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The New Entwined Clues Sylvia Is Posting

LN Cronan

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Hi Gigi

I was just going to say the same thing as you, regarding the reputation of Eva, being dragged through the courts. After all, Victor is still in the dark about his daughters abuse. Will Victor ever find out? The press would have had a field day.

Yes Gideon killed for Eva, but at what cost to himself. "I'd kill for you, give up everything I own for you. But I won't give you up"

Gideon said in the excerpt of his pov, that he would do it again, just to make Eva feel safe. He obviously doesn't trust the law to protect her, because no one was there to protect him as a child when he was abused. All comes down to TRUST.

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Until I read it and have it confirm on my own, not even SD interview yesterday will convince me that Gideon liked Nathan.

Call me stubborn but I still don't think he killed Nathan!

 Hi KiMa,

I like your thinking!  I was wondering what if Sylvia was throwing out another "red herring" of sorts?  What if this is a way to stir up everyone and then dish out another surprise in June?  I agree with you, I think that I too will wait until June to see if Gideon's fate is sealed. :)

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Hi Gigi

I was just going to say the same thing as you, regarding the reputation of Eva, being dragged through the courts. After all, Victor is still in the dark about his daughters abuse. Will Victor ever find out? The press would have had a field day.

Yes Gideon killed for Eva, but at what cost to himself. "I'd kill for you, give up everything I own for you. But I won't give you up"

Gideon said in the excerpt of his pov, that he would do it again, just to make Eva feel safe. He obviously doesn't trust the law to protect her, because no one was there to protect him as a child when he was abused. All comes down to TRUST.

 Hi Julie54,

I agree that Gideon has serious trust issues.  I just don't think that this is as simple as it is being made out to be.  Eva is a socialite and Monica and Stanton (by proxy) have all gone to a serious amount of trouble to protect Eva's reputation.  Monica and Stanton even agreed (in the end) to payoff Nathan's blackmail.  It also appears that Gideon may have been colluding with Monica (and maybe Stanton), the Monday night after Cary was attacked.


What I don't understand is that with all of Gideon's money (Monica's/Stanton's money) how on earth could none of these individuals have had any faith that the law would protect them?  Nathan was blatently trying to commit extortion.  He was also in possession of physical tangible proof of his brutal rapes and torture of Eva (presumably), and his documentation of said crimes is considered to be child .  How could none of these well educated individuals have not thought for one minute that Nathan would be charged and convicted of these crimes?

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Must admit, I was surprised Sylvia answered that question. I would have thought she would have kept us hanging till June. She must have her reasons.

If I was a betting person, Monica is still the suspect for me. A mother would protect her child at any cost. With Gideons help.

All will be revealed in June or will it? You never know with Sylvia.

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 Hi Julie54,

I also wanted to add that Gideon now has to live with the fact that he murdered another human being for the rest of his life.  That is an extremely heavy burden to carry around.  All romance aside, Gideon is going to have to figure out how he is going to live with this fact and I think that in the grand scheme of things, these events will end up causing far more trouble than Nathan's presence ever did.


Nathan's murder will be the one thing that will remain between these two for the rest of their lives.  In a way, Nathan has won the battle.  The man who caused Eva so much harm in her younger days will now haunt Gideon and Eva for the rest of their adult days. How could that be considered a victory?  Where is the romance in that?  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

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Must admit, I was surprised Sylvia answered that question. I would have thought she would have kept us hanging till June. She must have her reasons.

If I was a betting person, Monica is still the suspect for me. A mother would protect her child at any cost. With Gideons help.

All will be revealed in June or will it? You never know with Sylvia.

Hi Julie54,

I am not sure if you got the TV show Dallas in the UK.  I wonder if Sylvia will throw out a twist like they did on Dallas when Bobby got killed off and then two years later Pam (his wife) opened the shower door to find her husband very much alive.  The writers explained that "Bobby's death" was all just a dream.  Could Sylvia be doing something like this to her loyal fans?  One can only hope. :)

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I agree fully with you. The only conclusion I can come too, is that after Cary was attacked, Gideon realised Eva was in mortal danger. The readers don't know yet how he knew this. We are surmising that Gideon was having Nathan followed. The surveillance team told Gideon, that's when his plan was put into action.

Hopefully these areas will be explained in June.

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 Hi KiMa,

I like your thinking!  I was wondering what if Sylvia was throwing out another "red herring" of sorts?  What if this is a way to stir up everyone and then dish out another surprise in June?  I agree with you, I think that I too will wait until June to see if Gideon's fate is sealed. :)

Yep! I want to read it for certain. She answered that way too quickly and we have been asking about this repeated and nothing from her on her or for that matter in the snippets or snap shots.

I don't buy it at all. I will wait until I read it. Lol

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Must admit, I was surprised Sylvia answered that question. I would have thought she would have kept us hanging till June. She must have her reasons.

If I was a betting person, Monica is still the suspect for me. A mother would protect her child at any cost. With Gideons help.

All will be revealed in June or will it? You never know with Sylvia.

She should reveal that chapter in May as until I read it, I will continue to main Gideon DIDN'T KILL NATHAN.

It's odd she will reveal this on this (no offense) small radio station and not disclose this officially to her most loyal fans!!!

I am highly suspicious.

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Not sure what to say without offending anyone..! So I guess we all can agree to disagree..!

But Kima It did cross my mind that yes she answered the question but she didn't detail it, if angus, Monica or Stanton had anything to do with it and it was Gideon's idea that Nathan needed to be killed then technically " he did kill him" he would be just as guilty as the person that actually killed Nathan because planning and knowing about a murder before hand makes you no better than that person..!

So why would it make a difference if he actually did it or him having a hand in knowing or help planning it..!? He would still be a murderer the LAWS eyes..!! ( I'm Just Saying..!!)

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Does Sylvia realise what a hornets nest she has stirred up?

I can't write fast enough to keep up with you guys. Lol

Hi Julie54, 

I think that Sylvia must surely be enjoying herself. :)  We are all sitting here in one camp or another, just stewing, or fuming, or giggling with glee over the news.  Oh how the publishers must be loving all this activity!  :)

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Lol. I am sure she did. Well I for one don't believe it. I want to read that it myself, analyze it. Sadly I don't trust that disclosure

Lol. I am sure she did. Well I for one don't believe it. I want to read that it myself, analyze it. Sadly I don't trust that disclosure

I agree we will have to wait until June 4th or beyond...

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She should reveal that chapter in May as until I read it, I will continue to main Gideon DIDN'T KILL NATHAN.

It's odd she will reveal this on this (no offense) small radio station and not disclose this officially to her most loyal fans!!!

I am highly suspicious.

Hi KiMa,

I keep thinking about all the shows of the past, where the viewer was lead to believe one thing when really at the end, the storyline took a completely different turn.  I keep hoping that this is just going to be some kind of bad dream of sorts and in the end we the readers will have been reading all about a really bad dream sequence that either Eva or Gideon had...fingers crossed! :)

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Not sure what to say without offending anyone..! So I guess we all can agree to disagree..!

But Kima It did cross my mind that yes she answered the question but she didn't detail it, if angus, Monica or Stanton had anything to do with it and it was Gideon's idea that Nathan needed to be killed then technically " he did kill him" he would be just as guilty as the person that actually killed Nathan because planning and knowing about a murder before hand makes you no better than that person..!

So why would it make a difference if he actually did it or him having a hand in knowing or help planning it..!? He would still be a murderer the LAWS eyes..!! ( I'm Just Saying..!!)

Hi MrsCrossfire,

Do you think that Gideon killed Nathan?  What's your take on the situation?

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Hi KiMa,

I keep thinking about all the shows of the past, where the viewer was lead to believe one thing when really at the end, the storyline took a completely different turn.  I keep hoping that this is just going to be some kind of bad dream of sorts and in the end we the readers will have been reading all about a really bad dream sequence that either Eva or Gideon had...fingers crossed! :)

I am a romance fanatic and honestly if it turns our he did it them fine. For now, I don't by it and it doesn't add up.

Oh SD, what chaos you have caused. Her disclosure just caused ton of unrest more than anything else, but for me, I will continue as I have been. Gideon didn't kill Nathan

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Not sure what to say without offending anyone..! So I guess we all can agree to disagree..!

But Kima It did cross my mind that yes she answered the question but she didn't detail it, if angus, Monica or Stanton had anything to do with it and it was Gideon's idea that Nathan needed to be killed then technically " he did kill him" he would be just as guilty as the person that actually killed Nathan because planning and knowing about a murder before hand makes you no better than that person..!

So why would it make a difference if he actually did it or him having a hand in knowing or help planning it..!? He would still be a murderer the LAWS eyes..!! ( I'm Just Saying..!!)

No worries. We are all soo pationate about these characters. I just have fate in these two. They have way too much complexities to go through rather than throwing in this "huge moral guilt" in their way.

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