eva playing a game of cat and mouse with the cops. Perhaps Graves was being genuine about Eva going back to Gideon and living HEA. Just dreaming! That sort of ending doesn't make good reading or book sales. Lol

    That detective wants Gideons scalp. Think she is after promotion that woman!

    I'm no police expert, but even I know they don't close a case after several days.

  7. Morning ladies

    Going to have to give up sleep if the discussions, get meaty!

    Sylvia. It's great you have the time to join in.

    So Sylvia is saying murder was the only option open to our hero. He couldnt risk Nathan being free to eventually kill Eva. It was kill or be killed.

    Graves stated to Eva when in the gym, that they had enough evidence to prove that Nathan beat Cary to a pulp (attempted murder)? Stalking as well, possession of child p***. Surely this lowlife would have been put away for a long time?

    But while Nathan was still alive, Eva couldn't quite relax and enjoy life. I think that Gideon knew that their relationship would struggle, while Nathan was still breathing.

    I'm hoping Victor does get involved in the next book. How can he not after the police visit.

  8. Hi Gigi

    Perhaps Gideon did think the justice system failed him, because even though he was only a child, what started off as just touching him escalated into rape, after being examined. He probably felt all alone in the world, with no one to confide in, until Angus. Until Eva came along, this man had trust issues with everyone it seemed.

    Monica, well you know my verdict on her.

    Stanton, would paying Nathan off make him go away? He could have got greedy and come back for more?

  9. Hi Gigi

    Two quotes from Eva keep coming back to me.

    The first, was at the gym. When on the treadmill she said "she was running away from something, but didn't know what."

    Then after Nathan died, she felt " like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, that she didn't know she had been carrying."

    While he was breathing the same air, she couldn't relax. It was as if the only way she could live again, was if he was dead!

    It was always the possibility of coming into contact with him, that put fear into her.

    That would be a horrible existence.

  10. Hi Gigi

    I agree, until such time that Gideon physically tells me himself, that he did the dirty deed, that man is innocent. Sigh!

    I can't believe he would risk prison or the death sentence, by killing Nathan. It would mean, yes Eva would be safe, but they would be apart forever or worse. Something isn't sitting right at the moment. Can't put my finger on it. Needing book three.

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