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The New Entwined Clues Sylvia Is Posting

LN Cronan

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Between the Brett-related snippet and the Chapter 4 snapshot, Cary apparently had been hanging around with Eva and Brett in Times Square at some music PR event. So he's clearly turned the corner on recovering from his injuries.


I wonder whether Eva, spending stolen time with Gideon and now totally focused on him, might have been in the dark about the true status of Cary and his pain meds,  -- but that in Chapter 8, she comes home to a crisis situation, like Cary passed out cold on the couch.


And yes, sending Cary to a short-term stint in rehab to detox him from drug withdrawal might be what happens here. It's one of the medical options sometimes used in cases like this: where a recovering drug addict absolutely must be prescribed powerful narcotics, short term, because of very serious injuries, then discovers, when it is time to start weaning off the medication, it's impossible to do so on her/her own.

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I am starting to come around to the thinking of if this isn't about Cary and the pain meds, then somewhere along the way in Chapters 7 and 8, Eva went out partying while Gideon sat home, part of the act for the cops' benefit. Per those snippets, she drunk dialed him, and he met her at the club. Now she's nursing a hangover.


Chapter one starts on Wednesday evening, and it looks like chapter two is them waking up together Thursday morning. Chapter three is likely Thursday at work. So by chapter 8, we're likely into the weekend now.

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Sylvia has posted on Facebook.

She is hoping to create a event in New York for the launch of EWY. June 4 or 5th.

Asking who would be interested in attending.

Am so jealous, as I'm the wrong side of the Atlantic. (Coming to New York next year for daughters 21st birthday).

What a fantastic idea.

This woman rocks!!!

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I don't think this is about pregnancy...You're not supposed to be taking meds when you're pregnant. Plus Sylvia had said they weren't ready for babies yet.


Looks more like cold medicine, cough drops maybe. So, who could be sick? Eva or Cary maybe?  We know Gideon's apartment is dark and warm, w/ Eva's being more modern.

Maybe hangover...antacids? lol.

I also don't think it's about Cary's drug use. I could be wrong tho. Only June 4th will tell us!


Fun fun game here!


I just saw on Twitter that she'll be releasing the first chapter May 7th! :)  Maybe some more snippets until then? :)

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To ###### with Penquin.

Sylvia come to my house in UK. Will show you some English hospitality. We can party!

We can have our own convention.

Julie54 I'd come down from Scotland to your house and along with your English hospitality we could show her some Scottish hospitality just need some welsh and Irish hospitality and we'd have the whole UK and all without the need for penguin publishers

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Julie54 it's all to do with when our book stores re stock shelves.

I asked Sylvia this on twitter cause I thought one of the reasons the release date had been changed was so everywhere got it at the same time.

But thankfully it doesn't affect e books you'll be able to read EWY on your kindle or electronic tablet.

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I am thankful to finally be able to post on this site. I have been following for a while and love all the different dialog.

I have a question that may have been answered a while ago. When Magdelene went to visit Eva at work, and Eva sent her to Gideon, was it ever discussed why Magdalene was there to see Eva and what was Gideon's reaction. This has been bothering me for a while. Thanks for any ideas.

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Hi Ript.

It was never discussed, apart from Eva thinking she was there to cause mischief.

Eva asked Scott to sort her out! Someone came to collect her.

Whether she went up to Gideon, or down to the foyer we don't know. Little minx!

It's been so good being able to join in with the forum. Reading everyone's explanations has opened the storyline up so much.

I was hoping Nathan was stabbed by a neighbour for playing his music to loud!, and that Gideon or Monica were innocent. Sorry only kidding.

I'm sure we shall be analysing these books for a long time.

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I am thankful to finally be able to post on this site. I have been following for a while and love all the different dialog.

I have a question that may have been answered a while ago. When Magdelene went to visit Eva at work, and Eva sent her to Gideon, was it ever discussed why Magdalene was there to see Eva and what was Gideon's reaction. This has been bothering me for a while. Thanks for any ideas.


Gideon and Eva never got around to talking about whether Magdalene had gone up to his office or had left, but my guess is that Magdalene left. Gideon and Eva were in crisis at the time, and indeed that day was the first of a four-day break-up. (She'd witnessed a full-fledged nightmare of his the night before and walked out on him because he lied to her; the next day, Gideon returned Eva's keys to her via an interoffice envelope with a Dear Jane note a little later that day, after Magdalene's showing up and unrelated to Magdalene entirely.)


Fast forward four days later, when Gideon chased Eva down (at the Vidal garden party) and the pair of them reconciled. Magdalene became a non-issue -- she caught Gideon and Eva having sex in the library and went running to Christopher Jr., who "consoled" her by f****** her out on the grounds of the estate - Cary secretly videotaped Christopher Jr. doing so as a warning to Eva about what a scumbag the guy was, and the next day, Gideon saw the video on Eva's smartphone the same time Eva did.


Later that week, Gideon told Eva he invited Magdalene up to his office for lunch so that he could privately (and kindly) show her (Magdalene) videotaped proof she was ruthlessly being used by Christopher.


What's interesting about Gideon being honest with Eva that he had met with Magdalene was the only time Gideon ever initiated Magdalene as a topic. The only other times they ever discussed Magdalene was when Eva brought the subject up. This pattern of Gideon refusing to talk about other women unless forced to do so was very much a pattern -- strikingly so as far as Corrine went. I think it was his reaction to Eva's jealousy problem -- he figured (correctly) she'd probably get upset (and he was right.) But keeping things from Eva just made matters worse, because it fed her raging insecurity. So they were both wrong in their failure to communicate.


It'll be interesting to read the frank conversation they have in Entwined about the roles Corrine and Brett both played in the second, much longer, estrangement between Gideon and Eva.

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I think Gideon want to test her limits sexually without freaking her out, and pushing her too far.

He realises he has to be very careful regarding her triggers. He wants her total submission.

He needs total control. Which he lost when he was raped and abused.

Eva says she is not a submissive and can't give up control because of her sexual abuse, but she does to Gideon. Allowing her to enjoy her sexual experiences with Gideon as opposed to being insecure and tense with previous partners.

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I am thankful to finally be able to post on this site. I have been following for a while and love all the different dialog.

I have a question that may have been answered a while ago. When Magdelene went to visit Eva at work, and Eva sent her to Gideon, was it ever discussed why Magdalene was there to see Eva and what was Gideon's reaction. This has been bothering me for a while. Thanks for any ideas.

 Hi Ript,

It was my understanding that Gideon did have a talk with Magdalene.  I would think that if anyone were to upset Eva, Gideon would have been right on that situation.  I don't think that Gideon would have allowed anything or anyone to upset Eva regardless of what was going on;  false, misperceived or otherwise, I am sure that Gideon would have done something about it.


I also think that regardless of what was going on between Eva and Gideon, if Eva left a message with Scott or any other staff member (of Gideon's), I would think that they would have been given strict instructions to inform Gideon if Eva called and what the details were (for the call).  What does everyone think?

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I am thankful to finally be able to post on this site. I have been following for a while and love all the different dialog.

I have a question that may have been answered a while ago. When Magdelene went to visit Eva at work, and Eva sent her to Gideon, was it ever discussed why Magdalene was there to see Eva and what was Gideon's reaction. This has been bothering me for a while. Thanks for any ideas.

Hi Ript,

I forgot to mention; Welcome to the forum! :)

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So many loose ends to tie up....LOL!


I'm stuck on the two week time frame..

The outside forces...Corinne, Brett, murder investigation?


Do you think that all of these forces will be wrapped up in two weeks???

LOL--I am driving myself crazy!


I too have been wondering whether Sylvia will be able to wrap up all he storylines in two weeks.  Somehow it doesn't seem possible...not unless each and every single character gets bitten by a radioactive spider...sigh! :) 


Could this be the start of a series of books?  One can only wonder...and hope. :)

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Hi Everyone,

I think that in honour of everyone's faithfulness (and as a reward), it might be REALLY NICE if Sylvia released a SNIPPET every week in anticipation of the upcoming book.  In that way we the faithful readers will have something "new" to read along with all the "old classic chapters".   The snapshots are nice, but I would LOVE more SNIPPETS!!  What does everyone think?  :)  :)  :)

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