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Posts posted by Sharonm745

  1. Gaia


    We have discussed this before after Entwined came out, but one thing you have to think about is if Michael is Chris Jr Megumi would have seen him in the Crossfire building and therefore would know he is not who he say's he is as Chris Jr came to see Gideon often.


    Also when Megumi was going to tell Michael good bye he came to her place of business.  She said something like who does that?  Eva would recognize Christopher.

  2. In my opinion Christopher hovers at the top of the list along with JFG for being a recipient of Eva's Krav Maga skills. At some point the jealousy after all these years is going to become too much for Christopher to bear and he's going to want to lash out at Gideon so he will through Eva. Gideon has warned Eva more than once about Christopher and actually after re reading BTY for the thousandth time LOL I was wondering if Gideon thought that Eva would succumb to Chris Jr that day at the garden party and that's way he raced out there to take her away... Anyway with all the attention being on Gideon due to the wedding, engagement etc Christopher's jealousy will be at an all time high.... :(. :(


    I agree.  It sounds like Christopher is a charmer but very insincere.  He will use anyone at the drop of the hat like Magdalena. 


    I expect Brett to walk into Eva's Krav Maga space and I'm going to cheer when he does.  I won't be upset if Christopher gets a good jab too.

  3. Hi Everyone,

    Here are the books from CD Reiss:


    1. CD. Reiss Books:  Songs Of Submission Series
    • Beg
    • Tease
    • Submit
    • Jessica And Sharon (Book 3.5)
    • Control
    • Burn
    • Rachel (Book 5.5)
    • Resist
    • Cry (TBR…2013)
    • Sing (TBR…2013)


    GiGi  :)


    Sing was release Monday.  I posted a question about Cry because I didn't want to Cry after the HEA (I cried enough getting there)  CD Reiss responded that Cry had a redundant plot so the book was cut.  I'm always surprised when I get a reply to one of my questions on Twitter, FB or email but I like when I do. 

  4. I meant the term engagement announcement as a title for the discussion, I know there was no official announcement. But it's still really strange that they tell Eva's bosses etc and G's mother, but not E's mother. Someone may have even come and congratulated her in the course of the evening and then she would have looked really silly.



    It was Eva who told Elizabeth not Eva and Gideon announcing it afterall Elizabeth corner Eva at the function, I think there will be an official announcement.


    I personally don't think there is any point in doing a thread for the Engagement there is not that much detail to discuss, we know it will happen but it is up to you if you want to make up a thread for that discussion.


    We discussed it a while ago on the Entwined thread but like I said it is up to you what you want to discuss


    Eva was wearing her ring to the dinner there is no way that Monica would miss that.  Monica told Eva at the hospital "You know you are going to marry him."  (Not a direct quote I don't have my book with me.) For some reason SD didn't think it was important for Eva to say anything else.

  5. Im gona go the other way......Im thinking because Anne may have been called while she was in a session with Lizz . Because I know Anne has way too much involvement here on both sides. I mean yes they are friends everyone knows they were engaged


    That's a thought if Anne is Liz's therapist but I don't subscribe to that theory.  Gideon would know and stop it.  IMO but there are many here who disagree with me.  This is one of those things that we need SD to reveal.  

  6. no that's Magdalenes mom she is friends with


    I disagree.  Magdalene's mother is an old friend of Liz but you don't call just anyone when you child commits suicide.  Liz was at the hospital before Gideon & Eva arrived.  They have to be friends.

  7. Liz originally liked Eva. It wasn't till after Eva accused her that she became frosty towards her. I think the only reason Liz would like Corrine is because Corrine is clueless and just plays the part.


    Good point.  I thought that Liz was pulling for Corrine because she was friends with her parents. 

  8. I have a question that I don't think I have seen elsewhere.  When everyone was at the video launch, Christoper Jr NEEDED to talik business with Gideon.  I felt that this was NOT having to do with Corinne calling all the family frantic about where Gideon was and why he was not returning calls. But, I have no idea what this was about.  In any case, it did pull Gideon away from Eva and occuppied him.  Even Ireland noticed that Christopher was trying to keep Gideon and Eva separate and told Christopher to knock it off because she wanted them to talk and get back together.  What was going on there?  Any ideas?


    I think it is a combination of things. 

    • Christopher is jealous.  Eva is a beautiful woman and, once again Gideon gets the prize.  It is obvious that even though Gideon, in the eyes of the world, treated Eva badly, she still loves him. 
    • Christopher wants the attention to be on Brett and Eva for marketing. 
    • Christopher hates that he has to get approval from Gideon to make decisions at Vidal Records.
  9. Hi GLH,

    Thanks for the information.  :)


    You are correct, it is entirely possible that Brett's return may have deeper implications.  Everything is always a little too convenient as far as the characters are concerned; Corinne comes back to New York, Deanna pops out of the woodwork and Brett magically re-appears in Eva's life.  I would find it a little difficult to believe that his group signed with Vidal Records and not know that Gideon Cross is the half brother of Christopher Vidal Jr.  Maybe it is pure coincidence but one never really knows... :)


    GiGi,  They know who Gideon is.  "Brett's bandmates pushed in through the growing crowd around the front of the buses, prepared to brawl...until they saw who Brett was fighting with--the man with the money behind their record label."

  10. I'm still going w/ Clancy taking the bracelet and planting it w/ the help of his brother. I'd prefer that someone who cares about Gid/Eva took care of that problem rather than having more drama and it being someone who is looking to take Gideon down. Clancy said himself he was tracking Nathan, so, I'm sure he saw Gideon going in and out of the hotel that night. I'd really like this to be the case. The question is how did the pictures get into the Russians home? Maybe Clancy's brother planted it there after his death when they went to investigate it? and also slipped the bracelet on his wrist?


    I have always believed that Clancy is the protector of Eva's heart by saving Gideon with an alibi.

  11. Ireland knows. She was there when the cops came to talk about Nathan.she could have innocently let it slip to Chris jnr.


    Your right but she only knew that Eva's step brother was dead.  It would take more time for Chris to investigate and get the bracelet.  The bracelet was missing from Nathans wrist when Graves came to Eva's house.  Whoever took the bracelet got it to plant before the body was found and before Ireland knew anything too.

  12. What will it take for her to see the truth then?


    Maybe when Eva gets Liz and Gideon together.  She said the next time he tells you what happen you will listen and believe him.  I wonder if she can get Liz to Dr. Petersen's for the confrontation.

  13. I've mentioned this before. Do you think she is still seeing a shrink? Her behaviour is a bit erratic. I think she is.


    Personally I don't think Liz thinks there is anything wrong with her.  When I asked Sylvia why Liz is the way she is she told me that she believes if she says everything is ok it really is OK. 

  14. Plus she knows nothing about Eva. Thinking Eva is trying to take him from her. Please. Eva wants him to find healing.


    I have a feeling that Liz is going to love Eva in the end because she works so hard to heal her son and in so doing, heals some of the family's pain.

  15. I had said months ago that there was a possibility that Gideon tracked down that ring since in all likelihood with the money that Geoffrey had scammed from people most of their stuff would have been seized and sold at public auction to recoup losses. I am not sure what type of relationship Lizzie thinks she has with Gideon, but clearly the woman is delusional.


    You can say that again.  Gideon helps her when needed. (He help Vidal keep his company going because he didn't want her to lose everything again.) But he can't show her any love even a simple hug is too much for him.

  16. Hi Betty. I was a bit surprised they got married in EWY. I thought for sure we would have to wait until book 5. I think the reason why it was done is because it not keeps them bound together regardless of what happens in this next book, and I am anticipating this next book to be pretty heartbreaking. No doubt Gideva love each other, but sometimes life becomes overwhelming and you want to just give up. This ensures that they don't.


    It is one of the many things I like about Sylvia's books.  She gets to the expected HEA in a most unexpected way.  She weaves a good story.

  17. Gideon Cross 57
    Eva Tramell Reyes Cross 56 + 1 = 57
    Victor Reyes 56
    Monica Stanton 45
    Cary Taylor 47
    Ireland Vidal 47
    Angus McLeod 38- 1 = 37
    Benjamin Clancy 37
    Arnoldo Ricci 17

    RIP List

    Nathan Barker RIP Gideon Cross
    Corinne Giroux R.I.P 02/07/2013 azmich
    Anne Lucas R.I.P. 06/07/2013 Rogue
    Tatiana Cherlin RIP 7/7/2013 shazScott1980
    Deanna Johnson RIP 7/8/13 Barb55
    Brett Kline RIP 7/11/13 Barb55
    Terence Lucas RIP 7/12/2013 ShazScott1980 and GiGi too
    Sam Yimara RIP 7/12/2013 Rogue
    Christopher Vidal jr 7/15/2013 ShazScott1980
    Jean Francois Giroux RIP 7/16/13 Barb55
    Shelley Graves RIP 7/16/13 - jls1216
    Richard Michna RIP 7/17/13 ShazScott1980
    Daniel 7/21/12 ShazScott1980
    Erik RIP 7/22/2013 Barb55
    Magdalene RIP 7/24/2013 Barb55
    Richard Stanton RIP 7/25/2013 Barb55
    Lacey RIP 7/28/2013 azmich
    Christine Fields RIP 7/31/2013 azmich
    Michael Waters RIP 8/2/13 Barb55
    Christopher Vidal Sr RIP 8/4/2013 Barb55
    Walter Leaman RIP 8/6/2013 Barb55
    Parker Smith RIP 8/17/2013 Barb55
    Megumi RIP 8/21/2013 ShazScott1980
    Dr Peterson RIP 8/22/2013 ShazScott1980
    Scott (Gideon assistant) 08/23/2013 RIP Barb55
    Shawna Ellison RIP 08/26/2013 Barb55
    Elizabeth Cross Vidal 08/29/2013 ShazScott1980
    Steven Ellison RIP 8/30/2013 Barb55
    Mark Garrity RIP 9/4/2013 SharonM745
    Martin Stanton RIP 9/6/2013 SharonM745
    Dr. Travis RIP 9/9/2013 Sheens263
    Trey RIP 9/13/2013 ShazScott1980

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