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One Chapter A Day - Re-Read Of Bared and Entwined

LN Cronan

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sorry wrong post. Don't think so. Did you?

No, I'm not contest-friendly. I've never ever won anything and simply given up trying. But I I'm quite happy when someone does.

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*starting my postings with the chapters I missed*


Hello, ladies



My Favorites


Chapter 9

1. line: Always a joy to see a woman with a healthy appetite (p. 149)


2. paragraph: He was so complex and still a huge mystery to me. I'd barely scratched the surface of who he was. Which didn't stop me from being in too deep (p. 151)


3. scene: Eva polishing off the extraordinary zabaione with raspberries



Chapter 10

1. line: I can't say you are worthy of him, but you can make him happy (p. 167)


2. paragraph: Gideon didn't make a sound, not when he struck out and not when Brett landed a direct hit to his jaw. The quiet intensity of his fury was chilling. I could feel the rage pumping off him, saw it in his eyes, but he remained controlled and eerily methodical. He'd disconnected in some way, retreated to a place where he could objectively observe his body doing serious damage to someone else (p. 164) >> Is this what Gideon did when he terminated Nathan?


3. scene: Eva observing the master suite

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My Favorites


Chapter 11

1. line: But there's room for more people who love you in your life (p. 200)


2. paragraph: I tightened my arms around his waist, giving comfort and acceptance. And gratefully accepting both in return (p. 187)


3. scene: GidEva walking down the beach



Chapter 18

1. line: Where are the assertions that Gideon is a soulless monster bent on corrupting the women of the world? (p. 313)


2. paragraph: "Semantics--his mother consulted you. And while you go about your days seething over the fact that your wife fell in love with him, think about what you did to a small child who needed help." My voice took on an edge as anger surged. I couldn't think about what had happened to Gideon without wanting to do serious violence to anyone who contributed to his pain (p. 314)


3. scene: Gideon and Dr. Terry's arguments


Peruse away

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Just finished last chapter. :)

"I'd kill for you, give up everything I own for you.....but I won't give you up."

Just love that line.

My gratitude for his gift whispered over his skin: Thank you...thank you....thank you.

"Where do we go from here?"

I held him. "Wherever this takes us. Together." :D

36 hours to go!

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LN Cronan

I always think of you and your theory at this point.

Still, one thing was clear. "I can't speak to you without my attorney present"

She spread her arms wide. "I'm off duty. But anyway, you don't have to say anything. I'll do all the talking."

Devious little minx!

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Today's Re-Read is the final chapter of Reflected in You - though at this point, increasing numbers of lucky ladies have managed to score copies of Entwined with You.


Guide to yesterday's chapter


Chapter 18 of Reflected in You - The Readers Guide



This chapter starts Monday (day 42 of the story - five weeks to the day since they met and two weeks to the day since Gideon began cutting Eva out of his life) and continued through Tuesday (day 43).


Key plot developments

  • On Tuesday, for the second time in as many days, Gideon and Eva had face to face contact. This time, they had an important conversation that turns convinced Eva things between them aren't over forever after all.
  • Just prior to seeing Gideon again, Eva had two more show downs with people connected to Gideon, continuing a trend that began Saturday night with Eva going after Gideon's mother. In order:
  1. Corrine - Eva, still believing it's possible Gideon is f****** Corrine, decided once and for all to confront the matter instead of allowing her insecurities to continue to consume her.

  2. Dr. Lucas - Eva, now believing that Lucas somehow was involved in the cover-up of Gideon's childhood sexual abuse, confronted him.


New characters

None in this chapter


A turning point

Gideon chased after Eva on Tuesday morning - and the conversation they had, with him finally lowering his shield to let her inside himself, gave her hope that the real dealbreaker - his being closed off - might not be insurmountable after all.

He still wouldn't tell her the reason why he'd put her through a two-week rollercoaster ride from h.e.l.l. -- the best he would do there was to promise he would return to her once he'd worked out whatever his mysterious issue was. At last, though, she agreed to wait.

Even more than that, for the first time, she indicated to him she'd like to get married some day. He'd already hinted weeks earlier marriage was on his mind too - when he first gave her the promise ring, he noted she wasn't yet ready for "that ring" (meaning engagement.)

What changed that morning? Despite how much she missed him, she told him point blank she wasn't waiting anymore for things to maybe get better.

"I've already left. Don't you see that? I'm living my life and you're not in it ..... you've given me your body and I've been greedy with it, because that's the only way you're really open to me. And now I don't have that, and when I look at what I do have, it's just promises. It's not enough for me. In the absence of you, all I have is a pile of things you won't tell me .... I need more. If I can't have you on the outside, I need to have you on the inside, but you've never let me in." (pages 318-319)

So in one of the most important turning points in their relationship, Gideon immediately let her in to a secret place inside himself.


Gideon lets Eva inside

Dawning on him that Eva did mean it -- his refusal to let her in is what's really going to lose her forever this time -- prompted him to finally start talking about what's behind his violent nightmares.

How the back story unfolded:

  1. Gideon had a hard time dealing with his father's suicide at age 5. Once the Ponzi scheme had come to light, his parents happy marriage turned into daily yelling and screaming fights. After Geoffrey killed himself, Elizabeth married Vidal right away and moved out of New York City along with her son.
  2. The move wasn't far enough away though. Gideon got bullied at school -- not only by other kids but by their parents too, and even some teachers. It turned him into an angry kid who threw violent tantrums.
  3. The birth of his half-brother, Christopher, escalated the anger problem.
  4. By the time Gideon was around age 11 and Christopher was old enough (age 5) to start imitating his brother, Christopher too started throwing physical tantrums. By then, Elizabeth was expected her third child (Ireland) and the stress of the two out-of-control boys was making an already difficult pregnancy even harder. The Vidals decided it was time to get Gideon professional help.
  5. They hired a shrink, a woman, willing to treat Gideon at home instead of in an office. In tow with the therapist was an assistant, a man working on his Ph.D. The doctoral candidate turned out to be a pedophile.
  6. The shrink was for Gideon, but increasingly Elizabeth herself took up the therapist's time, and Gideon got shunted off to the therapist's assistant - who increasingly spent time alone with the child. That's when the sexual abuse began.
  7. The abuser manipulated Gideon into thinking raging hormones were his (Gideon's) problem, and master***** would solve the issue. Convincing Gideon he hadn't been doing it right, he began giving the child hand jobs, ostensibly to teach Gideon how to do it "right." Further manipulating his victim, the pedophile forced Gideon to climax every single encounter - a means of shaming him into thinking he (Gideon) was some sort of willing partner, was the instigator of the sexual situation.

Gideon may have continued to keep going with the story, but Eva had already heard enough to understand.

"You were a child in the hands of an adult who knew all the right buttons to push. They want to make it our fault so they have no culpability in their crime, but it's not true ... I love you. And I believe you. And none of this was your fault." (page 321).

"Don't leave me," Gideon begged ... and then he said something even more important for Eva to hear. "I love you." (page 321).

He promised that as soon as he felt he could, he would get back together with her. She agreed to his condition of blindly trusting it would happen and so she would wait.


Eva goes after Corrine

The events leading up to Gideon chasing Eva on Tuesday morning, taking her off alone together in his Mercedes, began late Monday afternoon, hours after Gideon had given Eva back her ring. For the second time, Eva caught Corrine leaving the Crossfire. This time, there was no doubt whatsoever Gideon had let Corrine see him -- he was escorting her out of the building, one hand at the small of her back in an intimate gesture as he led her to his car and began to climb in with her, obviously taking her somewhere after work.

Then he spotted Eva standing stock still and shocked nearby on the sidewalk. And got from her the same reaction the first time she'd spotted Corrine coming out of his skyscraper weeks earlier - anger. She flipped him and then turned her back on him.

The next morning, Eva decided once and for all to confront her twin demons of insecurity and jealousy. For the first time in well over a week, she accepted a ride from Angus, who still had been tailing her daily despite the fact she'd left Gideon. Eva told him to drive her to Corrine's apartment.

Corrine, caught off guard by word Eva was in her (Corrine's) lobby looking to see her, again resorted to the sort of dirty trick that thus far had driven Eva crazy. She kept Eva waiting 20 minutes and when she finally let her come up, answered her door looking freshly f***** and refusing to let Eva come in. The ruse was to convince Eva that she and Gideon had just wrapped up some morning sex and he'd sent Corrine to get rid of Eva, still too much of a coward to tell Eva herself he was back with Corrine.

It came within a hair's breath of working, but then Eva's heart told her that Gideon was in love with her (Eva) and therefore would not be sleeping with Corrine, would not hurt Corrine the way he had before with a dead-end relationship.

Getting Corrine worked up and on the defensive gave Eva the confirmation Eva needed as the truth flashed across Corrine's face. But then Corrine fought back by pointing out truthfully Gideon wasn't with Eva at all anymore -- Corrine knew this for a fact because Gideon was spending his free time with her (Corrine).

The fight ended with Eva telling Corrine she pitied her and Corrine angrily telling Eva to save her pity for herself.


Eva goes after Dr. Lucas

Next up on Eva's list was confronting Dr. Lucas - to whose office she had Angus drive her immediately after Corrine's apartment. She'd been able to piece together enough to suspect the pediatrician was one of the two responsible for covering up the abuse by convincing Gideon's mother her son was lying.

Lucas denied it was true, but Eva wasn't buying it.

"I'm going to figure it out. I just needed to see your face. I had to know if I was right ....What happened to him as a child was a crime and how you contributed to that is a travesty." (page 314).

Eva then stormed out of Lucas' office - and straight into Gideon, who through GPS tracking of the Bentley had by then figured out where Eva was instead of being at her office on time for work. He'd known there was a stop at Corrine's address before then, and he'd also somehow heard Eva had gone after his mother over the weekend.


Two more important things - these from Monday evening.

As Gideon's car containing him and Corrine drove away and Eva stood there on the sidewalk, something fell into place for her -- how weeks earlier, her mother had stood rooted on the sidewalk outside the Crossfire. Intuition told her that maybe it had been Nathan, by then in New York and lurking near where Eva works, that Monica had spotted. A quick phone call to her mother confirmed this was true.

Eva worked out the timeline, and thus was able to figure out that whatever had driven Gideon away, it couldn't have been the rape photos. She'd assumed Nathan had shown up the same week Gideon cut her out of his life, but now she realized it had to have been much earlier than that -- it happened while Gideon very much still wanted Eva.

Someone else still wanted Eva, she discovered upon getting home from work Monday - Brett. Over the weekend (while still out on concert tour) he'd given a radio station interview confirming the Eva mentioned in the hit single "Golden" really does exist, that he had found her again as hoped in the song, and that he wanted to get her back.

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LN Cronan

I always think of you and your theory at this point.

Still, one thing was clear. "I can't speak to you without my attorney present"

She spread her arms wide. "I'm off duty. But anyway, you don't have to say anything. I'll do all the talking."

Devious little minx!


At that point, Graves definitely had gone rogue -- was breaking from her methodical investigation of piece-by-piece and was pulling a very high risk stunt. Obviously, Graves has developed some serious agenda. She's leading Eva to believe that agenda is to back off from pursuing Gideon as a suspect any more. I suspect she'd trying to trap him though, using Eva as bait by trying to get Eva to get back together with Gideon.

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At that point, Graves definitely had gone rogue -- was breaking from her methodical investigation of piece-by-piece and was pulling a very high risk stunt. Obviously, Graves has developed some serious agenda. She's leading Eva to believe that agenda is to back off from pursuing Gideon as a suspect any more. I suspect she'd trying to trap him though, using Eva as bait by trying to get Eva to get back together with Gideon.

I wonder if her partner knew she was going to have a little chat with Eva.

If it does get thrown out because of her "error" would she be reprimanded?

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I wonder if her partner knew she was going to have a little chat with Eva.

If it does get thrown out because of her "error" would she be reprimanded?


It wouldn't likely be enough to get her fired, but it would definitely be a serious black mark against her record as a detective.


Cops, like anyone else, do screw up sometimes. Nearly all instances of criminal cases in the United States where key evidence gets tossed out forever are instances in which the police cross the line of violating the rights afforded people under the "Bill of Rights" -- the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.


Another mini history lesson: The main body of the Constitution itself set up the U.S. government as a democracy instead of a monarchy (monarchy being the very system the colonies had just rejected when the colonies broke off from the British empire.) The constitution set up the three branches of government: Congress (that makes laws) the Presidency (that runs the country according to the laws) and the Supreme Court (that interprets the laws). 


The first ten Amendments to the Constitution were added in one fell swoop, spelling out fundamental rights all citizens have to protect themselves against possible abuse of power by the government. At the time (late 1700s) the Bill of Rights was meant to block the government from resorting to the sorts of control a monarchy might use to undermine the democratic process. Centuries later, it still is meant to block the sorts of things that would steer the government toward dictatorship.


Among the fundamental things the Bill of Rights guarantee are freedom of speech, of religion, of the press. Several of the amendments govern the rules by which the government (in the form of the police and the courts) must abide by when investigating citizens suspected of crimes, arrest suspects, and bring suspects to criminal trial.


So with that background, when police and/or prosecutors cross the line on any of these rules/rights, they're not allowed to use anything gathered illegally to ultimately seek to imprison someone. The two most common ways cops screw up is to cross the line in the way they gather physical/forensic evidence (illegal search/seizure) or gather potential testimony/confessions (questioning people without lawyers in cases where the people indicate they want one present and/or tricking people into incriminating themselves despite the fact people clearly invoke their "right to silence" to refuse to talk to the police.)

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It wouldn't likely be enough to get her fired, but it would definitely be a serious black mark against her record as a detective.


Cops, like anyone else, do screw up sometimes. Nearly all instances of criminal cases in the United States where key evidence gets tossed out forever are instances in which the police cross the line of violating the rights afforded people under the "Bill of Rights" -- the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.


Another mini history lesson: The main body of the Constitution itself set up the U.S. government as a democracy instead of a monarchy (monarchy being the very system the colonies had just rejected when the colonies broke off from the British empire.) The constitution set up the three branches of government: Congress (that makes laws) the Presidency (that runs the country according to the laws) and the Supreme Court (that interprets the laws). 


The first ten Amendments to the Constitution were added in one fell swoop, spelling out fundamental rights all citizens have to protect themselves against possible abuse of power by the government. At the time (late 1700s) the Bill of Rights was meant to block the government from resorting to the sorts of control a monarchy might use to undermine the democratic process. Centuries later, it still is meant to block the sorts of things that would steer the government toward dictatorship.


Among the fundamental things the Bill of Rights guarantee are freedom of speech, of religion, of the press. Several of the amendments govern the rules by which the government (in the form of the police and the courts) must abide by when investigating citizens suspected of crimes, arrest suspects, and bring suspects to criminal trial.


So with that background, when police and/or prosecutors cross the line on any of these rules/rights, they're not allowed to use anything gathered illegally to ultimately seek to imprison someone. The two most common ways cops screw up is to cross the line in the way they gather physical/forensic evidence (illegal search/seizure) or gather potential testimony/confessions (questioning people without lawyers in cases where the people indicate they want one present and/or tricking people into incriminating themselves despite the fact people clearly invoke their "right to silence" to refuse to talk to the police.)

Gideon claimed plausible deniability. Is this still the case, given he has shot to the top of the suspect list?
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Gideon claimed plausible deniability. Is this still the case, given he has shot to the top of the suspect list?


Most definitely. The whole reason he cut off Eva (and still has her cut off as-of the end of Entwined) is for plausible deniability -- a fancy way of saying lack of evidence.


It is true he had motive to kill (his love for Eva resulting in him taking extreme measures to protect her) -- what's more, it is true he committed the crime he's suspected of.


But the cops (and ultimately a prosecutor) would have to prove he had motive. Right now, they're not there. He's going around acting like he jumped at the second shot Corrine gave him back when Nathan was very much alive. And Eva is going around acting like a woman scorned, convinced that in the end, it was only her body Gideon had wanted -- something he doesn't really want anymore, thanks to Nathan's photos.


Because of the way he's manipulated the media into spreading the Corrine lie like it's gospel truth and manipulated Eva into having everyone around her believe what she herself believes -- he didn't love her, or at least didn't love her enough that he'd kill for her -- is his way of essentially challenging the investigators "You think I actually had motive? Well -- prove it. You can't prove it, can you?Because there's all this evidence to the contrary. So it's entirely plausible I never had motive to begin with. I don't have to lift a finger to deny your suspicions -- you can't prove yours. That's denial enough."

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Most definitely. The whole reason he cut off Eva (and still has her cut off as-of the end of Entwined) is for plausible deniability -- a fancy way of saying lack of evidence.


It is true he had motive to kill (his love for Eva resulting in him taking extreme measures to protect her) -- what's more, it is true he committed the crime he's suspected of.


But the cops (and ultimately a prosecutor) would have to prove he had motive. Right now, they're not there. He's going around acting like he jumped at the second shot Corrine gave him back when Nathan was very much alive. And Eva is going around acting like a woman scorned, convinced that in the end, it was only her body Gideon had wanted -- something he doesn't really want anymore, thanks to Nathan's photos.


Because of the way he's manipulated the media into spreading the Corrine lie like it's gospel truth and manipulated Eva into having everyone around her believe what she herself believes -- he didn't love her, or at least didn't love her enough that he'd kill for her -- is his way of essentially challenging the investigators "You think I actually had motive? Well -- prove it. You can't prove it, can you?Because there's all this evidence to the contrary. So it's entirely plausible I never had motive to begin with. I don't have to lift a finger to deny your suspicions -- you can't prove yours. That's denial enough."

Ok. Got it. I just wasn't sure if it still applied, given he is chief suspect.

I love the history and law lessons. It takes the books so much further. Thank you

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Mind you, I think that when Gideon started manipulating Eva, his goal was simply to make her unsure whether or not his feelings for Corrine were past history. He never meant for her to honestly believe he's now too disgusted, because of his own sexual hang-ups, to  continue their relationship any longer. He never meant for her to know Nathan had even seen him -- much less learn about the existence of those photos and the fact Nathan showed them to him.


But now that the worst has happened, he hasn't denied it to Eva. He can't -- how can he deny he'd left her for Corrine without telling Eva the truth? His hands are tied -- and so his lips are sealed. (Well, they had been until Graves opened her big mouth.)


Personally, I think the cruelest thing of all Gideon did was to NOT call Eva back later after he left the police station. Not sneaked in to her apartment to see her after her father went back to California. Not somehow maneuvered things to secretly talk to her somewhere in the Crossfire.


He completely cut her off after that -- far worse than what he'd done when he'd just been distancing her. How could she not believe he was feeling just like he had years ago when Corrine had walked -- now relieved beyond belief Eva had walked. He'd lacked the b.a.l.l.s. to break his engagement back then, and years later he still was a coward about being the one to end things. He just waited for Eva to do it herself. And now that she had, at last he was free, having now changed his mind about Corrine, the woman he never got over, the only woman he wanted for a wife.

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Good morning ladies!

I'm counting down by the seconds now....

last night I overlooked Gedeon and Eva's last exchange, which lifts her hopes and spirit soooo much


"When are you coming back to me?"

"As soon as I can. ...... Wait."



Chapter 19. The last one!!!


Here are my picks:

""I want to sprawl on the couch and eat pizza with chopsticks and Chinese food with my fingers."

"You're a rebel, baby-girl"


My gratitude for his gift whispered over his skin: Thank you....... thank you...... thank you.

"Where do we go from here?"

"Wherever it takes us. Together."

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He has to make sure, he never, ever hurts her again emotionally. Using the love she felt for him against her, was one step too far.

We know he was desperate and should cut him some slack, and hindsights a wonderful thing, but he was emotionally cruel.

At least we know there are going to be lots of quite time for our lovers.

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Hello, ladies


My Favorites


Chapter 19


1. line: Are you on some kind of crusade, angel? (p. 328)


2. paragraph: Dr. Peterson had been right. Abstinence and some space had cleared my head. Somehow, the distance between me and Gideon had made us stronger, made us appreciate each other more and take less for granted. I loved him more now than I ever had, and I felt that way while I was palnning on a night just hanging out with my roommate, having no idea where Gideon was or who he might be with. It didn't matter. I knew I was in his thoughts, in his heart (p. 329)


3. scene: Gideon saying "I love you"


Deep down inside I knew Gideon killed Nathan. "He knew that I knew" (p. 338) was a red flag for me. But that didn't stop my mind from screaming, "NO!!"



I finally accomplished the re-read project with all of you, ladies. Having so much fun in this forum. *hugs*



[And now I can't turn off that voice in my head saying "HUH? WHAT?!" for my local bookstore just told me, "A week from today" Ah, well. I'll get the book eventually]



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Most definitely. The whole reason he cut off Eva (and still has her cut off as-of the end of Entwined) is for plausible deniability -- a fancy way of saying lack of evidence.


It is true he had motive to kill (his love for Eva resulting in him taking extreme measures to protect her) -- what's more, it is true he committed the crime he's suspected of.


But the cops (and ultimately a prosecutor) would have to prove he had motive. Right now, they're not there. He's going around acting like he jumped at the second shot Corrine gave him back when Nathan was very much alive. And Eva is going around acting like a woman scorned, convinced that in the end, it was only her body Gideon had wanted -- something he doesn't really want anymore, thanks to Nathan's photos.


Because of the way he's manipulated the media into spreading the Corrine lie like it's gospel truth and manipulated Eva into having everyone around her believe what she herself believes -- he didn't love her, or at least didn't love her enough that he'd kill for her -- is his way of essentially challenging the investigators "You think I actually had motive? Well -- prove it. You can't prove it, can you?Because there's all this evidence to the contrary. So it's entirely plausible I never had motive to begin with. I don't have to lift a finger to deny your suspicions -- you can't prove yours. That's denial enough."

Than you LN for you hinsights in the American Constitution!

I do believe that with her "innocent" remark: "The only time I've seen pain like that is when I'm notifying next of kin. To be honest, that's why I'm telling you this now - so you can go back to him." Detective Graves is setting a trap for Eva.

Red flags should be all over the place!!!!

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Hello, ladies


My Favorites


Chapter 19


1. line: Are you on some kind of crusade, angel? (p. 328)


2. paragraph: Dr. Peterson had been right. Abstinence and some space had cleared my head. Somehow, the distance between me and Gideon had made us stronger, made us appreciate each other more and take less for granted. I loved him more now than I ever had, and I felt that way while I was palnning on a night just hanging out with my roommate, having no idea where Gideon was or who he might be with. It didn't matter. I knew I was in his thoughts, in his heart (p. 329)


3. scene: Gideon saying "I love you"


Deep down inside I knew Gideon killed Nathan. "He knew that I knew" (p. 338) was a red flag for me. But that didn't stop my mind from screaming, "NO!!"



I finally accomplished the re-read project with all of you, ladies. Having so much fun in this forum. *hugs*



[And now I can't turn off that voice in my head saying "HUH? WHAT?!" for my local bookstore just told me, "A week from today" Ah, well. I'll get the book eventually]

Oh no that's torture.

It must be the same donkey that insideofclouds and me are using. I reckon you are the last drop off! Sorry. :(

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