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Now, who wants to talk about how pathetic Magdalene is (on the female side) vs Trey (on the male side)?

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t doubt that Corinne was spending time with Gideon. What I don’t buy is that she would fool herself into thinking that Gideon was enamored with her. Her past experience would have taught her that Gideon wasn’t in love with her to begin with. I couldn’t see Corinne buying the taking “time†to become reacquainted with one another before any kind of intimacy excuse. It would have completely fit Gideon’s old pattern and I don’t think that Corinne would go for it a second time. She left Gideon the first time around because she knew that something wasn’t right between the two of them (even if she wasn’t able to verbalize it or knew how to put it into words).

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t understand why Corinne would willingly put herself back in the exact same position that she was in during her first go around with Gideon. It wouldn’t make sense to me as a woman. I have a hard time believing that Corinne wouldn’t have gained some perspective in all those years that she and Gideon were apart.

Corinne going around and telling everyone that she and Gideon are going out reminds of a dog trying to mark its territory. Dogs do that to try and scare away competitor, it doesn’t mean that other dogs will head that urinary warning. I think that Corinne was terrified because she knew somewhere deep down inside her that she wasn’t going to get Gideon.

Something else just struck me, if Eva could see through Christopher Jr. crap, why on earth wouldn’t Corinne be able to? Wouldn’t Corinne’s self preservation meter been going through the roof any time she was near him? The only person who seemed to tolerate Christopher Jr. was Magdalene and only because he was an emotional and sexual outlet for her frustrations. I wonder what would happen if Magdalene no longer used Christopher Jr. for sex. How quickly would it take for the rose to lose its bloom? I also wonder how long it would be before Christopher Jr. would become violent toward Magdalene. Right now Magdalene serves a sexual and information purpose for Christopher Jr.; what will happen when she is no longer useful to him?

I can’t see Corinne actually dating Gideon for three weeks without some kind of physical intimacy. Period. We are not talking about Amish dating here. :)

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Hi Sscrph,

I like your idea. Your theory would fit the current circumstances. Gideon and Eva are no longer together and he has been seen publically with Corinne. I wonder how Brett will fit into the picture. Do you think that he will make an outright play for her? I wonder if the press is going to try and link Eva and Brett together. How would they go about doing that? Is Brett idealizing his past memories with Eva or was Eva the true love of his life? It will be interesting to see how Sylvia decides to deal with this. I can hardly wait for June 4th. :)

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Hi LNCronan,

I just wanted to clarify with you that Gideon and Brett got into a fight in the “parking lot†outside of the back of the building so therefore it wouldn’t have gathered attention from the backstage crowd initially.

I think that people who were milling around out back (groupies, roadies, etc.) saw a fight break out, gathered around and then eventually recognized that one of the men fighting was the lead singer of the band. That’s when I think that someone said something to someone else and the backstage crew got involved.

Fights occur at rock concerts all the time and as such I don’t think that would have been enough to gather the attention of the “higher ups†unless it was one of their performers. I may be splitting hairs here, apologies if I am. :)

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t doubt that Corinne was spending time with Gideon. What I don’t buy is that she would fool herself into thinking that Gideon was enamored with her. Her past experience would have taught her that Gideon wasn’t in love with her to begin with. I couldn’t see Corinne buying the taking “time†to become reacquainted with one another before any kind of intimacy excuse. It would have completely fit Gideon’s old pattern and I don’t think that Corinne would go for it a second time. She left Gideon the first time around because she knew that something wasn’t right between the two of them (even if she wasn’t able to verbalize it or knew how to put it into words).

Hi Gigi, I definitely think that Gideon made it clear to Corinne that their current relationship was simply platonic. After all Corinne said herself that she and Gideon had been friends for a long time so it would only make sense that Gideon would turn to her as a friend during this rough patch with Eva. But that doesn't mean that she of course is hoping that eventually it could turn into something more...

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t doubt that Corinne was spending time with Gideon. What I don’t buy is that she would fool herself into thinking that Gideon was enamored with her. Her past experience would have taught her that Gideon wasn’t in love with her to begin with. I couldn’t see Corinne buying the taking “time†to become reacquainted with one another before any kind of intimacy excuse. It would have completely fit Gideon’s old pattern and I don’t think that Corinne would go for it a second time. She left Gideon the first time around because she knew that something wasn’t right between the two of them (even if she wasn’t able to verbalize it or knew how to put it into words).

In his own way (as best as he was capable of) he did love Corrine and care deeply about her. That's a huge difference between being in love, but Corrine probably mistook love for in-love. Why else would he agree to marry her? He must have loved her!! Certainly, he cared deeply for her. In fact, as Bared wrapped up, Gideon still did care about her -- care enough to let her emotionally lean on him.


The main problem back years was sexual, which Corrine refused to settle for back then, but only after three solid years of waiting for things to improve. She'd most certainly settle for it now -- settle for anything, so desperate is she to get back the man she never got over. Especially because Corrine has learned only very recently Gideon's sexual hang-ups are a thing of the past.


She's waited for Gideon for all of three weeks? That's nothing. Here's my case for the argument Corrine will be patient for however long it takes to get Gideon back into bed and then get him to the altar:


  • Two years into their relationship, Gideon still would not spend the night with her, nor would he have sex with her any other place but that specific hotel. She waited two whole years before she did something to try to fix that -- convincing him to marry her. "Maybe I'd open up more" is exactly how Gideon put it when recounting the history to Eva (Bared page 328).
  • Once they were engaged, Corrine waited another solid year for things to fix themselves before she finally tried something -- ending the engagement. Gideon was convinced (and I'm sure he was right) Corrine did this not to leave him, but rather, to force him to fight for the relationship. It backfired badly.
  • At that time, I think Corrine actually did cut her losses. She went on to marry another man and move far away from Gideon. She tried for years to get over Gideon. But it didn't work, and her marriage failed. " ... it was the biggest mistake of my life walking away," Corrine herself told Eva. 
  • Right around the time Corrine left her husband, Gideon also started telling her about Eva -- including how Eva was getting him to do what Corrine had tried all those years ago -- open up. Corrine herself thanked Eva for that when Corrine crashed that fundraiser. I wonder whether it was the knowledge Gideon had begun opening up that prompted Corrine to leave France and go running back to New York.
  • I am 100% convinced Magdalene (who was there that night and had been talking to Corrine) couldn't resist telling her how crazy Gideon has been over Eva -- including recounting the fact Gideon had sex with Eva in the library of his parents' house in the middle of a a huge party. At the fundraiser, Magdalene most certainly was on Team Eva, not Team Corrine. Magdalene was still on Team Eva the next morning when she called Eva at work to disparage Corrine and convince Eva that Gideon was thinking of Eva, not Corrine, last night.
  • Corrine may have actually found that encouraging everything Magdalene tried using as ammo in a mind game -- Gideon's become very sexually adventurous. Obviously, his old hang-up about hotel sex is gone.
  • Yet at the same time, Corrine must have found deeply disturbing watching Gideon literally fight for Eva against Dr. Lucas and literally watch Gideon chase after Eva when Eva walked out on Gideon.
  • I've said this before but I'll keep saying it again -- I think something inside Corrine snapped then. She turned desperate and willing to do anything to get Gideon. And she started the very next day by trying to get him to see her alone at his office midday, her best shot for getting him to maybe have lunch with her. Showing up unannounced to see Gideon when he was with Eva in public turned out to be a very bad idea. Time to start attempting showing up unannounced where she could have Gideon's sole attention.


Even if -- IF -- he's steadfastly saying "just friends" to the world he's treating her as something definitely more than friends. He's taken her out to dinner, just the two of them. He's taken her as his "date" to a very public work function (which just happened to be at a place of extreme sentimental value to their past, given that for three years, he used to make love to her upstairs there.)


Even now, three weeks later, she's actually meeting him at the Crossfire at the very end of the work day so they can leave together, just the two of them climbing into one of his cars to go somewhere.


Mind you, dinner at Tableau One, the party at the hotel, and Corrine leaving the Crossfire with Gideon after work are the only times that Eva found out about, completely on her own. Especially the third time -- that was pure accident, and Gideon froze when he got caught. So those are the only three that we readers know about. There HAS to be more times. A LOT more times over the course of weeks. We'll find out the full extent in Entwined when (thank God!) Gideon and Eva can FINALLY talk openly about Corrine.


The more the murder investigation pressure mounted, the more time Gideon would have been spending with Corrine in order to fool people into thinking they were getting serious again. Why wouldn't Corrine read something into Gideon spending increasing amounts of time with her -- and only her. During the fight with Eva, Corrine did say one thing that most obviously was true -- she was spending enough time with Gideon to know for a fact he wasn't seeing Eva at all. Which means Corrine's been with him a lot for three weeks now.

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t doubt that Corinne was spending time with Gideon. What I don’t buy is that she would fool herself into thinking that Gideon was enamored with her. Her past experience would have taught her that Gideon wasn’t in love with her to begin with. I couldn’t see Corinne buying the taking “time†to become reacquainted with one another before any kind of intimacy excuse. It would have completely fit Gideon’s old pattern and I don’t think that Corinne would go for it a second time. She left Gideon the first time around because she knew that something wasn’t right between the two of them (even if she wasn’t able to verbalize it or knew how to put it into words).


One more thing to add to the detailed post above about all of Corrine's long history of chasing Gideon, a technique that worked right on up to Corrine making the huge mistake of stopping chasing .... a mistake Corrine is now undoing ....


Corrine would not be fighting so dirty now if she honestly thought she had absolutely no chance whatsoever to get Gideon back. She drove Eva away in order to get Gideon back for herself. She spent weeks plotting, and for the past three weeks (as Reflected closed) she believed she had won. Because Eva was gone -- absolutely gone and apparently for good. Corrine had Gideon all to herself again.


And in a way Corrine HAD won, temporarily. The insecurity and jealousy Corrine so carefully stoked finally made Eva dump Gideon. The reasons for the break-up were far more complicated than Corrine could have ever known, but the last straw was Gideon with Corrine at the f*** pad hotel. As soon as Eva saw the picture, she dumped Gideon.


What did Corrine do when Eva showed up weeks later and threw some very brutal facts into Corrine's face -- what I like to call a "clue-by-four"   Was it resignation? Nope, it was rage. Corrine wouldn't have been so angry if she honestly believed all she (Corrine) and Gideon now were -- all they would EVER be -- is just friends. 


"I'm the one he's spending time with," Corrine threw into Eva's face (page 312.)  THAT'S Corrine clinging to her delusion that Gideon's ACTIONS show he's picked Corrine over Eva.

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What will Corinne do when she finds out that Gideon may be under investigation for the murder of Nathan?


She could become truly dangerous if she ever did find out.


Thus far, she obviously doesn't have a clue. The cops haven't needed to question her about being at the party, because they have a picture to prove it. But if they ever did start questioning her about that night or try to force her to say she and Gideon are nothing more than friends, things will get dicey. If Gideon gets arrested, all h*** could break loose, because the cops would be saying his going out with her was all a lie to try to deceive everyone. 


She'd have the power to try to save him or sink him. I'd like to think her better nature would win out ---- but ---- I could also see her finally snapping. "If I can't have you, no body can!!!!" is the possible jealous rage reaction of a woman truly scorned and made an incredible public fool of. She's now bet her whole life on becoming Gideon's wife -- divorcing her husband and moving back to New York. She's been fooled into believing Gideon is within reach. Snatch that away from her  -- all because of Eva -- and Corrine might decide to help destroy them both.


For now, Gideon's best bet is to keep allowing her to believe her grand scheme to win him back is slowly but surely continuing to work. She's made a lot of progress already - he's now seeing her, and her alone, as his exclusive social partner, letting the whole world believe they're serious. And she succeeded in easily getting rid of her only competition.


Gideon needs to wait until the cops (and the prosecutor driving them) finally do decide to drop the case -- making it official by telling him AND his lawyers it's over.


Then Gideon can tell her the truth -- he can't go through  with marrying her now any more than he was able to years ago. He misses Eva and still loves her. He wants to go back to Eva and make things work out with her.

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OK, last post of the day.


Know when I will be convinced the coast REALLY is clear for Gideon to openly declare Eva as the woman he loves?


When the cops tell him AND his lawyers right to their faces the case is OH-VER.


The lead detective casually running into Eva and telling Eva it's safe? And that actually being true? Oh heck no. No way. Sylvia's far too captivating and clever of a writer to resort to something that is so "convenient" it's actually too good to be true. And it'd be rushing to artificially wrap up a complicated story in a single scene.


What the scene with Detective Graves was, plain and simple, was to set up a very real danger -- a police trap -- and that danger is the first of several things Gideon and Eva will need to overcome in Entwined. They've got to deal with both the darkness of his past and the terrible risk they're under in the present day in order to reach their happy ending.

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GiGi, on 23 Mar 2013 - 00:03, said:

Hi LNCronan,

I just wanted to clarify with you that Gideon and Brett got into a fight in the “parking lot” outside of the back of the building so therefore it wouldn’t have gathered attention from the backstage crowd initially.

I think that people who were milling around out back (groupies, roadies, etc.) saw a fight break out, gathered around and then eventually recognized that one of the men fighting was the lead singer of the band. That’s when I think that someone said something to someone else and the backstage crew got involved.

Fights occur at rock concerts all the time and as such I don’t think that would have been enough to gather the attention of the “higher ups” unless it was one of their performers. I may be splitting hairs here, apologies if I am. :)


All right, just one more 

One of the worst things of all would be a fight to get attention backstage would be a fight near the stage door -- security and roadies would start yelling and running. If a fight really gets going (this one most certainly did) it's going to start to draw widespread attention back stage as more and more people scramble and start yelling. By the time this fight was over, the band itself had come out.

Normally, a fight would have been quickly broken up by the roadies and security. So what made them stand back in this case and continue to let the two guys go at it? The fact the two biggest VIPs on the premises were the people fighting one another -- and -- two people who actually had very serious real power to order the roadies and the security to keep back were both on hand -- Brett's manager (roadies) and Gideon's body guard (security.) Especially in the case of the body guard, some woman (Eva) was begging him to do something, and he was refusing to intervene. If Gideon's body guard wasn't going to step in, no way would any security flunkie nor roadie do so on his own. Even Brett's own band mates were smart enough to stay out of it.

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In his own way (as best as he was capable of) he did love Corrine and care deeply about her. That's a huge difference between being in love, but Corrine probably mistook love for in-love. Why else would he agree to marry her? He must have loved her!! Certainly, he cared deeply for her. In fact, as Bared wrapped up, Gideon still did care about her -- care enough to let her emotionally lean on him.


The main problem back years was sexual, which Corrine refused to settle for back then, but only after three solid years of waiting for things to improve. She'd most certainly settle for it now -- settle for anything, so desperate is she to get back the man she never got over. Especially because Corrine has learned only very recently Gideon's sexual hang-ups are a thing of the past.


She's waited for Gideon for all of three weeks? That's nothing. Here's my case for the argument Corrine will be patient for however long it takes to get Gideon back into bed and then get him to the altar:


  • Two years into their relationship, Gideon still would not spend the night with her, nor would he have sex with her any other place but that specific hotel. She waited two whole years before she did something to try to fix that -- convincing him to marry her. "Maybe I'd open up more" is exactly how Gideon put it when recounting the history to Eva (Bared page 328).
  • Once they were engaged, Corrine waited another solid year for things to fix themselves before she finally tried something -- ending the engagement. Gideon was convinced (and I'm sure he was right) Corrine did this not to leave him, but rather, to force him to fight for the relationship. It backfired badly.
  • At that time, I think Corrine actually did cut her losses. She went on to marry another man and move far away from Gideon. She tried for years to get over Gideon. But it didn't work, and her marriage failed. " ... it was the biggest mistake of my life walking away," Corrine herself told Eva. 
  • Right around the time Corrine left her husband, Gideon also started telling her about Eva -- including how Eva was getting him to do what Corrine had tried all those years ago -- open up. Corrine herself thanked Eva for that when Corrine crashed that fundraiser. I wonder whether it was the knowledge Gideon had begun opening up that prompted Corrine to leave France and go running back to New York.
  • I am 100% convinced Magdalene (who was there that night and had been talking to Corrine) couldn't resist telling her how crazy Gideon has been over Eva -- including recounting the fact Gideon had sex with Eva in the library of his parents' house in the middle of a a huge party. At the fundraiser, Magdalene most certainly was on Team Eva, not Team Corrine. Magdalene was still on Team Eva the next morning when she called Eva at work to disparage Corrine and convince Eva that Gideon was thinking of Eva, not Corrine, last night.
  • Corrine may have actually found that encouraging everything Magdalene tried using as ammo in a mind game -- Gideon's become very sexually adventurous. Obviously, his old hang-up about hotel sex is gone.
  • Yet at the same time, Corrine must have found deeply disturbing watching Gideon literally fight for Eva against Dr. Lucas and literally watch Gideon chase after Eva when Eva walked out on Gideon.
  • I've said this before but I'll keep saying it again -- I think something inside Corrine snapped then. She turned desperate and willing to do anything to get Gideon. And she started the very next day by trying to get him to see her alone at his office midday, her best shot for getting him to maybe have lunch with her. Showing up unannounced to see Gideon when he was with Eva in public turned out to be a very bad idea. Time to start attempting showing up unannounced where she could have Gideon's sole attention.

Even if -- IF -- he's steadfastly saying "just friends" to the world he's treating her as something definitely more than friends. He's taken her out to dinner, just the two of them. He's taken her as his "date" to a very public work function (which just happened to be at a place of extreme sentimental value to their past, given that for three years, he used to make love to her upstairs there.)


Even now, three weeks later, she's actually meeting him at the Crossfire at the very end of the work day so they can leave together, just the two of them climbing into one of his cars to go somewhere.


Mind you, dinner at Tableau One, the party at the hotel, and Corrine leaving the Crossfire with Gideon after work are the only times that Eva found out about, completely on her own. Especially the third time -- that was pure accident, and Gideon froze when he got caught. So those are the only three that we readers know about. There HAS to be more times. A LOT more times over the course of weeks. We'll find out the full extent in Entwined when (thank God!) Gideon and Eva can FINALLY talk openly about Corrine.


The more the murder investigation pressure mounted, the more time Gideon would have been spending with Corrine in order to fool people into thinking they were getting serious again. Why wouldn't Corrine read something into Gideon spending increasing amounts of time with her -- and only her. During the fight with Eva, Corrine did say one thing that most obviously was true -- she was spending enough time with Gideon to know for a fact he wasn't seeing Eva at all. Which means Corrine's been with him a lot for three weeks now.


Hi LNCronan,

I don’t think that Corinne waited two years before she decided to try something different with Gideon. That just isn’t consistent with human nature. I am sure that Corinne asked or suggested to Gideon that they try something “fun†or “different†when it came to their sex life and I think that Gideon did his best to placate her and that probably frustrated her even more.

I am sure that they probably didn’t argue about this issue but I would almost bet money that Corinne was well aware that something wasn’t right in her relationship with Gideon. I think that if she had the initiative to chase, date and ask Gideon to marry her, then she would have absolutely recognized the problems in their relationship and would have tried to initiate different scenarios that might help Gideon get over his “sex***â€hang-ups. To do anything less than that would have made Corinne sound like a complete idiot.

Where we differ in opinions is that I think Corinne probably blamed herself over the demise of her relationship with Gideon and that maybe she didn’t stop to look at how Gideon was acting. That is what makes this such a sad situation.

Caring or no caring, Gideon should have left Corinne earlier and also should have said something to her about his past. Ah, but hindsight is always 20/20 and people never do what they should have done earlier. It wouldn’t make for a good storyline or a good novel.

That being said, I don’t think that Corinne would entertain the idea of dating Gideon again without testing the waters so to speak. I couldn’t see Corinne dating Gideon without at least a little lip locking between the two of them. Otherwise Corinne would have been in a worse situation with Gideon than she was before.

I think that Magdalene has always been on Team Magdalene and absolutely no one else! She tried to get rid of Eva herself in the washroom at the Advocacy Dinner but wasn’t successful. She then got reprimanded by Gideon after that little stunt, so then Magdalene realized that she was going to have to change her tactics if she was going to stand a chance of winning Gideon. Yes yes, we all know that she never stood a chance, but I don’t think that Gideon could have fooled Corinne; the general public maybe, but Corinne No.

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Hi LNCronan,

I think that Corinne didn’t believe that she had Gideon. If they were kissing and hugging and even perhaps making love, then I think she would have thought that she had won. I think that Corinne was all too aware that her situation with Gideon was shaky at best and even that is a stretch.

Corinne didn’t want to believe that she and Gideon were going to be friends. She wanted more and either Gideon was putting up the second “rouse†of maybe we could give this relationship another go or Gideon told her from the get-go that they were just friends and she was trying for more.

I really hope that Sylvia goes into some detail in her next book. Right now I am sitting here biting my nails wondering how this entire thing is going to play out. Well actually I am baking up a storm to help pass the time….butter pecan tarts anyone? :)

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Corrine waited two whole years before she finally resorted to trying to FORCE the issue about the fact Gideon refused to spend the whole night with her. That's NOT the same as trying nothing to solve the problem. I'm sure she tried several other things before she finally resorted to a gamble as dramatic as proposing marriage.

Corrine thought that because she was now Gideon's fiancée, he would finally start spending entire nights with her. That's the theory Gideon told Eva, and I'm sure he's right about that.

Corrine waited another full year after that for Gideon to finally literally sleep with her -- sleep alongside, that is. But still, he refused to spend the night, and he refused to have sex anywhere other than that hotel. Finally, she resorted to something even more dramatic to try to FORCE the issue. She broke off the engagement.

Corrine thought the threat of losing her would finally make Gideon change. That's also the theory he told Eva, and again I'm sure he's right about it.

My point is this: three weeks -- only three WEEKS -- into succeeding in getting Gideon to start taking her out again, no way in h*** is Corrine going to try to FORCE the issue of the fact Gideon isn't sleeping with her yet. I'm sure she's trying things to attempt to encourage Gideon. But she'll never try forcing the issue to make he do anything beyond what he wants then -- not now, not ever again.

Trying to FORCE Gideon to have sex any other way than on his own terms is how Corrine lost him years ago, something she later felt was the biggest mistake of her life. She's not going to make that mistake again. She will wait and wait and wait for however long it takes now.

And I'm sure Gideon knows this too -- knows Corrine isn't going to upset the apple cart by demanding sex any time soon. This enables him to continue to manipulate Corrine for however many more weeks (or perhaps months) he needs to (to make authorities finally give up on prosecuting him.) Gideon can do this without resorting to perhaps the only thing he WON'T do, which is f*** Corrine.

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Besides, Gideon has been showing Corrine SOME physical affection that counts as deliberately low-level sexual.

He put his arm around her waist at that party (it was for the benefit of the camera, but he did it.) He did something that even strangers would misinterpret as an intimacy gesture. That was the whole point. Male friends at best put a arm around a woman's shoulder -- not around her waist. The waist is in a sexual body zone.

Weeks later, Eva caught him off guard with Corrine while he had one hand at the small of Corrine's back while walking her to his car parked outside the Crossfire. Touching a woman's lower back is a sexual gesture, and deliberately keeping a hand there while walking with her is a very sexually proprietary gesture. He did that all the time with Eva. He did it to Eva the very next morning while walking her to the car outside Dr. Lucas' office. With good reason, Eva threatened to "break his fingers" if she caught touching Corrine like that again.

There are additional things Gideon could be doing all the time now that could be easily be interpreted as friendly OR misinterpreted by Corrine as more. Holding her hand. Kissing her on the cheek, especially when saying goodnight. Long hugs, especially hugs saying hello and good-night. Then there are additional low-level sexual things too -- like staring into her eyes, lingering touches. And especially kissing her on the mouth.

In fact, now that Eva finally trusts he's never going to have sex with Corrine, it'd be OK for Gideon to advance to French kissing Corrine if that's what it takes to continue to string her along. Perhaps Gideon has already resorted to that and will confess it to Eva as part of them finally being able to be open and honest. Or, if they know for certain the cops are trying to trap them, agreeing together what Gideon will do to step things up a notch with Corrine.

Eva has no right, really, to object, given she French kissed Brett and Gideon forgave her for doing it.

Gideon knows now he can tell Eva anything, however upsetting, and Eva is not going to run. The idea of Gideon making out with Corrine is something that would make Eva squirm -- but she'd trust Gideon that things with Corrine wouldn't go any further than the proverbial "first base" of making out with her. Especially making out with Corrine in the back of the Bentley before letting her out of the car for the night. With a driver up front, things would never progress all the way to home run in the backseat.

Keep in mind too that snippet of Eva dirty dancing with a stranger in Gideon's night club. When she saw Gideon coming and knew that he had spotted her, she did something very sexual by grinding her a** into the guy, and she did this in an area of a club specifically set aside for "dry f*****" Gideon didn't like it one bit -- but nor did he punch the guy's lights out and turn angrily on Eva, like he had with Brett. Nope, instead Gideon pinned her up against a wall in order to start doing something that was going to go lead to intercourse right then and there.

That snippet has me thinking that Eva now has Gideon in a position of "I trust you doing SOME fooling around with Corrine and now you have to trust me letting other guys touch me as part of my act being out there single and partying without a care in the world, already over you after just a couple of weeks."

And perhaps Eva is deliberately testing Gideon too. What did she do to test him as soon as she found out he blew her off the night before to have dinner, one-on-one, with Corrine? Emailed him a copy of one of the many tabloid photos online the next day -- AND -- immediately took Brett out to lunch in order to get even. Now she could test him in a way to make clear that trust between the two of them MUST go BOTH ways.

Bottom line: neither one of them is going to be comfortable with the other laying hands and even lips on someone else. But EVERYTHING -- their future together, even Gideon's future period -- depends upon fooling everyone else for the foreseeable future, Corrine most of all. Corrine is one of the few things right now that could prevent a prison sentence of life without parole for Gideon.

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Because EVERYTHING was riding on it -- his future, their future, Eva's very life itself, was riding on it, Gideon did very cruel things to Eva. Things he did without even telling her why, much less saying he was sorry.

So I think if he had to do low-level physical stuff with Corrine, like making out with her, especially in private, he'd do it if that's what it took. He'd do anything short of f***** her now if the danger to him and Eva got too high.

Because look what he openly, deliberately did that hurt Eva, did it KNOWING Eva was hurting:

Deliberately allowing himself to be photographed taking Corrine out Monday night instead of going to the hospital. Not even bothering to call her that night. Not apologizing the next day after Eva saw photos of him with Corrine splashed all over the Internet. Instead, he added insult to injury by blowing her off a second night in a row.

Later that same week, coldly ignoring Eva in the middle of an important business meeting where everyone from her immediate boss to one of the owners of her agency were sitting there. The same afternoon, promising her he'd meet her at Dr. Petersen's office for couple's therapy and then blowing her off without any explanation nor apology.

And why did he blow Eva off instead of sitting there in therapy trying to fix a rapidly unraveling situation? Even though he already knew his taking Corrine out was hurting Eva, while Eva was sitting there in Dr. Petersen's office, Gideon was going out of his way to make sure he got photographed with his arm around Corrine's waist. At a party he threw himself for the very work account (the vodka thing) Eva worked so hard on -- and which Gideon coldly ignored her in front of important bosses. WORSE holding his party at the hotel Eva knew full well was the only place he ever f*** other women, starting with Corrine herself.

CRUELEST OF ALL, after Eva made an agonizing telephone call to him in which she wept as she forgave for considering her damaged goods because of rape photographs of herself, NOT going to see her to tell her it wasn't true. He could have sneaked into her apartment once her Dad left in order to talk to her. He didn't. Instead, he went the next twelve straight days without contacting her in any way, which would most certainly make her believe every awful thing she feared was true: he was glad she broke up with him, because he'd been too much of a coward to break up with her like he wanted to both because of those rape photos and because he was f***** Corrine again.

He did all this awful stuff because he thought it was for her own good. To save her and to shield her. But did we ever think Gideon capable of doing even one deliberate thing that would hurt Eva? Much less for weeks hurting her again, and again, and again, knowing full well she was in agony?

Gideon never meant for Eva to know he'd seen rape photos of her, much less believe they caused him to reject her. Nor did he mean to deliberately let her think he was f***** Corrine again. But he NEVER disavowed her of those awful things that broke her heart into a million pieces and made her think he was glad she left him.

Every other thing on that awful laundry list above, he did deliberately. Thought about it and the possible consequences and still did it anyway. Never stopped even though with every passing incident, the damage he was doing to Eva was getting worse.

Something that actually really angers me about Gideon's whole behavior throughout his God awful way of handling the Eva part of his plot, start to finish, is that he expected her to trust him in the face of deliberate cruelty. Even though he was incapable of trusting her. He expected her to wait. Even though he hadn't raised a finger to stop her from walking out of his life.

He simply planned to wait the cops to go away. Then without any explanation why he hurt her, he expected her to forgive him and take him back. He was never going to tell her the truth about Nathan. He was going to keep lying to her by omission.

I'm glad Eva gave him the wake-up call three weeks later sitting there in the car with him. She told him it really was over, because he never let her in. He believed her. So then and there on the spot, he made the biggest change of his life by letting someone -- letting Eva -- inside to one of the most hidden parts of his soul. THAT's when he finally stopped being cruel to Eva. That's when he proved he still loved her. Thank God she still loved him enough that it worked.

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Corrine waited two whole years before she finally resorted to trying to FORCE the issue about the fact Gideon refused to spend the whole night with her. That's NOT the same as trying nothing to solve the problem. I'm sure she tried several other things before she finally resorted to a gamble as dramatic as proposing marriage.

Corrine thought that because she was now Gideon's fiancée, he would finally start spending entire nights with her. That's the theory Gideon told Eva, and I'm sure he's right about that.

Corrine waited another full year after that for Gideon to finally literally sleep with her -- sleep alongside, that is. But still, he refused to spend the night, and he refused to have sex anywhere other than that hotel. Finally, she resorted to something even more dramatic to try to FORCE the issue. She broke off the engagement.

Corrine thought the threat of losing her would finally make Gideon change. That's also the theory he told Eva, and again I'm sure he's right about it.

My point is this: three weeks -- only three WEEKS -- into succeeding in getting Gideon to start taking her out again, no way in h*** is Corrine going to try to FORCE the issue of the fact Gideon isn't sleeping with her yet. I'm sure she's trying things to attempt to encourage Gideon. But she'll never try forcing the issue to make he do anything beyond what he wants then -- not now, not ever again.

Trying to FORCE Gideon to have sex any other way than on his own terms is how Corrine lost him years ago, something she later felt was the biggest mistake of her life. She's not going to make that mistake again. She will wait and wait and wait for however long it takes now.

And I'm sure Gideon knows this too -- knows Corrine isn't going to upset the apple cart by demanding sex any time soon. This enables him to continue to manipulate Corrine for however many more weeks (or perhaps months) he needs to (to make authorities finally give up on prosecuting him.) Gideon can do this without resorting to perhaps the only thing he WON'T do, which is f*** Corrine.


Hi LNCronan,

What kind of physical affection could Gideon have been showing to Corinne if he was to keep his promise to Eva? There is no way he could have pulled off this “rouseâ€. Yes I believe that Corinne was desperate to get back into Gideon’s life and one of the most important ways that would have affirmed this to Corinne would have been through intimate physical contact.

If what Corinne said was correct in that Gideon was spending all of his free time with her, then each every single time they spent together would have been one step closer to intimacy. I am not saying that they would be having sex so soon, but I seriously couldn’t see Corinne going along with dating a man who refused to have some kind of physical contact. No I am not talking about sex, I am talking about hugging and kissing here.

I also think that when Corinne got desperate and tried to force Gideon to chase after her, it wasn’t the first step for her. I think that she would have tried many different things to try and get Gideon to pay attention to what was going on in their relationship.

Women don’t often leave a relationship when there are signs of first trouble. They often state and state and state their unhappiness over and over and over again. The act of leaving a relationship is usually the very last step. As such, again I don’t think that Corinne didn’t pay attention to those details.

Again let me state this for the record; I am not talking about Corinne having sex with Gideon I am talking about ordinary kind loving gestures that people would share with one another when they are dating. Hugging and kissing is not sex. If Gideon’s entire rouse is that he is reconnecting with the woman that “got away†then how on earth is he going to sell this shtick to Corinne and the general public with those key ingredients? I don’t buy it.

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I do not believe that Gideon would french kiss Corrine. I think he knows that would hurt Eva TOO much, even if she knows it's just an act. Kissing is a very intimate act. I think all of the "romantic acts" Gideon does with Corrine are in public only! 


Hi Jls1216,

I don't think that Gideon would kiss Corinne either; lips, cheeks or otherwise. I think that would be a step too far and it would damage whatever future he and Eva might have. I agree with your position. :)

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Hi LNCronan,

I don’t think that Gideon would have kissed Corinne at all, cheeks, lips or otherwise. Eva is an incredibly jealous and insecure individual and I don’t think that Gideon would hurt Eva like that. Go back to the weekend in Las Vegas when Eva asked Clancy to arrange for someone to guard Gideon. Although Gideon was in business meetings, he honoured Eva’s wishes. He allowed the “three feet†rule to stand and as such those actions tell me, break up or not, Gideon wouldn’t put his potential future relationship in jeopardy by having that kind of Contact with Corinne.

Gideon is trying to fool the world into thinking that he going after the woman who got away. That entire premise would be predicated on the fact that Gideon realized his mistake in letting Corinne get away and if Gideon went through all the trouble of arranging for the paparazzi to catch him in a kiss (with Eva), with someone who no longer means anything to him then what is he going to do to sell the Corinne “rouse�

I believe that Corinne might have even seen the photos of Gideon and Eva kissing. If Eva used Google and other social media websites for information on her boyfriend then who’s to say that Corinne wasn’t doing the same? Surely Corinne would have done a little digging of her own to find out what was standing in her way? Wouldn’t she want to check out the completion? Wouldn’t she want to know what she was up against?

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GiGi, on 26 Mar 2013 - 02:42, said:

Responding to part of GiGi's post this morning:

Gideon is trying to fool the world into thinking that he going after the woman who got away. That entire premise would be predicated on the fact that Gideon realized his mistake in letting Corinne get away and if Gideon went through all the trouble of arranging for the paparazzi to catch him in a kiss (with Eva), with someone who no longer means anything to him then what is he going to do to sell the Corinne “rouse”?

OK, here's my whole case for how it would be child's play for Gideon to fool the media about a Corrine-Gideon-Eva love triangle with Corrine hands down on the winning side -- because Corrine fought hard to get him back, and she won, beating out his latest girlfriend, whom he'd been seeing only a little while. It's a bit long, so bear with me -- this is the former reporter in me laying out all her notes. (And in only a couple of cases, tossing in what we readers know off the record to be the real truth, but all of which would be kept a deep, dark secret from the media. I've put those things in italics.)


Corrine is the one who came back to Gideon, and based on things she'd publicly done, it's simple to establish Corrine chased Gideon, NOT the other way around. Because it's the God's honest truth. Corrine did it in a very public way the minute she moved back to New York. A few weeks later, Gideon started publicly seeing her again. He didn't chase her -- he's now giving her another chance, is the fake story we're being led to believe.


Gideon's a celebrity, and people watch. Here's what witnesses would have seen with their own eyes connected to Corrine's reappearance. In many of these cases, photographers were around. In other cases, plenty of reputable eyewitnesses (prominent members of society) would be all too willing to gossip to reporters. What's more the bulk of what's below is actually true. Every last bit of it reinforces "Corrine chased Gideon, Gideon left Eva, Gideon is now giving Corrine another chance." 


  • Corrine very recently left her husband and she left her home in Europe, moving back to New York. That's easily established via a paper trail, from divorce filing to residency change.
  • As soon as she moved back, she showed up alone at a high profile fundraiser Gideon was certain to attend, because it was a charity he supports. There even was a a press photo gauntlet of people arriving. As soon as Gideon saw Corrine, he went running to her, and she instantly latched onto him. They walked around together, her on his arm, and they quickly went off to the side for an intimate one-on-one serious conversation. (He was telling her not to upset Eva, but people would naturally assume he was thrilled Corrine showed up obviously intending to see him there.)
  • While Gideon was off with Corrine, everyone could see two other socialites he's been dating recently (Eva and Magdalene) sitting together looking miserable, tossing back drinks. Because that was the truth. And because there have been recent celebrity pictures of both women alongside Gideon, everyone there knew he'd been dating Eva recently and Magdalene just prior to Eva.
  • During dinner, Corrine sat next to Gideon, and he spent the whole time talking to her, especially about places they used to go together -- also true. Meanwhile, he didn't even look at Eva, sitting there openly miserable on the other side of him. Finally, someone else at the table took pity on Eva (Dr. Lucas). Things ended with Eva and Gideon arguing and her walking out of the fundraiser.
  • Even before Gideon started seeing Corrine again, soon after Gideon had begun dating Eva, he quit being photographed with Eva. It gives the appearance he'd quickly tired of his latest socialite. (Nathan was back and Gideon switched to a low profile with Eva out of safety concern, but no one would know that, not even Eva herself.)
  • Fast forward a little later in the summer, photos of Gideon and Corrine started appearing -- photos that made it apparent Gideon had started "seeing" Corrine (because Gideon deliberately set it up that way, first to fool Nathan and then very much to fool the police.)
  • Less than a week after the Corrine pictures started showing up, Gideon stopped being seen anywhere near Eva again. Not anywhere in public (even when no photographers were around.) Not at the Crossfire, where she works for another company. However, only two nights ago (two nights before Reflected ends) Gideon walked out of the Crossfire with Corrine, a hand intimately touching her in the small of her back. They were seen climbing into one of his cars together.
  • Gideon wasn't even seeing Eva in private. In fact, he wasn't even talking to her PERIOD. She was 100% history -- even she herself believed it. You could have asked her best friend, her family, even Eva herself -- any one of them would say Gideon was DONE with her. (And for all we know, Cary Taylor might have been gossiping about that among fashion industry folks he knows.)

And here's the background story from just before Corrine came running back. All of this is pretty easy for the media to establish either through existing material and/or talking to people who know Gideon and/or Corrine. In fact, even some people who know Eva would think some of it is true.

  • Gideon saw Corrine exclusively for three years, including a year-long engagement. She's was his first serious girlfriend and the only woman he's ever indicated publicly he loved enough to want to marry her. (Yes, Gideon did love Corrine -- but he wasn't IN LOVE. Big difference, but no one else would know.)
  • Corrine had been the one who broke the engagement years ago, so that does count as "the one who got away." Based on the fact one of Gideon's oldest friends, Magdalene, firmly believed that herself, it's safe to say Gideon's never told anyone the real circumstances of why the engagement ended. (Why would he? He let Corrine walk away dignity intact, not telling people they broke up over a serious problem with their sex life.)
  • It's possible (I say likely) Corrine's been privately telling other people the same thing she told Eva herself: she believes the "biggest mistake of her life" had been walking away from Gideon years ago.
  • Eva is a socialite Gideon started seeing near the start of the summer. She was the latest in a long line of socialites photographed as Gideon Cross arm candy at benefit fundraisers recent years. What's strange is Eva wasn't his "type" -- she wasn't a brunette. Gideon has been famous for preferring brunettes, and most of high society knew it too (even Eva's own mother knew that.)
  • Sure, there's a picture of Gideon kissing Eva (that's new - no paparazzi has managed to catch him in a lip lock before. But that's not proof of love -- that's one photographer who got really lucky, because Gideon tipped him off on impulse.) And yes, because of that picture, Gideon did let out through his PR people that Eva was currently the "significant woman" in his life.
  • But so what if his PR people are saying she's a serious girlfriend. The very next day that the "Gideon's latest girlfriend" photo hit, more tabloid pictures cropped of Eva -- with the guy she lives with, model Cary Taylor. Maybe something was going on there. Meanwhile, another photographer got a shot of Gideon and Magdalene together outside a restaurant, supposedly Magdalene consoling him over the Eva/Cary betrayal. Gideon's "bevy of beauties" his how one tabloid put it.
  • After Eva-with-Cary and Gideon-with-Magdalene simultaneously hit the online tabloids, Eva and Gideon got into a fight in public in Bryant Park. Some witnesses caught cell-phone candids, but that's it.
  • In the background, Eva suddenly becoming tabloid fodder because she was seeing Gideon is what prompted her to warn Gideon she had buried secret - she was raped for four years by a stepbrother. After that, Gideon was careful about Eva in the spotlight.
  • To our knowledge, Gideon walking the press photo gauntlet, Eva on his arm, into the very fundraiser Corrine crashed is the last existing public photo of him and Eva together, period.
  • As for photos of him going out with Corrine again, he very carefully set those up ahead of time, either through paparazzi tip offs or in the case of a work-related publicity party, had his people expressly invite the media. And in front of everyone, he had his arm around Corrine's waist.

Bottom line: What more could you want, readers and viewers alike? This reporter can tell you Gideon Cross and and Corrine Giroux have a significant past history, and Corrine just left her husband. Then she moved back to New York all the way from Europe. Corrine very obviously latched onto Gideon soon as she came back to NYC. EvaTrammell, who'd been with him only a few weeks, had already started fading from the public spotlight even before Corrine came back. In fact, the last time Gideon posed for a picture with Eva happened to be the same night Corrine showed up and snagged him from right under Eva's nose in the middle of a fundraiser before a whole crowd of people. Eva got so upset she finally walked out, but not after having sat there ignored and humiliated throughout the entire meal itself. Only a few weeks later, Corrine suddenly emerged into the public spotlight alongside Gideon, who obviously cares for her, judging from pictures of the pair of them together. She's even been spotted coming and going from his office tower, the Crossfire. Meanwhile, Eva utterly vanished from his life, public and private.

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Hi LNCronan,

That theory is plausible but from the perspective that Corinne deluded herself from the beginning that she could have Gideon. I just think that Gideon didn’t help her along by falsely dating her. I think that maybe she had those thoughts to begin with, became disillusioned and then finally snapped.

I think that someone helped her go “over the edge†though. If it wasn’t Gideon who helped Corinne go over the edge, then who did the honours? It will be really interesting to see how the Corinne storyline plays out. What do you think? What does everyone think?

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I'm not making the mistake of thinking that Corrine must be normal, or even better that lesser mortals, just because she's stunningly beautiful, polished, comes from money and could have her pick of any man. And so she's not going to settle for anything less than worship from Gideon -- and that she's about to walk because after only a few weeks of seeing her again, Gideon has not yet proven his desire by making her his lover.



Truth of the matter is judging by the way she desperately chases Gideon, she's got even less self esteem on a good day than Eva on a bad one.

This is a woman who devoted three desperate years chasing Gideon -- to get him to even go out with her, then to sleep with her, then agree to marry her. Finally after three years, she threw down an ultimatum "start spending the whole night with me or I walk." She quit chasing -- and that's how she lost him. Biggest mistake of her life, she believes. Now she's chasing again, desperately chasing. The last thing she'd do right now is "prove you want me by making love to me or else I walk." 

Corrine is dysfunctional. So is the beautiful, polished, comes from money Eva -- though Eva has gotten help for it and thus made progress, she's still hot mess as the result of having been brutally victimized when she was. young. Gideon, who is ultimately hot and insanely rich is an even hotter mess because of the same sort of demons. Who knows what demons drive Corrine to avoid looking inward and instead focus all her attention outward on chasing another human being just out of her reach. Who has always been just out of reach.

I think the very fact Gideon still is just out of reach is what will continue to make Corrine keep trying desperately now to land him. In her own twisted way, she probably believes that if only she tries hard enough, she will finally reach him, and getting him will magically fix what's broken inside of her, making her life perfect. An all too common dysfunctional way certain codependent people self-sabotage their own relationships and their own lives.


She's in the same lather-rinse-repeat cycle she started a decade ago:  she if she chases, the same thing will happen: Gideon will openly make her his girlfriend, then he will sleep with her, and ultimately he will marry her. It could take months to become the girlfriend/lover and maybe a couple of years to become the wife, but she'll wait.

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Do you think that maybe Cary was anonymously feeding gossip tidbits to tabloid rags or gossip sites for a bit of cash? Something that you said made me stop and wonder. What do you think? What does everyone think?


He'd never sell out Eva literally. Nor ever deliberately trash Eva. But he's possibly a terrible gossip surrounded by other beautiful people who also are terrible gossips and who sometimes may pump him for inside info on the deal between his socialite roommate and her celebrity boyfriend.

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