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Posts posted by Sharonm745

  1. Re Eva not telling Gideon about the Landon project - she had no reason to until he told her that Landon was 'out to get him' - up to then it was just another client. He has told her that he can be a target but looks like that really has not sunk in - but can you blame her, so much has happened for her in so little time. Her mind is on helping Cary, putting her mother in her place and sorting out a wedding, and her biggest hurdle is getting Gideon to talk about his past. Gideon was always convinced she would leave when he finally told all which is now showing in his nightmares. I too believe when he told her in the past he did not remember what he had dreamt, that was truly the case, a lot of dreams/nightmares are not recalled once we wake and I'm pretty sure one of the longer term members of this forum had looked into Gideon's nightmare problem and read that things are not recalled. They are very mixed up nightmares, some truth, some imaginary events but scary as ###### when you wake and remember what you dreamt.

    Hopefully book 5 has GidEva forming a strong bond from the outset, and assuming it will only cover a short time period again, that all those women crawl right out of the woodwork and fail in their attempts to hurt the two of them. I know we're also wondering about Cary/Tatiana/Trey, Victor and Monica, Chris and Liz, but those situations will hopefully dealt with as quickly as the bracelet/Nathan and Megumi scenarios and that the detail is given over to Anne, Corrine, Christopher and Gideon's mother.


    After seeing how detailed Eva was when she did research for Gideon (when she was trying to get ahead of Deanna) I find it hard to believe that Eva didn't realize that Landon was a big competitor of Gideon's.  She might not know his family's history with G. Cross but she would know all of Lancorp's competitors.  You have to have that information to prepare a decent campaign.  I might not share everything that happens at work with my husband/fiance/boyfriend but I would certainly mention to him that I have a job working on his main competitor for a certain product.  Why didn't Eva say something to Gideon before he even offered Mark a job?


    I'm honestly upset with Eva in this book. 

  2. Chris sr is my new favorite character ... Well him and Ireland :)

    I wonder what conversation Gideon thought Liz and Chris where having that Gideon thought was about the abuse .


    I thought about the dinner conversation that Gideon heard a lot.  It is possible that there was a conversation about the therapists' session one day and Gideon thought they were talking about him.  He had to be very embarrassed and withdrawn after every session and the embarrassment was compounded after he told his mother about the abuse.  He had to pull into himself more and tune out the people around him.  It is possible in that situation he only heard part of a conversation and thought his mother told Chris when she was actually talking about something else.

  3. Sharon,


    Sorry that I didn't make my comment/question clearer.  I do realize that Clancy is married, I was thinking more of a child like care than romantic.  What I was trying to get to the bottom of whether Clancy's feelings of care for were because it is his "job" since she is Stanton's step-daughter or was he doing it because he himself cares, maybe even loves (like a child) Eva.  I agree that he probably does feel guilt for what happened to Cary.  As far as I am concerned Angus is a HUGE reason Gideon is the man that he is, I love how dedicated both Clancy and Angus are to their respective jobs and I think the families that they work for know how lucky they are to have such strong men.

    Hey Fayeth,


    You're right.  In EWY after Eva argued with Clancy because he was tracking her she apologized and said


    "Hey I'm sorry I took it out on you.  You were doing a job and you didn't deserve to get bit.h at for it." 


    Clancy responded "You're not just a job, Miss Tramell."  


    I don't think it is ever mentioned but I got the impression that Staton told Clancy Eva's story.  I also remember a conversation about his siblings and my guess is he looks on her as a sibiling more than a child.  Of course it is possible that he sees the young child who was abused and wants to protect that child. 

  4. Im going to add my 2 cents.

    Corrine;   was Gideons first sex.. I think it was just that.. I also think the time of about 4 years was right about them together. age Im saying he was about 25 when he walked away from her.

    when she went to his office giving it her all to have him take her back ,when he falt out said no she started talking about the book, she flat out said Im going make you remember you loved me.. the chic is fryed.



    According to Gideon in BTY He met Corinne his first year at Columbia so he would be 18 or 19 depending on when he started college. He went on to say "I guess you could say we dated.  We were exclusive sexually and we often ended up going to the same places as a couple. Still, when she told me she loved me, I was surprised.  And flattered.  I cared about her. I enjoyed spending time with her." ....

    "I didn't want her to be with anyone else. So I said yes when she proposed."  

    ...."After two years of hanging out, we'd never spent the night together."  "And maybe when she broke it off after a year,"...  My guess is Gideon was 21 or 22 when they called it quits and still in college.  There friendship continued but their relationship was 3 years.

  5. In EWY .. Eva asked Clancy about how far he would go for someone he  love .. but he made a subtle replied about not far enough to kill (Its not the exact word btw but in that context ) so obviously  he knew what Gideon did  at that time and while Graves was at their back  .. she wasn't the enemy though she admired Cross that much she even knew about Crossroad foundation  .. 


    I disagree.  Clancy wasn't subtle at all...


    "Do you have a girlfriend, Clancy?"

    "I'm married."


    I felt like an a$$ for not knowing that.  What was she like, the woman married to such a hard, somber man?  A man who wore a jacket year-round to hide the sidearm he was never without.  Did he soften for her and show her tenderness?  Was he fierce about protecting her?  Would he kill for her?


    "How far would you go to keep her safe?: I asked him.

    We slowed at a light and he turned his head to look at me.  "How far wouldn't I go?"



    He made a point to turn and look at Eva.  He would kill. 



    -When Gideon went to restaurant to talk to Clancy, it made me wonder about Clancy and his feelings/relationship with Eva.  Is Clancy looking after Eva because Stanton told him to and it is job?  Is Clancy looking after Eva for Monica, knowing that Monica is Stanton's heart? OR is Clancy looking after Eva for himself?  From the moment we met Clancy, we could tell that he had a soft spot for Eva, he defended her many times and the two of them seemed to have a special relationship.



    Clancy is married.  I don't think his affection for Eva is anything more than protector.  He knows what Nathan did to her.  Also he is feeling guilty because he dropped the ball and didn't pay attention to Cary which led to Cary being almost beaten to death.  When Eva asked him how far he would go to protect his family he said he would do anything.  Like Angus, I think Clancy is more than an employee.  He is more like family.

  7. Sam told Brett that Gideon was going to try to buy Brett's rights to the tape. He was correct Gideon did try to do just that. A week or so after he bought out Sams rights. So technically Sam can no longer do anything with the tape. He has signed away all rights to it and therefore given up all copies etc. He could be sued for millions if he were caught doing anything with that tape now!!!

    However that doesn't prove that they have been working together recording people in private situations. All that proves is that they are in contact now which we knew because Sam gave Brett a copy of the tape. I'm not saying Brett didn't know it was happening. We don't know that for a fact but likewise we don't know he was aware of it either.

    Given that the rest of the band were also filmed in compromising positions it seems unlikely IMO.


    All I can say is...


    If someone gave me a tape of a person I loved and that tape didn't show them in the best light I would not want it shown to the world.  In fact, like Gideon, I would do everything in my power to get all the copies of the tape to destroy them.  Brett didn't do that.  He likes the tape and he wants to use it not.  My guess is the reason he wants to see Eva is because he knows her exhibitionist side and he thinks she will allow him to show the more explicit parts of the tape.  Gideon knows her exhibitionist side so he takes her behind two way mirrors where she can see the crowd but the crowd can't see her.  He doesn't tape her.


    Sam was commissioned to record the band.  We don't know if he was requested to capture them having sex but he was commissioned to record the backstage activities.  The band knew what went on back stage. Brett and the whole band planned to make money when the tape was released.  Sam gave Brett a heads up but Brett already had a copy of the tape. 


    I know a lot of people are Team Brett but I'm not one of them. 

  8. Totally agree with you here! We also need to remember that we have no proof that Brett knew anything about the sex tape before Gideon & Eva found out about it.

    Don't get me wrong he's a sleeze for wanting to capitalise on it now he has it, but it would be significantly worse if he had been involved in the recording of people behind their backs! The real creep is Sam Yimara.


    I'm not sure how you can say that.  The way I understand the conversation Brett had a copy of the tape and he is still working with Yimara. "Sam told me you were going to try this.  That tape is none of your business.  It's between me and Eva."  


    I think Corinne & Brett are equally evil but in different ways.  They are both trying to manipulate and cause emotional pain. 

  9. Here was my take with Cary ;;. He was a great friend to Eva and they were there for each other ever since.  But when Gideon and Eva  happened , it was less time for Eva and Cary , so can I assumed Cary was a little bit  jealous of what Eva and Gideon found in each other.  Eva was no longer f***** up  and Cary was still,  and the  only person that constant to him , Eva - where no longer much around for him because  she has another  life to sort  out now . Sure, Gideon and Evas' relationship was rocky but obviously their love for each other was strong. There was so much going on and Gideon has always been there for Eva , taking of care of her.......... and who takes care of Cary?


    so subconsciously, Carys' self destructiveness was out of anger on Eva's  suddenly change  of lifestyle and  marriage to Gideon  and left him? .. Remember how disappointed Cary was when Eva told him they elope. I think sometimes its hard for you to find happiness for someone, no matter how great friends you are   that your best friend found something  - a love, happiness that you once believe you cant find and you're suddenly the only f***** up. and while Eva  on its way to her happiness , Carys life was spiraling down .. Am I making sense here .. Carys' being resentful over Eva? 


    I disagree with you completely.  You are right Cary and Eva support each other.  Their relationship is like a sibling relationship.  Eva can talk to Cary about things she can't talk to anyone else.  Eva's family accept Cary into their family like a member of the family.  That is the relationship they have.  Cary has told Eva on a couple occasions that he wants her and Gideon to work out. 


    Is Cary having a hard time right now?  Yes!  He sees himself making one mistake after another.  He loves Trey but he is forever bound to Tat via a baby.  Eva takes care of Cary and so does her mother and Stanton. 


    Regarding Cary's reaction to Eva telling him they eloped.  Cary witnessed Gideon's nightmares.  They are violent.  He is afraid for Eva physically.  Eva said that Cary had violent nightmares that's why she approached Gideon carefully.  Cary wants Gideon to work on his problems because he doesn't want Gideon to get caught in a nightmare and punch or rape Eva.  That is a valid concern. 


    Someone else mentioned Cary not letting Eva know that Brett's band was Six Ninths.  That was a practical joke.   He didn’t know she was going backstage.  He didn't know he was setting up a fight between Gideon and Brett.  If they had just gone to the concert Cary would have teased Eva about the shock. 


    I believe that Cary is so depressed right now that he is feeling sorry for himself.  Eva always telling Cary off and snapping him out of his funk.  I'm sure she will do that again.  As far as Cary being the only one still F'd up that is not true.  Eva ran again and she knows IMO that she should sit down and talk the situation over with Gideon.  He is a very wealthy man.  He has enemies that he made in business and he has enemies left over from his father.  Eva has to know she can't work for a company that will support his competitors.

  10. Hi ladies,


    A couple things:


    Cary - is the first person that knew Eva's story with Nathan besides her mother.  He had a very abusive childhood and is self destructive.  Eva tells Cary things that she can't tell anyone else and she knows he will keep her private life private.  He never told anyone about Nathan and was beaten severely because Nathan thought they were living together romantically. He still hasn't betrayed her.  Let's face if you are involved with a man who is high profile like Gideon you can't discuss your relationship with anyone because it might appear on Page 6 or another gossip column. 


    Cary is still messed up and now that he has started cutting himself again Eva is worried.  Too much is happening in his life.  I still question that Tat is pregnant with Cary's baby because he uses protection.  Eva said he was religious about protection.  if Tat is pregnant it is by another man and she trying to get money from Gideon and/or Eva.  We'll see.  Trey is good for Cary and I hope Cary follows Eva's advice.  Eva is loyal to her friends and Cary is her friend.


    Corinne - Her tell all book.  Of course people will buy it.  Here is a woman who had a kinky relationship with one of the wealthiest men in the world.  Not only is Gideon wealthy he is young and gorgeous too.  If the book is released his business dealings will be in jeopardy.  I'm sure various boards will lose trust and groups like Mother's against Kinks will pressure stores and what not to drop his products. 


    Magdalena - She is pro Gid/Eva.  She moved on.  However Gideon never shared his personal past with her.  She doesn't know him the way Eva does.


    Brett - I'm sure he will come back.  At this point I don't think he loves Eva he just wants to beat Gideon and take her away from him.


    Christopher Jr.   - I think that he was also abused.  If it wasn't physically, Hugh may have asked him to stand guard and threatened him if he told.  That would be traumatic for a child.  If he was abused by Hugh after Gideon left he would blame Gideon.  There is something that we don't  know yet about him and Gideon.


    Liz - I don't like her and I don't know how that is going to change.  Eva, however, knows that Gideon needs to have a relationship with his mother and she is going to try to bridge that gap.


    Anne - is dangerous because I think she knows about Hugh.  Also I think she is a woman scorned.  She wants to strike back at Gideon and she knows she can do that through Eva.  She was counting on Corinne being the one Gideon wanted but now that she sees it is Eva she is going to go after her some way.  I still believe that Anne is going to be at the receiving end of Eva's Krav skills.


    Chris & Liz - I believe that Eva is going to help them heal and get back together.  I don't know how but I'm sure she will.


    Victor - I still think he is going to move to NYC maybe with Graves. (I'm not sure I like that scenario)   I just ask myself why she is still talking to Eva.


    Monica is not going to be with Victor.  He can't give her what she needs. 


    I'm surprised that we didn't get anything about Monica, Christopher or more details about Gideon in this book.  That disappointed me.

  11. I wasn't sure where to put this. I thought Magdalene was a "friend" of GidEva now but this has me thinking she could be a threat in OWY


    Sylvia posted this: 


    Magdalene vs. Corrine: who’s the bigger threat? #HumpDayHottie




    I am so thankful to have found this site. I love reading what everyone thinks. CBY definitely has me reeling. 


    Magdalena is the friend.  I think this picture is directed to people who haven't read the book yet.  Gideon was happy to see her join them at the club.  Corinne is a major B evil-witch.gif and pot stirer.    I know the deal to write the tell all stinks but I think her worst move what threatening Gideon that she was going to attempt another suicide.  I happy that he told her you can't put that on me. 

  12. hi!!!!


    new member here.... i am soo happy to have found this site - i dont know many people who are totally obessed with Gideon and Eva... wish i found you all earlier :)


    like many - i had read this in 4 hours - so a re-read is a must...


    i am apprehensive about one with you... while i totally cant wait for it to come out (tomorrow isnt soon enough) i feel like there is sooooo much to cover that having to be completed in 1 book is asking for too much... i wouldnt mind this series going 5 more books (only if we didnt have to wait like we did with this one)...


    i will say that the best part of this book was getting inside that sexy man's head... i loved gideon's point of view...  that man is just one giant turn on.. lol


    Welcome.  glitter-hello-text-smiley-emoticon.gif

  13. I need to say again that I really HATE Corinne.  I'm thinking about her first trip to Gideon's office.  She actually used another suicide attempt to get Gideon to dump Eva.  That really made my blood boil.  Also she hints that she's had conversations with Elizabeth.  Liz is doing everything to interfer with Gideon and Eva.


    I do like that Gideon stood up to her and told her the truth that she doesn't have a chance to get back with him. 

  14. Chris Vidal Sr. & Elizabeth


    I may be in the minority here, but Elizabeth was also placed in an impossible situation regarding the abuse allegations. I kind of feel for her when she says she had him checked out and nothing turned up. I mean I would believe my child no matter what but I think she was at a disadvantage of not understanding Gideon, being distracted with CV Jr and Ireland and also not understanding first hand abuse like Eva does. It was probably a hard and confusing time for her as well.


    What upset me NOW is her reaction to his abuse in the present. I still see no attempt at her to understand what he went through. All I see is her brushing it off as his "imagination". That's what upset me the most about her. She doesn't seem to grasp that Gideon is genuinely scarred by what happened (or in her case, allegedly happened) to him. She doesn't have to witness his nightmares to see that Gideon is still uncomfortable in the place where he told her his abuse took place. All she has to do is open her eyes and stop thinking of herself.


    I agree with you about Elizabeth.  I think she was going through a lot of personal issues and initally took Gideon to a doctor who lied.  She needed to find someone else to get to the bottom of his claims but she didn't.


    I don't get that she still denies the events when an adult is telling her what happened. 


    I believe Eva will be the catalyst that brings Elizabeth and Chris back together.  I don't know how but I see them all having a discussion, Gideon, Eva, Liz & Chris and they begin the process of moving forward.

  15. I'm working on my list of What I like and What I don't get but quickly


    I love the conversation with Eva and Gideon in Chapter 4 about Brett and Eva remembers:


     I remembered what he said to me that he’d live with me loving another man just so long as he had me.  He loved me so much more than he loved himself.  That whole conversation broke my heart..


    Then Victor comes out and lets Eva know he heard the conversation and tells her he realizes that "Love you" isn't enough.  That really broke my heart. 


    Hi Sharonm745
    I was probably Brett's biggest defender until last night... He disappointed me greatly and Im a little bit gutted!!

    I finished the book around 6am this morning & I'm still not sure how I feel about it overall. Emotionally it blew me away. I laughed and cried harder than in some of the previous books but it was truly a roller coaster & I think I need to re-read to process my emotions better - if that makes sense!!


    I knew Brett had to know about the tape.  There was no way he was in the dark after he released "Golden".  I didn't like him from the get and I'm cheering that Gideon gave him a smack down in Reflections.

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