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The New Entwined Clues Sylvia Is Posting

LN Cronan

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We all know the REAL story about how much Gideon and Eva are in love and always have been. And for a short time, people close to them personally and professionally knew. As for strangers, Eva looked like nothing more than a couple of weeks of newly-in- before she just disappeared.


But Gideon's never been the sort of guy to run around shouting stuff from the rooftops. Quite the opposite, he's a very closed-off individual. The only people who have been able to get even a true glimpse have been Angus and Cary. Monica plus Gideon's assistant, Scott, will have seen plenty as well, though not the open pawing that Angus and Cary saw (and the sex Cary overheard.) Eva's boss Mark will have heard a lot (before things fell apart, that was.) And for a couple of hours the night of the concert, before it all went to , Arnoldo got a look at how much Gideon loved Eva.


That's it. The public image of Gideon and Eva (i.e. photos) have all been very carefully staged by Gideon. And it was just for a couple of weeks at the start of the relationship. Then Gideon removed Eva from public view (for her own safety). Three weeks ago, Gideon started acting cold and distant to Eva in front of other people even in private. Then he quit having anything to do with Eva period (until the last three days of Reflected, when he finally started to crack and take dangerous chances.)


Eva herself and everyone close to her believed falsely Gideon rejected her. With the possible exception of Angus, Gideon would have quit even saying Eva's name to the people around him. And the only thing the public had to go on were a few photos of them brand new dating hot-for-one another. Then Eva utterly vanished, nearly as quickly as she appeared. Now she's out of Gideon's life completely -- public eye, in professional circles, even in the privacy of people closest to Eva. 

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From page 283 of Reflected, the description of the photo of Gideon and Corrine at the vodka PR party. "He had his arm around her waist, and their body language was familiar and intimate. He was very close to her, his lips nearly touching her temple. She had a drink in her hand and was laughing."Who is NOT going to read into that, especially knowing they used to be engaged years ago. that fact was out there for days now.


The caption to the photo is very bland, as is the story. Because it was all a press release very carefully written by Gideon to make absolutely certain of just two things, for the benefit of the police: the hours of the party, and the name of the woman. And remember, WHO picked that particular wed page to show Eva? Her Dad. It was probably the only "tame" caption and photo out there. Victor wouldn't have been cruel to show Eva anything supposedly "proving" Gideon was cheating, but the reason Victor was showing Eva it was that photo proved Gideon actually did have something to hide about where he was Thursday night. All Victor was doing was trying to gently figure out whether Eva had a clue.


Back on Tuesday morning, there had been sensational speculation stories all because of Gideon and Corrine sitting at a restaurant table. One can only imagine how other media were interpretting the party photo. Eva never looked any further that that one web page her Dad showed her. On the spot, she quit looking at any more stories/photos of Gideon, period. 


Hi LNCronan,

Whether Eva wants to admit it or not, that was a key turning point in her personal development. She no longer played to her insecurities. Looking at other websites would only have hurt her emotionally. I think that was a positive step.

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Hi LNCronan,

Whether Eva wants to admit it or not, that was a key turning point in her personal development. She no longer played to her insecurities. Looking at other websites would only have hurt her emotionally. I think that was a positive step.


Picking up that phone on the spot and calling Gideon to dump him was a major turning point. Dumping a man who she had every reason to believe at the time was a lying, cheating, coward. Having the courage to walk away instead of crawling on her knees to him, willing to settle for any scrap he'd throw her. That was empowered - to walk away instead of utterly losing herself instead.


As Magdalene cattily said once, "Once he stuck his d*** in you, he was done" Eva decided on that awful morning "Once he stuck his d*** in Corrine, she was done."


It was only through the kindness of fate and some courage on his part that Gideon managed to stop Eva from continuing on a path she had already begun walking -- toward a future life that no longer included him.

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Hi LNCronan,

Could you please explain what "It was only through the kindness of fate and some courage on his part that Gideon managed to stop Eva from continuing on a path she had already begun walking -- toward a future life that no longer included him." means? I am not sure about the context that you are referring to.

Now as far as Eva walking away from Gideon, I agree that was a hugely empowering step for her. She stopped looking at photos that would play on her insecurities and then she followed up on those actions by dumping the guy who was creating havoc in her life and causing her so much pain.

In a strange way, Gideon and Eva breaking up was a really good thing for Eva. For the first time Eva put herself above a relationship and more importantly she respected herself. I think this might be a key point going forward in the next book. What do you think? What does everyone think?

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Hi LNCronan,

As far as the Brett situation is concerned, I wouldn’t dismiss Gideon getting revenge at a later date lightly. Gideon has always been a master planner and somehow I don’t think that this situation would be any different. Gideon seems to be a man who takes his time, plans things out well and executes those plans with deadly precision (no pun intended here).

As far as the Corinne thing is concerned, I could see Gideon telling Corinne to “chill†out about hassling Eva. I could see him saying something like “…it is beneath you…†or maybe Gideon could use a subtle threat of not liking a jealous woman and that could put their relationship at risk if she keeps that kind of behaviour up. He may be setting a subtle way out of this “false†relationship. Personally I don’t think that Gideon is leading Corinne around, it is just a possibility. What do you think? What does everyone think?


Thus far, Brett has played 100% fair. The only thing Gideon has any right to fault Brett with was kissing Eva (oh and fighting back to defend himself when Gideon went postal and tried to kick Brett's a**)


But guess what, Eva kissed back. And at the time, Brett had NO idea Eva was in a serious relationship, much less knowing her boyfriend was just inside the club. So actually, Brett didn't do anything "wrong" that night to begin with. 


The following Tuesday, Brett sought out Eva to try to talk to her.Which actually was exactly the right thing to do, given what happened Friday night. Guess what? Eva took him out to lunch. And talked things out with him -- what he had done wrong, why she disappeared. He apologized and she accepted. He asked what the deal was with Gideon, and she said she was in love with Gideon. But guess what? Obviously, the relationship was rocky.


And right now, as Entwined opens, three weeks have passed, and Brett is led to believe Gideon is DONE with Eva.



Simple Internet searching would reveal something thrilling to Brett -- Gideon obviously dumped Eva and then started seeing an extremely serious ex girlfriend of his. Oh and the timing of that? Brett kissed Eva on Friday night, and Gideon erupted in rage. By Monday evening, Gideon was out in public with Corrine.


In fact, if Brett looked carefully, he could see Gideon was photographed with Eva for only a couple of weeks at the start of the summer. But then Gideon quit allowing Eva to appear alongside him in celebrity photos. Quit doing so, in fact, well before that concert. (Gideon did it as soon as Nathan showed up.) So obviously, Brett could safely assume the relationship (which hadn't been going on very long to begin with) started falling apart early. Was falling apart even before Brett spotted Eva right after the concert.


Judging by the way Eva acted at lunch a few days after the concert, it must have been true Gideon actually dumped her over the weekend -- Eva just hadn't yet accepted the fact. (Eva was in fact miserable and confused at the time, having found out immediately prior to Brett showing up at the Crossfire the real reason Gideon had blown her off the night before without so much as a phone call or text saying he wasn't coming to the hospital. Instead, Gideon took Corrine out to dinner while Eva sat at Cary's bedside. And first thing that morning (even before Eva knew about where Gideon had been the night before), Gideon had been nasty on the phone because Gideon didn't like the fact Eva left the hospital without "permission".  How could Gideon do that when over the weekend in North Carolina, Gideon acknowledged he now "got it" how much Corrine bothered Eva.)


So Gideon taking revenge against Brett would be wrong. Brett's fought fair and square. It'd be pure spite (and a stupid business move) to take it out on Brett for the fact Eva kissed Brett. The relationship already was in trouble the night Eva kissed him back. As soon as he got the chance, Brett went to see Eva and asked her himself what the deal was about her dating Gideon Cross. She said she loved the guy, but Brett could see with his own eyes she was miserable, and even she dithered on the answer whether the relationship was serious. "Sometimes it sees that way" was what she said.


So it was then that Brett told her upfront he wanted another chance, and he decided to refuse to take her immediate "no" for a final answer. Since then, Brett on his own via the Internet figured out Gideon was done with Eva and already seeing someone else. So that's when Brett declared in an interview he was seeing another shot. And now we know (from yesterday's snippet) Brett's come back to New York to see Eva.


If anyone deserves "revenge" it's Corrine for fighting very dirty in an attempt to deliberately use Eva's insecurity and jealousy to destroy what Gideon had with Eva and drive Eva away from him forever.

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Important reminder Sylvia posted on Facebook a little while ago: 



"Remember, snapshots are pictures, not text. There is nothing to click on or read. You just view the photo as a clue to something that happens in the chapter. Also, the sudden rush of traffic to view snippets and excerpts causes the server to crash. This happens all the time and is to be expected. If you click through and get a server error, either refresh the page until it comes up or check back later."

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Hi LNCronan,

I have to wonder the way you are setting up this scenario, it seems that Corinne doesn't even want Gideon at all. It is like she bent on winning the contest of getting Gideon. There is a difference between the two.

If Corinne really loves Gideon then she would back off Eva and let sleeping dogs lay. Just how deranged is Corinne?


If Corrine actually wanted what was truly best for Gideon, she would have wished him all the happiness in the world with the new girlfriend he's told Corrine all about via telephone when Corrine was still in France. He'd started a new serious relationship with someone who (miracle of miracles) was so good for him the new girlfriend was getting him to open up.


Nope, desperate and messed up Corrine crashed an event where Gideon would have been out in public in front of everyone with the new girlfriend. To Corrine's utter delight, it turned out Gideon hadn't even told the girlfriend about Corrine being his friend, much less telling the girlfriend he used to be engaged to Corrine. But Gideon did warn Corrine that Eva was insecure and jealous. Judging by the fact Eva stormed out of the dinner, it was true.


Corrine came back to New York to try to chase Gideon down again just like she first started chasing him ten years ago. She saw with her own eyes that Eva was serious competition -- AND -- Eva had serious weaknesses that would be all too simple to exploit. So that's exactly what Corrine did. To destroy the new relationship and clear the way for her (Corrine) to chase Gideon all the way to the altar this time. Weeks later, it appeared to have worked. Gideon had totally cut Eva out of his life, and he was spending time with one woman alone -- Corrine herself. Nor would he be denying (because he COULDN'T) all the rumors he was dating Corrine again.

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PLEASE POST SNIPPET 4 AGAIN.....I can't pull up.  Thanks.


Barbie, do you mean the text of Snippet 10? Snippets especially crash the server temporarily -- and I'll bet a bunch of regulars just rushed there this morning;


Here's the text:



Brett smiled. “Don’t go anywhere.â€

He bounded off. Cary and I walked over to the tent bearing the Vidal Records logo. Protected from the crowds by private security, it was a tiny oasis in the madness of Times Square.

“Well, baby girl, you’ve got your hands full with him. I forgot how it was with you two.â€

“Was being the operative word,†I pointed out.

“He’s different from before,†he went on. “More… settled.â€

“That’s great for him. Especially with all that’s going on in his life right now.â€

He scoped me out. “Aren’t you even the slightest bit interested in seeing if he can still bang you brainless?â€

I shot him a look. “Chemistry is chemistry. And I’m sure he’s had plenty of chances to bone up on his already fabulous skills.â€

“Bone up, ha! That’s punny.†He waggled his brows at me. “You seem solid.â€

“Ah, now that would be an illusion.â€

“Well, look who’s here,†he murmured, turning my attention to Gideon, who was approaching with Ireland at his side. “And heading straight toward us. If there’s a brawl over you, I’m watching from the bleachers.â€

I shoved at him. “Thanks.â€

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I bet Brett takes the microphone at the VIDAL tent and announces that his GOLDEN GIRL is in the audience!!!!  




Love it!!!! Especially if Gideon is standing right next to Eva -- and neither of them sees a photographer run up until it's too late, until a flash going on makes Gideon realize (oh s***!!!!) some paparazzi just capture it. Take that Corrine!!!!!

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Ok Question, I wonder if Cary doesn't know that Eva and Gideon are trying not to be seen as a couple. I ask that cause why would he say to her "if there's a brawl over you I'm watching from the bleachers". Surely Gideon wouldn't make a scene like that in public, it would defeat the purpose.!

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Theories about what happens when Brett takes the microphone and openly declares to the crowd (and media present) Golden is none other than the lovely Eva Tramell standing right there out in the crowd:


  • Anger washes over Gideon's face while he's standing next to Eva.
  • Photographer gets a shot before either of them realize a photographer was standing there.
  • People (cops) can misinterpret it as Gideon furious at Eva.
  • One problem solved toward proving the new lie - Gideon dumped Eva over Brett, not Corrine.
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I bet Brett takes the microphone at the VIDAL tent and announces that his GOLDEN GIRL is in the audience!!!!  



Oh Barbie I love that idea and what a delicious way for Brett to get back at Gideon for the a--kicking he endured ...omg it sure is getting interesting LOL

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Ok Question, I wonder if Cary doesn't know that Eva and Gideon are trying not to be seen as a couple. I ask that cause why would he say to her "if there's a brawl over you I'm watching from the bleachers". Surely Gideon wouldn't make scene like that in public, it would defeat the purpose.!


Theories here that Cary has NO CLUE Gideon has come back to Eva and is secretly seeing her.


  • Cary, still at home laying in a home hospital bed, continuing to recover from broken bones, overheard Gideon sneak into Eva's room and heard them making love all night long.
  • Eva lets him assume it wasn't anything different than the last time Gideon snuck in three-plus weeks ago: "banged" Eva all night just to get it out of his system..
  • Weeks ago, Cary actually feared Gideon had banged Eva just to get it out of his system. Cary told Eva as much the next morning.
  • Cary is now thinking Gideon's just using Eva to get laid. Especially if Cary thinks Gideon is still seeing Corrine - in that case, Gideon's cheating on his "real" girlfriend Corrine with his "ex" Eva.
  • Moving forward, Gideon never sneaks into Eva's again. Instead, he has Eva sneak into his own apartment building via the service entrance (remember that snippet where asks Eva, when she phones him from the nightclub, to come home to him.)
  • So Cary's now left to assume the sweet reconciliation sex (and then probably some serious animal sex) Gideon and Eva had the second time wasn't anything more than the first time weeks ago. Especially because Gideon doesn't sneak in again (i.e. a third time). Maybe the second time, Gideon finally DID get Eva out of his system.
  • For right now (as long as it is dangerous for anyone to know the truth, even Cary) Cary is made to believe Gideon yet again slept with Eva and rejected her the next morning.


It would be the smart thing to totally keep Cary in the dark they are secretly seeing one another. That's as much for Cary's own protection as their own. Cary is inexorably tied into Nathan's murder as it is (Cary's beating is what made Gideon decide Eva was in mortal danger -- and that was the basis of the motive to murder.) To further embroil Cary in the case -- by making him have to keep a very dangerous secret -- could put Cary in a horrible position. If the cops think Cary knows for a fact Gideon is in love with Eva, and is doing stuff that proves it (secretly seeing her) they might try to make Cary testify against Gideon.

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I bet Brett takes the microphone at the VIDAL tent and announces that his GOLDEN GIRL is in the audience!!!!  



That would HELP Eva and Gideon..!! Everything comes into play for Gideon right now, the fight at the concert only shows (cops) he broke up with Eva over this fight, Eva goes to lunch with Brett.! It's all working in his favor..!

Now lets talk about something that might draw suspicion: Eva's email to him before the murder, she spilled her guts out to him and he went there and screwed her brains out.. The next morning she tells Cary about the email and he says to her "baby girl NEVER put stuff like that in writing" emails can be tracked. If anyone (cops) cared to ask Gideon was at the hospital Monday and Tuesday morning..!!

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Theories here that Cary has NO CLUE Gideon has come back to Eva and is secretly seeing her.


  • Cary, still at home laying in a home hospital bed, continuing to recover from broken bones, overheard Gideon sneak into Eva's room and heard them making love all night long.
  • Eva lets him assume it wasn't anything different than the last time Gideon snuck in three-plus weeks ago: "banged" Eva all night just to get it out of his system..
  • Back then (three weeks ago) Cary suspected Gideon banged Eva just to get it out of his system. He told Eva as much the next morning.
  • Cary is now thinking Gideon's just using Eva to get laid. Especially if Cary thinks Gideon is still seeing Corrine - in that case, Gideon's cheating on his "real" girlfriend Corrine with his "ex" Eva.
  • Moving forward, Gideon never sneaks into Eva's again. Instead, he has Eva sneak into his own apartment building via the service entrance (remember that snippet where asks Eva, when she phones him from the nightclub, to come home to him.)

It would be the smart thing to totally keep Cary in the dark they are secretly seeing one another. That's as much for Cary's own protection as their own. Cary is inexorably tied into Nathan's murder as it is (Cary's beating is what made Gideon decide Eva was in mortal danger -- and that was the basis of the motive to murder.) To further embroil Cary in the case -- by making him have to keep a very dangerous secret -- could put Cary in a horrible position. If the cops think Cary knows for a fact Gideon is in love with Eva, and is doing stuff that proves it (secretly seeing her) they could end up putting him on a witness stand to testify against Gideon.

Yes I think keeping Cary in the dark Is best for them..!! Not that Cary knowing is a bad thing but something's are better left unsaid to Cary

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