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Posts posted by BettyY37

  1. Betty I think that Monica and Elizabeth having custody of their children in the real world has more to do with their wealth and social standing. Especially in Monica's case because someone of lesser means would have had said child removed from the home. The super rich really do live differently than the rest of us ...


    Gideon's story is very much about how money can affect things.  Two therapist at your house regularly and often when you live in Duchess County and they practice in New York City screams money


    Eva's settlement and no jail time for Nathan is another example.

  2. Good morning GiGi

    in reply to your last rebutal



    Hi Betty,

    I have been thinking about this issue so much; mainly because it was such a hot topic of debate the first time around.  I have to go back and look at all of my postings to perhaps compile a far more detailed answer which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place.  Let me make just a few clarifications about my previous posting:


    1.  Whether childhood abuse goes undetected for long periods of time or not does not negate Monica's responsibility and her dropping the ball on recognizing the symptoms of childhood sexual abuse.  I covered that topic extensively in several previous posts (including signs and symptoms...dozens and dozens and dozens of symptoms which Monica never took head of).


    What symptoms did you find in the books that Monica ignored?


    2.  what I meant by the second point is that only for  5-7 years did Victor have any influence over his daughter.  The influence was good (I have never disputed that), but one cannot discount his sporadic involvement during the first 18 years of Eva's life.


    I understood your point but there is no explanation only a simple statement by Eva.  I do not remember an description of Eva's first 10 years.  When did Monica marry Barker?


    3.  EVa's not having Victor's name has nothing to do with whether he is a good or bad parent.  That is an issue between Monica and Vitor.  To the best of my knowledge, I am not aware of any state in The US or in Canada that legally requires that a child that is born out of wedlock, is required to carry the father's last name.  That is a priviledge granted to a married couple by law.  The rest is an option that can be utilized by the mother if she wishes.


    I said Eva does not have Victor's name without any refernce to good or bad parenting.  He may not have any legal rights because we do not know if he is listed as father on the birth certicate.  I would think if he had legal rights, the courts would not proceed without him.


    4.  My point about Monica being Eva's friend and not her mother is simply that instead of making hard decisions that were in Eva's best interests, Eva acted more like the mother than Monica did.  That kind of relationship between a mother and daughter when someone is young and has been emotionally damaged, is wrong.  Monica needed to suck it up, shed her tears in the privacy of her own room and not burden her daughter.  Have you noticed just how much Eva always tried to placate her mother, because of her guilt?  Of all the people in this book; Eva should have zero guilt!  It wasn't her fault.  Eva didn't do anything wrong.

    What hard decisions?  Monica said Eva was stronger.  Eva is a grown women when she decides to placate her mother and I think her motivation is her mother's guilt not Eva's.

    5.  As far as Monica's guilt is concerned, I stated it before; she needs to suck it up and shut up!  Her constant hystrionics are making Eva feel even more guilty about what happened to her.  Monica needs to put on her big girl "Mommy Pants" and start telling her daughter that it isn't her fault, she did nothing wrong, and that she as a mother will work out her guilt issues and not put more pressure on her already fragile daughter.

    Do not remember Monica blaming Eva.  Where was that?

    6.  It is so funny that you mention Vogue Magazine, because I have a subscription to several magazines for several years, and I have to been to a few European high society gala events in my 42 years of life.   I never saw anyone dressed like the way that dress was described; with a slit up the side of the thigh up to where...and a plunging backline to just above her tushie.  I have my latest copies of Vogue, Instyle, and Vanity Fair, and I haven't seen anything like that either.  As far as the Miss America pagent is concerned, I have never seen a slit up the side of the dress going up nearly to her private regions and I have never seen a backless dress that stopped just above her tushie, but perhaps I missed something.

    I think you should look again.  Even the Academy Awards and women at the Emmys had high slits.  You can google Miss America Evening Gowans...all of them have slits?...No but some of them

    7.  As far as Monica's placement of legal tracking devices in Eva's compact and her watch; it is against the law.  Monica was breaking the law and violating her very grown daughter's privacy.  She didn't even have the courtesy to share her concerns with Eva and to offer Eva the option of accepting or not accepting protection.  Let's remember that Eva isa grown woman who has the right to say no.  Monica took away Eva's right to say no.  That's not right.

    The compact we do not know who bought it.  I would guess Monica so she could have it wired.  What I read is if you own it you can put a tracker in it.  I am sure if they had to defend themselves Stanton could.  Let's remember her mother is trying to protect her.  Her motives are good.

    8.  When Nathan showed up with photos and video(s) of the rape and torture of Eva, Eva had every legal right to know.  Eva was the childhood victim of violent crimes and Monica by proxy was were advocate.  When Eva became an adult and Nathan showed up with all of the vile photos and video(s), Monica would have been considered to be in possession of childhood ###### which is a criminal offense punishable by lengthy prison sentences.  If Nathan crossed state lines,  Monica could be held accountable as a accessory for distributing child p*** of her daughter.

    I am not sure what law says Eva is entitled know?  I understand how possession and distribution crimes could be committed


    The big thing is Monica would have seen what Nathan was capable of with her own two eyes.  Why wouldn't she want to want her daughter that she may be in danger?  Did Monica really believe that she could protect Eva from Nathan?  Her track record suggests otherwise.

    She did not see because Sylvia wrote the story that way.


    What does it say about said mother-daughter relationship when the mother cannot trust her already grown daughter to be able to make decisions about matters that affect her safety and welfare?  How is Monica a good mother when she is keeping her daughter in the dark about the man who raped and tortured her for four years?  What if Monica ran across Nathan on the street?  Whom ever was supposed to be protecting Eva (and by proxy Cary because they were roommates), failed.  Cary got attacked and whom ever was supposed to be following Nathan lost track of him.  So how could Monica/Stanton/Clancy/etc.  think that they could competently hide the fact that Nathan had come back into town?  Did none of them think that Nathan wouldn't make a play for Eva? 

    Monica does not say she does not trust her daught to make decisions , she just wants to add extra help.

    Clancy admitted he mess-up in not thinking about Cary.

    Gideon knew Nathan would make a play for Eva.

    9.  Monica feigned ingornance at every single turn of the way.  She knew that Nathan was back in town and said nothing to her daughter.  Monica knew just how violent Nathan had been toward Eva as evidenced by the photos and vidoe(s) of Nathan's brutal tortures and rapes of Eva.  Yet she never said anything to her adult daughter to warn her or protect or even bring her into the loop of what everyone was planning for her protection.  No person in a position of power, that is required to have bodyguards, are ever kept out of the loop when it comes to their safety or protection. 

    As a rule I think Monica should have told Eva Nathan was in town but everyon seemed to have thought it would be too upseting for Eva.

    When Nathan was murdered, Eva was left floating in the wind an had to find out from the  police that Nathan was in town.  She basically got ambushed.  She questioned her mother about the whole Nathan thing and not once was her mother forthcoming about what had been going on.  Only after a few conversations and direct questioning by Eva, did Monica divulge any information (scant information, I might add).  Eva had every right to know.  She was the victim, she was the adult, she was in danger.  Yet everyone else decided that they knew better and didn't even given Eva the courtesy or the option to accept or decline help. 

    That is how it was written.

    10.  As far as the comment about doctor visits.  Children have to been seen on an annual basis for a regular check-up and that would include the child being in their underware; in the presence of the nurse and the doctor.  The child would also be just in their underware.  The undershirt would be off, unless the female child would develop ######.  Children need to be vaccinated and receive booster shots as well.  If Eva had been examined, surely the pediatrician and nurse would have seen the marks on Eva' body.

    Children are not required to see a doctor every year for a check-up.  Underwear can and does cover-up a lot.  I only remember Eva have scars in places covered by her underwear.  Most vaccinations and boosters are required before age 5 and around 13.

    If Eva had a urinary tract infection, then her genitals would have been examined.  No there wouldn't been a full gynecological examination performed, but yes absolutely the doctor, with his nurse present would have seen the genital scarring.  I spoke with a pediatrician and that is standard protocol in Canada.  Doctors need to rule out any type of sexual abuse and as such a visual examination would have been required.

    We did not read that she did.

    You mentioned that Monica had staff to her help her maintain her household and her child.  That is not an excuse.  If Monica chose to delegate said responsibilities then she is still responsible at the end of the day.  She hired the staff; to cook, clean, do laundry, take Eva to the doctor's, watch over Eva, and if they said nothing that completely falls on Monica's shoulders.  Monica is Eva's mother, not her staff.

    The comment is not an excuse.  People continue to say Monica should have known but she did not know and there were reasons presented in the books as to why she did not know.  Eva said she thought the staff knew but said nothing because they feared Nathan.  She talks about how that made her feel since they were adults.


    I think Sylvia when to a great deal of trouble show how difficult it is to uncover abues when the victim does not cooperate in Eva's case.



    If I see it, I will always respond to a direct post.  Most days I have plenty of time.  Exchanges like this keep me on my toes.  Always a pleasure!

  3. You mention Seven Years to Sin when talking about Bared to You. How are the two connected?

    They’re not connected anywhere but in my head. Seven Years to Sin is the story of two abuse survivors as well, but of a different nature. Jessica is the survivor of child abuse so vicious she bears physical scars and is deaf in one ear. Alistair was emotionally abused and turned to prostitution as a way to survive and establish value for himself. For numerous reasons, I wasn’t able to delve into the aftereffects of abuse as deeply as I would have liked, so I continued to think about Alistair and Jessica’s story after I finished it. That continuing thought process germinated into Gideon and Eva’s story.



    Above is the answer to a FAQ  from sylviaday.com.


    I think Sylvia wanted to write about childhood sexual abuse in the 21st century. I think she presented different ways the problem can be handled in the Crossfire series.  Eva's mother believed her but Gideon's mother did not believe him while Cary's mother did not care.


    When I read a book or a series, I accept the world the author has created and that is my frame of reference for viewing the characters.  I do not use other worlds to interupt their behavior.


    Many of the points you want to use to substantiate your position are not in the Crossfire series as of yet.


    I tried to stay in Sylvia's box for this particular discussion because it is about the characters as they are presented.  For other topics like "Music" and anything about the unpublished books as well as the work to be done by Lionsgate, outside material is important and essential.


    If I used real world references neither Monica nor Elizabeth would have their children.  In the Crossfire series, however, when Eva's abuse is reported to the authorities, Monica was not considered negligent.   As I stated in a different post, she was good not perfect.

  4. Hi Betty,

    Thank you for your posting.  You mentioned in another post that you are analytical.  I am from a science background so I can see where you are coming from.  Each perspective would look at the facts as presented and analyze said evidence until either a hypothesis or conclusion could be reached.


    Thus far, since we are only into book three and waiting for book four, the are still in the hypothesis stage.  Fact:


    1.  The case is made why Monica's parenting skills are being questioned with a strict eye.  For four out of fourteen years, Monica dropped the ball.  This does not take into consideration the other marriages and what the living conditions were like for Eva.  That means, for at least close to one third of her of her life; Eva was severely neglected and abused.  That is stated fact, and not open to interpretation.  Being a parent means more than providing a roof over a child's head and food on the table.


    2.  Eva got closer to her father during her University days and he was instrumental in getting her into treatment, but nothing is mentioned about him during her early years.  I cannot come to the conclusion that Victor is an explemplary parent based on those facts alone.   


    3.  Monica keeping Eva's secret of the abuse was wrong.  Victor is Eva's dad and would have every legal right to know what had happened to his daughter.  Fact:  If any information of this nature was revealed during a custody battle; Monica would have lost custodial rights of her child.  Monica had no legal right to keep this from Victor.


    4.  Monica is Eva's mother; not her friend.  Thus far, Monica has acted more like a friend and not a mother. 


    5.  When Eva confessed her abuse to Gideon and Gideon contacted Stanton about what was being done as far as keeping the situation private, when Eva saw her mother for her counselling session, the first thing that Monica did was ask Eva why she told Gideon?  In her completely histrionic state, Monica could only think about herself and not Eva..."how could you do this to me...?"


    6.  Monica sent Eva a completely inapropriate red dress during the first book for the charity gala.  What mother would send her daughter such an incredibly revealing outfit to be worn?  What does Monica hope to accomplish by "gifting" her daughter with that kind of dress.


    7.  Monica placed several tracking devices in Eva's personal belongings without her consent; her legal Adult Consent. 


    8.  When Nathan was back in New York and had attempted to blackmail Stanton and Monica, Monica never mentioned this to Eva.  Was she misguided in her attempt to protect Eva or was she arrogant enough to believe that she could violate her daughter's legal right to know about what was going on? 


    9.  Monica saw the "evidence" of Nathan's brutilization, torture and rape(s) of Eva with her own eyes.  Could Monica then turn around and feign "ignorance" about what Nathan was capable of? 


    10.  When the police were investigating Nathan's murder, Monica never once volunteered that the police had come to see her.  It was only after questioned and kept questioning her mother, the Monica finally and begrudgingly spoke with Eva about the Nathan murder investigation.


    Could you please clarify what you mean by "attacks on Monica"?  It would help greatly.  Thanks in advane. 


    As a scientific person, I look at the evidence that has been presented thus far and the evidence points to the fact that Monica has been a lousy mother. 


    I don't know if Syliva could expect any of her viewers to accept a polyanna view of Monica's actions or gross misactions and expect a person to believe that she is a good mother.   I would never profess to speak for Sylvia, I can only speak for myself and thus far, with the evidence presented, Monica's mothering skills have not been good.


    I am still up so here goes


    1.  The case is made why Monica's parenting skills are being questioned with a strict eye.  For four out of fourteen years, Monica dropped the ball.  This does not take into consideration the other marriages and what the living conditions were like for Eva.  That means, for at least close to one third of her of her life; Eva was severely neglected and abused.  That is stated fact, and not open to interpretation.  Being a parent means more than providing a roof over a child's head and food on the table.


    The occasions when childhood sexual abuse goes undetacted by parents for long periods of time are not uncommon.  Eva has said she hide the abuse from her mother.  Someone mentioned laundry, bathing and doctors as sources for information that Monica should have had.  Servants do laundry, children especially ten years old bath themselves and healthy children do not go to the doctor every year and if they pediatrician do not automatically examine the genital area.  Being a good parent is dealing with any problem your child has that you know about inaddition to basic needs.


    As soon as Monica thought there was a problem she sought treatment and removed Eva from harm immediately.  No one can do more.  She acted.  She did not wait for verification or the money.  (Eva did not get her settlement until she was 16.)


    2.  Eva got closer to her father during her University days and he was instrumental in getting her into treatment, but nothing is mentioned about him during her early years.  I cannot come to the conclusion that Victor is an explemplary parent based on those facts alone.


    You can conclude he was good for just the reason you say you cannot.  You make decesions on what is known not unknown.  Eva says she did not spend much time with her dad when she was young.  She never says that fact was a bad thing.  It is very common for young girls to stay with their mothers.  Eva says in "Reflected in You" her dad's unshakeable love changed her life.  A father who was rejected by the mother of his child who steps in when that daughter is in crisis years later without hesitation is exemplary in real life or a book.


    3.  Monica keeping Eva's secret of the abuse was wrong.  Victor is Eva's dad and would have every legal right to know what had happened to his daughter.  Fact:  If any information of this nature was revealed during a custody battle; Monica would have lost custodial rights of her child.  Monica had no legal right to keep this from Victor.


    Eva does not have Victor's name.  He may not have any legal rights.  You make this arguement based on an unknown, no facts, when you state in #2 you cannot reach a conclusion on 

    limited facts.  As a mother dealing with an emotionally damaged child, you try to make things as easy for her as possible.  Eva requested (maybe demanded) Monica not tell Victor so a good mother protects her childs mentally as well as physically at the risk of legal consequences.


    4.  Monica is Eva's mother; not her friend.  Thus far, Monica has acted more like a friend and not a mother.


    I do not know the basis for that conclusion.  When women are close in age they have common interests.  They do things together...of course they would but first and foremost Monica protects, supports and provides for her daughter.  She smothers her.  That is not a friend.  That is what I think mothers do.


    5.  When Eva confessed her abuse to Gideon and Gideon contacted Stanton about what was being done as far as keeping the situation private, when Eva saw her mother for her counselling session, the first thing that Monica did was ask Eva why she told Gideon?  In her completely histrionic state, Monica could only think about herself and not Eva..."how could you do this to me...?"


    Monica was not selfish.  She feels guilty about what happened and she does not want people to think badly of her.  I did not find your quote.  I found "How could you, Eva?" in chapter 14 of "Bared to You".  Leaving out the "you do this to me..." makes a big difference.


    6.  Monica sent Eva a completely inapropriate red dress during the first book for the charity gala.  What mother would send her daughter such an incredibly revealing outfit to be worn?  What does Monica hope to accomplish by "gifting" her daughter with that kind of dress.


    Everyone in the book thought Eva looked great.  Eva is not just a daughter, she is a women.  Perhaps pictures in "Town and Country" or "Vogue" would show what young women wear to these functions.  Did you watch Miss America this year?


    7.  Monica placed several tracking devices in Eva's personal belongings without her consent; her legal Adult Consent.


    Concern for her daughters safety does not make her a bad mother. 


    8.  When Nathan was back in New York and had attempted to blackmail Stanton and Monica, Monica never mentioned this to Eva.  Was she misguided in her attempt to protect Eva or was she arrogant enough to believe that she could violate her daughter's legal right to know about what was going on?


    Eva had no legal right to know.


    9.  Monica saw the "evidence" of Nathan's brutilization, torture and rape(s) of Eva with her own eyes.  Could Monica then turn around and feign "ignorance" about what Nathan was capable of? 


    When did she feign ignorance?  She did the opposite.  She left the home she shared with Nathan and his father, got a divorce, arranged a settlement for Eva that would allow her to take care of herself, arranged proctection and tracking as well as hide the facts about Nathan being in New York for Eva's mental health.  I think she should have told Cary too.


    10.  When the police were investigating Nathan's murder, Monica never once volunteered that the police had come to see her.  It was only after questioned and kept questioning her mother, the Monica finally and begrudgingly spoke with Eva about the Nathan murder investigation.


    My memory is different.  I will search for the facts later.


    Finally when I mentioned "attacks on Monica" I meant did anyone or anything specifically say or infer she was a bad person or had bad intentions.


    I am never been perceived of as a pollyanna but all romance novels are written from a pollyanna perspective because they always give us an optimistic view on life that mutual love survives and fixes all of lifes ills or at least makes them tolerable

  5. I considered this also, but I don't know that this will happen in the short timeframe that they will be in California.



    I have thought about this a little more as I am reading thru the books again. It occurred to me that Gideon does not seem to know that Christopher may have been abused too. But Lizzie said to Eva that Christopher was there and denied that Gideon was abused. The more I consider this, I think both Gideon and Christopher were abused and neither realize that the other one was. Further, I think that Christopher blames Gideon for his abuse since Gideon's behavior brought Hugh into their lives (even though Christopher was acting up also!). Gideon was about 10 and Christopher would have been 5. Both were manipulated and intimidated by Hugh and are suppressing the events.I think this, besides normal sibling rivalry, is why Christopher so hates Gideon.

    One other point... When Lizzie saw her ring on Eva, she freaked out. Do you think Gideon asked her for the ring while the world thought he was back with Corinne and when Lizzie saw it on Eva she didn't know how to handle it?


    The time for Gideon to get together with Dr. Travis is not limited to the initial California trip.  Remeber Gideon can go to California anytime he wants.


    Gideon's behavior did not bring Hugh.  Christopher's imitation of Gideon at dinner when he was five (chapter 18 in Reflected in You) put Gideon in therapy. There was no indication that Hugh ever treated Chritopher or spent anytime with him.  I think all the things Christopher told Eva (in chapter 19 in Reflected in You) over lunch are the only things that make him hate Gideon. Someone mentioned child abusers tend to only like a certin age so Chritopher would be too young.


    I think Christopher was spying on Gideon, saw what was happening with Hugh and told his mother Hugh did nothing to get Gideon in trouble for lying about his therapist because he disliked his older brother that much at five.


    I do like your idea about the engagement ring.

  6. I like this theory, it could make sense to alot of things. I think the sex tape is going to come out or Gideon is going to watch it because Eva was making such a big deal over him not watching it. I also think one of Gideon's nightmares might spiral out of control because so far Eva has managed to escape unharmed, this could then lead to a number of things going wrong.Also Brett & Eva still have chemistry so I doubt that's going to die out just because she got married, Brett is always her fall back if something is going wrong with Gideon. I also really hope Gideon and Ireland sort their relationship out, it's cute how much she looks up to him. :) These are just a couple of my opinions. :)


    Gideon watching the tape of Eva and Brett would definitely push Eva over the edge but Gideon promised her he would not look at it.  Gideon does not lie to her so that would not happen.


    Nightmares out of control is a big possibility.


    Brett may be a headache but I do not see him as a fall back.  Eva purged him in NC and the Caribbean.  He just does not know it yet.  I think he will be gone in a "New York minute", also known as a very short period of time, to the tune of Bruno Mars' "When I was Your Man".




    Gideon mets Dr. Travis who helps him like he helped Cary and Eva.

  7. My quote on a different topic last night


    Not ignoring any of the new posts but my Ace is calling. I will be back tomorrow.



    I guess I am one step ahead


    Yeah, Crossfire has caught my imagination. I HATE waiting for sequel books though. Come on CBY and #5.

    PS. He won't mind your reading if you act out some of the scenes! LMAO!

  8. I'm there. Three reads thru completely and on the fourth read through now. Just finished RIY and started EWY again. Got to say, I've read FSOG 7x also. I will say that since I have started reading this type of book, my hubby has been appreciative and has said he would have saved a lot of money on jewelry had he bought me a few of these books 34 years ago! He bought me FSOG for my birthday 1 1/2 yrs ago! LOL


    Nice to meet a kindred spirit.  Married longer, read FSOG multiple times too but my husband is the opposite he wants me to stop reading and give the time back to him.  So I gave him a new nickname after "a fictional character I have a crush on." He likes the nickname but  he told me I was still reading too much so I told him "You'll get over it."


    Which did you like better, FSOG or Crossfire?  For me there is no contest, Crossfire hands down!!

  9. Ha!! Many on this forum have read and listened four times as much or so ; as Gideon would say "Sylvia OWNS us!!"





    Did I forget to tell you I have all three in ebook format and audio and honestly I have lost track of how many times.....That just sounds too addicted so forget I said that!!

  10. I love it!!


     Hi Betty, I just thought of a spot where Rihanna's "stay" could play...after the first nightmare at Eva's place where she convinced him to sleep on the floor with her...I can see that song being played throughout that scene. What do you think?

  11. It would make a great Christmas present tears or not or a great New Years Eve read for those who don't party all night!!!

    Bite your tongue!  Don't let Sylvia think we can wait that long.  Next week would be better.


    I am reading "Seven Years to Sin" to fill in the time. 



    I am a member of the READ ALL THREE FOUR TIMES Club along with GLH.  Any other members?

  12. Nathalia


    I like "Gone, Gone, Gone".  Thought of it as a love song and the words fit the love between Eva and Cary.




    I posted "I'll Make Love to You" by Boyz II Men on The Lionsgate.." topic for Gideon's and Eva's wedding night.  Should i put it here too?

  13. Hi can you tell me where you see the post sylvia said old wounds, insecurities , and enemies ,are going to significantly affect the relationship between Eva and Gideon in the fourth book captivated by you .i have not seen this anywhere.



    The quotes were posted by Sylvia Day in two places.  It is the lead for the topic titled "Captivated by You" that appears in this forum and she has posted it on sylviaday.com under "Coming Soon" subject "Captivated by You"

  14. You need to read all the older posts of EWY. That topic was discussed quite often and also the detail of hair color.

    I have not read all of the topics or all of the older posts.  I do still feel it is worth visiting in the context of this topic (Mothers and Fathers).  If you recall any posts that are noteworthy please pass them along.


    I would have been surprised if this observation was original.


    Do you think his mother noticed?


    Has anybody noticed all the significant women in Gideon's life before Eva resemble his mother?

  15. Just read "Meet Sylvia" at sylviaday.com.  Now I understand references like "Gray's Papaya", "John's Pizza" and "Junior's for cheesecake."  Spoken like a true New Yorker.


    I have been having trouble finding a place for Gideon's penthouse.  The one building I found that has Central Park and skyscrapers is the Sherry Netherland at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 59th street.  If you go farther uptown, you lose the skyscrapers as the backdrop from Gideon's office windows.


    Watching Jeopardy tonight - Did anybody know Seven-11 sells blueberry coffee?

  16. I need help.  How do I insert posts in my response?


    For MegansCoils

    I think your points were well made yesterday.



    Regarding Victor as a father

    Eva says "he'd never wavered from his determination to be my dad in every way possible."  She also states she didn't get to spend a lot of time with her dad while she was growing up.


    I think Victor's behavior regarding Eva from her late teens to the present has been exemplary.

  17. Gideon does not hug his mother at the garden party for Vidal Records but she is the only "person" who has been to his home other then Eva.


    He is angry that she did not believe him when he told her about Hugh's abuse but he has not sought any revenge.  In fact, he helped Chris Vidal save his record company to provide support for her.


    This indicates a man in conflict.   He does not at this time know his mother has threatened Eva so I foresee more personal conflict for Gideon.


    I do not think Elizabeth believes her eldest son was sexually abused by his therapist as a child.  She has not seen any evidence.  Eva, however, saw the love she has for him.


    Elizabeth must learn to accept her son and his wife.

  18. You know your memory is bad when you read Crossfire and do not think of this song.  I apologize for not presenting it to you sooner



    Close your eyes, make a wish
    And blow out the candlelight
    For tonight is just your night
    We're gonna celebrate all through the night

    Pour the wine, light the fire
    Girl, your wish is my command
    I submit to your demands
    I will do anything, girl, you need only ask



    I'll make love to you like you want me to
    And I'll hold you tight, baby, all through the night
    I'll make love to you when you want me to
    And I will not let go 'til you tell me to

    Girl relax, let's go slow
    I ain't got nowhere to go
    I'm just gonna concentrate on you
    Girl, are you ready? It's gonna be a long night

    Throw your clothes on the floor
    I'm gonna take my clothes off too
    I made plans to be with you
    Girl, whatever you ask me, you know I will do

    I'll make love to you like you want me to
    And I'll hold you tight, baby, all through the night
    I'll make love to you when you want me to
    And I will not let go 'til you tell me to

    Baby, tonight is your night


    And I will do you right
    Just make a wish on your night
    Anything that you ask
    I will give you the love of your life

    I'll make love to you like you want me to
    (I'll make love)
    And I'll hold you tight, baby, all through the night
    (Hold you tight)
    I'll make love to you when you want me to
    (I'll make love)
    And I will not let go 'til you tell me to

    I'll make love to you like you want me to
    (I'll make love)
    And I'll hold you tight, baby, all through the night
    (Hold you tight)
    I'll make love toyou when you want me to
    (I'll make love)
    And I will not let go 'til you tell me to

    Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To You Lyrics | MetroLyrics


    Picture their wedding night!!!

  19. GiGi

    You make a good case for why no parent should ever miss the abuse of their child especially when it occurs over such a long period of time. But Sylvia has chosen to present us in the character of Monica a women who failed to see the signs for whatever reason. She told us

    Eva hide what was being done to her out of fear.

    The servants (makers of beds and doers of laundry) did not tell.

    Eva made her Monica promise to not tell Victor.

    I have chosen to accept Sylvia's presentation of Monica's sacrifices and continuing pain regarding this failure to know sooner about the abuse of her only child. I try very hard when I read to not add things that are not there if they change the story. As you know I searched the books for attacks on Monica.

    I can not use Victor's parental role except as described when she moved to SoCal and he did good because he found Dr Travis. He came when he heard about Nathan. Monica got Eva out of harms way as soon as the danger was known. Home security, tracking devices, armed chauffeur, remodeling Parker's gym...to the point of alienating her daughter trying to make-up and prevent problems in the future. That is what I have to work with so Monica comes out good but not perfect,

    Things may change in books four and five but for now Monica is good.

  20. Okay GiGi

    I included Gideon's comment about Christopher to show he tried to be close to his brother. That was a strong indication that Gideon had no idea Christopher had not supported him regarding Hugh's abuse. I felt Gideon would not have tried so hard if he thought/knew Christopher had betrayed him. Gideon sought to destroy everyone he thought betrayed him. Gideon not knowing what Christopher told their mother provides more insight into Elizabeth. Whether you think she should have told Gideon what his younger brother said can be discussed.

    I do not think she should tell Gideon.

  21. Jeanmarie


    Interesting concept, ....Gideon the abuser as something Eva cannot handle.  I will roll that idea around for awhile.


    I never thought about that because I am so in love with Gideon but I am always open for new thoughts.  I will pass that along to my fellow readers.


    Thanks for the mental candy.



    Even if he never did, he could still be accused and have to fight the allegation.



    Just remembered Gideon told Eva he was never attracted to boys.  She said if he was bisexual that would be ok with her.

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