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Posts posted by BettyY37

  1. Before I read CBY, I expected a letdown.  Usually in a series there is at least one very weak book.  Today I am surprised.


    I may be in the minority but I think this is the best book in the series so far.  In one of her interviews, Sylvia said her editor told her not to change a thing in Captivated By You and now I understand why.  This does not mean I would not have liked more resolutions but I accept the idea that this is where Gideon and Eva are in their relationship to each other and the significant people around them.


    Because I know there is more to come, I can put the troublemakers in their corners and wait for Team Cross to deliver their knockout blows on their way to their HEA.



    I really hope One With You has Gideon playing on the Outer Bank with his sons and daughter. 

  2. Several comments in this topic have used the word "filler" to describe Captivated By You.  We know there is another book and anyone who has read all of CBY knows there are still a lot of questions we hope to get answered.


    I have searched for a different word that fits what Sylvia has done with this book for me.  For me, this is "a book of revelations".


    There is so much insight to Gideon and how he became the man he is.  In revealing him, we also learn much more about his family, Corinne, Arnoldo, and even Hugh and Anne.  We learn about his male friendships.  His shows his work ethics and style. So much happens, it is hard to quickly summarize.


    As Sylvia stated, the focus is Gideon but more of Eva is also revealed.


    When I finished I did feel there is so much more to be said.  Thank goodness a book can be as long as the author needs to bring the story to fruition.

  3. Men you have to LOVE in Captivated By You.....besides Gideon


    Chris Senior with his it is never too late to stand up for you step-son attitude

          Knocking out Dr Terry

          Standing up to Christopher Junior regarding a new "Golden" video

          Challenging Monica for not telling him what happened to Gideon


    Benjamin Clancy for helping out behind the scenes


    Trey for working so hard to stand by his man


    Raul Huerta for quietly taking care of Gideon and his lady


    Angus McLeod the observant father figure


    Victor for being a dad in any and every way he can 

          for his instincts (knowing Eva was struggling)

          support (not sure about Gideon but if he is what Eva wants)

          and paying for the wedding!


    Dr. Travis and Dr. Petersen


    and the friends for being great friends

         Arnoldo, Manuel, Arash, Mark and Steven

  4. My kindle edition on my cell says "Coming soon from Penguin Books" but mine is the UK edition, and also says:


    First published in the United States of America by The Berkley Publishing Group, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 2014

    First published in Great Britain by Penguin Books 2014


    ... so I guess you are both right


    Thanks for the clarification but now I am not as optimistic about a speedy release for One With You.


    I am desperate for their HEA!

  5. Chris Vidal Sr. & Elizabeth


    I have a new found respect for him. I've liked him since his introduction because:

    1. It showed the type of man he was by not being too proud to ask Gideon for a bailout when Vidal Records was not doing so well
    2. It also showed the type of man he was by how he handled his relationship (what little there was) with Gideon after. (there was no indication of shame [for the bailout] on his part, he didn't seem awkward because of the bailout [no more so than the usual step-parent/step-child relationship] in his interactions with Gideon)

    Granted we didn't know much about him until this book but Gideon never really spat and cursed his name like he did his mother's, he never really despised that a step dad was around to "replace" the dad he lost or ignored him in favour of his own biological kids. There was just indifference and I've always chalked that up to him being STEP dad and not Dad.


    I must say that I am not the least bit surprised that he didn't know about Gideon's abuse. I think if CV Jr had made the claim to Elizabeth he would have been included since he is his dad but I'm not the least bit surprised that Elizabeth didn't tell  him for two reasons:

    1. She was probably embarrassed that she was unaware of the abuse (when she was initially told).
    2. CV Sr was not Gideon's real dad so she probably did not want to include his claims and ruin the fresh start that she wanted so badly. (before and after she had Gideon's story checked out). I think if she had believed Gideon, then CV Sr would have been included.

    They did mention that she didn't just pick up and move on with her life after Gideon's dad's suicide but did a complete REFRESH instead so her excluding CV Sr when it came to Gideon's claims was not surprising to me.


    On the other hand, that really was a big secret to keep. Especially considering that CV Sr admitted to loving Gideon as if he were his own. I believe him. I think he took it the same way he would if Elizabeth not telling him about Ireland or CV Jr being abused. I also think it was a huge upset to him that she didn't believe him.


    I may be in the minority here, but Elizabeth was also placed in an impossible situation regarding the abuse allegations. I kind of feel for her when she says she had him checked out and nothing turned up. I mean I would believe my child no matter what but I think she was at a disadvantage of not understanding Gideon, being distracted with CV Jr and Ireland and also not understanding first hand abuse like Eva does. It was probably a hard and confusing time for her as well.


    You have got to LOVE Chris Senior when it comes to his reaction to Gideon's abuse.  He not only did not believe Dr. Terry, he knocked him out cold!!!


    Regarding Elizabeth, stress or no stress, why ask the brother-in-law of Gideon's abuser to check out anything.  Her picking him to exam Gideon never made sense.  I guess when Terry has time to prepare his story he is more convincing because he did not fool Chris Senior.

  6. Don't think Brett took any money from Gideon. I remember reading that he tore up the contract, so that should have negated the taking of any money.

    speaking of money....don't think Corrine has actually written the book yet, but got an advance to write one. Gideon tried to buy out the advance so that she wouldn't write it, but she said she had to do it....?? what a loser, she should go back to France to work things out with her husband!

    You are correct Brett did not take the money.  Gideon, however, is very concerned because he is forcing Christopher and Vidal Records to reshot the "Golden" video.  To Gideon that implies Brett still has deep feelings for Eva and has not completely given up on her.


    I am not Giroux is still an option for Corinne.  The divorce may have been his idea after she ran away to be with Gideon, the way her family treated him at the hospital and the loss of his child.  I think Eva's comment to Trey about relationships that don't work out, "I'd want to know he was as miserable as I was." explains Corinne's behavior and says Eva is just as capable.

  7. Hi Everyone,

    I have been not been around for a while, patiently waiting for the release of Captivated By You. Like many of you I am not sure how I feel. I have to say that usually I put the book down with a strong sense of the charAchters and where they are in the story.

    I feel there was enormous growth in Gideon but there just seemed to be more added to the story, we don't really have any closure with any of the villains as of yet. Book five seems like it is going to have a massive climax with many differnt people and while Gedeon and Eva are only building their relationship again it is a bit scary.

    I agree!!  A lot happens but there is no closure.


    I do love that Gideon and Eva agree to let Victor pay for their wedding.  That was very touching.

  8. This makes me a little nervous. I am one of those people that has both read and listened to this series.   I have really high hopes and hope that he does Gideon justice.  We all know how hard is when a Narrator doesn't do a book justice.  


    I'm nervous too.  Jill was so good!!  I tried to get a sample of Jeremy York on Audible but only CBY was listed.


    Let's keep our fingers crossed.  We only have a few more hours to wait.

  9. Posted Yesterday, 05:13 PM


    per Kirsten posted above yesterday

    I have to do a little bit of research, but I think the gambling age in Vegas wasn't 21 until  2003. Considering 'Bared to You' was first released in 2012 I think it's possible Gideon could have won that money when he was only 18ish.



    My reply


    I have lived in Las Vegas since 1997 and I do not remember the legal minimum age to gamble ever being less than 21 since I have lived here.  However, I confess it was not an issue for me.


    Regarding an implied timeline for Gideon, he was attending Columbia University where he met Corinne during his first year.   "I said yes (to her proposal) for the wrong reason.  After two years of hanging out...." per Gideon in Bared to You.   Magdalene told Eva Corinne and Gideon had been engaged for over a year in Bared to You but it is not clear whether that year was part of the "two" Gideon referred to or it came after dating for two years.  If it was after "hanging out" that would support coming to Las Vegas at twenty-one or so.




  10. my random thoughts.

    Yes, we need a better timeline of Gideon's life. Like when the abuse started and when and how it stopped. How he got his start (at what age). He said he gambled and counted cards, you have to be 21 to gamble (legally) If he met Corrine in college and dated for about 2 yrs, what age did he leave college. Age stated for Gideon is 28, so he has been a busy boy!!!

    Just throwing this out, while driving I saw a car made by Chrylser named 'CROSSFIRE'. That would be a good birthday gift for Eva, if we knew when her birthday, and Gideon's for that matter, was.

    Why is Elizabeth so bent out of shape over the ring, other than the fact Eva now has it. Did she loose it during the debt collection from the ponzi scheme? Just glad he never gave it to Corrine.

    Tuesday can't get here soon enough. Wonder if we will get a Tuesday/teaser, 18 chapters is too short for me!!


    I want a better Gideon timeline too.  He had to be twenty-one to win a lot alf money in Vegas.  They would have checked before they paid.


    Elizabeth does not like Eva because: she knows about Eva's past and recent relationship with Brett Kline: she fears Eva will use Gideon's abuse to hurt him; and because Eva was "vicious" to her at the charity dinner, she feels Eva has an "ugly side" that Gideon does not know about.

  11. They've both got their hands full with their new mothers-in-law, don't they? ;-)

    Gideon and his mother are really going to be interesting.  Since she said she had warned Gideon before about Eva, that probably explains her behavior toward Eva when she came to the hospital regarding Corinne.  I had wondered why the about face after the warm reception at the garden party.


    One of the saddest quotes from Gideon's POV was sometimes not being able to look at himself because he looked so much like his mother and he could not stand to looking at her :sad02:  

  12. Its kinda creepy Anne had to work him when you think about who her brother was but it might explain why Gideon couldn't instantly perform with her. I wonder if there's any family resemblance. That would be really dark. I love having Gideon's point of view but I think it's going to be a scary ride inside him.

    Gideon said Anne looks just like her brother in the picture Raul took of her.

  13. It could be possible that the boy Ireland is dating is Ryan Landon's son. Her boyfriend is named Rick and Im sure that Ryan is not as young as Gideon LOL 28 year old billionaires are rare. Ryan may be in his early to mid forties and certainly young enough to tangle with Gideon for many years to come.

    I had the same idea that  Ryan might be the father of Ireland's boyfriend!

  14. It could be possible that the boy Ireland is dating is Ryan Landon's son. Her boyfriend is named Rick and Im sure that Ryan is not as young as Gideon LOL 28 year old billionaires are rare. Ryan may be in his early to mid forties and certainly young enough to tangle with Gideon for many years to come.

    I was thinking Ryan was the father of Ireland's boyfriend too!

  15. Sylvia had me captured with the shower scene.  I love the POV style especially Gideon's.  Someone mentioned above in this form, we readers tend to be interested in the lead male perspective.


    Based on the teasers that have been posted, I fear the timeframe for this book may only be a long weekend.  While the time maybe short, the emotions played out by the characters will likely be intense.


    I am sure there will be plenty to discuss but I do hope Penguin has mercy and does not make us wait too long for the final book.

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