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Posts posted by Sharonm745

  1. Yes I totally agree with your interpretation...I have these same thoughts and I also wonder if Eva got a chance to know Victor's mom or if she was already deceased.


    I agree.  As a read a couple posts I had to go back and re-read some sections to see if I missed something.  It is interesting to see how Sylvia answers some of the questions. 

  2. I'm caught up with all the posts on this thread.  It is very interesting to hear everyone's point of view.  Some comments I agree with and some I'm not so sure.  I'm really happy that I found this site.  It is a fun way to pass the time until the next book comes out.  I don't usually buy this type of book (series that build on previous books) until the whole story is in print.  I originally read that this was a trilogy and I thought all three books were published.  I have only waited 3 weeks for the 3rd booth to be released.  I'm happy I didn't start reading last year; I would be out of my mind waiting for the next installment.  Now that I know there is going to be a book 4 & 5 I'm happy the story is going to continue but I'm not sure how I'm going to manage the long wait time between releases. 


    At least I found some fans here who can share the angst.  Great website. 

  3. She wouldn't even allow Eva to have Victor's last name and she also didn't allow him to have a big part of Eva's life. He only got to be her in life when she went to San Diego to get away from Monica's smothering. This poor guy needs a happy ending and monica needs a lobotomy lol  


      I always had the impression that Eva had a relationship with her dad from the time she was very young.  Even though it wasn’t what Victor wanted Monica allowed Victor to be a part of Eva’s life.  “My mother refused to marry him, but he’d never wavered from his determination to be my dad in every way possible.†In Bared to You.    I thought this meant that Victor spent time with Eva and checked up on her often.


    In Reflected in You Eva was thinking about her mom “I couldn’t ignore how she’d managed to avoid seeing or talking to him since I’d become old enough to communicate with him directly† I interpreted this comment to mean that once Eva was old enough to call her dad and visit him herself Monica completely broke and contact with him but she never kept Eva away from Victor.


    Do you all look at this differently?

  4. I think Monica is praying Victor won't find out the truth because he will blame her for not being around Eva because she was too materialistic and will be mad that she kept it from him. I read FSOG and wow his mom was the queen of s**** mothers but I won't put her in that same category. Elizabeth yes for not believing Gideon but I'm going to give Monica the benefit of the doubt for now until I read EWY and see if she changes from being two dimensional. Yes Monica is materialistic & self absorbed but her guilt is punishing her now and I kind of feel bad for her.


    I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt too.  Eva loves her mom a lot and doesn't blame her.  I figure with all her therapy she must have talked through some of this.  My biggest complaint is that she didn't share with Victor.  I'm anxious to see how the family dynamic works out.

  5. SScrph


    I have a feeling that Monica was emotionally abused.  Her parents disowned her and I think she hoped her baby would give her the love she didn't have from her parents. Not many loving parents would turn out there own child especially if her only crime was getting pregnant.


    I think it is hard for us "regular folks" to understand the life of the uber rich.  Again I'm not making excuses for her.  She screwed up big time.  I think she would be easier to like if she turned to Victor when she found out Eva was raped. 


    I do think Monica is behind Eva's fear that her dad will find out their little secret.  Maybe she picked up on something said.  It will be interesting how this plays out.  I don't hate Monica at this point but I don't like her very much either.  What gives me hope is that Eva loves her mom so I'm hoping there is some way to justify her behavior. 

  6. I'm still trying to get caught up on this site (pg 39).  I explained to my boss that I wouldn't miss any deadlines but I'm hooked and need to read through these posts.  (Bribed her with a copy of Bared to You.  I think she is hooked now too)


    Anyway GiGi


    I didn't mean to imply that I think Monica or Elizabeth are good mothers.  I think they both have baggage and, as so often happens, bad parents learn their parenting skills from there own bad parents. I do, however, think Elizabeth is the worse.  She must have heard Gideon's screams when he had nightmares. 


    I know a couple people from very wealthy (old money) families.  They surprise the out of me when I see how much they allow "the help" to take over where children are concerned.  I do not mean to say that this is the norm.  I obviously only know these folks from work and the conversations we have at lunch. 

  7. Hi KiMa,

    I agree.   I think that time could be much better spent on trying to figure out why Monica and Elizabeth Vidal are such crappy mothers?  Seriously, I have to know...what is their deal anyway.  :)


    I may be wrong but I got the feeling that Monica was distraught because she was playing the wealthy wife role and missed the signs of her daughter's trauma.  My guess is she volunteered a lot and as a result Eva was around Nathan too much alone--well actually with the staff that never gave Monica a head's up.  I feel like Monica was working so hard to get some status back after her parents disowned her eyes were closed.   I think she loves her daughter but she doesn't know how to make amends.  


    In Elizabeth's case I'm thinking Christopher Sr. had something to do with the cover-up and bought off Dr. Terry.  It sounds like Elizabeth was fighting depression after her 1st husband's suicide and wanted to rebound with Vidal.  I'm not making excuses because there is no way that I allow my child to remain in a situation that caused him/her pain.  Even if there wasn't signs of physical abuse something was off she should have blocked the doctoral student from coming to her house. 


    Of course I'm probably wrong.  I never figure out what going to happen next.  I guess that is why I'm a reader and not a writer.

  8. Hi Sharonm745,

    Welcome to the forum!  I hope you enjoy yourself. :)   Gideon isn’t on trial per say, we have all just been speculating and coming up with theories and then have been dissecting them into smithereens until the release of the next book on June 4th. 


    Thus far some of the members in the forum have been speculating as to whether Gideon will be charged with Nathan’s murder.  Some people believe so and have been presenting their theories and arguments as to how the scenario might play out. 

    Thanks.  I'm going to go back to page 6 when I'm on my lunch break and try to get caught up.  From what I've read so far there are some interesting speculations (some I like and some not so sure). It looks like there is a good group on here. 

  9. Hello all,


      I'm very late to the game here.  I just found this site while at lunch today searching for the release date of the next book in this series.  I only had time to read the comments through page 6 and I'm confused.  I thought Det Graves told Eva they were dropping the case against Gideon.  I lent my book to my cousin so I can't re-read and I'm too anxious to find out.  How is it that Gideon is on trial?  I can't wait for the next book. 


    These are the first books I've read by Sylvia but I'm getting some more this weekend.  Great writing. 

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