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Posts posted by Kirsten

  1. I don't think Eva will cheat on Gideon. Especially now that they are married. In fact i think when she see's Brett she will tell him she's engaged and hopefully he will take a hint. Plus it's not fair for her to try and be friends with him.


    I am hoping she doesn't cheat. Honestly her kissing Brett in RIY was hard enough for me to stomach. I understand she is unconsciously doing all of this with Brett, but enough is enough already. I don't think Brett is going to give up. She has told him point blank that she loves Gideon and he doesn't care. She really should have no loyalty to Brett. Why she felt she needed to support him is beyond me. She has had no contact with him for how many years... why pick up now?

  2. I agree Anne Lucas makes me crazy and I think she latched onto Corinne too.  I think Eva is thinking the same thing. 


    There is no way that I will give Corinne a pass I still HATE her and Sylvia will have to go a long way to make me like her in the slightest.  In fact, I'm not sure I ever will.  I feel so bad for Gideon that he is taking all this on himself and feeling cursed. 


    I really have to go to work now. 



    I want to add about Anne... WTF is up with her try to get to Cary. I understand the why, but what kind of marriage do her and Dr. Terry have? Who would accept this type of behavior from their spouse? Why stay together?


    Who is Michael? Why is Megumi suddenly "sick"

  3. Eva is being kind of a hypocrite here with the whole Brett situation. She told Gideon to cut Corinne loose yet she's still latching on to Brett. I think it was LN who said that she might be subconsciously trying to get back at Gideon. This may be so and if it is then she needs to cut him loose. I have a feeling when they go to San Diego its not going to end well.


    I also think her meeting up with Brett is TROUBLE. I can only hope that Cary is with her, that Dr. Travis helps to enlighten her, and last but not least she remembers she's MARRIED. BTW I loved that picturegate gave us a huge clue as to what would happen. :)

  4. This thread is being started so we can all have a place to put our questions that we want Sylvia to answer. Obviously she will not be able to answer all since we have two more book to go... YAY!



    My question still is what was with the back and forth between Gideon and Elizabeth regarding Cary at the garden party?



    It is obvious that Gideon and Angus have a very close relationship, will we find out more about it, it book 4 or 5?

  5. Of all the things bothering me it was what the red head said to Eva at the party " she must be good in bed he always fix# ING her " I no it was Ann Lucas bit I hope there's no truth to it.. Also this Deanna chic does any one think there was more between her and G I mean taking her out to a bar to talk made me feel uneasy..

    I don't feel uncomfortable about Gideon taking Deanna for a drink. I understood why it was done, but obviously with her behavior at the gala, she is going to do her best to get back into Mr. Cross' bed.


    As far as Anne goes I took the info as her trying to play on Eva's insecurities. Gideon would have no reason to lie about his past relationship with Deanna.

  6. Just a heads up for everyone. Sylvia has given a video interview to one of the more popular book bloggers. She has just completed the interview and will be posting it at some point today. I will try and post it here when I see it, but I am going to be out for hours so here's the link to her fb page.   http://www.facebook.com/aestasbookblog?ref=stream&hc_location=stream   If anyone sees it, try and bring it over. Thank you!

  7. I find it interesting.  I find it so much more difficult to read off of a computer screen for an extended period of time.  I also find that I get tired far more easily.  I don't know if there is something to it, but maybe I like having a book near me so just in case I fall asleep then I can still absorb the written material by osmosis....ok, now I am kidding. 


    I HATE reading a book on my computer. Sometimes it is necessary for me, but I normally avoid it if at all possible. I love my kindle now, but even that took time to get used to. I still love the feel of a paperback in my hands.

  8. Hi Kirsten,

    I don't know if Sylvia will have spoilers yet.  She is in the middle of writing her next book and it hasn't been approved by the editors yet either, so how can she spoil something that isn't concreate?  Do you know what I mean?


    I think that your questions and everyone else's will be straight up fair game until the next book is sent to the presses.  What do you think?  What does everyone think?

    Hey GiGi, how have you been? I do know what you mean. ;)  LOL.  I'm wondering who will be publishing the next two. I am actually hoping she goes back to self publishing. :)

  9. cavilla-body-54601501.jpg










    Okay do I have your attention now. :)I emailed Sylvia last night really just to encourage her with all of these baseless awful reviews, and to ask her a few questions. When she gets back from Australia she said she would pop on the board here to answer any questions we might have. I think that we should do a thread marked "Questions for Sylvia Regarding The Crossfire Series," and just put all of our unanswered questions in there. This way she can see them and then respond to whatever is not a spoiler. What does everyone think?

  10. Great minds think alike, Kirsten -- I posted the same thing over on the book four thread. Well worth mentioning repeatedly, though -- Penguin, are you reading this site? You need to be very, very, VERY nice to Sylvia.

    :) LN.  This just made me wonder even more if Sylvia is staying with Penguin. I have known since January that she was not happy with what was going on she is very fan friendly and super approachable, so Penguin messing with the release date was something that I was sure had to weigh on her.

  11. I'll mention this here as well as in one other thread... I emailed Sylvia last night really just to encourage her with all of these baseless awful reviews, and to ask her a few questions. When she gets back from Australia  she said she would pop on the board here to answer any questions we might have. I think that we should do a thread marked Questions for Sylvia Regarding The Crossfire Series, and just put all of our unanswered questions in there. This way she can see them and then respond to whatever is not a spoiler. What does everyone think?

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