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  1. There were some tweets between Sylvia and fans over the Christmas period about this - the books are still optioned by the second company. TV series would be best. Passionflix are good but I'm not sure the Crossfire storyline is best filmed the way they do (not a criticism, I've enjoyed the films they have done). Crossfire is a little more fast paced than some of the stories Passionflix have done, with the background stories of both lead characters the filming needs to be sympathetic to that as well as to the sexy side of the story. A film would have been great but with the time of a film so much of the story would have to be cut that it wouldn't work.
  2. In the FAQ section of the website, included in the one about a Crossfire motion picture (or tv series as it is now likely to be) Butterfly in Frost is also optioned. Fab news.
  3. Checking the FAQ this month seems there's a possibility we may yet get to see the books on screen. Seems to be early days so not much has been said but keep your fingers crossed.
  4. The question about how did David die was answered by Sylvia on Facebook - as the details of his death were not pivotal to the plot she didn't go into any detail. She has also posted in the last couple of days that some of the things in her books are from personal experience. The paperback is the same and is a smaller sized book than standard. This is a novella, and a stand alone.
  5. The EC is possibly Eva Cross but I couldn't come up with anything for the RA. As the profits are to go to Eva's 'philanthropic Crossroads Foundation' possibly refers to something to do with that? I read some reviews where people objected to ECRA being mentioned so often, ran a search on the e-book and it is mentioned 10 times which I don't think is too excessive when it is what brings Eva and Teagen's relationship into the story. The instant attraction did seem odd (although a little similar to Gideon and Eva), and it was obvious from what was written that when Teagen first saw Garrett running that she knew him so I was surprised that wasn't fleshed out, ditto the bit about the sapphire sofa - but on first reading I wouldn't be looking for clues, just reading the story, I have to do a re-read now I know the twist to confirm my initial feelings about the book. Plus wondering why Teagen was depressed as she seemed okay about that other marriage to the actor and of course no hint about how long ago that must have been (or maybe there is and I will spot that on a re-read?) It's a novella but would have been nice if it had been a bit longer, with a little more added to the ending, and that after 7 years Eva is not pregnant (considering how they were going at it . . . . . !) But it did set the time placement for the book. Crossfire (certainly the first two books) is a hard act to follow.
  6. Not sure if this will be posted as my last one has remained hidden for some days. I've read the book and really liked it, cleverly written - as I was reading I was wondering why certain things were not being explained and had scant details, but all became clear with the twist at the end. Hopefully we will have a section for this book where we can discuss it.
  7. First Chapter available on the website https://www.sylviaday.com/books/butterfly-in-frost/#excerpt
  8. I've read through some of the questions posed on Facebook and Sylvia's answers: First the reason she cannot continue with previously unfinished series is she is legally prohibited from writing full length novels outside of her contracts for Blacklist and Ireland's series. She can do novellas but states that to wrap up other trilogies needs full length novels. The new book focuses on Teagan and Garrett and is a novella. There are cameos and updates about other characters we love (this was to ensure our expectations stay grounded as Gideon and Eva are not main characters). The novella is only available on Kindle so no other e-book publisher will have it. There will be paperback and audiobook and the pre-order links should appear soon, but we do have until August to pre-order so not a problem the links aren't yet available. As to the release of So Close, she is hoping to have news soon.
  9. And its not hints re So Close.
  10. https://www.sylviaday.com/books/butterfly-in-frost/ Out 27th August https://ew.com/books/2019/04/29/sylvia-day-butterfly-in-frost-cover/?utm_medium=social&utm_content=link&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_ew&utm_term=498C3E96-6A87-11E9-BBE7-A4B4984234C2
  11. I am not sure if the hints to ensure our names are on the mailing list, and links to 'coming soon' mean there could be news soon about the publication of So Close? The Coming Soon and FAQ page details haven't changed. Fingers crossed!!!
  12. Happy birthday Mrs Cross - you share it with David Gandy who is the man I see as Gideon when I read the books (that is David from about six years ago rather than now of course - he looks too mature these days). 🙂 🙂
  13. Just got round to reading this and yes, I guessed who it was going to be but I do like these novels that are part romance/part thriller. I thought Crossfire was going that way with the intrigue over Nathan's death but the suspense that started with the bracelet discovery sort was dealt with a little too quickly/easily.
  14. The disclaimer was probably to do with the EU directive where we in the EU find every web site we visit needs us to click to accept cookies and terms of service. Designed to protect privacy but has turned into quite an irritant! I shall read So Close but am a little worried we might have a long wait for the second book, but hopefully as with the Crossfire novels the ends of the books might avoid the massive cliffhangers other writers provide. (Not a criticism of the author as everyone works at their own pace but as we all now know we will hear a bit more about Gideon and Eva in the books suspect we are all a little impatient for them.) I followed the 'cockygate' scandal on Twitter and hadn't realised how many books some authors were pushing out, and how Kindle Unlimited was being manipulated by some. I'd not read books by any of the authors that were mentioned but some seemed to be putting out 3 or 4 a month.
  15. And it is back and in a slightly different layout. Fingers crossed So Close is getting closer (pun intended).
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