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Posts posted by Peachies

  1. Hi Peachies

    I am working also which is a bummer but hopefully like you I can get reading at lunch times etc. The good thing is I am the boss so I can have my IPad opened at my desk and secretly read while the day goes on LOL :)

    Hi Sheens,

    Unfortunately I am not the boss so I can't have my anything out.... But i am planning to actually take all my breaks on the 4th :-)

  2. I'm under the impression that Gedeon's need to control Eva goes well beyond his concern about her safety and well-being.

    He picks up clothes for her from her own wardrobe or chest of drawers.... at Gedeon's place, Eva even finds make-up in her usual colours!!! Perhaps he's only being kind...

    In Gideons defense I think that is just a part of who he is. He may not even realize he is taking charge of the situation. He also said at one time he doesn't understand Eva's need for boundaries or rules (like hacking info from her cell phone w/out asking) but will respect them....

    My hubby picks a lot of my clothes, and has similar issues with being sure I am safe.... But thankfully he isn't as overboard as Gideon. :-)

  3. I took issue with the one major spoiler. We might have theories based on the snippets, picture posts, and snapshots, but they are theories. To spoil the book for people not wanting to know, is just not right. Plus while it might take a little bit of thought she could have posted a spoiler free review. Aria did.

    Very true. Or warn people first so they know it has spoiler info in it.

  4. I kinda figured nothing would officially be said about the title of book 4 until Entwined is out.

    And even though the publisher sets the date for release I wasn't sure if they had said anything to Sylvia about it yet.

    Thank you for the info from fb... I'm not on fb so the only way I get that info is when you awesome ladies share it here.

  5. I guess this is kind of unrelated to questions above... but I've always wondered. Why did Nathan want to blackmail Gideon and Stanton with videos/pics of Eva (besides for money)? And why was he stalking her? (is there a motive besides he's crazy?) Any replies will be great, so thanks :)



    Here is my opinion.... 


    I think Nathan was mentally ill. He probably felt that Eva was *his*. When Nathan attacked Cary, he told Cary to keep his hands off her and to stay away from her. He didn't know the type of relationship Cary and Eva have together. Nathan was blackmailing Stanton and Gideon (or trying to) and he was wanting to/planning to attack/kill/harm/rape/etc. Eva because he thought she was only to be with him (Nathan) alone.

  6. Just curious.... Has any of us heard/discovered what the title to book 4 really will be? Also has SD confirmed or denied any potential release date for Book 4 (and super wishful thinking.... Book 5)


    I know it sounds like crazy talk here... and it kinda is.... I am thinking of not rushing through or into book 3 just because I don't want to have to wait so long for the next book.... maybe I'm just in bad Gideon/Eva withdrawls and having crazy thoughts? ha ha :-)

  7. I was thinking this might be Cary too.  The fingers don't look manicured and I can't see Gideon biting his nails.  That said it could mean both couples in the Eva/Cary household are enjoying time with their significant others.



    Good point on the manicured fingers.....


    Cary enjoys spa day with Eva and Monica too often to have fingernails looking like that....


    Perhaps it is Christopher Jr instead? or Nathan and a flashback/nightmare?

  8. idk what you ladies are seeing but i didn't see any "major" spoilers. maybe im looking in the wrong place.. But i can wait 7 more days. :)



    I agree with you MrsCrossfire... to me they weren't any "major" spoilers... just hints at what we've already discovered, or read ourself in the snippets or confirmed from Sylvia.


    Maybe I was expecting more... like the remaining 20.5 chapters :-)

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