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Posts posted by D500

  1. Today every time I log in to this site my password is not recognised and I am having to request a password change.  The site is logging me out when I close the web browser tab down and when I come back my new password is not recognised and I have to request a re-set again.


    Anyone else experiencing this?  (It's happening on my iPhone and on my computer).

  2. Interesting to read the same scene from both points of view - I think having some of the scenes in CBY from both points of view would have been good, such as the scene where Gideon watched Eva approach Brett at the gig when Brett was with the look alike - and the scene after the night with the swing where Eva decided to leave him.  I almost began to dislike her for the speed with which she forgot the night before and their closeness, to make such a big issue out of his actions over Mark.  I told myself to accept it because there had to be a reason for her to be able to break him into telling Dr Peterson and it probably had to be a seemingly trivial reason (accepting that it was important to Eva that she was allowed to make her own mind up over her job situation), if it had been something major it would have been difficult to pull them back together.


    I think she should keep both scenes in the book and do some scenes where we read both Gideon and Eva's thoughts about the same thing.

  3. Well I wonder if any of the booksellers knew the E L James book was to be released?  Although I suspect companies as big as Penguin do give dates out well in advance, the release dates for Sylvia Day's Crossfire books have pretty much always been dogged with delays.  She made it clear with Captivated By You that no date would be given unless it was THE date of release.  Some sites did the book to their sites with an incorrect release date, lots of people commented on her Facebook about that and SD arranged for those sites to remove the incorrect data.

    As to One with You, Good Reads had it down as being out in July but that was removed once pointed out on Facebook.  One thing that worries me is that the once CBY was released she began a 'chapter a day' read of the previous books, if that is to be done again this time there's a heck of a lot of days to wait.

    SD has a lot of books due to be written/released plus she's recently done quite a lot of travelling to signings and conventions so the time to actually sit down and write must be limited for her at the moment. 

  4. Vintage is another subsidiary of Penguin Random House - they are pretty massive, have swallowed up lots of smaller book publishers although they have not made them change their name.  


    They seem to have chosen 18th June as it is Christian's birthday (and in the UK the Fifty Shades DVD is released on the following Monday which could be influencing the rush to publish and who knows why the UK release of the DVD  is so much later than the US release).  It will be interesting to see if there is any outcry that it is only available (currently) as an e-book rather than all format being out at the same time.  At least Sylvia does ensure when her books are released all formats are there (other than some foreign translations).


  5. I'm not sure what the hold up is. It does seem like things are really rolling with the Lionsgate TV series though. I saw where Sylvia had met with someone in NYC and she keeps posting on her FB about who should play in what role. Daniel Di Tomassa (?) said he was prepping for the audition.

    Maybe they want to announce the cast and release the last book at the same time to generate more publicity/interest?

  6. It's here on US Amazon - not sure if it shows on E L James page there, but does appear if searched for direct.  http://www.amazon.com/Grey-Fifty-Shades-told-Christian-ebook/dp/B00YN6XHMU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433181695&sr=8-1&keywords=e+l+james+grey

    Penguin used to be one of the best publishers around, we really have no idea what the delay is over this book.  At one time she said she was writing 4 and 5 together to ensure all the bits of the story pulled together but of course things can still change.  I read somewhere (what was probably a rumour) that she was asked to change CBY considerably after the editors read it - absolutely no idea if there is any basis to that.  Other authors have pointed out that once they hand their book over to their publisher the whole release date goes out of their hands and lies with the publisher - so if the book is finished then presumably it is Penguin holding things up.  But why do that?  They know there is a massive audience out there waiting for this book to be released so they know they will get the sales.  However, more and more readers are saying they won't wait, won't bother to read the 5th book and that they feel the author is disrespecting them by not releasing the book.  I don't feel that engaged that the delay makes me want to not read the book nor 'turn' on the author.  But it is true that her book releases are delayed (she's not the only one though, there's another author I read who is independent and something always happens in their life to delay the release of their latest book.)

    I didn't see the extending of the book to 5 instead of 3 as a money grabbing exercise, more that as the story unravelled it became larger than originally planned and needed 5 books. 


    Cornerstone, who are publishing E L James, are part of Penguin Random House, as is Berkley Books which the US edition of Captivated By You states will publish One With You.


  7. She said she was working on something but I thought it would be something new.  I guess no big fanfare as technically it isn't a new book, just a re-telling of the original story.  According to Amazon it's 576 pages long so presumably covers most of the story.  So far there is only a link for the kindle edition to pre-order.

  8. Is it possible Penguin have made Sylvia hold back on One With You as they knew E L James was about to release 'Grey' Fifty Shades from Christian's point of view?  That's out on 18 June with very little warning so maybe we can hold out hope that OWY might also get a very quick release once it is finally announced?  (can't find a fingers crossed emoticon).

  9. Not sure about a baby - remember that towards the end of Captivated By You, after she has left Gideon, Eva mentions she was having her period.  And from the Valentines Day piece it looks like they are not sleeping together, possibly until after the official wedding???  Plus each book only covers a short period of time.


    The author did also say that they were not ready for babies (although she also said she probably wouldn't write from Gideon's point of view and she did - from one interview on you tube I gather she did not have plans for the full storyline but the characters speak to her as time goes on and she writes from that so I guess her mind is a whirl of various scenarios that might happen to them both).


    I can see there being children in any epilogue that is added to the last book :D

  10. Can't say I recall reading anything about Monica's family other than her being disowned by them.  In Captivated by You after Eva tells Gideon that she has told her mom she wants to be married at the Outer Banks place, he asks whether Monica's family will be at the wedding.  She responds "They're not invited.  The only things I know about them are what I found with a Google search.  They disowned my mom when she got pregnant with me, so they've never been a part of my life."


    I'm surprised Eva is not more interested in her own family background as she was keen to find out about Gideon's but I guess that would depend on whether or not Sylvia wanted to feature Monica and Eva's background in this story.  Monica is obviously another stunner - in one scene Gideon's thoughts are 'I'd heard some say my wife was as breathtaking as her mother, but I disagreed.  Monica Stanton was a cool beauty, one who gave off the air of being slightly out of reach."

  11. Twitter feed is back and I can log on via PC so I suspect we were viewing this during the upgrade of the forum.  Plus posting in here seems much easier, I wasn't able to use the formatting before without playing around with settings whilst posting, now it looks as if things may be simpler.  I'm going to add a totally irrelevant photo just to test if I can (well it will be David Gandy so slightly relevant :huh:


  12. I too was reading and writing at four thanks to my mum.

    For Gideon it is obviously important to see some good in his dad, he accepts he was a criminal whose actions affected not only Gideon and Elizabeth's lives, but also the lives of many, many other people. So on top of everything else Gideon feels some guilt for those people, plus no matter what the problem is with his mother (assuming there is something other than her disbelieving his abuse), and despite the fact she re-married, he feels a duty to protect her and ensure she never has to go through the shame of losing her position in society again - hence his support of Vidal records to ensure his stepfather's business continues.

  13. I follow author Gail McHugh on Facebook, this morning she wrote a lengthy post about her next book and about publishing. She has a publisher for her next book but looks like she's not signed a deal with them for the follow up so she gave an explanation of the process, and within that explanation Sylvia is mentioned:

    "Now, if I DO strike a deal with my publisher, the release can be anywhere from late November to February of next year. Sadly (unlike when an author releases a book on their own), it typically takes a publisher six months to get a book out to the public. Six WHOLE months after that author typed "The End" is usually when our readers get their hands on it.

    Keep that tad-bit of insider info in mind when you're all up on the likes of Sylvia Day's author page, bugging out on her for her next book. Lol.

    Though it sucks, that's just how publishing houses work. We (the authors) have no control over this. None.

    The author hands the manuscript over to his/her editor, who then in turn (along with *several* other manuscripts) starts to edit it. Then it's handed back to the author with the editor's revisions, comments, etc. Sometimes we take their suggestions, sometimes we don't. Either way, once we're finished going over their plotline revisions, character development suggestions, so on and so forth, that same manuscript gets turned over to a copyeditor. Wash, rinse, repeat three times over. After that, then comes the whole ARC process in order for (God willing) a favorable quote from that author's peers."

  14. Some time back Sylvia received this comment on Good Reads and her answer more or less implies it is the publisher holding things up (this was about Captivated by You).

    "I've seen a lot of negative comments about the release date of Captivated by You on your Facebook page. Honestly it's horrifying. How do you stay positive? I'd really like to know, because sometimes I've felt like taking a bat at them! I love your books, and I would wait another year for this book to come out (really, I'm serious). So how do you do it?

    Sylvia Day I focus on the only thing I have any control over: the quality of the book."

    A lot of fans thought the fact there were to be 5 books was a money making exercise, but I do believe that the story grew and as we definitely need Gideon's side and his healing, further books became necessary. But also, if it were purely a money making exercise the books would surely have been rushed out faster than this so as not to lose readers. Of all the series I have read it's this one and Fifty Shades where I clearly remember the characters and most events but a lot of readers will have forgotten (as I have with other series I have read since but probably because I read Crossfire and Fifty first before getting into this genre of writing).

  15. Yes, unfortunately some of the things we are told turn out not to be the case, promises of not having to wait a long time between books seem to fail but that may well be out of the author's control. Also in one of the you tube videos she does say that she did not have the storyline fully planned out as the characters 'speak to her' and it is their voices we hear and I certainly don't expect any author to just write for the sake of it and thus turn out something that is not up to scratch. I want them to write a good story and, as in the case of the last book of the Crossfire series, to ensure all threads are drawn together to proper closure.

    I enjoyed Afterburn and Aftershock but did feel the ending of the story was a little rushed and not as full as it could have been, the second book's publication was delayed and possibly some pressure was put on the author to get it out there whether or not they were happy with the content.

    But Sylvia is a fantastic writer (albeit I have only read her contemporary stuff so cannot speak for the paranormal or historical), and hopefully the Blacklist series will be as good as the Crossfire (although how she can beat Gideon as a hero . . . . . . !!)

    Patience, as they say, is a virtue, but it's one that is hard to achieve when waiting for the completion of this story.

  16. Supposedly One With You was written alongside Captivated By You to ensure all threads of the story were tied up. If that were the case surely they were both edited at the same time and ready for publication, with a short gap (as promised) between the two publication dates?

    What bothers me is that there were a lot of comments on various sites that some expected the author and publisher to cash in on any success the Fifty Shades movie had and people seemed to expect publication to be at the time of the film release. Hope that didn't put author/publisher off from putting the book out early so as not to be seen cashing in.

    If the book is indeed ready then the delay must be with Penguin and they do risk further alienating fans of the series if they leave it too long. Most of us will buy the book and read it, as will some of those who have threatened not to read any more of her books (as we all know curiosity as to what happens will win them over). But there are still those who are absolutely adamant they will not read any further books.

    There's also the possibility that our own pages on here have been read and maybe some of our questions weren't answered and more had to be written :) :)

    Patience in this case is not easy, once we have a publication date we will doubtless have to wait a couple of months from the announcement until we get the book, then we'll have those who get the book early spoiling the story by leaking parts - with Captivated someone leaked that Eva cheated on Gideon (they obviously wrote as soon as they read the bit where Gideon thought he saw Eva with Brett, pity they didn't wait till they'd finished reading the scene before commenting as a lot of people waiting for the book were upset by that leak).

    It would be nice if we got this to read during summer holidays.

  17. Gideon had worries about having his own children - in the scene where Ireland joined him during the night she stayed over:

    she says "you'll have kids by then. It won't be as fun"

    He thinks "I paused, hit by anxiety sharp enough to mist my skin with sweat. The thought of having a baby with Eva both thrilled and terrified me. It wasn't save for my wife to live with me. How could it ever be safe for a child?"

    Further on after the visit from the apartment planner, when Cary was with Eva and Gideon Cary mentions the possibility of a nursery and Eva immediately responds the room could be a guest room. Because she dodged the idea by changing the subject Gideon thinks "Did Eva have the same fears I did? Maybe she'd taken me as a husband because she couldn't help herself, but drew the line at taking me as a father to her children."

    Perhaps that could be interpreted as he was worried that, after being abused himself he might abuse his own children although I am more inclined towards the nightmares causing a problem. I have read that some abused children grow up to continue the abuse but have no idea what the scale of that is to those who grow up to have a normal relationship with their own children.

    But definitely not a paedophile - that is people who are attracted to young children, not sure if that can be learned behaviour or if it is something that is inbuilt into certain human's psyche (I'm basing that thinking on such as gay people do not learn to be bay/become gay because of an event in their lives but have something within themselves which means they are attracted to the same gender).

    So far as we know Gideon did not go down the road of self-harming but you never know, something could crop up in the last book about that although, unlike the slight bdsm he has seemingly been involved in, there have been no subtle hints in previous books (unless someone recalls something I've forgotten).

    And I agree with GiGi's last sentences, Gideon had to resolve how to handle his sexual nature as well as deciding that he would shelve any problems by burying them deep in his mind - sadly unable to completely forget them so not the ideal way to sort his life out.

  18. Eva asked Gideon if he had an f-pad when in college - he didn't answer the question, although a few paragraphs later whens he mentioned imagining seeing him around on campus she asks "So . . . did you have a sex pad for the rare occasions some lucky b**** got you in bed?" His responses to that were that he had always used the hotel, and to her then comment was it the only place he had sex before her, it "was the only place I've had consensual sex, before you." Twenty pages (on my iPad) later Corinne enters the story.

    The hotel must have been conveniently placed for Gideon and Corinne to get to from Columbia, also close to the gym - the gym he steered Eva to join him using because he knew they would be having sex and obviously needed to be near his f-pad for that. (I was going to say how could an 18 year old be taken for older but I know one of my nephews has been accepted as being over 21 without having to show ID and I don't think he looks 18 yet).

    I wonder if he bought the hotel after Corinne had broken off the engagement rather than while with her. He would have realised he couldn't take women home, and as he's already been 'conditioned' into the way he carried out his sexual activity and having established that he could 'get it up' whilst at the hotel it would have made sense to him to always go there. Plus the staff there must have been discrete so he trusted them not to publicise his activities.

    But I do wonder if he's had non-consensual sex elsewhere - I can't see him having had a sex swing at the hotel (too difficult to conceal and you really would have to trust the staff not to talk about something like that) always assuming he had already had experience of that.

    We really do need that last book - it's still not even mentioned on her coming soon page, the FAQ still says CBY hasn't released worldwide yet - come on Penguin, pull your fingers out and get it fully published so we can at last be told when we are going to get the rest of the story. Remembering her response to the question of whether CBY and OWY would be released close together "To be honest, it would be impossible to release two Crossfire books at the same time or even within weeks of each other, for various production, distribution, and marketing reasons. I'd say four to six months is the closest two Crossfire novels could be to one another. " Four months have gone and I was hoping the last one would be out by six months, ideal holiday reading.

  19. Good theory. I also think the nightmares are part of the reason for not being able to stay in the same bed all night, he probably had nightmares before he met Corrine - could they be part of the reason Christopher dislikes him? Did Gideon at some point attack Christopher in his sleep?

    Apart from Anne and Eva, seems like all his women had a similarity to his mother, he indicated problems with 'getting it up' with Anne (unsurprisingly due to her resemblance to Hugh), can't remember if he had such problems with other women, there was something about how he would ultimately dominate them (I can't recall the words used so can't look them up on my iBooks app). Was he drawn to those women or did they seek him out? When choosing Deanna to escape from Anne, he went true to type. Little wonder when he saw Eva in the street and thought she was an angel, he must have been more than desperate to get with her.

    I have also momentarily wondered how long he has known Monica for - in CBY we get "I'd heard some say my wife was as breathtaking as her mother, but I disagreed. Monica Stanton was a cool beauty, one who gave off the air of being slightly out of reach. Eva was all heat and sensuality - you could reach her, but her passion would scorch you." Had he possibly been at an event with Monica in the past and seen how she was with Stanton, perhaps been envious that Stanton had a beauty on his arm who meant the world to him. Could something like that have primed him to notice Eva that first day?

    I spent some time going through various groups on Good Reads related to the Crossfire novels, I'd never be able to find any of them again but one person did say that we should read Seven Years to Sin and remember that Gideon is not who we (at the time she was writing) think he is. I know that novel inspired Sylvia to write the Crossfire series, not sure though if it was intended that the way the characters behaved was to be similar (I've not read Seven Years, just know the guy had prostituted himself).

    There have been a lot of subtle hints along the way that Gideon's knowledge of sex, bdsm, whatever, was more than was being made known via Eva's POV. It's only in CBY this begins to be confirmed, although he still avoids answering any direct questions such as any past experience of a sex swing.

  20. Was that in the second book? Could you please tell me the chapter/page? Thanks

    Its from Captivated By You, chapter 7. I'm viewing in iBooks on an ipad mini so this may not be where it is in the paperback or on kindle but I am seeing it on page 70 of 217, roughly half way into the chapter. He's in his office with Corrine.

    Wonder what he thought she could accept though, I just feel that for her book to sell it really would have to have some revelations in it, not just photos of them as a couple but there has to be something juicy - what publisher would want to put out a book just about two college kids getting together in a hotel room for standard sex, her asking him to marry her and then dumping him, and he going on to earn big money with her marrying someone else with money, then finding out previous fiancé is with someone else, got engaged and now she wants him back. Whatever financial status Gideon had when they were first together, there was money in his family (and presumably in hers if they moved in the same circles). Now she's not with her husband she may feel she needs to ensure a financial future and what better than trying to get back Mr Billionaire.

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